Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

Midnight Blues on a Winter Afternoon
"Technically, this is concept art for a scene from a future fanfic under the umbrella of Three Stars Shine in thy Night Sky - though, with a rewrite project of Fear Stops None, Salvation Seeker under way, it might be a while. I've had it sitting around for a few months now, though I've gone back several times to adjust and make minor changes.

I figured that, if the story's gonna be delayed for some time, I might as well release this, especially since the story this scene is from is still in the drafting phase. I'm rather happy with how it turned out. This is the first time I've definitively drawn Vanessa, though I've made some incomplete sketches and doodles with Gregory before.

If you could show this one some love on Tumblr and DeviantArt, it would mean a lot to me."