Okami HD

Okami HD

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(Temporary solution) Controller Fix Guide for Okami HD
By ProjectXsent
This guide will show you how to play Okami HD using XInput devices. If you have DInput devices, you'll most likely use a 3rd-party program (DS4Windows for PS4 Controllers, XOutput, X360CE, etc.) to emulate it into XInput. Note you will only see Xbox buttons when using this method regardless of what controller you use.
Latest build of Goldberg Emu[mr_goldberg.gitlab.io]

  1. Go to your Okami game directory.
  2. Create a folder called "steam_settings". Inside that folder, create a "controller" folder. Inside the folder, make 6 text documents (.txt).
  3. Each text files should be named and has the following contents:
general_menu=START general_option=BACK general_cam_aspect=LBUMPER battle_posture=RBUMPER general_jump=A battle_taunt=B battle_attack=X battle_subattack=Y general_move=LJOY=joystick_move battle_sidestep=DRTRIGGER general_cam_adjust=RSTICK general_camera=RJOY=joystick_move

event_skip=START general_cam_aspect=LBUMPER event_posture=RBUMPER event_mess_next=A event_mess_display=B event_mess_skip=X,Y general_camera=RJOY=joystick_move

general_menu=START fishing_desc=LBUMPER fishing_posture=RBUMPER fishing_qte_down=A fishing_qte_right=B fishing_qte_left=X fishing_qte_up=Y fishing_rod=LJOY=joystick_move general_camera=RJOY=joystick_move

fude_posture=RBUMPER fude_paint_quick=A,B fude_paint=X fude_paint_bold=Y fude_move=LJOY=joystick_move general_camera=RJOY=joystick_move

general_menu=START general_option=BACK general_cam_aspect=LBUMPER general_posture=RBUMPER general_jump=A general_talk=B general_tackle=X general_dig=Y general_move=LJOY=joystick_move general_map=DLTRIGGER battle_sidestep=DRTRIGGER general_cam_adjust=RSTICK general_camera=RJOY=joystick_move

menu_start=START menu_select=BACK menu_page_left=LBUMPER menu_page_right=RBUMPER menu_decide=A menu_cancel=B menu_map_spot=X menu_sound_stop=Y menu_move=LJOY=joystick_move menu_scale=RJOY=joystick_move menu_up=DUP menu_down=DDOWN menu_right=DRIGHT menu_left=DLEFT

  1. Go back to the previous folder (steam_settings) and create a txt file called "disable_networking" if you don't want Windows Firewall popup to appear.
  2. Make a backup copy of your original "steam_api64.dll" first. (ex. rename it to steam_api64_org.dll)
  3. Open the downloaded Goldberg archive and extract the "steam_api64.dll" from the "experimental" folder to the "Okami" game folder.
  4. Create a text document called "local_save.txt" and inside the file, enter "steam_settings" without the quotes then Save. The save files will be stored in that folder.
  5. Apply Steamless to the "okami.exe" and replace the original with the unpacked one.
  6. Disable the game's Steam Input (Right-click Okami HD > Properties > Controller > Disable Steam Input).
  7. Run the game to check if the Xbox controller is working.

If you want to change the Language, go to steam_settings->settings->language.txt then select 1 from "english, french, german, japanese" then Save the text file.

If you already have an existing save file for the game, head to the game's save file location (%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Steam/userdata/Your_Steam_Friend_Code) and copy the "587620" folder and paste it to "steam_settings" folder. If this issue is solved with Steam, restore your recent save file to its default folder and also restore the original "steam_api64.dll" in the game folder.

Video demo:
Tinkerknight 29 Jun @ 6:29am 
@ProjectXsent I don't know if it would work, it needs specific action/menu layer from steam
ProjectXsent  [author] 27 Jun @ 4:25pm 
@Tinkerknight Does apps like JoyToKey/AntiMicroX binding with WASD would work or does it need specific action layer from Steam?
Tinkerknight 27 Jun @ 10:36am 
@ProjectXsent It's for Fire tablet skip, boulder skip, demon boost and defrost bosst.
It is due to the SteamAPI Glitch
ProjectXsent  [author] 21 Jun @ 7:53pm 
@Tinkerknight Also what speedrun strat was it? I'm looking at the Okami Speedrun site but I can't find the guide about it.
Tinkerknight 21 Jun @ 4:13pm 
I looked into it and it's kinda confusing to me, I don't understand how to use it unfortunately
ProjectXsent  [author] 20 Jun @ 2:54pm 
@Tinkerknight Not sure if it's possible without Steam Input because the fix was for XInput gamepads. My theory is to use and make a AutoHotkey v2 script. Like at least that's what they do to make DMC3 attack with mouse.
Tinkerknight 20 Jun @ 1:11pm 
Hi, thanks for the fix it works really great. What are the key words to put in the steam_settings > controller files to add keyboard double binding. I wish to add "Left mous click" to X and "W, S, A, D" to left joystick in event actions pannel. I need them for speedrunning
ProjectXsent  [author] 19 Jun @ 5:30pm 
@hardbrocklife Thank you for that but I don't think it's necessary.
hardbrocklife 19 Jun @ 5:27pm 
Can you shoot me some sort of donation link?
ProjectXsent  [author] 19 Jun @ 5:24pm 
@hardbrocklife You're welcome. Happy gaming to the both of you.