guide to advanced psm
由 Unusedmetal74 制作
this guide is for people who are new to post stall moves up to advanced moves where you can teleport
what this is and how to psm
for those who dont know what a psm is, it is a move where if you are under 500 speed in specific planes you can turn really fast, to explain how to do it for new players
step 1: under 500 speed
step 2: let off controls for a sec (stop turning)
step 3: press accelerate and decelerate buttons at the same time
step 4; pull up on the plane quickly after step 3
(if you are stalling try pressing the accelerate button)
easy as pie (it can be very difficult)

anyway the reason that i am creating this is because there is not a consensus in ac7 that i have seen that yet (in english) classifies the things you can do with psm in the game, being the very nice individual i am i will put it on myself to try and classify psm moves as well as teach people "new" to the game how to do them. this is split into a few parts that just go over moves and it might be just garble but i write anyway because someone has to do it.

also for fun i will rate how i feel about the moves on a scale of 1-10 because i want to and no one can stop me (mad with power)

i will post examples when i want. (i dont know how to upload videos so i cant)
normal post stalls
firstly there are normal post stall maneuvers that will unlock your camera from your plane so that you can shoot an opponent by just spinning at them, this type of post stall maneuver is typically only used with planes that can do a full post stall because it is not as useful with the limited angle that is available with the half post stall of planes like the mig-29. this maneuver is not as useful with missiles because the inaccuracy that is granted, while using it as missiles in ace combat 7 they will carry over their momentum from their momentum of the plane leading to over and under shooting if not used intentionally to hit a target, therefor normal post stall maneuvers are best used when paired with weapons that do not carry momentum from the plane like the plsl or projectiles that move fast enough to overcome this skew because of the planes velocity like the eml/ using the gun. of course this being a purely offensive move makes it so that this is best used when there is already an advantage gained over other opponents where they cant shoot you down and is best not to use in multiplayer matches with large numbers of players that could shoot you due to low speed, while there are much better alternatives to the normal basic post stall the draw of this maneuver is the ease at which it is accessible to preform in matches as well as the ability for anyone to pretty easily pull off the maneuver. overall not that interesting but it has its use cases i would rate it a solid 4/10
super post stalls
the next post stall maneuver that can be pulled is a super maneuver, it is a very strong maneuver that can be used in an offensive and defensive manor however it does require a plane that can do a full psm to pull off, a super maneuver is a move that consist of doing a post stall then turning the plane 90 degrease perpendicular from the loop you would have done/ your starting velocity, what this does is it removes the normal restriction of locking in your momentum to the original direction in a post stall letting you enter a state of temporary super maneuverability where you get the turning rate of a post stall while retaining the ability to turn like a normal plane, hence the name super maneuver because it literally just increases the capabilities of your plane for a few loops. this maneuver is best used when a burst of speed can be applied to get into an opponents blind spot letting worse planes out maneuver better planes for a short period of time, it actually increases the speed of the plane so much in fact that it could look like the other plane is sitting still if preformed correctly (insert joke about jojo or turning the pilot to mush because of g force). the down sides of this maneuver is that to enter the state of temporary super maneuvering though it is first needed to get within the range to preform a post stall maneuver meaning if cannot be pulled in the event of a chase that goes at high speeds meaning the dog fight that you are in must first be going slow for you to pull of this maneuver for maximum effectiveness, as well the maneuver also takes a small amount of set up time for it to activate so it can not be used "on a dime" to dodge a missile without a small amount of foresight on the half of the player preforming the maneuver to quickly dodge missiles with it. one last thing to note with this maneuver if the fact that the velocity of the plane is carried over to the missiles making it difficult to aim in not accounted for during the maneuver.
overall this maneuver is the bread and butter of psm fights at the most basic level and can easily dominate anyone flying at low speeds who cannot psm or preform similar maneuvers, i would rate this move an 8.5/10 it is overall a great maneuver and can be used in almost any scenario with mild ease to pull off however it has the trade off of decreasing aim so it is best used for defense or repositioning unless with elm/ using gun.
chain post stalls
a chain post stall is the act of starting a post stall, turning 90 degrease or less, canceling the post stall (done most simply by going nose down for a sec), and starting a new one before your momentum gets reset. this act of going under 90 degrease in a post stall and starting a new one keeps the momentum of the plane going in the same direction without deviation as well as letting you get past the restriction of partial post stall planes like the mig-29 where they can only go up to 90 degrease post stall before stalling out because of lack of thrust vectoring ( note , if the post stall goes over 90 and continues on then the momentum of the plane will start to drift back to the direction that the plane is facing, for example super maneuver's have this happen and so do kulbits where the plane drifts around its velocity back to the direction of the plane). the use for a chain post stall is that it lets you maneuver in a direction while facing a different one meaning that you can attack and defend at the same time. needless to say this is one of the strongest maneuvers available in the game as well as being the most complex, if you have ever witnessed someone flying backwards in ace combat, that is actually a form of chain psm!!! the use case for a chain psm is firstly when you want to create distance between you and your opponent which can be valuable as it gives you time to think as well as getting you a better angle of attack letting you turn the tides if you are losing a turn fight or in a super maneuver, secondly a chain psm is used when you are using a plane that cannot do full post stalls at a replacement for the super maneuver in high intensity battles out of necessity as half psm planes simply cannot preform these maneuvers making it imposable if you do not use them to get nose on when someone else is using a super maneuver because they are just going to be going to fast for you to normally turn into them.thirdly a chain psm is usually used when a "missile flick" is going to be preformed because of the consistency of direction with a chain psm allowing the player to judge velocity easier allowing for higher accuracy. (i will elaborate on this but a missile flick is the act of controlling the missile that is fired based off of things like tracking, plane velocity vs direction, and where the missile fires out of the plane) with a chain psm being a advanced maneuver it is difficult to control however it is possible to change the direction of momentum without changing the direction of your plane, with just your acceleration!!!!!! a stall can be used to shift the direction of your plane and then quickly the chain psm can be restarted if preformed fast enough, and as well the same is true with using the acceleration of your plane to change your direction instead of a stall ,if your planes acceleration is allowed to take control for a moment then your planes velocity can be changed and your plane reset to the original position after starting another post stall while your velocity is now different. overall this maneuver is exceedingly strong and easily deserves a 10/10 rating on how effective it can be, however it is the second most difficult maneuver that i know can be preformed in ac7 and when messed up it can either leave you exceedingly exposed to enemy attacks and stall you out, or just crash you into the ground, as well while the skill cap of this maneuver is high and it can absolutely dominate every lobby, even in a plane like the mig-29 , it also has a crazy high skill floor for it to be useful (for those who have tried to do a post stall maneuver and immediately got shot down you know what im talking about) therefor it is needed to understand post stalls and how to consistently pull them off before use of chain psm. because of this i will give chain post stalls a 8/10 as a general rating.
missile flicking
the next post stall mechanic is a missile flick, this (like previously stated in chain psm) is the act of controlling your missiles based off of where they fire and your velocity in a psm. the way that this is preformed is typically with chain psm however it can be preformed with supers as well is normal psm, the way to missile flick is to post stall in a direction that the enemy is going to go (have your velocity in the same direction as where they are going) this will then flick the missile ahead of your plane and is like throwing a curve ball to try and hit someone ahead of you. this technique is mainly offensive as it lets you hit players that you do not have good angles on, however it can also be used defensively in psm fights to cover flanking positions that could leave you venerable. as well some form of missile flick is always needed when in a psm fight because your velocity always carries over from a psm to your missile and if this is not accounted for you will not be able to hit any of your shots. also to properly missile flick it is a necessity to count if you are shooting the missile from the left or right of your plane as a missile flick works off of the angle that the missile flies out of your plane in different ways, (ex: a missile that is fired from the left of your plane will have a steeper angle to the enemy if they are on the right then if they are on the left) if a missile flick is done properly your accuracy will increase greatly and you can gain an advantage in any jousting match you find yourself in because your missiles will have a better angle then people who do not account for the angle it is fired out of the plane. one special technique that can be done with this is the firing of missiles without tracking which are useful as they do not show up on the enemy mini map. this move is moderate go get a hang of and will change combat in your favor even when you are not in a psm fight, it can be hard to understand how missile flicks will fire when in supers though so it is best not to use them unless it is with an angle that has been previously experimented with, one more fun maneuver you can preform with missile flicks is stalling out to stop them from happening (due to your velocity being canceled), firing a missile, and then going back into a chain psm so that you can get a missile that goes almost perfectly straight then continue your flight path. overall the skill floor of this maneuver is relatively low as when you miss a missile flick nothing happens because you just dont hit however the skill cap is also high and overall i would say the best way to get better at missile flicking is to just experiment with angles and speeds to see what works, this is a great maneuver and needs to be used when in a psm fight, because it has no down sides and only offers a great advantage to the player to use i would say that this is a easy 10/10 move and needs to be learned by every player.
straight super
the last and most complex maneuver that i know about is the straight super psm which is a move like the super in how it gives super maneuverable capabilities however it is derived from a chain psm, the way that this is preformed is the use of spiraling in a chain psm when canceling and restarting, this shifts the weight of the plane around and for some reason changes your direction without a change in speed, this lets you instantly turn in a chain psm without loss of speed from fighting your own momentum instead just shifting it, this move is by far the most impressive thing to look at because it makes turning speed in a plane almost irrelevant in used properly and can lead to some crazy missile flicks as plane speed can accumulate easily if this maneuver is done properly,( this can break the max speed by a few hundred sometimes for natural acceleration of the plane) in a few cases this is used to fire missiles that are either still in the air or fly backwards leading to insane tracking better then even qaams. this is the strongest form of maneuvering in the game and can be used independently of a plane being able to do a partial psm or a full psm, as well it can make your player go so fast that it can actually outspeed the net code of the game and teleport if done at a high level (this is because it looks like it tries to make up for internet with momentum of planes and this move breaks that)!!!! this move has all the pitfalls of a chain psm though, a high skill floor as well as if it is failed you will be left vulnerable also a few turns are needed to build up speed, overall it is by far the strongest move in ac7 and will absolutely destroy anyone if used properly, wished it was easier to use (its painfull to get a hang of) but because of just how strong it is i will give this maneuver a rating of 7/10 because it is not usually used and therefor not usually needed to fight back.
final words
i just started typing without looking back to edit what i wrote (im not in a English class so i dont care too much, this is now my pickle for the knowing ones) anyhow if anyone has any more sections they would like to add that they feel i missed just tell me and i will try to add it i guess, i want to keep adding moves because i like ace combat and i want to do cool stuff and have plane fights with people.

good day to you and good luck to anyone who actually read the giant block of rambling text that i just posted.
5 条留言
Karsara 12 月 5 日 下午 11:12 
You know I recently picked up and played through Project Wingman a few times and its REALLY hard to get back into PSM in Ace 7 since the AOA limiter is just so dang user friendly, there are alot of things PW does really well and there are alot of things Ace Combat does really well but unfortunately PSM is not one of them.
wazzap 12 月 4 日 下午 12:23 
You should add some screenshots or videos to help people. Just typing won't do anything.
Mimzy 8 月 24 日 上午 8:34 
jesus im not- thats a lot of reading man
epicgamer 2023 年 11 月 27 日 下午 5:07 
could I ask what "this is now my pickle for the knowing ones" means? this phrase doesn't really work, rephrasing it might be a good idea.
Nemo9142 2023 年 11 月 1 日 上午 11:10 
not the best but you tried, thumbs up for the effort