

SaberTierWaifu - Introduction to Haze by an average Haze enjoyer
作者: SaberTierWaifu
A kinda detailed Haze guide which doesn't cover builds but general playstyle. dak.gg to find builds.
Welcome to a how to Haze guide written by some random that played her one too many times.
(yes I have waifu problems)

Let's begin with:
What is Haze ?
Appart from being the best waifu after Wickline, Haze is a ranged mage dps with decent mobility, great poke and aoe damage.
She is also the owner of the best skin in the game Private Vacation Haze.
If you are looking to complement your champion pool with an artillery mage and you don't like Hyejin and nerf Aya, then Haze is the one for you (others are viable but not as cute).
Abilities rundown
Haze has a lot of skills but they are all pretty easy to understand.
She changes weapons for each skill and activates her passive with each change.
PS: writing this guide during maintenance, I don't remember the abilities names so I'll overlook the names.

AA = Auto-attack = left click on baddies
Q - Grenade launcher - Fwomp your enemies with an aoe long range damage skill, the center of the explosion will deal extra damage. Can stack two charges.

W - Shotgun - Haze will use her shotgun to stun enemies in a cone in front of her and make a small dash backwards. IMPORTANT: If used during E or R, it will reduce the cooldown (CD) of the skill by 20%. Dash doesn't go through walls.

E - Sub Machine Gun (Kelly is dead) - It is one of the 2 stance changes of Haze. In this form she dashes forward (1 cm) and can AA while moving, you will sometimes have to re-target in particular when casting out of range because the skill is a bit dumb. AAs deal close to no dmg, so if you're not chasing, cancel the skill quickly. You can cancel the skill by pressing E again (short delay before reactivation), casting W, R or Q. The latter will be replace by a short range burst fire, this will immobilise you for a second so be careful. Dash doesn't go through walls either.

R - BFG-10000 Rocket Launcher - Second stance change, Haze get her weapons case/rocket launcher and has 4 rockets. AA will be replace by a rocket that will deal aoe damage on hit in a cone behind the target, but it is rarely used for AA because the dmg is low and even if range is higher than normal AA it lacks compared to the other option which is gonna be the Q replacement (I'll call it RQ). Only use AAs when you can't hit your skillshots. RQ will fire a rocket in a straight line (skillshot) slow enemies hit and deal aoe dmg in a cone as well. This rocket will pierce through enemies and the cone dmg stacks and procs on every hit so the more packed enemies hit, the more aoe dmg ine the back. The skill reduces it's cooldown for each unused rocket so sheath this weapon when unnecessary.

T/Passive - Largest bait in human history aka Assault rifle (probably not the name of the skill and yes ult is called BFG-10000 trust) - When Haze changes weapon, her next AA will deal bonus dmg based on spell amplification (SAMP). This has a short window and a long windup so don't even try weaving AA betwin every spells, especially W. Just use it when waiting for CDs or after Q (it just work don't ask). A neat thing about it though is that you can bypass the windup with the AR weapon skill, overcoming the weakness of the skill but it only works once per fight.

D - AR Weapon Skill - Literally just an AA reset/passive quickener on Haze.

OK that was long so here are some of the main combos/rotations:

Fast EW to get around the map quickly is the main skill a Haze needs to learn.
EE for the same reason when W is down or unlearned.
W is very reactive so you can cast it really quickly and during other skills to peel for yourself when dove.
RQ-Flash (idk the name but it's flash trust as well) doesn't snapshot the rocket, it will fire at the starting location
QE(no wait)QW-AA to one-shot boars if enough damage.
For the love of god start E then W, you don't need to kill anything yet and W is a dash that reduces the other dash CD.
Early game plan
Early you number one goal is to complete 4-5 core items.
It is your weakest stage of the game, so try to complete it without fighting if possible.
Killing animals for leather shouldn't be done before at least 3 items to kill it with a full rotation or you are kinda just wasting time.
Once ult is unlocked you may look for cheesy kills on opponents weaker than you. Generally you'll have at least 4 items and you'll be able to burst them then chase/finish them with ult. Kills early are valuable in ranked for RP gains, and you'll delay the victim's build.

When your build is finished, you will have 2 options: group or split farm.
Haze isn't an early game characterr so a third option to look for early picks is complicated. If there is more than one enemy, or against most 1v1 characters, she'll lose most of the time.

- Group is pretty straightforward; just join you team and farm animals and/or look for picks and wait for meteorite/tree spawns to start the midgame. (And yes, I just wanted to use semicolons, idk if it's used properly but idc.)

- Split farming is my favorite option, especially in soloQ; Haze is extremely fast at clearing zones from animals. For this strategy, avoid highly contested areas like beach/alley/docks and start with less populated zones like stream/temple you want to wipe the zones from animals the fastest way possible to earn credits for the team. don't single out the mobs, regroup them with E or AA and multi-kill them with Q-EQ-W. If something is not on the way, the option to aggro it with ult is there, the CD is really short so don't hesitate to spam it for extra dps on bears.You'll usually want to clear 2 to 4 zones while pathing towards your teammates. EW is a great way to get around the map quicker even while getting your build.
Mid game plan
I don't know.

Really just stick to your team and use your long range at your advantage while fighting. You are really squishy so spliting isn't advised. You also have ♥♥♥♥ escape because you can't dash through walls. In teamfight neutral game, just poke with Q or RQ, both CDs are really short. R is a great engage/chase tool due to the slow. Just try to complete your legendary build. Each item is a good powerspike. Don't die. That's it. Try to keep flash for defensive use but don't hesitate to use it offensively if you aren't gonna get punished for it.
Late game
If you completed your legendary build, congratulations you are the Messiah, make fire rain from the sky.
If not don't worry the damage is still pretty good.
Face check with Q or RQ, it gives vision.
Your play style won't varry much from mid-game, except it is harder to stay alive.
Peel yourself with EW, good luck.
Try not wasting your W to move around the map anymore, it is your best defensive tool.
Pros/Cons and TLDR (lol)
- Nice damage
- Great neutral game
- Long range
- Some self-peel
- Decent mobility, especially in the early stages
- Short cooldowns
- High skill expression.

Cons (censored in fench, my language so idk how it will appear):
- Squishy (dies fast)
- No wall dash
- Vulnerable when W is down
- Has only 2 skins
- Probably some others but blinded by her beauty

TLDR: just don't play Haze, I'll take one for the team and play her for you.
Best playable waifu.
Note: Private vacation Haze best skin in the game.
1 件のコメント
khaled 2023年11月23日 13時33分 