Space Engineers

Space Engineers

50 人が評価
引力引擎 | Gravity Engine
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Other
19.802 MB
2023年10月21日 4時33分
2023年10月27日 5時20分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

引力引擎 | Gravity Engine

寂语不言丶 作成の 1 件のコレクション
10 アイテム
简介 | Intro

这是一个可内置的推进器,没有火焰伤害,可以减少船只表面的推进器( 推进器太多都不知道咋整外观 )



Now you can hide most of your thrusters!

This thruster has no flames and will not cause any damage to the armor, you can put it inside your ship.
(My ship has too many thrusters, so I made this MOD to hide some of them to make the ship look better)

There would be more thrust on a planet with an atmosphere.

The number and weight of parts were adjusted, and the 2x and 4x versions were deleted

详细信息 | detailed information

名称 | name
功耗 | power dissipation
推力(行星) | Thrust (planet)
推力(太空) | Thrust (space)
Gravity Engine (large)
2.4 MW
648 kN
264.2 kN
Gravity Engine (small)
600 kW
96 kN
43.2 kN

其他 | Other


If you want to see this mod in a public server, like and subscribe. Mods with higher ratings have more reason to be added to public servers.


If you have any suggestions please contact me directly, I will make corresponding modifications according to the actual situation.

寂语不言丶 2023
此产品不授权在 Steam 上发布,除非在 Steam 帐户 [寂语不言丶] 下.

This product is not authorized for release on Steam, except under this Steam account :[寂语不言丶]
8 件のコメント
Z3R0 8月3日 11時42分 
If i could make any request it would be to have a variation of shapes to this block
Stavrozium 7月8日 4時18分 
I really do like this mod, as it allows you to build larger ships,
without turning them into "fireballs of thruster exhausts".

The biggest problem i have with this mod is that they are VERY cheap;
the new "gravity engine" components cost the same type of resources,
as vanilla gravity components, but much less resources, in total.

The simplest solution would be to adjust the cost of the gravity engine components,
to at least include platinum; and make them a lot more expensive,
so that they cost about the same as (or more than) 1 gravity + 1 thruster component.
This way, their cost is more balanced, for the "end game thrusters" that they are.
Malpherian 7月5日 1時53分 
And this one.
VivaVii 4月20日 22時10分 
What's the recipe? I imagine these need to be expensive. Could you make a version that works like ions on planets?
Rezun 2023年10月23日 10時50分 
Yeah, I use the Gravity Engineers mod a lot and I use mainly x4. The x1 seems a bit too weak. X4 is not OP, as it uses a lot of power.
Rekalty 2023年10月22日 6時17分 
I see, thank you for the quick reply. I think I'll stick with the old version then, the 2x and 4x engines were very useful for compact ships.
寂语不言丶  [作成者] 2023年10月22日 6時14分 
The number and weight of parts were adjusted, and the 2x and 4x versions were deleted
Rekalty 2023年10月22日 6時04分 
There is no details in the change notes, so I'm not sure how this is different from the previous mod: