Fast & Furious: Showdown

Fast & Furious: Showdown

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Review about Fast & Furious: Showdown
By [ME] etneveL
Fast & Furious: Showdown is unavailable to buy on Steam and because of this you cannot leave a review about it anymore, so I want to leave my brief opinion about this game in this guide.
Fast & Furious: Showdown is a boring, buggy and annoying game, where you recap the story of F&F 5 and 6 in it, but in a way where you don't understand a damn thing about it.

I like story games and I always try to pay attention to them, but after two chapters I completely lost interest in this one, because it felt like the characters move point a to point b with no motivation or explonation. The missions are interesting at first, because most of the time you can switch roles between two characters, one of them usually driving and the other is shooting or doing other actions. However, doing around 3-4 missions you realize that most of them are the exact same as previous ones, only the scenery changes. Also, the AI teammate is really stupid sometimes, making some missions extremely difficult. Multiplayer is not working, so you can't do PVP or COOP matches with anyone. The game is short too, you can play it through under 3 hours, however that 3 hours felt like an eternity for me. The only positive aspect I can tell you about this game is the soundtrack, atleast a FEW tracks in the game are decent.

This game doesn't worth more than 10€, do not buy it for more than 20€ if you are really interested. There are things worth much more than this crap, even if you collect removed games by any chance...