Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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"Chancla" replace for tonfa
Dibuat oleh Roku - cuenta vieja
This is a request for my friend Corvus. You can support me on Patreon and get a custom melee! https://www.patreon.com/rokul4d2mods This flip-flop or "chancla" like we say in Latin America :P replaces the tonfa and the HUD icon of the weapon. This addon use...
"Damaged Outro" Fix
Dibuat oleh мяFunreal
Originally, this model was all sorts of messed up. TLS did fix some of it. As of writing this new description, the vanilla car is still driving straight ahead into the car waiting off screen. This mod modified the escape animation, giving the car spinning ...
Bandera Argentina
Dibuat oleh Astolfo-chan
Hola La bandera de Argentina reemplaza el palo de golf Mod base ...
Camioneta de Telecentro y Unidad Móvil de Canal 26
Dibuat oleh El Dallas 1999
Porque la Workshop necesita mas mods de Argentina papaaaaa! Reemplaza las numerosas furgonetas blancas del juego por camionetas de la empresa de cable Telecentro. Ademas como yapa, el móvil de TV que sale en el 4to mapa de la campaña "Death Toll" / "Toque ...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Dibuat oleh Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Colectivo linea 242
Dibuat oleh YTramiro
Llego el bondi muchachos... Otro mod argentino mas, ahora el bondi / colectivo / bus 242 Si alguno quiere usarlo para un mapa o mod, tiene permiso siempre y cuando de créditos tags ignorar: Arg L4D2 Left 4 Dead 2 Argentina Argento Bus Colectivo Micro Sube ...
Coloured Outro/Ending Titles for all Campaigns
Dibuat oleh Big Boss
Changes all the campaign titles that play in the ending credits to these coloured ones, example images above. The Last Stand and Cold Stream not included, since those campaigns already have a coloured outro title. 23.6.2023 MAJOR OVERHAUL: All the titles h...
Crowbar - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
Una de las herramientas mas usadas en videojuegos y una de las mas dificiles de encontrar en una ferreteria argentina...
CSGO M9 Bayonet [Reborn]
Dibuat oleh 󠀡󠀡
Remade version of my original M9 Bayonet mod Replaces the Combat knife //CSS KNIFE Includes Original Model Original Animations Original Textures Original Sound RNG Textures (Random Knife Skins each map.) Credits Me (Porting Model, Animations, Textures) Me ...
Dame Calor Death music
Dibuat oleh Patoruzitomeh
Te moris y suena Pensamientos de la banda mas querida de la argentina, Callejeros. ...
Detailed Rusty Jerrycans, Propane and Oxygen Tanks
Dibuat oleh miztaegg
A set of Jerrycans, propane canister and oxygen tank reskins. Texture resolutions boosted to 1024px completed with custom normal maps and shader settings....
Diego Maradona Replaces Coach
Dibuat oleh Thomas Hallam [GBR]
Heroes, your Victory will be forever Remembered in our Hearts. Also coming to fight for Argentina is one the country's most beloved Football Figures and the Driving Force behind Argentina's 2nd World Cup Win back in 1986, Diego Maradona and he along with M...
El Pepe magnum
Dibuat oleh Patoruzitomeh
No hace falta agregar video, ya saben que es. Disparas y suena "El Pepe" ...
Enano - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
el enano con camiseta de bokitaaa re picante re fachero...
Enhanced Water Reflections
Dibuat oleh Theuaredead`
This is an official reupload of this addon, I've gotten permission from the original creator to reupload this. This mod is in an AS-IS State, and will not be updated, be aware of bugs. Original Description: Enables a good unused feature of the Source engin...
Ete Sech Pistols Sound
Dibuat oleh Patoruzitomeh
Una dice Ete La otra dice Sech De los creadores de la "Magnum El Pepe", les presentamos la siguiente arma con sonidos de memes insoportables. ...
Gas Pimienta- Bokita Juniors
Dibuat oleh Tio Javi
El Gas pimienta de boca usado en 2015 remplaza a la bomba de vomito de boomer...
HD Interface, HD Textures for UI
Dibuat oleh Baba Zina
Original L4D2 User Interface is fine, but when you set display resolution to 1920x1080 or above, you may see pixelization. To avoid this I offer you this mod with accurately recreated elements. x4 increased textures size. Even 4K-ready. This is early versi...
Infectados Comunes turros (Proyecto Ñery)
Dibuat oleh Patoruzitomeh
Reemplaza los sonidos de los infectados comunes por audios de turros y turros. En el video se escucha un quilombo barbaro, pero hay muchos mas audios que los que se escuchan ahi. Protagonistas: La yesi, el Richard, la Yami, la Gise, la Rochi, el Jony, el E...
Informal Skyboxes
Dibuat oleh Descarado
This pack (not all textures) and script of skyboxes made by me for personal use and friends. A distinctive feature of this assembly is that the skyboxes are working at low graphics settings. Full change of sky's on all L4D2 campaigns + ''No Mercy'', ''Cras...
Japish Shove Sound Malafama
Dibuat oleh Patoruzitomeh
Cuando empujas a cualquier atrevido basura escuchas Japish ...
Lanza granadas - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
lanza granadas de bokita...
Manaos Molotov (RNG) de Argentina
Dibuat oleh •9Chiro•
Reemplaza con nuevos skins de colores brillantes e incluye un sonido épico cuando el fuego se propaga en el piso. ¡Disfrútenlo! Sabores: - Cola - Pomelo - Naranja - Lima Limón - Agua Tónica - Pomelo Rosado - Cola Light - Uva (nuevo) -----------------------...
Manaos Vending Machine
Dibuat oleh Zeroka
Dibuat oleh Pepino Cósmico
Para celebrar las fiestas traigo este delicioso mod que reemplaza la jeringa de adrenalina por una barra de postre Mantecol de 40 gramos....
Melee Weapon Unlock Mod
Dibuat oleh 咕咕咕
Unlock all melee weapons on all valve maps! And: Added Counter-Strike: Source knife on all valve maps! Dont ask more question like "Why dont work when join 3rd party server/offical server/join other's game/local servers", all I know is that the server and ...
Mate 🧉
Dibuat oleh Pepino Cósmico
Luego de estar meses renegando con blender, aquí esta. Este mod reemplaza las pildoras analgesicas por un mate....
Dibuat oleh El Dallas 1999
Hamburguesas en serio. Reemplaza el Burger Tank por un restaurante Mostaza. El mod aplica para las campañas "No Mercy" / "Alta Medica" y "Hard Rain" / "El Diluvio"....
Phone I.E.D.
Dibuat oleh Lt. Rocky
Been a bit lacking in decent pipe bomb replacements. This is the Improvised Explosive Device from Contagion; Replaces the pipebomb on the regular animation. Credits: Contagion - Model & Textures Duke Nukem Forever - Audio Lt. Rocky - Rig; Port; Shading; Au...
Race Car - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh 󠁳⁧⁧ tadeo󠁳5
El auto de Jimmy Gibbs, pero ahora de Bokita Juniors, el más grande, el campeón. auto con pintura de Boca Juniors en la final de Dead Center. like dislike bolas https://discord.gg/BUNfeTfSHy...
Scar - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
Scar de bokita aumenta 76% de facha y dignidad...
Sierra - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
La clasica motosierra con los colores del + grande y un agregado de mariano iudica y guido kaczka...
Singularity's Volk-S4
Dibuat oleh Splinks
Just Another quickie mod to give you a new look for the shotgun spas *dashs off* ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTION~~~~~~~~~ If you would like more of my mods not hosted on workshop please feel free to visit the following link. http://www.l4dmaps.com/profile.php?id=149303...
SMG - Boca Juniors
Dibuat oleh Jayfeather
De las armas mas berretas del juego. Por lo menos ahora va a pegar un poco mas...
Supermercado Diarco Barrio
Dibuat oleh El Dallas 1999
Precios mayoristas, ahora en Left 4 Dead 2! Reemplaza el supermercado "Save 4 Less" del 2do mapa de la campaña "Dead Center / Punto Muerto" por un supermercado "Diarco Barrio". Basado en el mod del Supermercado Dia% creado por Dante Fahrenheit....
Witch Feminazi v. 2.0
Dibuat oleh Marioski
This mod turns the witch into a feminazi in green scarf. (Argentina). The attack music of the witch was also modified by the singing of "#NIUNAMENOS" with the soundtrack of "Dragon Ball Z: Cell Saga" in the background. Disable any other mod that is of witc...
Dibuat oleh In-GER
-brite bomber pickaxe -Glows in the dark -Fortnite -L4d2 -Katana -Weapons -Melee I hope u like it:)))) by: In-Ger ...
[Obsolete] Counterstrike Weapon Unlocker
Dibuat oleh Lt. Rocky
This mod is obsolete as of The Last Stand Update. I was on the team for the update, knowing that this mod would likely be retired. It's been a pleasure to work on this update, I hope you all enjoy it. Been a long time coming, hasn't it? A simplified way to...
Lionel Messi Replaces Nick
Dibuat oleh Thomas Hallam [GBR]
Congratulations to Argentina on Winning the FIFA World Cup 2022. Now i will admit i never expected that i was asked to make one of the greatest Football Players, (Or Soccer if you live in the US) in the World as a Survivor in a Zombie Apocalypse, but anywa...
Neymar Jr Replaces Ellis
Dibuat oleh Thomas Hallam [GBR]
Now this time from Konami's EFootball PES series is Neymar himself as he along with Ronaldo and Messi now find themselves trying to survive against a horde of zombies and will need to find a way to escape or face death. Original model from @ex_daniel_97 Li...
Toolgun (Dual Pistols)
Dibuat oleh мяFunreal
This is the closest you can get to removing infected from the map without using colsole commands. It comes with the "Hurt" and "Reload" tools preinstalled. Unfortunately i ran out of space for more useful tools. So you gotta make do with what you got. It c...
Textures (Minecraft)
Dibuat oleh Plutia
This standard texture from the game Minecraft (Dirt, Stone, Bricks, Doors, Grass, Gravel, Glass and Buildings) This is not map!!!...
Pokemon X & Y Gengar v1.3 (Boomer/Boomette)
Dibuat oleh Tiny King Trashmouth
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/870748015989539060/5AB36177ECBD318C8B765B9CE2BEE5321099D36E/ There is an alternate version of the model for those running the game on low/medium shaders. Keep in mind, Gengar's eyes will not glow. You can subscrib...
M16 - Lana Rhoades
Dibuat oleh CrazySt3ampunk
Rainbow Blood
Dibuat oleh K"ashimura♦
Replace the game monotonous dark blood. So that the blood has more rich colors.: ) Replace the list Blood map Shoot the blood Cut the blood Smoker tongue Smoker die smoke Boomer bile Boomer explosion effect Spitter spit out sputum Remove the list Bile vomi...
Half-Life 2 Zombie Common Infected
Dibuat oleh epicplayer40
Replaces all common/uncommon infected in L4D2/L4D1 campaigns with headcrab zombies, spanning from the final game to earlier zombie designs and custom zombified HL2 Beta characters. NOTE: This addon does not replace sounds. If you want HL2 zombie sounds as ...
Island Classic Fortnite (Fire Axe)
Dibuat oleh ed58
Swaps fire axe with the default pickaxe from Fortnite Chapter 2. Original model from Epic Games. I'm not using this for profit. ...
NCR Ranger Bill
Dibuat oleh Lt. Rocky
Days like these make you wish for a nuclear hell in a hand basket. Sheriff Bill is the law, and you will conform, or suffer the beard. Its Bill! In the suit of a ranger of the New California Republic, the face of Fallout: New Vegas, from the Fallout 4 NCR ...
Thresh from League of Legends (Smoker)
Dibuat oleh じゅれい
UPDATE: -Fixed the error message encountered when playing online. -Removed self illumination So, let's continue with LoL stuffs, today I bring you Thresh, but as the Smoker. The addon includes the viewmodel, sounds, tongue texture and self illuminated body...
Dibuat oleh Freeman
HEYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH... **This mod replaces tank by a HE-MAN (Adam) model! (Grayskull sword included) ** Spanish- Este mod reemplaza al tank por uno estilo He-Man ** Portuguese - Esse mod troca o tank pelo He-man estilizado. *********************************...
Withered Bonnie Replace Charger (FNAF:HW)
FEATURES -fps arms -the suit disappears when burned -custom proportions -jiggle bones -custom sounds (fnaf 2 screamer) -glowing eyes CREDITS -Scott Cawthon (original models) -me (porting) DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION I'm open to com...
The Licker
Dibuat oleh Splinks2
One of my old mods with a new overhaul. Actually stopped all my projects just to get this out sinse alot of people have been asking for it and uploading my old broken version without my permission. So here he is now with a jiggly tongue and a new texture/s...
Reptile MKDA (Spitter)
Dibuat oleh xdshot
Reptile character from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Replaces Spitter. Features: -First person arms; -Custom skeleton; -Jiggleboned tail; -Works online; -Multiple skins (singleplayer and local server only); -Reskins support Original model and textures by...
Thanksgiving Turkey Jockey
Dibuat oleh Franky D. Coolsevelt
Total replacement mod for Jockey, includes custom model, hands, texture, sound, music, and icons. Celebrate the Thanksgiving season with this creepy gosh dang Turkey. This year, YOU'RE the one getting stuffed. If you have GCFscape, you'll find a l4d2 style...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Dibuat oleh xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[xdR] California Girls
Dibuat oleh xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
California Girls Healing Sound
Dibuat oleh .- A-me -.
California Girls as Healing SFX For the mod, look to your right screen in this mod page This is just a simple add-on I made, as I just started If anything go wrong, just tell me in the comment :D...
Walter White - Replaces Francis
Dibuat oleh Nai
Jesse, we need to fuel the generators! By popular demand, Walter White a.k.a. Heisenberg from the beloved Breaking Bad franchise has now entered the Left 4 Dead universe, replacing Francis' player slot. Includes worldmodel, boomer vomit, FPS viewmodel, as ...
Gus Fring - Louis
Dibuat oleh Nai
Hello, and welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family. My name is Gustavo, but you can call me Gus. I am thrilled to announce that this will replace the Louis player slot. Includes UI icons, and viewmodel. You can also check out: Walter White Saul Goodman M...
Metal pipe falling sound
Dibuat oleh C3ZARO
RUS: Заменяет звуки критического ранения (называйте как хотите) всех выживших на звук падающей металлической трубы который не так давно стал мемом. Так как это затрагивает звуковые файлы озвучки персонажей - он может быть несовместим с остальными модами на...
[xdR] Cursed tank anims
Dibuat oleh xdshot
slot 10. Do not award. ...
[xdR] Tank Fortnite Taunts
Dibuat oleh Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Tank's taunting animations for when he hits a survivor with Fortnite dances. Requires xdReanimsBase, uses slot 11. Credits: foxhound27: Original Animations Epic Games - Fortnite...
Meow Skulls Cloud Nine (Zoey)
Dibuat oleh Minnie Mouse
Replaces Zoey with MeowSkulls wearing the Cloud Nine skin from Fortnite: Battle Royale. Fortnite owned by Epic Games....
Spray sound becomes Vine thud/boom sound effect
Dibuat oleh take this viltrumeat
this is really hilarious guys trust me...
[xdr]survivor breakdace revive reupload
Dibuat oleh holidays99
i don't know the original author,the ahthor's mods are missing. this mod need xdr base to work. survivor breakdance revive animation. i removed the 'healing others' animation and i didn't save it.so you need find other xdr mod to replace it.:( slot 028 ...
Tall-nut | Safe door - PVZの高坚果安全门
Dibuat oleh Egret♥白鹭鹭
Tall-nut replace the Safe door | Luminous dynamic 植物大战僵尸-高坚果 | 替换了 求生之路 所能出现的 几乎所有安全门 | 夜光动态 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864751311178/755E9162BB821FB64293A7E9F4DA5E126B8A55C5/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%2300...
- Minecraft - Bow (AWP)
Dibuat oleh 苦黄瓜
这里是简介 Description below: 替换AWP Replace for AWP 此MOD包含模型,嘤效 This mod includes model/sound 该MOD包含毒箭的贴图,具有夜光效果,可自行更换 This mod includes a poisonous arrow texture, you can replace arrow texture yourself Credits: 模型编译 Complie - 苦黄瓜 奔跑&待机动画 Run&Idle Animation - M...
Explosive Cars
Dibuat oleh Hex To Max
This mod makes some cars explosive - You can set specific options like outline, stagger, auto explosion, etc - Melee weapons can explode cars (if you don't like it use this command !excar_w_melee 0.0) - Tank also can explode cars (If you don't like it use ...
Random Air Strikes on All Maps
Dibuat oleh ChimiChamo
A script that has F18 jets drop random air strikes near survivors on any map. How it works: After leaving the saferoom, there is a chance for a jet to spawn every second that drops the air strike. It has (by default) a radius of 500 and deals a max of 200 ...
Explosive Garbage
Dibuat oleh 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ
Only works on local server Turn many props like woodcrate, junk and vehicle into explosive, dealing a moderate amount of damage in an average area. Few random garbage props that lies around were also replaced with explosive barrels and gas canister, some a...
Left 4 Dead: Survivors arcade melee weapons
Dibuat oleh Gyroic
After months of trying to find a copy of the japanese l4d2 arcade game, I finally found a copy! So I'm proud to present: the Left 4 Dead: Survivors arcade melee weapons ported to left 4 dead 2. This adds every arcade melee weapon back to left 4 dead 2, not...
Riot Shield Unlocker
Dibuat oleh Zaeryn
Unlocks the hidden riot shield melee weapon. Only works clientside or on servers with this addon. Requires a map with riotshield in the mission file. I suggest my TestMap. ...
Ohhhmagawd bomb pipebomb/explosion sound
Dibuat oleh Delcar
makes the pipe bomb say ohhhmygawdd so lol and funny ...
8 Player Lobby
Dibuat oleh R󠀡F
How to use: 1 - Choose "8 Player Lobby" Mutation from mutation list and make a lobby. 2 - Goto Lobby settings after creating it. 3 - Use "CHANGE MODE" button to choose gamemode you want. (Step 3 is essential if you want other people to find your lobby with...