마블 어벤져스 완전판

마블 어벤져스 완전판

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"Well. Another game finished. It wasnt great but shame it got delisted. I've kinda enjoyed beating main campaign. Yes."
댓글 3
Rysanlos 2023년 11월 7일 오후 12시 10분 
Technically you only finished the first part, you must play the others 3 parts to continue the storyline
Pavlus 2023년 10월 30일 오전 1시 42분 
Precisely, main story was ok, I have played it on Gamepass :)
Silverio 2023년 10월 29일 오전 10시 14분 
You can play the DLCs with the archer girl and archer man and continue the story, but it ends with "okay?". The main story was okay. Yes.