Drive on Moscow

Drive on Moscow

Not enough ratings
How to Win the Game
By the big m
Comprehensive guide on everything you need to know!
Save Scum
This game is literally nothing but RNG; worse yet, the indicators before every fight on the probabilities of winning are usually completely wrong. When the outcome of an engagement is unfavorable, before you close the dialogue box that showed the results of the engagement hit escape -> main menu -> load save -> load autosave.

Better yet, don't buy the game or refund it if it's not too late.
stcrispin 19 Jan @ 10:57pm 
As a combat veteran and career infantry officer, I agree. This game is like a child's toy. None of the principals of warfighting are at all useful in playing it. Normal maneuver warfare is impossible. its like someone took a puzzle game and slapped military symbols on it and hoped silly civilians would be the only ones who played it.

Its as close to a wargame that depicts the battle it is trying to be, as chess depicts a gunfight in an alley; not even close.
ScotchYeti 24 Dec, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
Polite people here on Steam. I have played the game a ton on ios and on PC and got enough value from the purchase but never mind, everyone on his own.
the big m  [author] 30 Nov, 2023 @ 3:43pm 
no comments on your profile "visual novel" chimpanzee orangutan defending terrible games lookin anime featured on your profile bozo lookin'

I am convinced you are not a real human being, you resemble more like a species of ape.
the big m  [author] 30 Nov, 2023 @ 3:37pm 
Imagine defending this garbage game. This sh*t is not worth however much they sell it for today. It should be free at the absolute least, and not exist at the absolute most. An orangutan on an amphetamine binge could've made this game in a single day.
ScotchYeti 30 Nov, 2023 @ 2:03am 
This is not necessary. The focus of the game is on strategic maneuvering, not on fighting. The RNG results are often totally ridiculous, which on the other hand results in a good narrative.

Anyway, look at the map and find breakthrough points for the Germans. If the Soviets can block you in the center then the whole offensive becomes stuck pretty fast. Either outflank the Soviets or make sure you reach the forests very quickly. The RNG is not your friend in later battles.

What I also sometimes do is to use the "prepared offensive" turns to push the tanks as far as possible. Once around Moscow they are hard to stop.

Hope this helps. It takes some time to learn the nuances of the game.