Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Nedostatek hodnocení
Global War 1936 v4.1
Přidat do oblíbených
Odebrat z oblíbených
Type: Game
Complexity: High Complexity
Number of Players: 3, 4, 5, 6
Play Time: 30 minutes, 60 minutes
Language: English
Velikost souboru
3.704 MB
12. říj. 2023 v 10.14
3. čvn. v 18.32
Poznámky ke změnám (2) – zobrazit

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Global War 1936 v4.1

This version of Global War 1936 is set up for version 4.1. Numerous changes have been made from our version 4 mod, which have been designed to bring more information to the table, make building units easier, and even to create some ambience by adding a music player. H/T to Guthix for carrying most of the water on this version.
Počet komentářů: 1
kandtcarroll  [autor] 3. čvn. v 18.32 
Tons of updates, mostly the work of Guthix. Enjoy!