Lethal League

Lethal League

68 ratings
Please Learn This!
By Crafekster
Learn the Real fundementals and know exactly how to control the ball at high speeds. This guide will make you good because i want more good players!
Firstly, learn a character.
Lets just get this out of the way.

Press "EXTRA" and "HOW TO PLAY"
The instructions actualy change depending on your character, it doesnt fulfill absolutely every command the character has but its special atleast.

Now this guide isnt about character, its just a certainty for you to pick a comfortable character.
You are now about to get good.
Ok so i have been beating people left and right.
And that bores me, im abusing every element the game has given to me because i explored this thru Training.

So. I want YOU to get on Training and learn the fundementals im about to teach you that not even i understood at first but discovered later.

Here is a refrence picture.

The Doombox and High speed Balls

Alright, here is some basic fundementals.

On the image shown, you have a set of information that is actualy very important.
The number in the middle shows the speed of the ball.

It gets dangerous at around 100+
For every high precentage hit, it will give double more speed for every smash.

And a Smash move is the only way to build up speed.
You can call a charged up normal attack a Smash move also because that also has the same speed buildup as forward air.

A smash move is an air forward attack. Not an air neutral attack, but an air FORWARD attack.
This move builds up the speed of the ball but it is also the most predictable move to know where its arc will fly. It varies with character but its never random.

Most characters can change the arc and abuse it, Raptor especialy.

But now that you know what gives the speed of the ball...


Look back up at the image of this section.
There is another set of information.

You can see this yellow bar slowly going to red.
That bar will tell when the ball will fly out of your or opponents swing.

On training, get up to 400 or something ball speed and do a hit on it and watch the bars.
The moment it hits maximum it will fly out. You can use this in fights.

PLEASEOH PLEASE LEARN THIS! Watch the bars when the speed is around 100+

If both players would watch it, there would be some intense battles, but there is a way around constantly going in slowmotion.
Bunting and Meter building
You gain a meter for every hit you do to the ball. It is advised to come up with some kind of combo on the ball with your character to build meter fast.

This also makes your opponent go in the offencive seeing how you build meter.

Bunting the ball wont earn you meter, but hitting a bunted ball will earn you 2.
A combo where you bunt hit, bunt hit will earn you 4 meter in no time.
Some characters are great at it, some not so much. But every character has a way of manipulating its moves and make something out of it atleast.

If you bunted a ball and your opponent hits it, HE gains 2 meters. So use it wisely.

Forward Bunt will send the ball forward, while neutral bunt will send the ball stationary upwards.
Downwards bunt hits the ball into the ground and makes the ball bounce up and down directly vertical. This is actualy a legit move on high speed battles. Good versus candymans smash move.
Just a heads up that you may want to bunt the ball AWAY from your opponent.

A bunted ball in a high speed battle will not give a slowmotion hit.
So if you want to hit a very quick, non slowmotion high speed ball, you will want to bunt it FIRST then hit it. In order to hit a bunt on a high speed ball, go up one section.

Also, here is a pro tip:
It is usually smart to bunt a ball after it has been hit. So when you jump for a low speed ball which your opponent does the same, you will want to let HIM hit it, so you can bunt it. Bunting before hitting is gonna result in death.
Clash Guard
There is a very unimpactfull effect that does alot.
This took me by chance to learn about.

Dont you hate it when people jump at you while your in slowmotion and bunt/hit the ball RIGHT on you just when the ball got released?

There is a way to counter that and make him give distance. But requiers meter.

During Slowmotion hit, you can press the Bunt button to sacrifice all of your meter (doesnt matter how much) and any opponent hit/bunt during the slowmotion or a bit after on you will make the opponent clash and stagger. This will result in a kill. Versus good players, it makes them have to go to where the ball wil go in order to hit it, instead of stealing it from you. Note: The Guard happens only when he hits it while the blue circle flashes around the ball. So time your bunt press in prediction or else you waste meter.

This is more of a defencive move to prevent anyone from stealing your ball. I belive this is very good on free for all.

Last Pro Tips
So with this Knowledge, you will always want to not steal the ball, but rather learn the angles of each characters attacks and act acordingly.

You will also learn when someone bunts your high speed ball, this takes a bit of anticipation to counter. You will know when you bunt high speed balls and hit back, and get countered. While getting high speed bunted and learning to react to it.

Stealing a bunted ball is proper, it is allready difficult Guarding a quick speed ball so in many cases they wont parry high speed balls. But you CAN guard even speed 8 balls. It requiers piano like press between the hit and the bunt button.

Learn to Combo the ball with your character. You will need to provoke your opponent. Its a win win scenario when you want him provoked, if not you gain free meter.

Let him combo sometimes. The opponents meter building is predictable to start off with. The real fight starts 50+. I say this because alot of people make mistakes fighting upclose on low speed balls. Swinging an allready swung ball then miss it only to get hit because of recovery in animation.

Close Range fighting and Long range fighting is two different things.
Close range is very quick and hectic and sometimes relies on luck.
Long range is letting your opponent build up but gives you a nice awareness of what he is doing.

I prefer Long range, but jump onto close range tactics for sudden hange of pace.

Actual Focus
On some fighting games, its about learning to play the character of the offence. Where the defence is learning to defend against the opposing character.

In league there is another layer.

And that layer is having the least amount of mistakes.
Try and do as little mistakes. 50% at the time without the tought of not doing mistakes are your losses and because of you, not the opponent. The less mistakes YOU make, the more you win.

So try and identify when it was your action that got you killed or not.
Its uplifting cus then the only one to blame is you :P
The Zegger 24 Mar, 2018 @ 7:23am 
As already told, this guide is a basic for begginers of begginers. Even if I play this game for a long time already (and I just bought the game), I didn't even know about countering and bunting - swinging giving two meters. Not just basic guide but literally "LEARN THIS" guide. Obligatory for every player.
FilipinoFood 22 Feb, 2015 @ 5:15pm 
Crafekster  [author] 21 Feb, 2015 @ 5:17pm 
FilipinoFood 19 Feb, 2015 @ 12:03pm 
G_M 17 Feb, 2015 @ 6:05am 
Rikkert 16 Feb, 2015 @ 3:45am 
Very good guide. Little did I know. :dswilson: Thank you so much ;)
Aya Shameimaru 15 Feb, 2015 @ 10:51pm 
NewFoundAbility 2 Nov, 2014 @ 7:50pm 
Rub3z 11 Oct, 2014 @ 3:13pm 
Yogoat 14 Sep, 2014 @ 5:22pm 