Death Must Die

Death Must Die

368 ratings
[Possibly Outdated] Beginners Guide and Tips
By FritzTheFascist
Massive Guide to pass along any and all helpful information for beginners and more advanced players! This guide is a work in progress and is being edited as more information is gathered. All information gathered was during the release of Act 1. There is no information of Act 2 placed in this guide.
Change Log & Plans

20240624 - Added the following:
• I am looking for some people who are interested in collaborating on this to help keep the guide relevant! Please reach out and we can discuss. I do not want to see this become that outdated and useless guide. (It possibly already has)
Thank you
Thank you to the following users who have provided additional information in comments and messages for me to add to the guide. Helps a lot!

• @Felight
• @Shadowmoore
• @sickle19868
• @AmFatDragon
• @Doomfair
• @Cbarso
• @Vonedos
• @Ceron
First Things First:
You are going to die, a lot. This game is rogue-like, so multiple attempts are expected to have happen. That’s okay!

Auto attack, a position of controversy.

So let’s start this off with an important statement: Hello, my name is Fritz and I am an auto attack user. I know, horrible decision for someone trying to maximize their run. But my terrible decisions aside, what is the deal with auto attack? Let’s look at it.

Auto attack, as the name implies, attacks for you automatically and targets the closest enemy possible (Please correct if wrong). This is normally not an issue, however in Death Must Die when you attack this will affect your movement speed! You will be slower as you attack, making you an easier target and resulting in you using more time to move around.

Well, how can I view this absolute travesty of knowledge you revealed to me Fritz?!
Calm yourself my friend, it’s easy. When viewing your inventory, you will see the stats for your character on the left. View the Defensive Category (see image) and look for the statuses Move Speed and Attack Move Speed. Attack Move Speed will be a percentage of your Move Speed, so it will always be lower.

Again, I do not advise, I leave that to the experts. I do what I want to have fun and enjoy the game my way, so if you want to use auto attack, go for it. I personally do and have a blast with it. Ultimately it is your decision!

Dashes and Attacks, the staples of a balanced run:

There are two skills you will be choosing that you need to do so with care. That will be the Attacks and Dashes. Each God and Goddess (apart from the Fates) have their own unique Dash and Attack. Once you choose one of them, you will be locked out of choosing the Attack from the other Gods currently blessing you this run.

God & Goddess Limit:

Don't you always want to have more? I do, especially video games that are actually good and enjoyable. Oh! Pizza too. But here in Death Must Die, you can't have every God or Goddess on your side. You have to choose and choose wisely! Or get screwed over with RNG, as that happens too. You can have 3 separate God or Goddesses assisting you, along with the Fates guaranteed each run. Please see the example below for clarification.

Run 1:
  • Deity Choice 1: Summer, Goddess of Fire
  • Deity Choice 2: Krom, God of Conquest
  • Deity Choice 3: Leigong, God of Lightning
  • The Fates

With this group picked, I can only gain skills from them and no other God or Goddesses will offer their blessings to me this run.

Attack and Dash Skill Limit:

I know, I keep bringing bad news. There are limits on some skills too, sorry all. When you pick your God or Goddess, you will have the option eventually to pick an Attack or Dash skill from them. When you pick an Attack or Dash for that Deity, you cannot pick the other versions. Lets use the example above for clarification again.

Run 1:
  • Deity Choice 1: Summer, Goddess of Fire
    • Vengeful Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and apply burning.
    Trail of Fire – Spell, Dash – Your dash leaves a path of fire.
  • Deity Choice 2: Krom, God of Conquest
    Rampaging Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and knockback enemies.
    • Charge – Spell, Dash – Your dash damages and knocks back enemies
  • Deity Choice 3: Leigong, God of Lightning
    • Wrathful Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and have a chance to trigger an additional attack.
    • Ball Lightning – Spell, Dash – Your dash turns you into a damaging ball of lightning. You can’t attack during this state.
  • The Fates

If I choose Trail of Fire from Summer, I can no longer pick Charge from Krom or Ball Lightning from Leigong. This applies also to the Attack ability I chose, Rampaging Strike from Krom. I can no longer pick the Attack abilities from Leigong or Summer.

Note: I am not fully sure on the Dashes, I have not been able to replicate this but once as Nixi I was able to stack multiple dodges from my Deity choices in that run. I am unsure if this is still possible, please let me know if it is and I will correct this.

Barriers, breakers of will and flow:

Barriers are present on some of the more elite enemies you will encounter on your adventures. They will be marked with a Blue bar on their health. While an enemy has a barrier, they take reduced damage and cannot be interrupted in their attacks. Once the barrier is gone you can interrupt their attacks again and finish them off quickly!

Other Tidbits of Knowledge:

The first class you will have will be Avoron, the Knight. As you unlock more characters you can switch between them at the campfire area. The following are the classes you will unlock with more runs under your belt. Next to them will be listed their armor types:
Avoron – The Knight – Heavy
Merris – The Sorceress – Light
Nixi – The Assassin – Light
Kront – The Barbarian – Heavy
Skadi – The Warrior – Medium

As you can see in the image above, there are Signs you need to complete to unlock these perks that can improve your characters and give you an edge in combat.

As you continue to play you will unlock 2 other areas that are of some use, the Library and the Scriveners.

The Library is used for storing books that you may come across from Bookshelves in the runs. These books contain lore and are useful for delving into the backstory of the game.

The Scriveners are just the Achievements you can see in game but also show what perks you can unlock for each class and a description of the unlock requirements for them.

Here in the shop there is a lovely trick that took me some time to realize personally (as I am special to say the least). At the bottom of the shop there is a tab called Reserved (See Image)

This Reserved shelf allows you to save items you want to pick up but do not have the coin for yet. Reason for this is because after every run attempt you make the shop refreshes and new stock appears to replace the old! As you can see, I have several items I am saving currently as I am broke at the time of writing.
Character Signs
Below are listed each of the signs and what they will do for the character they are part of.

• The Sign of The Hero – You gain +17% Attack Damage every 3 levels (max +170%).
• The Sign of The Chosen One – When you take damage, become invulnerable for 3 seconds. This effect can't occur more than once every 10 seconds.
• The Sign of The Cat – You gain +8 Revivals, but have -333% Max Life.
• The Sign of The Guardian – You gain +18 Armor every 3 levels (Max +180).
• The Sign of The Disciple – All blessings you are offered are at least Adept rarity. Your Adept rarity bonuses convert to Expert rarity bonuses at a 22% rate.

• The Sign of Fire – You gain +8% Spell Damage every 3 levels (max +80%).
• The Sign of The Helper – Your missiles aim towards enemies. You have +66% Attack Damage.
• The Sign of Timespace – You have infinite pull range, -1 Dash and -30% Dash Cooldowns.
• The Sign of The Hydra – You gain +2 Spells Projectile Count.
• The Sign of The Summoner – You gain +22% Summon Damage every 3 levels (max +220%).

• The Sign of The Viper – You gain +10% Attack Speed every 3 levels (max +100%).
• The Sign of The Thread – You deal +500% more damage striking enemies below 20% life.
• The Sign of The Grasshopper – You gain +1 Dash but have +25% Dash Cooldowns.
• The Sign of The Thief – Pick ups drop +1000% more often.
• The Sign of The Rabbit – You gain +13% Luck every 3 levels (max +130%).

• The Sign of The Tornado – You gain +14% Attack Area every 3 levels (max +140%).
• The Sign of The Earthquake – Enemy stun thresholds are reduced by -100%. You deal +40% Damage to enemies below their stun threshold.
• The Sign of The Tsunami – You gain +4% Attack Critical Chance every 3 levels (max +40%).
• The Sign of The Meteor – You gain +1.2% Attack Damage for every 1 Armor Point you have. Your armor doesn't give you any damage reduction.
• The Sign of The Mountain – You can't regenerate life. You have +222 life.

• The Sign of The Wyvern – You gain +16 Movement Speed every 3 levels (max +160).
• The Sign of The Apprentice – A random skill you have gains +1 level on every 2 levels you gain.
• The Sign of The Cosmos – Your attacks apply a random status from a pool of 8 statuses. Each status has a separate 6% proc chance.
• The Sign of The Beast – A white raven fights alongside you. It gains 8 times value from stat boosts.
• The Sign of The Lizard – You gain +0.35 life regeneration every 3 levels (max +3.5).
Time Limit?
Each run consists of 20 minutes at most (Not counting time after the Baron Fight begins). The following is the timetables of when events will occur in your run:

00:00 – Run Begins
01:00 – Skeleton Archers Appear. Chatty should show up.
02:00 – Second crown enemy appears.
03:00 – Shielded enemies appear.
04:00 – Black Square Trap & Green Ooze Horde spawns.
07:00 – The Hand Barons Bosses spawn. (Left and Right)
12:00 – Blue Ooze Horde spawns.
14:00 – Necromancer Boss spawns
17:00 – Black Square Trap of Shielded Enemy Horde spawns.
19:00 – Massive Skeleton Horde spawns.
20:00 – Baron Boss Spawns

Dice? Where is my roll for initiative?
Dice Rolls:
Dice are used to help you in your run. They are added from armor/weapons in their descriptions and are used at your discretion. They refresh upon each run your partake in. There are 3 types of dice you need to be aware of:

Banish Dice – Banish dice prevent a god blessing of your choice (from the three that appear) from popping up in your feed again for that attempt. But you need to know, it prevents all rarities from doing so as well. So, if you banish a Novice level of Execution, you will not see any other levels of Execution for the remainder of that run.

Reroll Dice – This is the number of times you can reroll the gods blessings before you and get potentially three new choices.

Alteration Dice – This is the number of times you can select a new gods blessings in your run. This is important to know as you can only have three unique gods of your choice (Along with the Fates, but we will cover that more shortly) in a run at one time. These dice help you adjust the run more to your liking and leave it less to chance.

Gods and Goddesses:
Below are the Gods and Goddesses that can appear in the game.
• Krom, God of Conquest
• Lady Justice
• Leigong, God of Lightning
• Moirai, Goddesses of Fate
• Mort, Daughter of Death
• Summer, Goddess of Fire
• Time
• Winter, Goddess of Cold

Spell Levels:
Below are the spell levels you will see on the abilities you choose from the god or goddess that is supporting you. The higher the level, the more beneficial its abilities are.

Novice (Lowest)
Master (Highest)
Legendary (Only spawn on Master Skills)

God's and Goddesses Skill Breakdowns
This section is displaying the abilities of each god or goddess. It is broken down to the type of Spell or Attack that it is and grouped with the secondary category as well (all Autocast spells should be together for example). This is still being worked on currently.

Krom, God of Conquest:
Rampaging Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and knockback enemies.

Charge – Spell, Dash – Your dash damages and knocks back enemies.

War Pact – Spell, Buff – You deal more damage to enemy barriers.
Knockback – Spell, Buff – Your knockback effects are more potent.
Bloodlust – Spell, Buff – You gain attack speed for each ruptured enemy.

Blades – Spell, Autocast – Rotating blades spawn away from you, rupturing and damaging enemies and they are pulled back to you.
Chains of War – Spell, Autocast – Your attack hits have a chance to create a chain that rotates around you for a limited time, damaging, rupturing and knockbacking enemies.
Shurikens – Spell, Autocast – Enemies you hit shoot out rupturing shurikens.

Lady Justice:
Merciful Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and apply weakened.

Celestial Wings – Spell, Dash – Your dash gives your reduced attack movement penalty for a limited duration.

Protection – Spell, Buff – Your armor is increased.
Inner Peace – Spell, Buff – You regenerate life every second.
Purification – Spell, Buff – You restore more life from heals.

Consecration – Spell, Autocast – Whenever an enemy damages you, you heal back a percentage of the damage you were dealt and deal the enemy’s damage back to it multiplied before reductions.
Divine Shield – Spell, Autocast – Prevents the next time you would take damage. The cooldown of this blessing is reduced by your damage resistance instead of cooldown reductions.
Reprisal – Spell, Autocast – Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance your attacker becomes Smited.

Leigong, God of Lightning:
Wrathful Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and have a chance to trigger an additional attack.

Ball Lightning – Spell, Dash – Your dash turns you into a damaging ball of lightning. You can’t attack during this state.

Brevity – Spell, Buff – Your spell speeds and cooldowns are faster.
Haste – Spell, Buff – You move faster.

Lightning Bolt – Spell, Autocast – Whenever you traverse a certain distance, lightning bolts fall onto nearby enemies.
Lightning Orbs – Spell, Autocast – Lightning orbs spawn on the battlefield that explode after a limited duration or immediately if you attack them.
Chain Lightning – Spell, Autocast – Your attack hits have a chance to cause a chain lightning.

Moirai, Goddesses of Fate:
Vigor – Spell, Buff – Your life is increased.
Fortune – Spell, Buff – You gain more dice to alter your god offers.
Critical Strike – Spell, Buff – Your attacks have a chance to deal 300% damage.
Elusion – Spell, Buff – Your evasion is increased.
Sprint – Spell, Buff – Your dashes become longer.
Fury – Spell, Buff – You attack faster.
Curiousity – Spell, Buff – Pick ups drop more often.
Might – Spell, Buff – Your attack hits a wider area.
Splinter – Spell, Buff – Your attack shoots more projectiles.

Mort, Daughter of Death:
Deadly Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and resolve cursed statuses immediately.

Lifelink – Spell, Dash – Your dash drains enemies, healing you if you are below a certain life threshold.

Mayhem – Spell, Buff – When an enemy dies from Cursed, gain permanent damage.
Serendipity – Spell, Buff – You are luckier.

Sickles of Mort – Spell, Autocast – Every few attack hits, shoot out sickles. They deal damage equal to a percentage of your attack damage and apply your attack statuses.

Execution – Spell, Curse – Whenever you kill an enemy, there is a chance that it spawns a weak experience shard. Cursed enemies have a higher chance of dropping experience shards.

Ravens of Pestilence – Spell, Summon – Spawn ravens that attack enemies, applying cursed.
Soulstealers – Spell, Summon – Your attack hits have a chance to spawn phantoms. Any enemies they pass through become cursed and lose a percentage of their current life.
Necromancy – Spell, Summon – You raise skeletons when you kill a number of enemies. Skeletons raised from cursed enemies last longer.

Summer, Goddess of Fire:
Vengeful Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and apply burning.

Trail of Fire – Spell, Dash – Your dash leaves a path of fire.

Vehemence – Spell, Buff – Your spell damage is increased.

Meteor Shower – Spell, Autocast – Meteors fall from the skies damaging enemies and burning the ground.
Breath of Fire – Spell, Autocast – Every few attack hits, you breath fire that damages and burns enemies in front of you.
Flare – Spell, Autocast – Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance you shoot out a firebolt against your attacker.

Incineration – Spell, Curse – Burning enemies leave a fire where they die.
Combust – Spell, Curse – When you kill a number of burning enemies, an explosion damages and knocks back nearby enemies.

Warped Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger. Enemies you hit shoot out experience shards behind them.

Vortex – Spell, Dash – Your dash leaves a vortex that pulls enemies in.

Wisdom – Spell, Buff – Your gain more experience.
Alteration Ritual – Spell, Buff – Whenever you gain a level, gain a random boon for a limited time.
Gem High – Spell, Buff – Whenever you take an experience shard, you gain Movement, Attack, & Skills Speeds for a limited duration. Refreshes duration on stack.
Force – Spell, Buff – Your experience pull area is increased. Whenever you pull an experience shard through an enemy, it takes damage based on the experience in the shard.
Deadlock – Spell, Buff – Your spell durations are increased.
The Summoner – Spell, Buff – For every 60 seconds that pass, the damage of your summons increases permanently.

Time Field – Spell, Autocast – Create a time field at your position that slows all enemies and missiles in it.

Winter, Goddess of Cold:
Chilling Strike – Attack – Your attacks become stronger and apply chilled.

Dive – Spell, Dash – Your dash throws ice shards that deal damage and apply chilled.

Path of Frost – Spell, Buff – You leave a trail of frost wherever you go that chills enemies.
Thaw – Spell, Buff – You gain attack damage for each Immobilized enemy.
Wintertide – Spell, Buff – Your spell area is increased.

Frost Ring – Spell, Autocast – Every few attacks, a frost ring spawns from you that freezes.
Blight – Spell, Autocast – Frost zones spawn at random, that damage and chill enemies.

Icebound – Spell, Curse – Immobilized enemies take more damage.
Frozen Treasure – Spell, Curse – When you kill a frozen or chill immune enemy, there is a higher chance that it drops an item.
Legendary God Skills (WIP)
Sometimes you have to be Legendary in your conquests. Others? Eh, its an added bonus. Legendary Skills only can appear on Master Skills. The more often Master Skills appear, the more likely you can pick up a Legendary one.

Krom, God of Conquest
Hemorrhage – Spell, Curse – Rupture deals more damage for each consecutive instance of damage.
Fatality – Spell, Buff – You deal more damage to enemies at low life.
God of War – Spell, Buff – All damage you deal and take is increased.

Lady Justice
Pandemonium – Spell, Buff – All your blessings’ rarities are upgraded.
Day of Judgment – Spell, Buff – All minions of Death are judged unworthy.

Leigong, God of Lightning
• N/A at this time. None present.

Moirai, Goddesses of Fate
First Strike – Spell, Buff – You deal more damage striking undamaged enemies.
Fleet-Footed – Spell, Buff – You can dash more times in a row.

Mort, Daughter of Death
Malady – Spell, Curse – Enemies that die spread their statuses to enemies that don’t have them.
Vampirism – Spell, Curse – Your armor no longer gives you any damage reduction. Whenever you hit enemies, restore life.

Summer, Goddess of Fire
Fire Dragon – {Placeholder} – The red dragon fights alongside you, Burning enemies with its breath.
Gehenna – {Placeholder} – Gain experience for every instance of damage you deal.
Inferno – {Placeholder} – A wave of fire bursts from you, damaging and scorching everything in its path.

Temporal Lord – Spell, Buff – If you would die, instead go back in time.
The Taste of Time – Spell, Curse – Enemies age.

Winter, Goddess of Cold
World Freeze – Spell, Curse – All enemies gain a stack of Chilled every few seconds.
Shatter – {Placeholder} – Chilled and/or Frozen enemies below a certain life threshold instantly shatter and die.
Hoarfrost – {Placeholder} – Enemies take more damage for each status they have applied to them.
Frost Dragon – {Placeholder} – The blue dragon fights alongside you, chilling enemies with its breath.
Chill to the Bone – {Placeholder} – Reduces the Chilled stacks needed to freeze an enemy.
Funny Status from Abilities:
Some of the abilities you chose from the selected God or Goddess will have unique attributes that feed into their other abilities. These are listed below (and also are listed on the abilities themselves by using the show more button, ALT for K&M users):

Age – Takes damage over time.
Burning – Affected takes 30 damage and loses 1% of its life per second.
Chilled – Affected is slowed by 10%. If chilled stacks reach 7, remove all stacks of chilled and apply frozen.
Cursed – Affected takes 66 damage after 1.6 seconds. Cursed damage scales 3x from spell damage bonuses.
Frozen – Affected can’t do anything. After this status expires, the affected can’t be chilled or frozen for 3.5 seconds.
Knockback – A knockbacked enemy is pushed away from the source knockbacking it.
Ruptured – Affected takes 30 damage for every 1 range they move and 300 damage for every 1 range of knockback.
Smited - Affected takes 30 damage and becomes stunned.
Stunned – Affected can’t do anything.
Weakened – Affected deals -30.0% less total damage.

Simple Shrines: (WIP)
Alms – +4.2% Luck.
Ancient Chest – Item inside.
Bonfire – +3 Max Health.
Bookshelf – Holds lore/books to read.
Bronze Brazier – +3.2% Spell Duration.
Clover Garden – +4.2% Luck.
Dark Brazier – +2.4% Spell Damage.
Fallen Hero – May contain an item, may receive a curse too. (Slight loss of Luck)
Grave – May contain an item, may receive a curse too. (Slight loss of Luck)
Obelisk of Greed – Provides a gold amount. (increases by 30 per each activation in same run.))
Sacred Well – Provides Healing.
Seeking Orb – +9% Pick Ups.
Shrine of Tracking – +60% Pick Ups.
Stone Brazier – +4% Spell Area.
Tomb – May contain an item, may receive a curse too. (Curse = -1.8% Luck)
War Totem – +4.8% Attack Damage.
Well – Provides Healing.

Boost Shrines: (Unsure on duration length) (WIP)
Mineral Spring – Temporarily performs healing and provides xp over time.
Obelisk of Sanctuary – Temporary Invincibility.
Stone of Collecting – Temporary Collection of Experience Shards from wide range.
Stone of Experience – Temporary +60% Experience
Stone of Power – Temporary 100% Damage Boost.
Stone of Stamina – Temporarily increases movement speed while attacking to normal speed.
Totem of the Hare – Temporarily adds an additional dash.
Multi-Option Shrines: (WIP)
Caged Fairy
o {Placeholder}
o {Placeholder}

Crying Fountain
o Drink from the Fountain – Gain +1 Revival.
o Bottle Water – Gain +0.5 Life regeneration.

o Forged in Ice – Gain +20 Armor.
o Forged in Fire – Gain +24% Attack Damage.

Fruit Tree
o Pick a fruit – Lose 50 Life. Gain 2 levels.
o Resist temptation – Gain +20 Max Life

Gremlin Roothouse
o A Teacup of Coffee – Heal 25 Life. Gain +50% Attack Speed and + 50 Movement Speed for 60 seconds.
o Tiny Biscuits – Gain -3% Dash Cooldown.
o A Huge Wheel of Cheese – Heal 15 Life. Gain +15 Max Life
o Politely Refuse

Jade Llama Statue
o Take the item – Anger the Llama God
o Leave the item – Gain 300 Pull Range

o Listen to the Prospector – Gain +60% More Gold.
o Ignore Him.

o {Placeholder}
o {Placeholder}

o Black Magic – Become Stunned for 1.5 Seconds. Gain +24% Spell Duration.
o Occultism – Lose 9 life. Gain +18% Spell Damage.
o Summoning Ritual – Ghosts attack you. Gain +40% Summon Damage.

o Always Late – Gain -7.5% Dash Cooldown.
o Don’t Mind Me – Gain +30 Evasion.
o Leave

Sacred Tome
o Practice – Gain +20% More Heals.
o Learning – Gain 24% More Adept Offers.

Shard of The Fallen
o Darkness Called – Lose -22 Max Life. Gain +33% Attack Damage.
o Entrenched Power – Gain -44% Slower Spell Cooldowns. Gain +33% Spell Damage.
o Soulsteal – Gain -166% Damage against enemies below 50% Life and +100% Damage against enemies above 50% Life.
o Reject The Darkness – Gain +7% More Heals.

Shrine of Hunting
o Finish the Hunt – Gain +8% Attack Critical Chance.
o The Hunt Awaits – Your attack hits have a 13% chance to recharge a dash.
o Hunters Hurry – Gain +20 Movement Speed.

Shrine of Mjolnir
o Powerful Grip – Gain +8% Attack Critical Chance.
o Thunderous Wrath – Gain +4% Spell Critical Chance.

Shrine of Music
o Magpie Song – Gain +600 Pull Area.
o Mocking Bird Hum – Enemy Barries are reduced by 24%.
o Raven Gwah – Gain 0.9 Experience per second.

Shrine of Penance
o Repent – No experience for 60 seconds. Gain +13% experience afterwards.
o Atone – Gain -400% Dash Range for 30 seconds. Gain 2 levels.
o Revoke – Gain +12% Attack Damage.

Shrine of the Swan
o Test Virtues – Gain +6% Luck if no Tombs or Fallen Heros are looted (Still testing)
o It’s Just A Dumb Bird – Potentially does damage to you, need additional testing.

Shrine of Writing
o Borrow Book at Alter – Gain +12% Spell Speeds.
o I Don’t Read Books – Gain +12% Attack Damage.

Shrine to Krom
o Power of Steel – Gain +20% Attack Area.
o Mountainous Might – Gain +20% Spell Area.

Shrine to the Oni Demon
o Laugh Back – Gain -16% Adept Offers, -5.3% Expert Offers and +4% Master Offers.
o Rude Gesture – Gain +20% Damage against enemies above 50% Life.

Shrine to the Many-Handed One
o A Thousand Cuts – Gain +14% Attack Speed.
o Legion – Gain +1 Spell Projectiles.

Tree of Wisdom
o Pride – Gain -540 Pull Area. Gain +50% More Experience.
o Humility – Can’t get Master or Legendary boon offers. All skills offered are Expert.
o Disinterest – Gain +6% Luck.

o Learn his ways. – Gain +30 Armor.
o Learn his... other ways. – Gain -30 Evasion.
o Leave

Wandering Ghost
o Ghost Matters – Gain +36% More Adept Offers.
o Ghost Does Not Matter – Nothing.

o Never Late – Gain +18% Spell Speeds.
o Summoning Sickness – Gain +48% Summon Damage.
o Ignore the pompous wizard.
Suggestions, Comments, Additions
That's all for now, currently I am collecting more screen shots and additional information. I will not be suggesting builds, I will leave that for people who are more qualified to do that. I choose what makes me happy in my run.

I update this guide in spurts after several sessions of collecting information. If anything is incorrect or you have additions you can contribute please comment them away. Please give it a like and a rating if it was helpful! Enjoy and good luck, for Death Must Die.

FunkyNinjaPikachu 29 Aug @ 2:10pm 
though not updated, its still a wonderful read, and i can most certainly appreciate the time put into this. thanks a lot
∞ days without bath 28 Aug @ 4:00pm 
great, such a super guide, helped me, thanks
FritzTheFascist  [author] 28 Aug @ 2:30pm 
@Starlight This guide has not been updated since the release of Act 2. Apologies for the confusion.
Starlight 28 Aug @ 5:49am 
Left me more confused than I was.
Runezmaster 15 Jul @ 9:02am 
Does adding additional projectiles split your damage between them? I had 5 projectiles as Merris but it felt like I was still doing no damage unless I was hitting nearly all of them on a single target
Cult of Fortune 24 Jun @ 6:54pm 
Summer does have a 'Summon', but it seems[] to be rarity locked (at Master, iirc, saw it once earlier today)

Also, Mort's Soulstealers function as Strikes rather than Summons, proc'ing based on chance per hit rather than sticking around.

Also, there's a sixth fighter, Loreim, who should round out the playable characters to 6

Where are character signs supposed to be accessed from?
FritzTheFascist  [author] 24 Jun @ 2:05pm 
I am looking for some people who are interested in collaborating on this to help keep the guide relevant! Please reach out and we can discuss. I do not want to see this become that outdated and useless guide. (It possibly already has)
CosminCh 26 Apr @ 12:25pm 
-Gain 33% attack damage;
-gain +30 armor
-ignore this bureaucrat
CosminCh 25 Apr @ 12:49pm 
- Gain +600% Rare Item, +120% Epic item, +24% mythic items
- ignore (forgot actual text)
FritzTheFascist  [author] 1 Apr @ 1:07pm 
@Poncy Git Added the Troll information as well!