Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

39 évaluations
A Comprehensive TF2 Guide to Becoming a Valuable Medic
De Kyle
As a Medic in Team Fortress 2, you play a pivotal role in the success of your team. Your healing abilities can turn the tide of battle and ensure the longevity of your teammates. This guide will help you become a valuable Medic, focusing on both survivability and effective healing.
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10 Simple Steps
1. Prioritize Healing:

Your primary focus is healing. Keep an eye on your teammates' health and prioritize those in immediate danger.
Overheal teammates to give them an advantage in battles. Learn to distribute your healing efficiently.

2. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings:

Maintain map awareness to avoid surprise attacks. Communication is crucial; relay enemy positions and threats to your team.
Use the 'Medic call' command (E by default) to notify teammates when your Ubercharge is ready.

3. Build Ubercharge Wisely:

Build your Ubercharge by healing damaged teammates. Prioritize healing classes with high damage potential, such as Demomen or Soldiers.
Save your Ubercharge for crucial moments, such as breaking through enemy defenses or countering an enemy Ubercharge.

4. Positioning and Mobility:

Stay near cover and use it to your advantage. Avoid unnecessary risks and exposure to enemy fire.
Be aware of enemy Spies; check your back frequently and communicate suspicious activity with your team.
Use the Syringe Gun to defend yourself when necessary but prioritize healing over combat.

5. Communication:

Constantly communicate with your team. Inform them of your Ubercharge status, enemy positions, and the overall situation.
Build a relationship with a reliable pocket (a player who consistently stays near you for protection) for increased survivability.

6. Build a Loadout That Suits Your Playstyle:

Experiment with different Medigun variants based on your team's needs. The stock Medigun is versatile, but the Kritzkrieg and Quick-Fix have situational advantages.
Choose a secondary and melee weapon that complements your playstyle. The Ubersaw is a popular choice for the Ubercharge building bonus.

7. Master the Art of Surfing:

Learn how to surf damage by riding explosive jumps from teammates. This skill can save your life and help you escape dangerous situations.

8. Watch Professional Players:

Watch competitive TF2 matches to learn from experienced Medics. Observe their positioning, decision-making, and how they manage Ubercharges.

9. Adapt to the Situation:

Assess the situation and adapt your playstyle accordingly. Sometimes it's better to hold your Ubercharge, and other times it's crucial to pop it early for survival.

10. Practice and Patience:

Becoming a proficient Medic takes practice. Be patient with yourself, learn from your mistakes, and continuously strive to improve your skills.
9 commentaires
wutten 24 mai à 18h20 
chatgpt but still quite useful
TEHEPICDUK4 27 oct. 2023 à 10h35 
pop uber
Ankle Dane #FixTf2 26 oct. 2023 à 1h41 
Medi Gun on offense and defense. use on explosives classes when the enemy has small room to escape, otherwise dont be afraid to uber the shotgun wielding classes. Only use Kritzkrieg on defense as a delaying tool or with a tryhard pocket (but dont do that). quickfix when your team is constatly taking damage but having the space to fall back to you. Vaccinator against bots or when the enemy stacks classes.
seriously. do not underrestimate scout and engineer as a patient. an overheal on a scout makes him even more dangerous. when an engineer is using the frontier justice and has crits or is using the widowmaker and seems like a good player, those are your healing targets. especially since engineer is the most important class at stalling.
also spy is the best class to kritz krieg on a game where the objective is not constantly being capped.
A Motivated Man 25 oct. 2023 à 0h41 
What's this? An actual helpful Steam guide for once? While I am an experienced Medic this will do wonders for newbies, so godspeed son.
ianguzfi1 23 oct. 2023 à 19h09 
i thought this was a joke guide but its helpful
Cheese69 #fixtf2 23 oct. 2023 à 7h09 
11/10 everything id want to tell a newer medic mains
Starry 22 oct. 2023 à 10h16 
very helpful guide
10/10 :steamhappy:
nick 21 oct. 2023 à 15h14 
@+ EKJMNY45 but crossbow is cooler
+ EKJMNY45 21 oct. 2023 à 8h58 
can all medic players pls just use medigun instead of crossbow after they miss the 198th bolt when im standing still
ty ty much love