Lies of P
Оценок: 162
Simple 100% Achievementsguide for Lies of P
От meneerkronkel
This is a simple all achievement guide for the soulslike Lies of P that focuses on the achievements that require certain steps, choices or items.
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This is a simple all achievements guide that focuses on the achievements that require certain steps, choices or items. Beware of spoilers.

First off, this guide is heavily depended on your understanding of the game, so make sure to have played through the whole game at least once before starting an all achievements playthrough. This is because most items in this game are very missable. However, if you familiar with the areas, you'll be able to find most items by searching each area thoroughly. Items that are required for getting an achievement will be mentioned in the guide. Another reason for doing a normal playthrough is the difficulty of the game. Going through NG+, or even NG, can be very challenging without grasping the basics of combat (e.g. parrying), the weapon and legion arm system and items that can boost your damage and defence.

This guide focuses on 2 playthroughs. By backing up the save file of your playthrough you will be able to obtain 2 out of 3 endings. The first playthrough will be a lie playthrough and the second one a truth playthrough . If you are not able to back up your save, you will have to do a third playthrough in order to obtain the last ending.

Comment from another user (use this info as you please):

Fabulator_K 11 Jan @ 1:46pm
There is no need for a "truth" play through at all, the only important decision that needs to be made is the one at the Sophia's room. "Give her peace" is essential for the Rise of P ending, and regardless how high the humanity is, choosing "Let her live" and giving Geppetto your heart respectively will result in the other two endings.
That is to say, you can freely complete as much side contents as you'd like, gain as much humanity as you'd like, and still be able to acquire all endings in a single play through.
(You do have to save and back up before Sophia's room and subsequently beat Simon three times and Nameless Puppet twice.)

A single play through all achievement run is only impossible because of the Eugenie's quest and the requirement to collect all records.

Playthrough 1: Achievements
Lies of P features a total of 42 achievements. You'll be able to acquire most of these by simply exploring, upgrading and progressing through the game. After your firstplaythrough, you should have unlocked the following achievements:

The last 3 achievements will be unlocked in the second playthrough.
Playthrough 1: Basics
To acquire most achievements, make sure to follow the following basics (detailed instructions can be found further in the guide)

  • Always lie. This is necessary for obtaining the Golden Lie Weapon at the end of your first playthrough of the game. You will however need to tell the truth when you first meet Alidoro the Hound. When he asks you about a safe haven, tell him about hotel Krat.

    If you are not sure which dialogue option is a lie, I recommend using IGN’s overview of all truths and lies (or any other reliable source)

    Edit: Thank to @JackTrevor for bringing up the issues in the IGN guide. He suggested using the Fextralife Wiki, check it out if you come across any issues using IGN's or any other guide: Fextralife Guide[]

  • Do not use any of the boss souls for obtaining Ergo. The boss souls are needed to trade in for the boss weapons which are required to obtain the all weapons achievement

  • Make sure to interact with every stargazer you come and across and the check the teleporting sections for icons next to previously acquired stargazers. These signs signal that there is an item or npc that can be acquired there as result of dialogue or a cryptic vessel.

  • Talk to every npc in the hotel after defeating bosses or when a stargazer shows icon(s) next to the Hotel Krat stargazer option. This prevents missing dialogue that you might need for acquiring an achievement. Even if only the icon of e.g. Antonia shows, talk to everyone to be on the safe side.

  • Search every area thoroughly to acquire all items, weapons, different butterflies, etc. This is especially important for chapter 1, since you’ll not be able to return to this area around completing chapter 8.
Chapter 1: Krat Central Station
  • Puppet’s Saber Blade
    Cerasani Alley: Buy from the merchant in front of the first boss.

  • Wintry’s Rapier Blade
    Cerasani Alley: Buy from the merchant in front of the first boss.

  • Greatsword of Fate Blade
    Cerasani Alley: Buy from the merchant in front of the first boss.
  • Show Off Clothes
    Talk to Antonia (the old lady) after arriving in the hotel.
Chapter 2: Elysion Boulevard
  • Electric Coil Stick Head
    Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard: Buy the weapon from the merchant.

  • Krat Police Baton Head
    Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard: Kill the Police Officer Puppet below the window of the weeping woman.

  • Remembrance
    In Elysion Boulevard Entrance, find a white sofa, which is located before fighting an elite enemy before the next stargazer and collect the "Frozen Man’s Letter". Read the letter to acquire the emote.

  • Riddle 1
    From the Krat City Hall Courtyard Stargazer you will make your way towards the workshop. RIght before crossing a bridge with bomb throwing puppets, make a right and find a ringing telephone. Pick up the call. The answer: Human

  • Feel
    From the "Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard" Stargazer, progress through the area until you find a open area with 2 ladders going down and a police officer puppet in the distance. Before descending, head to the lit up window with the silhouette of a woman. Talk to her and accept her request.

    Progress further through the area, past the bridge where you find Gepetto, past the next stargazer and the swordmen puppets. You'll find yourself just before the next boss battle in a garden. On your right you'll see an enemy punching bodies. Kill the enemy and retrieve the Broken Baby Puppet. If you have not talked to the woman, the item will not be there. Return to the woman and choose the lie dialogue "It's a cute baby.". She will reward you with the record.
Chapter 3: Workshop Union
  • Salamander Dagger Blade
    Workshop Union Entrance: Located in a safe behind the locked green door next to the stargazer. To get inside the room, enter from the hole you can find above.

  • Booster Glaive Blade
    Workshop Union Entrance: Located in a chest behind the first Puppet of the Future mini-boss in the decay-river.

  • Fire Axe Blade
    Workshop Union Culvert: At the end of the path where giant fire balls are rolling down. As you reach the wall, you'll see a puppet and the chest.

  • Big Pipe Wrench
    Head Center of Venigni Works: After beating the area boss, you'll go inside a mine. You'll reach an area with puppets throwing bombs at you. Take the ladders to the top and find the chest with the weapon there.

  • Stalker’s Promise
    Defeat the Stalker named "Survivor", located in the Workshop Union Culvert. From the spot where you meet the Red Fox and the Black Cat, follow the bossroute and take a right into a room with hanging puppets. In the next room, you'll find a latch where to can drop down. Inside the room you'll find the stalker.

  • Fear
    Before fighting the Workshop boss (King’s Flame), make sure to talk to Venigni at Venigni Works Control Room. He'll move to the hotel after you have defeated the boss and teleported. After this, you won't be able to acquire the emote.

  • Swagger
    After defeating the Kings Flame, go back to the hotel and talk to Venigni. Make sure to get every dialogue option until you get the emote.

Trinity Door Locations
  • Trinity door 1
    The first one is in the Workshop Union Culvert. From the spot where you meet the Red Fox and the Black Cat, continue past them towards a red pipe. At the end, make a right into a room with 3 puppets. Kill the enemies and continue, you'll see the trinity door on the left after walking a bit futher.
Chapter 4: St. Frangelico Cathedral
  • Blind Man’s Double Spear
    St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel: While climbing up the tower, you'll eventually come across two giant gear-wheels rotating. Jump across the first one and jump on the second one. This will bring you to a platform that leads to the chest.

  • Alidoro the Hound
    In the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, head to the room with the golden globe. There is an elevator a little bit further in the room. After riding the elevator to the top floor, Alidoro will ask for a safe space. Tell him about Hotel Krat. (truth is fine here)

  • Pray
    Find Cecile in a corner of the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library. Talk to her and accept her request. After that, get the Archbishop Holy Mark, stored in a safe in the Archbishop's office. You'll find this room before pushing another fire blazer of the edge. After you get the mark, return to Cecile to give it to her, before fighting the boss.

    After defeating the boss of the area (Fallen Archbishop Andreus) return to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, where Cecile was, and find the note she left on the floor. Read the note to get the emote.

Cryptic Vessel
  • Crafted Cryptic Vessel
    St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel: Beneath the Decaypool you encounter when first entering the Cathedral. Push down the blazer between the giant gear-wheels high up the tower, return down to the pooll and you will find a door with the chest inside.

    Teleport to the 'Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard' stargazer. Go down the elevator and through the gate towards the Alchemist Bridge (where you first met Gepetto and killed the Donkey). Shoot or hit the puppet that has been hanged on the bridge. The puppet will drop another clue. Teleport back to the same Stargazer and head out to the balcony. You'll now be able to open one of the first doors on your right (before walking over a plank towards a shooting puppet).

Trinity Door Locations
  • Trinity Door 2
    After climbing the Cathedral, you'll find eletric balls rolling down. Avoid the balls and climb up the ladder you'll find next to the dropping balls. Up ahead, you'll find the door.

  • Divine Service
    Find Cecile in a corner of the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library. Talk to her and accept her request. After that, get the Archbishop Holy Mark, stored in a safe in the Archbishop's office. You'll find this room before pushing another fire blazer of the edge. After you get the mark, return to Cecile to give it to her, before fighting the boss.

    After defeating the boss of the area (Fallen Archbishop Andreus) return to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, where Cecile was, and find the note she left on the floor.

Chapter 5: Malum District
  • Acidic Crystal Spear
    Path of the Pilgrim: Go down the path and then right, heading for a red and lighted barrel. Beware of the beartraps.

  • Bone-Cutting Saw
    Malum District: On the rooftops in the area with a wandering mini-boss and two big bomb throwers.

  • Bramble Curved Sword
    Malum District: Buy it from the merchant in Red Lobster. Take the ladder behind the shelf to find him.

  • Getting the Portrait of P / Portrait of a Boy
    The portrait can be found in the hideout of the black brotherhood after you defeat them. After acquiring the painting, talk to Gepetto to place the portrait on the wall.

  • Taunt
    After killing the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.

  • Clap
    Get the Portrait of a Boy in the Rabbit Brotherhood. The portrait can be found in the hideout of the black brotherhood after you defeat them. After acquiring the painting, talk to Gepetto to place the portrait on the wall.

  • Riddle 2
    Malum District: Unmissable. After progressing past an open field with a mini-boss and bomb throwing enemies, go up the wooden ladder. You'll find the phone ringing in front of you. Pick up the call. The Answer: Candle

  • Someday
    Malum District: Buy it from the merchant in Red Lobster. Take the ladder behind the shelf to find him.

Chapter 6: Estella Opera House
  • Dancer’s Curved Sword
    Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance: Can be found behind the bomb-throwing and rifle-shooting puppets on the street.

  • Exploding Pickaxe Blade
    Estella Opera House Entrance: In the room where the elite ballerina clown walks out of.

  • Clock Sword
    Charity Market Path: After defeating the King of Puppets, progress to the next area. Here you'll eventually find a tunnel with a puppet going crazy. Take the ladder next to it and find the chest around the corner.

  • Sad
    To acquire the emote, you'll have to accept the request of Julian the Gentleman, who can be found next to the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert stargazer (after defeating the White Lady). Talk to him and agree to find his wife. She is located close to the Rosa Isabelle bridge, just before you fight the Mad Clown Puppet Boss. Return to him and choose the lie dialogue: "I saw the message she left, saying she loves you".

Cryptic Vessel
  • Jeweled Cryptic Vessel
    Estella Opera House Entrance: In the Opera House, run towards the boss room and jump of the right side of the plank undernead the burning chandelier. Follow the path and find a small room with two ladders going up and down (past a ballerina clown and spider puppet). Take the ladder up to find a chest containing the cryptic vessel.

    Cerasani Alley / Krat Central Station Street: Follow the street next to the river where you fought your first enemy using a fury attack. At the end of the street is a cliff. Use the "Check ground" gesture at the cliff to obtain the treasure.

Trinity door location
  • Trinity Door 3
    Estella Opera House Entrance: In the Opera House, run towards the boss room and jump of the right side of the plank undernead the burning chandelier. You'll find the third trinity door inside this dark area.

  • Fascination
    To acquire this emote, make sure to buy a Red Apple from Polendina in Hotel Krat. This is required for Adelina her request.

    Enter the Opera House and take the stairs to the right. Go up the next pair of stairs, kill the spider puppet and continue past her. Make a left and you'll find Adelina in her room. Talk to her and give her the apple.

    After defeating the King of Puppets, return to adelina. She will be gone and have left the record on the floor.
Chapter 7: Lorenzi Arcade & Grand Exibition
  • Circular Electric Chainsaw
    Lorenzini Arcade: Buy it from the Merchant next to a fountain before unlocking a shortcut.

  • Spear of Honor
    Lorenzini Arcade: Located in a safe surrounded by decay gas. Can be found shortly after passing the merchant next to the fountain.

  • Respect
    After defeating the Champion Victor, you will receive a key from Simon. Before continuing, return back to where you came from and go to the room where the elite boxer puppet dropped from the top. In this area, you'll find a big green door. With this key from Simon, open the door to get the gesture. In the area behind the door. You will find an addional stargazer and a statue that lets you respec your skillpoints and other stats.

  • Beg
    After defeating the Champion Victor, continue through the story. You'll encounter the Red Fox and the Black Cat just before entering a train. Talk to them and when asked, give them a Golden Fruit. In return, they will give you the gesture.

  • Riddle 3
    Grand Exhibition Gallery: As you make your way through the Grand Exibition, you'll eventually encounter another ringing phone. Pick up the call. The Answer: Egg. The reward will be a hint. To obtain the third trinity key, continue down the stairs. You'll find yourself in a room with two stone statues holding up their hands towards two golden statues. The right stone statue can be turned. Turn it twice to unlock a secret room between the two golden statues. Here you'll find the key.

  • Why
    To acquire this record, you'll need to have met and talked to Belle in the Grand Exhibition Gallery. After defeating Champion Victor she will move in the hotel if you've talked to her. If you haven't she'll die and you won't be able to obtain the record in this playthrough. Belle is located on a small balcony around the 3rd floor. As you progress through the Grand Exibition, you'll eventually find a series of steel beems with two bomb throwing puppets and a large elite shield puppet which you can't run behind. Make a right and you'll hear Belle talking. From the beams, you can jump down and talk to her. After beating the next boss, she'll move to the hotel. Her request continues in Chapter 9.

  • Quixotic
    After defeating the Champion Victor, continue through the story. You'll encounter the Red Fox and the Black Cat just before entering a train. Talk to them and when asked, give them a Golden Fruit. In return, they will give you the record.
Chapter 8: Barren Swamp
  • Live Puppet’s Axe
    Barren Swamp Entrance: Located on the on top of the first canon tower.

  • City Longspear
    Barren Swamp Ravine: Located in a shack after you exit the cave with the rolling/falling rocks and unlocked the ladder shortcut.

  • Black Steel Cutter
    Barren Swamp Bridge: Located at the end of Hermit’s Cave which is the cave that is blocked by the closed gate next to the spot where you first meet Hugo the Explorer. To unlock the gate, buy the Rusty Cryptic Vessel from Polendina after giving him the Special Krat Supply Box. This can be found later in chapter 9 close to the collapsed street stargazer.

  • Hugo the Explorer
    In the Barren Swamps Bridge, before fighting the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster, you can meet up with Hugo the Explorer, who is standing next to a closed gate at the right side of the bridge. Interact with him and make sure to get all dialogue options.

  • Euginie
    After defeating the reborn champion, talk to Eugini. She will give you a pair of four fingered gloves. At the same time, Alidoro will move to the Barren Swamp, the area you are headed next.
    Once you meet him on your way, give him the gloves and get every dialogue option out of him. Return to Eugénie and tell her he loved the gloves.

  • Greet
    Talk to Antonia, after defeating the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster.

Cryptic Vessel
  • Old Cryptic Vessel
    Barren Swamp Bridge: Talk to Hugo to get the cryptic vessel.

    Path of Pilgrim Stargazer: Ride down the shortcut elevator, leave the shack and go up the small hill past the area where you fought the elite monster that jumped through the wooden wall. Here you'll find a shack with a NPC standing next to it. Talk to him to obtain the key to the shack where you'll find the chest with the treasure.

  • Misty E’rA
    Located at the end of Hermit’s Cave which is the cave that is blocked by the closed gate next to the spot where you first meet Hugo the Explorer. To unlock the gate, buy the Rusty Cryptic Vessel from Polendina after giving him the Special Krat Supply Box. This can be found later in chapter 9 close to the collapsed street stargazer. You'll receive the record after beating the elite enemy at the end of the cave.
Chapter 9: Krat Central Station (destroyed)
  • Master Chef’s Knife
    Krat Central Station Platform: After defeating the elite scorpion enemy, climb up the ladder. On your right you'll find a shortcut and on your left a flight of stairs going down. Take the stairs and continue straight through a gate. On your left, you find a chest surrounded by luggage and crawling enemies.

  • Coil Mjolnir
    Krat Central Station Lobby: Exit the Station into the Plaza with the big fountain. In the far left corner, you'll find the chest guarded by an elite puppet enemy.

  • Military Shovel
    Abandoned Apartment: Buy it from the Merchant located in the apartment.

  • Anger
    After fighting the Corrupted Parade Master, talk to Antonia in Gepetto's office.

  • Riddle 4
    Krat Central Station Street: From the Stargazer, make your way down the stairs and a little bit further when you see the river, go left. You find the phone ringing. Pick up the call. The Answer: Ergo

Trinity door location
  • Trinity Door 4
    Located in the altered version of the Krat Central Station Lobby stargazer, on the left before exiting through the big doors.

  • Why
    When talking to Belle, eventually she will tell you about a lost friend. This happens right around beating the Barren Swamp Boss. Accept her request and make your way to the Krat Central Station stargazer. From the stargazer, make a right through the shortcut, and go down the stairs. You will find him in a train under the stairway. After talking toi him, you will receive an item. Return to Belle and give her the items. Lie to her and tell her that he died fighting. She will give you the record.

Chapter 10: Relic of Trismegistus
  • Cursed Knight’s Halberd
    Relic of Trismegistus Entrance: Located in a chest on a broken Bridge. Before you reach the chest, an elite puppet will break through a wall.

  • Riddle 5
    In the Relic of Trismegistus, you'll find a last phone ringing. Pick up the call and answer "Yes" to the question. You'll receive a final trinity key which you'll need in chapter 11.

  • Alidoro the Hound 2
    After beating the black brotherhood again, you will meet Alidoro a little further up ahead. Get every dialogue option out of him and then kill him You will receive a cyper which will be important for another achievement. When you return to the hotel, you'll find Hugo the Explorer on Alidoro's spot, selling the exactly same ware as Alidoro. This only happens if you have met and talked to Hugo in the Barren Swamp,

Cryptic Vessel
  • Alidoro’s Cryptic Vessel
    Relic of Trismegistus Combat Field: Kill Alidoro the Hound in the Relic of Trismegistus chapter/area. See text below

  • Far East Princess
    After killing Alidoro, you will receive Alidoro's cypher. Return to the Hotel, and let Venigni decypher it and read at once. Now talk to Eugénie and choose the lie dialgoue: “I think he was just a talented Stalker”.
Chapter 11: Arche Abbey
  • Carcass Crystal Axe
    Estella Opera Entrance: Buy it from Subject 826. You first meet him in Arche Abbey Outer Wall, after riding down the elevator behind the elite boxer puppet and two traps. After talking to him, open the giant stone doors, which allow him to escape. After beating the next boss, he will have moved to the bridge above Rosa Isabella Street, where you found Julian the Gentlemans wife and beat the first Mad Clown Puppet Boss.

  • Acidic Great Curved Sword
    Arche Abbey Outer Wall: From the Stargazer: Drop down into the Decay-Gas; climb up the ladder; proceed until you fight a scorpion enemy. The chest is in that room it came from.

  • Happy
    You will receive the emote after talking to Test Subject 826 at the Arche Abbey Outer Wall. You first meet him after riding down the elevator behind the elite boxer puppet and two traps.

Cryptic Vessel
  • Mechanical Cryptic Vessel
    Arche Abbey Broken Rift: From the stargazer, go straight through the first arch, make a right and go down the second arch, walk straight through the third arch and then make a right and climb the stairs. You will see three paths you can walk over. Go to the third one and find the cryptic vessel in a chest at the end of it. Beware of the crazy strong clown puppet that comes from the second path.

    Go to the Abandoned Apartment Stargazer and walk out. Cross the sign that functions like a bridge. Go past the gate and cross the small bridge. Make a left and you'll find the area with the 4 gas dogs. Instead of walking into the area, make your way up the stairs just in front of the area. Here you will find a merchant. Equip the Frozen Feast boss weapon, which can be bought from either Alidoro or Hugo, and obtain your rewards by talking to the merchant.

Trinity door location
  • Trinity Door 5
    The final trinity door is at the very bottom of a tower in Arche Abbey Outer Wall. From the stargazer, make your way down the tower. At the bottem you'll find an elite boxer puppet, an elevator that goes up towards the next area, a trap room that leads to a elevator that goes down to Subject 826 and the last trinity door. Behind the door you will meet Arlecchino.

    He will ask you a final question, make sure to lie to him and tell him you are a "Human". After that, get every possible dialogue option out of him, after which you should get the "Moon World Warrior Toy". If you didn't, get to Wandering Merchant at Lorenzini Arcade close to the big fountain. Near him you'll find a book “Scandal! V, the Tragedy Behind the Flamboyance”. Read that and try talking to Arlecchino again. After you receive the toy, make your way to the hotel and talk to Venigni to get his achievement.
Chapter 0: Hotel Krat
  • Tyrant Murder’s Dagger
    Hotel Krat: Buy from Pulcinella the Butler after you have given him the "Incredible Venigni Collection".
  • Pistol Rock Drill
    Hotel Krat: Buy from Pulcinella the Butler after you have given him the "Fancy Venigni Collection".
  • Golden Lie Weapon
    Interact with the Portrait in Gepetto's office. The Weapon should shimmer golden after having told enough lies. This should happen after either defeating Simon or Nameless Puppet (see next paragraph)
Whenever you are able to, buy the following from Alidoro or Hugo:
  • Seven-Coil Spring Sword
  • Etiquette
  • Holy Sword of the Ark
  • Trident of the Covenant
  • Puppet Ripper
  • Frozen Feast
  • Two Dragons Sword

Crytpic Vessel
  • Rusty Cryptic Vessel
    Can be purchased from Polendina for 1,000 Ergo after you have handed the krat special supply box, which can be found in chapter 9.

    Inside Hermit's Cave, next to the spot where you first met Hugo the Explorer.
Ending 1 & 2: Rise of P and Real Boy
This part becomes relevant once you have defeated Laxasia the Complete. Before battling her, make sure you've done everything else (e.g. all the steps from chapters 1 through 11 and talking to all npc's).

Real Boy Ending
  • Defeat Laxasia the Complete
  • Talk to Sophia and choose "Give her Peace"
  • Proceed until you fight Simon, and defeat him
  • Lie to Simon about what you did with Sophia.
  • Go down the elevator and activate the Stargazer
At this point, close the game and back-up your save. This can be found in you files: Steam\steamapps\common\Lies of P\LiesofP\Saved. Make sure that you also have turned off the Steamcloud, otherwise you'll not be able to go back to your previous save file. Go to your Steamlibrary, right-click on "Lies of P" and click "Settings". Select the "Steamcloud" tab and turn it off
  • Enter the game, continue your playthrough and go to Gepetto
  • Choose to give him your Heart and watch the ending and the credits
  • When asked for NG+, choose CANCEL
  • You will be teleported back to the hotel. Go upstairs and read the note on Gepetto's desk and unlock "The Story of One Father" achievement
  • Go downstaris again and play the piano to unlock the "Pianist of Krat" achievement
Now overwrite your save with your backup save to get to the moment you see Gepetto again.

Rise of P Ending
  • Go to Gepetto and choose "Refuse" this time.
  • Fight against the Nameless Puppet. Once defeated you will receive the "The First Puppet" achievement
  • Watch the cutscene and credits.
  • When asked for NG+, choose CANCEL
  • You will be back at the Hotel
  • Go upstairs to the office, read the letter at the desk to unlock "The Story of the Blue Butterfly", pick up the Golden Lie weapon hanging at the portrait if you haven't already.
  • Go back downstairs to Hugo and buy the remaining Special weapons if you haven't already.
Playthrough 2: Achievements
After following all previous steps, you should only have 3 achievements left to unlock. These are:

Playthrough 2: Basics
To acquire the last 3 achievements, make sure to follow the following basics (detailed instructions can be found further in the guide)
  • Make sure to always tell the truth.
    Edit: Apperently, this is not completely necessary according to some sources. In my playthrough I told everyone the truth but accidentally lied to Simon about Sophia. I would however, tell everyone the truth just to be sure.

  • Make sure to buy the records, especially the first one from the Wandering Merchant in Cerasani Alley before you fight the Parade Puppet Boss, since he will not be available later in the game.

  • Make sure to do the Eugénie side quest and tell her the truth as well by killing Alidoro, deciphing the crypt and reading it before talking to her.

  • Find and talk to Subject 826 in the Arche Abbey Outer Wall and also open the stone gate. Find him, after defeating Laxasia The Complete, on the bridge above the Rosa Isabelle Street.

  • Don't give Sophia Peace after defeating Laxasia The Complete and entering her room.

  • Refuse to give Gepetto your heart
Chapter 1: Krat Central Station
  • Proposal, Flower, Wolf Part 1 (Golden)
    Cerasani Allery Stargazer: Buy it from the wandering Merchant for 6,000 Ergo before fighting the Parade Master Boss.
Chapter 2: Elyson Boulevard
  • Quixotic (Golden)
    Inside the House on Elysion Boulevard Stargazer: Buy it from the Wandering Merchant for 10,000
Chapter 4: St. Frangelico Cathedral
  • Alidoro the Hound
    In the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, head to the room with the golden globe. There is an elevator a little bit further in the room. After riding the elevator to the top floor, Alidoro will ask for a safe space. Tell him about Hotel Krat.
Chapter 7: Lorenzi Arcade & Grand Exibition
  • Shadow Flower (Golden)
    Lorenzini Arcade: Buy it from Wandering Merchant next to the fountain for 10,000 Ergo
Chapter 8: Barren Swamp
  • Hugo the Explorer
    In the Barren Swamps Bridge, before fighting the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster, you can meet up with Hugo the Explorer, who is standing next to a closed gate at the right side of the bridge. Interact with him and make sure to get all dialogue options.

  • Euginie
    After defeating the reborn champion, talk to Eugini. She will give you a pair of four fingered gloves. At the same time, Alidoro will move to the Barren Swamp, the area you are headed next.
    Once you meet him on your way, give him the gloves and get every dialogue option out of him. Return to Eugénie and tell her he hated the gloves.
Chapter 9: Krat Central Station (destroyed)
  • Memory of Beach (Golden)
    Abandoned Apartment Stargazer: Buy it from the Wandering Merchant in the apartment for 10,000 Ergos.
Chapter 10: Relic of Trismegistus
  • Alidoro the Hound 2
    After beating the black brotherhood again, you will meet Alidoro a little further up ahead. Get every dialogue option out of him and then kill him You will receive a crypit vessel. When you return to the hotel, you'll find Hugo the Explorer on Alidoro's spot, selling the exactly same ware as Alidoro. This only happens if you have met and talked to Hugo in the Barren Swamp (see continuation below)

  • Proposal, Flower, Wolf Part 1
    Once back in the hotel, make sure to first ask Venigni to decipther the crypic vessel and reading it. After this, talk to Eugenie. When asked, tell her that Alidoro was her older brother. Finish the dialogue. Now teleport to a different stargazer and then back to the hotel. Speak to Eugenie again and she will give you the record.
Chapter 11: Arche Abbey
  • Fascination (Golden)
    Estella Opera Entrance: Buy it from Subject 826. You first meet him in Arche Abbey Outer Wall, after riding down the elevator behind the elite boxer puppet and two traps. After talking to him, open the giant stone doors, which allow him to escape. After beating the next boss, he will have moved to the bridge above Rosa Isabella Street, where you found Julian the Gentlemans wife and beat the first Mad Clown Puppet Boss.
Chapter 0: Hotel Krat
  • Play every single record. You do not have to listen to the full song. SImply start at the top of the list and skip to every song until the achievement pops up.
Ending 3: Free From The Puppet String
This part becomes relevant once you have defeated Laxasia the Complete. Before battling her, make sure you've done everything else.

Free from the Puppet String Ending
  • Defeat Laxasia the Complete
  • Talk to Sophia and choose "Let her live"
  • Proceed until you fight Simon, and defeat him
  • Tell him the truth about Sophia.
  • Go down the elevator and activate the Stargazer
  • Go to Gepetto and choose "Refuse"
  • Fight against the Nameless Puppet.
  • After Gepetto's dialogue, the last achievement should pop up.
  • Watch the cutscene and credits. Make sure not to miss the trailer for the DLC.
Congrats, you have beaten Lies of P and acquired all achievements!
Комментариев: 42
meneerkronkel  [создатель] 20 авг в 23:56 
@Duckie, yes should be fine.
duckie 20 авг в 14:50 
puppet saber blade is sold out (just killed second main boss) is it ok if i grab it during ng+ - not sure why its sold out as i havent bought it
Martinx 3 авг в 14:19 
i lost the record "Why" can i get it in the NG+?
meneerkronkel  [создатель] 3 авг в 1:21 
@Martinx All required achievements can be found in the guide!
Martinx 1 авг в 21:50 
have any achviment about amulets?
meneerkronkel  [создатель] 31 июл в 10:26 
@Martinx You can listen to the records whenever you like, as long as you have listened to them all in the end to get the achievement.
Martinx 30 июл в 18:08 
hello, can i listen the records in the first playthrough?or i just can in the second one?thank you
meneerkronkel  [создатель] 8 июл в 12:53 
@lucca You're welcome!
lucca 7 июл в 22:35 
thanks for the guide, it was very useful !
Garbinog 29 мар в 13:13 