Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Pure Nitrogen and Oxygen Separator (Space DLC NOT Required)
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4 Nov 2023 @ 11:16pm
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Pure Nitrogen and Oxygen Separator (Space DLC NOT Required)

This device does what is says, it separates nearly 100% pure nitrogen and oxygen from air. I say nearly because when looking at the tool tip, oxygen does show up for the nitrogen tank and vice versa, but I have never seen the number increase above 0.00 so practically speaking it is pure. Without the space DLC, this appears to be the only way to obtain pure oxygen without XML edited parts. Yes, this works WITHOUT THE SPACE DLC. The main uses I found for this are submarine related. First is that you need to scrub CO2 from the air, which this does. The second is that pure O2 is 5.5X more efficient when running engines. That is to say 1L of O2 burns 5.5x more fuel that 1L of air. It also produces significantly less exhaust.

How to use:
Press toggle button located near custom air tank (opposite side as N2 and O2 storage tanks). While the toggle button is on, the machine will continually start new filtration cycles. If the button is turned off, the machine will finish the current cycle then shut down.
NOTE: Power MUST be hooked up to the electric motor at the top, everything is is chained to that in a specific way as to avoid issues with the large power draw of the motor. Yes, it is a power hungry device.

What the device does in more detail:
It takes in Stormworks air, that is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, and separates the nitrogen, then the oxygen and stores them in pure form at up to 60atm of pressure. It then vents any excess CO2 and repeats the cycle. It generates approx. 900L of Oxygen per cycle, and each cycle drains about 2.5% of a large battery's charge. Oxygen per minute is around 1500L, Nitrogen generation is about 3500L per cycle and around 5000L per minute, but as it isn't incredibly useful (except maybe for blowing ballast) that isn't as important. Both gasses are stored at up to 60atm of pressure. None of the control logic is tied to the storage tanks, so feel free to swap them for large ones if needed, but there are unconnected pipes on both the nitrogen and oxygen storage line that can be easily tapped into, so adding more tanks is likely easier then replacing the built in ones.

How the device does what it does in detail:
It first fills a custom tank with air to ~59atm, then begins running that air through a centrifugal separator, which separates the nitrogen. The nitrogen is pumped into its corresponding tank and the unfiltered air is recirculated back into the separator. This solves the issue of not getting 100% of the nitrogen out when you separate it, as it can be ran through over and over until practically all nitrogen is filtered out. This continues until the amount of nitrogen left in the air tank is less than ~0.0001L, at which point the separator stops running, the nitrogen tank valve closes, and a purge valve and pump open on the filtered gas line to pull a vacuum and expel any nitrogen left in the pipes. This is done to ensure purity of the next gas to enter said pipes. Once the filtered gas pipes have been purged, the purge valve closes, the oxygen tank valve opens, and the separator starts up again. first it filters out the last <0.0001L of nitrogen (hence only nearly 100% pure) then once no nitrogen is left, oxygen is the heaviest gas and starts being filtered out by the separator, filling the oxygen tank. Once oxygen in the air tank is less than ~0.0001L, the oxygen tank valve is closed and the filtered gas line purges once again, followed by a purge of the CO2 which is left in the air tank. This is a complete cycle and takes about 40 seconds to occur. If the "on" signal is turned off, the current cycle will complete before the device shuts down, so if emergency stopping is something you require consider a relay to cut power. While the current way to start the machine is a button, it is an on'off signal wired right into the single micro controller so feel free to connect whatever you want. Spamming the on/off poses no risk as the machine basically checks if it is running, and if the on/off is true. If it isn't running and on/off is true, then it starts running and doesn't check again until an entire cycle is complete.

If you plan to iterate on this design or use it in a creation and post in on the workshop that's dope and please credit me.
5 Komentar
Father_Donavan  [pembuat] 27 Jan @ 1:55pm 
That's great to hear! Glad It could help
StarMiner99 5 Jan @ 3:45pm 
Thanks for the build and the explanation of it, it really helped us out to build a co2 scrubber for a space ship. (we'll credit you if we upload it)
Fox 5 Des 2023 @ 4:34pm 
Old filter have filtering :
fresh water
sea water
carbon dioxide
crude oil
saturated slurry
Father_Donavan  [pembuat] 13 Nov 2023 @ 9:11pm 
Unfortunately no. They got deprecated with the update, and while you can still get them, I don't believe they were updated to be able to filter specific gasses. I only looked at their UI and didn't do any testing to determine how they interact with the new gasses, but there was no option to filter gasses.
Kthurmsafran 12 Nov 2023 @ 11:09am 
do old fluid filters work for gas filtering ?