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100% Achievement Guide
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All achievements in Omegaland
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The Basics
Somebody Jumped
Jump. This is the first thing you do in Tutorial Hills

Pick up your first invulnerability star in Tutorial Hills

Full of Stars
Keep collecting invulnerability stars as you come across them in levels. When you have 5, you'll get this achievement

Give Me Your Heart
Buy the heart from the wizard in Tutorial Hills

Buy 5 hearts from the wizards in Tutorial Hills, Happy Hill Homes, Peaceful Plains, Hermit Hollow and Caravanserai

The Riches
Find a large treasure chest in a level. For example, there's one in Green Valley near the end of the level

I Love Looty
Keep finding treasure chests. When you have 5, you'll get this achievement

Ready for Adventure
Complete Tutorial Hills

Complete 5 levels (you can complete the same level multiple times)

Complete 10 levels (you can complete the same level multiple times)

Complete 20 levels (you can complete the same level multiple times)

Hot Hot Hot
Reach Sandkuchen Island (after Peaceful Plains)

Or Cold
Reach Eisland (after Craggy Woods)

Key to Success
Get your first golden key at the end of any castle level

Keys to the Kingdom
Get all 5 golden keys from all the castle levels - you can now enter Castle Omega

These Boots Are Made For Jumping
Buy the double-jump boots in Hermit Hollow

Buy the blue heart from Hermit Hollow

Bears! Bears!
Find and collect the 3 teddy bears on the overworld map (west of Bridge Country, north of Parfait Plateau, south of Candy Crossroad) then go to Druid Cave for a reward
In many of the levels there is a hidden (or not so hidden) collectable, each of which has an achievement.

Clover of Contradiction
Collect in Green Valley

Wine of Wobbliness
Collect in Caramel Cave

Rainbow of Relevance
Collect in Bridge Country

Lager of Luminosity
Collect in Peaceful Plains

Whisky of Wizardry
Collect in Flapjack Forest

Primordial Popcorn
Collect in Craggy Woods

Hyperborean Herring
Collect in Granita Island

Stout of Solidarity
Collect in Icecream Plain

Pineapple of Posterity
Collect in in Dessert Bluffs

Tenacious Tomato
Collect in Dumpling Dunes

Horseshoe of Hammurabi
Collect in the Pyramid of Flan

Cake of Catastrophe
Collect in Candy Crossroad (needs double-jump boots)

Paradigmatic Potato
Collect in Vanilla Bowl

Limoncello of Ludology
Collect in Treasure Island

Apple of Ataraxia
Collect in Tiny Hill

Cambrian Cake
Collect in Verdant Knolls (after Castle Omega)

Ice Cream Cake
Collect in Parfait Plateau (after completing the game)
After Castle Omega
[move temp file 1]
Save the people in first Refugee Camp

[move temp file 2]
Save the people in Druid Cave

[move temp file 3]
Save the people in the second Refugee Camp

[move temp file 4]
Save the people in third Refugee Camp

[move temp file 5]
Save the people in the fourth Refugee Camp

[edit buffer]
Complete the 4th research project

[show source: omega1]
Complete the 5th research project

[open level]
Complete the 6th research project

[show source: omega2]
Complete the 10th research project

[delete unused_npc_script]
Complete the 12th research project

[show source: omega3]
Complete the 15th research project

Complete the 16th research project

[edit obstacle]
Complete the 18th research project

Pull up the final carrot

[edit file permissions]
In the engineering department, get the ability to access castles

[edit map]
In the engineering department, unlock one of the bridges

[edit admin]
Complete the game