Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword

28 ratings
Unit and Weapon Types- Their Pros and Cons
By Oppenheimer
A guide detailing the different type of character and unit builds that are available for players, and discussing the weapons used by each build, along with their pros and cons.
Through my experience in the game, I have found that there are 7 customizeable character builds that a player can use.
  • Heavy Infantry
  • Light Infantry
  • Musketeer
  • Archer
  • Heavy Calvary
  • Light Calvary
  • Mounted Archer
Each of these unit builds, and the weapons associated with them, will be discussed in detail in the following sections.
Heavy Infantry
Heavy Infantry are the heavily armed and armored short range footsoldiers. In order to be effecive in this build, you should:
  • Equip as heavy and as protective armor as possible
  • Equip a large, heavy two-handed weapon
Your goal as this build is to get in close to the enemy and cleave them in two with one or two strikes, while taking little damage yourself due to your armor. Within this build there are two subcategories, Pikemen and Swordsmen. These differ slightly in build and strategy.

Pikemen are still equipped with as much heavy armor as possible, but should weild a polearm instead of a basic, two-handed weapon. This means that you can equip a spear, pike, halberd, or even lance. Of course, you cannot have a shield to weild these weapons effectively. The spear, pike, and lance all operate along the same rules, but the halberd is slightly different. For the first three weapons, your goal is to keep the enemy back. Running and jumping backwards while attacking is usually an effective tactic. So long as you keep the enemy a good distance away, you can deal good damage to them with your long weapon while they cannot hit you with their short weapon. Pikes are especially effective against calvary, especially in stopping a calvary charge. Since calvarymen tower over infantry, pikes are almost always effective against them. Using the momentum of the calvary in a charge against them gives extra damage. Halberds can act as a shorter spear or pike. You can use it to try to keep an enemy at bay, and it has an effective thrust attack. However, unlike a pike or spear, this weapon is effective at closer range. If your enemy gets withing sword-fighting range, the halberd can be used like an axe, making it versitile and effective. The only downside of a halberd is that, due to its reduced length, it is less effective against calvary than the standard pike.

Swordsmen are also decked out in the highest quality armor available. Instead of weilding a polearm, though, they weild heavy, two-handed weapons, such as two handed swords, claymores, and poleaxes. Two handed swords and claymores are nearly identical, with fairly short range but high damage. Poleaxes are similar, just slightly shorter ranged and sometimes slightly faster. Both weapons are used in the same ways. Your goal is to crush through your opponents defenses in a few heavy strikes, before your opponent can counterattack. Against calvary, your best bet is to jump attack while they ride past. If you time it right, you can kill most calvary in one hit. However, if the calvary has range, like most light calvary or horse archers do, heavy infantry is not effective, as they are too slow to get close enough to attack the horsemen, allowing them to be destroyed by ranged attacks.

This build has the highest close range damage output of all the infantry builds, and also the highest defense. Its downside is its relatively close range and its speed. This build is weak at range, but devastating at close range combat.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Normal
  • Light Infantry- Normal
  • Musketeer- Uneffective at range, effective in close combat
  • Archer- Uneffective at range, effective in close combat
  • Heavy Calvary- Effective, especially when a Pikeman build
  • Light Calvary- Uneffective
  • Mounted Archer- Uneffective
Light Infantry
Light Infantry wear relatively little armor and weild fairly low-powered weapons. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip light armor that does not greatly decrease your speed
  • Equip a small, one handed weapon, shield, and pistol (with bullets)
Your goal as this build is to deal damage quickly through a series of quick, less powerful attacks, giving your enemy no time to counterattack. The strength of these soldiers is in their speed.

This build calls for a sword, a shield, and a pistol. Swords are the standard one handed-weapon. These include swords, broadswords, sabres, and thrusting swords. Instead of a sword, however, light infantry can weild maces, hatchets, or czekans. These have pros and cons over the standard sword. First, your normal, run-of-the-mill sword can be used as a point of comparison, having decent speed, decent reach, and decent thrusting damage. The broadsword has lower speed, greater reach, and greater damage. Broadswords have both thrusting and swing attacks, making them more versitile than a regular sword. Sabres have the same speed, slightly less reach, and the same damage, but as a swing attack instead of a thrusting attack. It is the eastern equivalent of a normal sword. Thrusting swords have lower speed, the same reach, and slightly less damage than a regular sword, making them a lower cost alternative.

Maces, hatchets, and czekans operate on a slightly different basis than normal swords. All three only have swing attacks. Maces have the same speed as swords, but less range and higher damage. Hatchets have higher speed than maces, but even less range and slightly more damage. Czekans have much lower speed, higher range, and are the most powerful of the three. In general, these three weapons have higher damage, but lower range and speed than swords.

All of these one handed weapons, however, are generally ineffective against calvary. Your best bet is to block the calvary's attack with your shield and counterattack before the horseman can get away. Jump attacks are still effective here. This build is better against light calvary than heavy because it is easier to deal damage to light calvary due to their lack of armor.

Pistols are the final ingrediant in the light infantry recipe. Pistols are faster and lighter than muskets and carbines, but also have the least range and damage output. Carbines are slightly slower and heavier, and muskets are very slow and cumbersome, but each deals more damage than the last. While you could equip any firearm you want to your light infantry build, I recommend that you, at the least, avoid muskets. They are too big and slow to be used by a quick, generally close-ranged fighter. If you have money, double-barreled pistols and carbines are extremely effective in close range, as they have a great rate of fire (2 shots before you need to reload). It is up to you what firearm you choose, but the greater you want the damage output to be, the slower it will become.

This build has high speed and close range fighting ability. Its downside is its low defense and its poor damage output. This build is fair at range, and effective at close range combat, making it more versitile than heavy infantry.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Normal
  • Light Infantry- Normal
  • Musketeer- Normal at range, effective in close combat
  • Archer- Normal at range, effective in close combat
  • Heavy Calvary- Uneffective
  • Light Calvary- Normal
  • Mounted Archer- Normal
Musketeers are the standard ranged unit in the game. They are generally vulnerable in close-combat, but very effective at range. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip light armor that does not greatly decrease your speed
  • Equip a musket (with bullets), a close ranged weapon, and one additional item
Your goal as this build is to deal damage at greater range, before the enemy can get close enough to attack. Often, one shot is all it takes to kill an enemy.

This build calls for a musket, a close ranged weapon, and your choice of an item. Muskets are the largest and slowest firearms, but they make up for this with their high damage and accuracy. Additionally, muskets can be used as clubs. However, I do not recommend this, as an enemy with a proper weapon will likely decimate you in close combat. Because of this, it is good to have some close combat weapon equiped. This can either be a one handed weapon or a two handed weapon. You can equip a pike, but that tends to be less effective than the other choices- if the enemy gets close enough to make you put away your musket, they're too close for a pike. Which weapon you do chose depends on what you want your close range style to be. If you want to surprise an attacker with a fierce two-handed stike, claymores or poleaxes are for you. If you want to keep speed on your side, choose a sword or other one handed weapon. All of these weapon types are discussed in the previous sections.

This leaves you with one open slot left. There are several things you could put in there. You could choose to equip a shield, another firearm, more bullets, or grenades. If you want to have a close-combat strong musketeer/light infantry hybrid, a shield would be a good choice. However, if you plan on being a standard musketeer, a shield would be a waste, as you likely wouldn't have time to use it before you are dead in close range combat. Another weapon is a viable option if you want to have a higher rate of fire, at the cost of burning through your bullets very quickly. Equipping a double-barrelled pistol or carbine in the slot, for example, gives you a good, last minute defense against charging enemies. If you prefer to stay behind cover and snipe, extra bullets might be a good investment. Two bags of bullets will likely last as long as you could possibly need them to. Finally, equipping a grenade is good for players who expect to fight close to the enemy (within grenade throwing distance, that is), or against a large number of enemies at once, where the area damage of a grenade is invaluable.

Against calvary, a musketeers only hope is to shoot the horse or horseman before being rode down and killed. Musketeers are very effective against heavy calvary at range, but if the calvary gets close enough to attack, the musketeer is as good as dead. Musketmen can face off with light calvary and mounted archers at range.

This build has excellent long range fighting ability. Its downside is its low defense and its poor close range combat ability.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Effective at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Light Infantry- Normal at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Musketeer- Normal
  • Archer- Normal
  • Heavy Calvary- Effective at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Light Calvary- Normal at range, uneffective at close combat
  • Mounted Archer- Normal
Archers are the Eastern ranged unit, and are very similar to musketmen. They are generally vulnerable in close-combat, but very effective at range. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip light armor that does not greatly decrease your speed
  • Equip a bow (with arrows), a close ranged weapon, and a shield
Your goal as this build is to deal damage at greater range, before the enemy can get close enough to attack. Unlike musketmen, one shot is likely not enough to stop an enemy.

This build calls for a bow, a close ranged weapon, and a shield. Bows have much greater rate of fire and accuracy than a musket, if you know how to properly aim a bow. Only practice can give you the skill to make long range bowshots. Because of its high rate of fire, an archer is much more likely to repeatedly hit an incoming enemy. However, the enemy can survive arrows better than bullets, so you may simply have a weakened enemy to face in close range combat. Because of this, a sword and shield combination is effective. As the build is primarily eastern, a saber is the standard close-range weapon. An archer's best bet in close range combat is to hide behind his shield until he has an an opportunity to counterattack with a flurry of quick strikes. Speed is the greatest strenghth of an archer, in both close and long range battle.

Against calvary, an archer is effective at shooting riders from the saddle or killing the horse, sprawling the rider to the ground. Archers, because of their decreased damage output, tend to do better against less armored mounted or ground units, such as musketmen, light infantry, light calvary, and horse arcers.

This build has excellent long range fighting ability, rate of fire, and accuracy. Its downside is its low defense, its poor close range combat ability, and its low damage output.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Effective at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Light Infantry- Normal at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Musketeer- Normal
  • Archer- Normal
  • Heavy Calvary- Uneffective
  • Light Calvary- Effective at range, uneffective in close combat
  • Mounted Archer- Normal
Heavy Calvary
Heavy calvary are the heavily armed and armored Westen mounted unit. They have strong short range combat, but generally weak long range combat. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip heavy protective armor
  • Equip a lance, a sword, a shield, and a fast horse with high health
Your goal as this build is to charge down your enemies and deal massive amounts of damage in a charge lance attack. If surrounded, a sword can be used to cut your way free.

This build calls for a lance, a sword, a shield, and, of course, a horse. The horse is what changes a heavy infantry unit into a heavy calvary unit. As most heavy infantry weapons cannot be used from horseback, heavy calvary must employ different tactics. The lance is the primary heavy calvary weapon. It can be used as a spear in both charges and normal close range combat, effectively taking out infantry and calvary alike, provided there is a little space between you. The true strenght of the lance, however, comes from couching. Couching a lance will hold it out in front of you. The target that you hit with your couched lance will be dealt massive damage, usually killing it. This makes the most viable heavy calvary tactic charging, then turning around and retreating in order to charge again. Note, however, that pikes have the power to stop your charge dead in its tracks, and deal massive damage to you or your horse.

For closer ranged combat, using a sword instead of a lance can be effecvtive. The different types of swords are covered in the Light Infantry section. Swords are less effective with charges, but very effective for hacking your way free from a knot of infantry. If you want, you can replace the sword with a pistol or carbine, and add bullets to your build, in order to give you heavy calvary some ranged attack. Ranged calvary attacks, however, are the realm of light calvary and horse archers, so you will not be as effective as either of them.

If you are dehorsed, you have two options. You can either be a sword and shield wielding heavy infantryman, or you can be a lance wielding pikeman. No matter which you choose, your number one priority should be to find a new horse. Until then, follow the same tactics outlined in the heavy infantry section to survive.

Against calvary, heavy calvary has mixed effectiveness. Against other heavy calvary, it is strong, as the two units will charge at each other and instantly engage in close-ranged combat. Heavy calvary is not effective against light calvary or horse archers, as it is difficult to catch up to their lighter horses. While you chase them around the battlefield, they will destroy you with ranged attacks.

This build has excellent close range fighting ability, high damage output, and high defense. Its downside is its poor long range combat ability.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Normal (Uneffective against pikemen)
  • Light Infantry- Effective
  • Musketeer- Effective
  • Archer- Effective
  • Heavy Calvary- Normal
  • Light Calvary- Uneffective
  • Mounted Archer- Uneffective
Light Calvary
Light calvary are the quick western calvary unit specialized in taking out other calvary. They have equal short and long range combat ability. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip light armor that does not decrease your speed
  • Equip a lance, a sword, a firearm, and a fast horse
Your goal as this build is to charge down your enemies and deal massive amounts of damage in a charge lance attack, then ride out of danger and deal damage with your ranged attack. If surrounded, a sword can be used to cut your way free.

This build calls for a lance, a sword, and a firearm. The lance and sword are used much the same as if you were a heavy calvary unit. However, you must be careful to not engage heavy infantry, especially pikemen. Your light armor will do little to protect you against them. Instead, charge at heavy calvary and try to deal couched lance damage to them or their horse. If they survive, but are dehorsed, circle around and take them out with your ranged attack. Also use your ranged attack against any heavy infantry. Charging them can be quite dangerous. You should charge musketmen and archers, however, as they will have a greater ranged combat ability than you. For your firearm, you can either equip a carbine or a pistol. If damage is more important than speed, choose a carbine. If rate of fire is important, choose a pistol.

Against calvary, light calvary is very effective. Against heavy calvary, it is strong, as it often is faster than the heavy calvary and thus can either take out the horse or the rider with a close ranged carbine or pistol attack. Light calvary is normaly effective against other light calvary and horse archers.

If you are dehorsed, you will have to become either a normal light infantryman, a normal musketman (just with a pistol or carbine) or a light infantry/pikeman hybrid, using your lance as a pike. Generally, light calvary is very weak when dehorsed, so your primary goal should be to find a new horse.

This build has good close and ranged fighting ability and high speed. Its downside is its low defense.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Uneffective
  • Light Infantry- Normal
  • Musketeer- Normal
  • Archer- Normal
  • Heavy Calvary- Effective
  • Light Calvary- Normal
  • Mounted Archer- Normal
Horse Archer
Horse archers are the quick eastern calvary unit. They have excellent long range combat ability. In order to be effective in this build, you should:
  • Equip light armor that does not decrease your speed
  • Equip a bow, sword, shield, and a fast horse
Your goal as this build is to use your speed to stay out of danger and deal damage with your ranged attack. If surrounded, a sword can be used to cut your way free.

This build calls for a bow, a sword, and a shield. Using a bow effectively while mounted takes time and practice, but a skilled archer can be deadly, even while at full gallop. A major part of this build is to almost never engage in close range combat. Even if the enemy is within close combat range, it is usually best to fire at them with your bow, and retreat to a safe distance. Your sword and shield can be used for self protection if you are ever dehorsed.

If avoiding close range combat is not appealing to you, equip a lance instead of a sword. This way, you can charge light infantry, archers, and musketeers, all of whom threaten to shoot your horse. A lance, however, tends to be less effective than a sword if you are dehorsed.

Against calvary, horse archers are very effective. Horse archers are faster than heavy calvary and can easily shoot and kill the horse, dehorsing the rider. Then, the horse archer can circle around the rider and decimate him with his bow. This tactic works fairly effectively against other types of calvary too.

If you are dehorsed, be a normal archer, and follow the guides under the Archer section to survive until you find a new horse.

This build has good ranged fighting ability and high speed. Its downside is its low defense and poor close range fighting ability.
Its effectiveness is as follows.
  • Heavy Infantry- Uneffective
  • Light Infantry- Normal
  • Musketeer- Normal
  • Archer- Normal
  • Heavy Calvary- Effective
  • Light Calvary- Normal
  • Mounted Archer- Normal
The builds discussed in the previous section are not set in stone, and most of them can be customized to fit your needs. Several hybrid builds are also effective, and will be discussed in short here.

Heavy Infantry/Musketman- The Anti-Calvary Unit
This hybrid calls for heavy armor and a pike, but also a good musket. This build is excellent at taking out calvary. Deal damage with your musket at range, then finish any calvary that gets through with your pike.

Heavy Infantry/Light Infantry- The Light Pikeman
This hybrid calls for light armor and a pike. The goal of the hybrid is to be a quicker and more flexible pikeman.

Heavy Infantry/Horse Archer- The Boyar
A horse archer in heavy armor, this hybrid is slower than your standard horse archer, but more rugged and likely to survive without a horse. A heavy infantry/archer hybrid is similar to this.

Light Infantry/Musketeer- Heavy Musketeer
This hybrid creates a musketeer that is more able to defend himself in close range combat without sacrificing speed.

Musketeer/Light Calvary- Dragoon
While muskets do not work on horseback, this hybrid equips a sword and shield for mounted combat. Use your horse to reach a good firing position, dismount, and act like a musketman. If danger approaches, remount and move to a different position.

I hope this guide has helped. Good luck and happy hunting!
tbailey264 31 Dec, 2019 @ 1:01pm 
Very detailed and helpful guide. Well done sir
DedZedNub 15 Mar, 2017 @ 6:05pm 
Well done. To the point and gets one thinking. Had one question though which might be worth getting into ... what weight of armor begins to slow you down?
stevebob 2 Nov, 2014 @ 7:19pm 
Great guide!
Oppenheimer  [author] 4 Oct, 2014 @ 1:21pm 
Thanks, glad I could help!
Mistah Jah 2 Oct, 2014 @ 8:40am 
its a wery good guide and the first i have readed that are so complete so thanks dude and happy hunting to you:D