60 Seconds! Reatomized

60 Seconds! Reatomized

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The 60 seconds! Beginner's guide
By wubbynubi
A guide for beginners to 60 seconds reatomized
Hello, this is the 60 seconds reatomized guide for beginners.

(disclaimer: There are probably already guides for this, please don't copyright me)
Preparation & scavenge

Ideally do the atomic drill before this, it is very useful.
click on new game, or on the door. this will take you to the menu. click apocalypse.
this is the new game menu, click on 'ted' and 'little boy'

Ted is slower but maybe accelerates faster. (i'm not sure)
Dolores is faster but accelerates slower. (again, not sure)

Little boy is the easiest difficulty, Fat man is medium and Tsar bomba is the hardest

Fun fact: these are all named after different bombs, little boy was used on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, fat man was another and The tsar bomba is the deadliest bomb in history.


In little boy, you have 20 seconds to look around your house to find supplies. I recommend using this time to locate the gas mask, suitcase, 1st aid kit, radio and family members. near the end of the time, run to the kitchen to find 2 soup and 2 water. dump them. find Timmy, (ginger hair, drawing) and get him. now get Mary Jane (Black hair, playing tuba) and get her. Now you want Dolores (tall, ginger, reading a book) and get her down the hatch. now get the other stuff I told you to locate and get them down. finally, get 2 mores soup and water. If you have any time left, grab more soup/water.
Food & water

Now you're down, feed everyone every five days and after they come back from scavenging (not day 1 scavenging). If shortages of F&W* occur, only feed ted or Dolores. If both adults die, It is game over even if you have both kids.
*Food and water

From day 2 onwards, you can scavenge. BUT, if it is not safe outside, take a gas mask with you outside. If you get the "an emergency broadcast to learn a thing or two" scenario then say yes and it will be revealed that it is safe outside. Once it is safe,take an axe or rifle to defend against bandits. Also, if there is only 1 person left in the shelter and you want to scavenge,make sure you have a lock in your shelter so bandits can't break in. Fatigue, tiredness, sickness, injuries, craziness, dehydration and hunger are bad if you want to scavenge. Scavenging brings back items mostly food and water to your bunker to help you survive

Day 1 and possibly 2 have no events. Early on you will get the "We can't sleep" event, select to use the med kit** because if you don't then people will become tired and ted may go crazy. The "Green dripping pipe" and "Spiders in our soup" are for Mutant Mary Jane. Do nothing, and there is a small chance she will go purple and big. This is good because you can send her scavenging and she will ALWAYS come back. Next, The ones where you can raid the elderly home, school and neighbours will help but is bad for the twins ending as you will lose their trust. Now, the " we haven't showered" is good if you have one of the items as it will heal sicknesses but bad if you don't as everyone in the shelter will become sick. Now, The "sleazy trader with the bag" scenario is good. hand over soup and you get a cat called Sharikov. This is good for Endings and you can also get him by the "cat licking it's paws near severed limbs". Next, The "growling creature" is A dog called pancake and select the torch and you get his trust. next, hand over a soup can. Now, Take a map when going to scavenge with pancake. Finally, when he is bleeding use a medkit** to patch him up and then you have him. Finally, when Mary Jane wants her tuba, send her or else she will go crazy

**1st aid kit
Military Ending

Possibly the easiest, this one requires you having the radio, map, torch, cards and harmonica. The"We need to make contact with the military" scenario, use the radio to start this ending. Next, they will ask you to "use the map to go to a meeting", "Use cards at the nearest bus stop", "Make some noise" or " use the torch to signal a plane". Do this, and then they will ask you to do another one. Then they may ask you to come to a meeting. do it. And then when you get the"What we thought was thunder, was actually knocking on our door", open the door to get the ending.

Twins ending

The Next easiest is the Twins ending, and you need: at least 1 soup, a map, the boy scout book, a toy (cards, checkers, harmonica) and an axe. This will start by a ringing telephone, send someone to answer it. They will come, asking for one of these things. they will do this 2 more times and may ask for a meeting. Then, when there is a knock on the door AND there is a picture by the scenario, open the door. The only ending to which the pictures don't apply is the millitary ending.

cat endings
These endings require that you have Sharikov, the cat.

Mad scientist ending

When you have Sharikov, wait until a scientist is at your door in the scenario tab. He will say"Dr. Sharikov, are you in there?". you can't do any thing here. the next day he will ask you to stock up on at least 4 soup or water. Then, he will ask for it 3 times before losing out on him. If you give him what he wants, he will then ask for one of you to go do an experiment. once done, they will be hurt, so avoid sending an adult out. Now, he will bang on the door and answer it if there is a picture on the page. That is the Mad Scientist ending

Secret agents ending

One with Sharikov, wait until he plays with a wire and take it off him. Then some agents will ask for you to hear them out and if you do then they will ask you to go on a recon trip. send someone out but NOT an adult as after the trip they will be hurt and die in 10 days-ish. Then give them 4 soup or water. In a few days, they will come knocking on the door. let them in to win

There are 2 other ending involving multiple cats, but i don't know how to get them. They are the Feline domination and crazy cat lady endings And are practically the same
Thank you for reading this guide!
If you have any ideas for the other 2 endings or any ways to improve this please let me know.

The end!
knucklethegamer 2 Jul @ 12:23pm 
this is a good guide but it is also good to scavenge the boy scout handbook it is deceptively important
simp 26 Jan @ 10:55am 