Barotrauma 潜渊症

Barotrauma 潜渊症

99 个评价
Flintlock Series
554.791 KB
2023 年 9 月 28 日 上午 12:06
6 月 4 日 下午 10:05
31 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Flintlock Series


  • 燧发手枪
  • 燧发火枪
  • 燧发式大口径短枪
  • 燧发大炮

  1. 从火枪中取出推弹杆
  2. 把火枪、火药瓶和弹丸放入杆中
  3. 选择其中一种弹药并开始装弹
  4. 将火枪从推弹杆中取出
  5. 把推弹杆塞回火枪里
  6. 双击鼠标右键设置击锤为完全待发状态
  7. 瞄准敌方,瞄准时间越长,射击精度越高
  8. 三……二……一……开火!
  9. 上刺刀,冲锋!

  • v3.4
    1. 当你停下脚步时,会提升装填速度,反之跑动时会降低
    2. 角色只能用双手握持推弹杆(除了大炮的)
  • v3.3
    1. 修复了因最近更新导致推弹杆容器不可见的问题
    2. 大量的改善和小问题修复,但可能会破坏存档内的燧发枪(不确定)
热门讨论 查看全部(1)
2023 年 12 月 5 日 下午 1:23
PvP maps
144 条留言
gamerjack606 6 月 23 日 下午 3:00 
queston will you add a muzzle loading rifle to this?
Patriots1007 6 月 22 日 下午 1:49 
Oh yeah, also I'm still waiting on that whole bandolier thing :D
Patriots1007 6 月 22 日 下午 1:48 
Hey, I have an idea that'd be a decent challenge for the future. The Kalthoff Repeater was a flintlock rifle that was one of the first repeating rifles ever, which was able to fire about thirty musket rounds off of one load, with a two second interval between shots. This would probably make the rifle itself more effective in the world of baro, maybe it'd be more useful for scenarios where you need a rifle that'll get you through longer fights, and is reloaded once the fight is finally over? For functionality, maybe you could dump your powder bottle into it which will refill it to 100% (can be refiled from 0-10 percent for earlier reloads through the crafting menu) and you could add as many steel rounds as you want. Just for the sake of functionality, maybe it'd be a waterproof weapon? Stats are up to you, and I wish you luck if you choose to try this out!
whosyourdaddy  [作者] 6 月 4 日 下午 10:14 
@Papy I have reported this bug to the game's github a while ago:
Papy 5 月 13 日 下午 8:28 
after reloading the save it worked perfectly so ive got no clue what happened
Papy 5 月 13 日 下午 8:17 
whenever i reload the gun it says no ammo despite there being a bullet inside? idk whats causing it
Rubyson 5 月 11 日 上午 3:18 
I see, thank you!
whosyourdaddy  [作者] 5 月 11 日 上午 2:46 
@Rubyson it's caused by official multiplayer bug, I should report this to game developers and wait fix.
Rubyson 5 月 11 日 上午 1:36 
Insufficient power when loading with powder bottle :c
avali gaming 4 月 29 日 下午 3:43 
it was indeed an issue i was having during multiplayer, but i've yet to test it in singleplayer; will do so today and will report back on whether the grapeshot cannon mounted at the top of the hammerhead's stairs killed the mudraptors or not.