Lethal Company

Lethal Company

79 oy
Equipment Guide
Driker tarafından
A guide explaining the standard equipment available in game.
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Survival Gear
This stuff is your bread and butter equipment.
  • Walkie-Talkie – A radio used to communicate between players. Requires power and needs to be switched on to use. Monsters will hear it's audio, so it can be dropped to lure things away' more likely though will just get you killed when that crewman blowing up his toilet leaves his mic on. Invaluable if you intend to keep a player watching the team from the console.

  • Flashlight – a cheap and semi-reliable way to navigate the very dark buildings you will be running around defecating your pants in! Requires power and drains it fairly quickly, so make sure flick it on and off.

  • Pro-Flashlight – A slightly more expensive, slightly heavier, but overall superior flashlight! It's brighter, covers a wider area and can be flicked on and off rapidly. Requires power.
Specialized Gear
Specialized equipment for specialized jobs.
  • Lockpicker – An automated lock pick. Attach to a locked door and wait a minute for it to work. Useful if you can't find keys, but at 16 lbs it can get cumbersome to keep on you at all times.

  • Boombox – A blue boombox that plays various songs. Useful for placing at dungeon entrances to find your way back or distracting local fauna. Requires Power.

  • TZP-Inhalant – A combination of space amphetamines and helium. Will make you very fast, very slippery and very silly sounding. Container has limited quantity so use sparingly.

  • Jet-pack – It's a freaking jet-pack! Useful for crossing gaps, but is somewhat slow and unwieldy. More often than not, you'll be using this to do front flips and explode hilariously. Requires Power.

  • Radar Booster – A heavy piece of scouting equipment that benefits teams that keep someone on the ship. Activate and place down somewhere in a dungeon to improve the console's view of the area. Has to be selected as if it's a player on console and can be pinged to generate noise from the terminal. Surprisingly doesn't require power.

  • Key – A small metal key that can be found during missions. Will instantly unlock any locked door and destroy the key.

  • Laser Pointer - Must be located on salvage runs. A small laser light with an orange-red beam. Can be point at people's faces to annoy them, or dropped while powered on to mark a corridor, however the beam doesn't travel very far. Requires power.

  • Spray Paint - A can a colored paint that can be used to draw funny pictures. More importantly can be used to mark doors and hallways to avoid getting lost! [Limited use]

  • Extension Ladder – A box containing a deployable ladder. The ladder pops out and leans against objects or falls across gaps. Incredibly useful for making shortcuts or crossing pits. Try to avoid standing under it when it deploys as it can kill you.
Offensive Gear
This is what you get instead of a shotgun.
  • Shovel – A piece of metal on a stick! Use this for smacking smaller fauna in the face until they either die or you get tired and flee. Larger creatures like Eyeless Dogs and Forest Giants will just eat you.

  • Stop-Sign – An octagonal piece of metal on a stick! Aim at smaller creatures and swing for the bleachers!

  • Yield-Sign – While this triangular sign typically means you should allow others to pass, I highly recommend you instead beat them with it!

  • Stun Grenade – Currently the safest way to stun the majority of creatures in game for a few seconds. Useful in a pinch for making a quick getaway, just make sure to actually throw it after activating it!

  • Zap Gun – A large clunky taser. On use, will attempt to auto-lock the nearest entity and then electrocute them until it runs out of power or you click again. Note that it will also lock on to players. VERY useful for locking down an enemy while your friends beat it with a shovel. Requires Power.
Ship Equipment
Upgrades you may or may not want for your ship.
  • Loud Horn – A deafeningly loud horn for your ship. Primary uses include annoying the hell out of your friends, letting them know it's time to leave, or just an easy way to guide them back. Will also draw the attention of hostile creatures in the area, so be weary about that.

  • Teleporter – A teleporter that can be used from the console. When targeting a player from the terminal, hitting the red button will teleport them or their corpse back to the ship at the cost of them dropping all of their items.

  • Inverse Teleporter – Functions in a similar manner to the teleporter, in which I mean it does the exact opposite! Press the attached button on the terminal and then step into the teleporter to be randomly sent somewhere in the map. NOTE: You will drop all items you had on you when you teleport, so this upgrade is less a way to save money and more a way to add difficulty.

  • Signal Translator – A terminal attachment that allows players to broadcast text messages to everyone. Good for alerting other players to the time without putting them at risk to sound sensitive monsters. [From the terminal, type transmit and then your text]

Cosmetic Items
Mostly useless trinkets to find or spend your money on. There be memes here.
  • Table – Hand crafted by a space Australian with a gambling addiction and two left hands, it's true purpose forever kept hidden by an unknown organization tasked with safekeeping such knowledge. It will carry your burdens, but do not dare question it further.

  • TV – A small television bearing the markings of an unknown manufacturer. Lacks any visible source of power supply, but still powers on when interacted with by it's chosen victims. When activated, will show a series of esoteric children's shows staring a cast of unknown humanoids working for some entity known only as “The Company”. If subjects watch the broadcasts for long enough, ██ ████ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ██ ███ ████

  • Toilet – A Nanotrasen brand portable toilet. Fully functional with a built in cosmic transported for ferrying away your business without the use of pipes. They say that if you put your ear to it, you can hear the sound of Todd Howard speaking.

  • Cozy Lights – A strangely expensive set of outdoor string lights. Changes the mood in the ship and will manage to stay powered on despite lightning strikes. No, you can't take them with you to make a trail from the ship. Stop asking!

  • Shower - A functional single person shower stall. If you spend alot of time on social media, you likely don't know what this is used for.

  • Jack o Lantern - A carved pumpkin that laughs at your attempts to harm it.

  • Clown Horn – Must be located on salvage runs. For properly praising the Honk Mother! Honk Honk Henk Hrnk!

  • Air Horn - Must be located on salvage runs. For annoying your crew mates and the local wildlife. Has a secret function if you spam it in front of the company sales desk.

  • Remote Control - Must be located on salvage runs. For scaring the hell out of the person in the ship! Active to flick the lights in the ship on and off from anywhere in the map. Do NOT attempt to use this with the TV.

  • Gold Fish - A pet goldfish in a bowl! Surprisingly will not attempt to murder you!

  • Green Suit – A stylish green space suit. No frills or thrills, but does the job and fits like a glove.

  • Hazard Suit – A yellow hazmat variation of the space suit. Adorned with a hazard symbol and gives you added protection when encountering any Green Lanterns. [You never will]

  • Pajama Suit – A cozy blue and polka dot suit. Let the rest of your team know that you never intend to leave the ship with this cotton carapace!

15 Yorum
The Mighty Matador 24 Ara 2023 @ 23:05 
Very helpful, thanks!
Sauce 16 Kas 2023 @ 16:23 
how do you get the hazard suit and is it perma???
NNikolaiii 12 Kas 2023 @ 15:05 
they added the inverted or inverse? teleporter! so maybe update le guide :)
Driker  [yaratıcı] 10 Kas 2023 @ 10:16 
You know you're doing something mildly decent when lazy people copy your work!
Molly 8 Kas 2023 @ 19:20 
Hey check it out your guide was so nice that you got plagiarized a little bit: https://steamsplay.com/all-equipment-and-gear-in-lethal-company/
Sheiknightfire 7 Kas 2023 @ 21:36 
What does the remote do. We found one and it can turn off the lights on the ship but can it turn off turrets?
Chi Ken 4 Kas 2023 @ 19:31 
Death, no.
Fired, Yes.

Same with ANY purchased items, as long as they are on the ship, they are not lost if you die (but are if fired).
aiko 4 Kas 2023 @ 15:35 
Are ship upgrades like the teleporter lost upon death, like if you fail to meet your quota and die and restart? I just worked my way to the teleporter and I don’t wanna find that out by experiencing it lol
Science Team Member 3 Kas 2023 @ 21:25 
Based Nanotrasen fan and honkmother acolyte.
charlie 1 Kas 2023 @ 17:06 
should also note that the pro flash is 5lb compared to the ordinary flashlight's 0lb, so it's not just a straight upgrade outside of cost