Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

512 ratings
CS2 - Guide to all settings for your CFG
By ★ Joaokaka1998 ★
CFG Configuration Guide for CS2
All texts that are like this "?" it's because I don't know the command currently.
If you know and want to help the guide better, leave a comment saying the command.


Main Menu Background Scenery
ui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_B0B70CFF "de_ancient"
Item Inspect Background Scenery
ui_inspect_bkgnd_map_B0B70CFF "warehouse"
r_fullscreen_gamma "1"
Aspect Ratio
cs2_video.txt (setting.aspectratiomode "1")
cs2_video.txt (setting.defaultres "1920" and setting.defaultresheight "1080")
Display Mode
cs2_video.txt (setting.fullscreen "1", setting.coop_fullscreen "0" setting.nowindowborder "0" and setting.fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss "1")
Refresh Rate
cs2_video.txt (setting.refreshrate_numerator "60" and setting.refreshrate_denominator "1")
Laptop Power Savings
battery_saver "false"

(Advanced Video)
Boost Player Contrast
r_player_visibility_mode "1"
Wait for Vertical Sync
cs2_video.txt (setting.mat_vsync "0")
Current Video Values Preset
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode
cs2_video.txt (setting.msaa_samples "8")
Global Shadow Quality
cs2_video.txt (setting.csm_max_num_cascades_override "3", setting.csm_viewmodel_shadows "1", setting.lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value "2", setting.lb_sun_csm_size_cull_threshold_texels "10", setting.lb_shadow_texture_width_override "4096", setting.lb_shadow_texture_height_override "6144", setting.lb_csm_cascade_size_override "2048", setting.lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale "1", setting.r_particle_cables_cast_shadows "1" and setting.lb_enable_shadow_casting "1")
Model / Texture Detail
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_csgo_lowend_objects "1", setting.r_character_decal_resolution "1024", setting.r_texture_stream_max_resolution "8192" and setting.r_csgo_mboit_force_mixed_resolution "0")
Texture Filtering Mode
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_texturefilteringquality "5")
Shader Detail
cs2_video.txt (setting.shaderquality "1")
Particle Detail
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_particle_shadows "1", setting.cl_particle_fallback_base "0", setting.cl_particle_fallback_multiplier "0.2" and setting.r_particle_max_detail_level "3")
Ambient Occlusion
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_aoproxy_enable "1" and setting.r_ssao "1")
High Dynamic Range
cs2_video.txt (setting.sc_hdr_enabled_override "-1")
FidelityFX Super Resolution
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_csgo_fsr_upsample "0" and setting.mat_viewportscale "1")
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency
cs2_video.txt (setting.r_low_latency "2")
Magnification Mode

(HUD Edge Positions)

Horizontal Adjustment
safezonex "1"
Vertical Adjustment
safezoney "1"

Master Volume
volume "1"
Audio Device
sound_device_override "device code"
EQ Profile
snd_headphone_eq "0"
L/R Isolation
snd_spatialize_lerp "0'
Perspective Correction
snd_steamaudio_enable_perspective_correction "true"
Voice/Microphone mode
voice_modenable "true"
Voice Input Audio Device
voice_device_override "device code"
Other Player Voice Volume
snd_voipvolume "1"
Streamlined Push To Talk
voice_always_sample_mic "false"
Microphone Trigger Threshold
voice_threshold "-58"
Hear My Own Voice
Player Audio When Game In Background
snd_mute_losefocus "false"


Main Menu Volume
snd_menumusic_volume "1"
Round Start Volume
snd_roundstart_volume "1"
Round Action Volume
snd_roundaction_volume "1"
Round End Volume
snd_roundend_volume "1"
MVP Volume
snd_mvp_volume "1"
Bomb/Hostage Volume
snd_mapobjective_volume "1"
Ten Second Warning Volume
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "1"
Death Camera Volume
snd_deathcamera_volume "1"
Mute MVP Music when players on both teams are alive
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players "true"

Enable Developer Console (~)
con_enable "true"
Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "80"
Max Acceptable Game Traffic Bandwidth
rate "786432"
Buffering to smooth over packet loss
Install Counter-Strike Workshop Tools
install_dlc_workshoptools_cvar "1"


HUD Scale
hud_scaling "1.1"
HUD Color
cl_hud_color "8"
Large Players Count
cl_teamcounter_playercount_instead_of_avatars "false"
Community Notification Location
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "topright"
Community Notification Horizontal Offset
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_horz "0"
Community Notification Vertical Offset
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_vert "0"


Show Team Positions In HUD
cl_teamid_overhead_mode "2"
Show Teammate Colors in Competitive
cl_teammate_colors_show "1"
Show Teammate Colors on Team ID
cl_teamid_overhead_colors_show "true"
Friends Lobby Default Permissions
lobby_default_privacy_bits2 "0"
Looking to Play when CS:GO Starts
ui_setting_advertiseforhire_auto "0"


Player Pings
cl_player_ping_mute "0"
Mute Enemy Team
cl_mute_enemy_team "0"
Mute All But Friends
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party "0"
Text Filtering
Allow Animated Avatars
cl_allow_animated_avatars "false"
Hide Avatar Images
cl_hide_avatar_images "0"
Clean Player Names
cl_sanitize_player_names "false"

(Spectator / Scoreboard)

Spectator/Map Vote Number Selection Method
spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds "1"
Scoreboard Mouse Enable / End of Match Scoreboard Toggle
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding "+attack2"
End of Match Local Player Defeat Animation
eom_local_player_defeat_anim_enabled "true"
Survivors Always On
cl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on "false"
Smooth Spectator Camera
cl_obs_interp_enable "true"
Smooth Spectator Camera Speed
cl_obs_interp_pos_rate "0.27"


Delay Sniper Rifle Un-Scope after Shot
cl_sniper_delay_unscope "false"
Auto Re-Zoom Sniper Rifle after Shot
cl_sniper_auto_rezoom "true"
Detach Silencer on M4A1-S and USP-S
cl_silencer_mode "0"
Viewmodel Position
viewmodel_presetpos "3"
First person Tracers
r_drawtracers_firstperson "true"
Always Show Inventory
cl_showloadout "false"
Open Buy Menu With Use Key
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "false"
Buy Menu Number Keys
cl_buywheel_nonumberpurchasing "true"
Buy Menu Donation Key
cl_buywheel_donate_key "0"
Last Weapon on Radial Weapon Tap
cl_quickinventory_lastinv "false"

(Radar / Tablet)

Radar Centers The Player
cl_radar_always_centered "false"
Radar Is Rotating
cl_radar_rotate "true"
Radar Hud Size
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.3"
Radar Map Zoom
cl_radar_scale "0.5"
Toggle Shape With Scoreboard
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "true"


Crosshair Style
cl_crosshairstyle "2"
Friendly Fire Reticle Warning
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning "1"
Follow Recoil
cl_crosshair_recoil "false"
Center Dot
cl_crosshairdot "false"
cl_crosshairsize "5"
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshairgap "1"
Outline (button)
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "true"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
Alpha (button)
cl_crosshairusealpha "true"
cl_crosshairalpha "255"
Split Distance (Classic mode)
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
Inner Split Alpha (Classic mode)
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
Outer Split Alpha (Classic mode)
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
Split Size Ratio (Classic mode)
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
T Style
cl_crosshair_t "false"
Deployed Weapon Gap
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "false"
Show Players Crosshairs
cl_show_observer_crosshair "1"
Show frame time and FPS
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show "2"
Frame time warning threshold
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor "100"
Show Ping
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show "2"
Show packet loss / misdelivery
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show "2"
Packet misdelivery warning threshold
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor "1.6"
(Keyboard & Mouse Settings)

Reverse Mouse
mouse_inverty "false"
Duck Mode
option_duck_method "false"
Walk Mode
option_speed_method "false"
Zoom Button Hold
cl_debounce_zoom "true"
Mouse Sensitivity
sensitivity "2.9"
Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.82"

(Movements Keys)

Toggle Inventory Display
bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle"
Move Forward
bind "w" "+forward"
Move Backward
bind "s" "+back"
Move Left (strafe)
bind "a" "+left"
Move Right (strafe)
bind "d" "+right"
bind "shift" "+sprint"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
bind "space" "+jump"

(Weapon Key)

bind "e" "+use"
bind "mouse1" "+attack"
Secondary Fire
bind "mouse2" "+attack2"
bind "r" "+reload"
Radial Weapon Menu
bind "capslock" "+quickinv"
Select Previous Weapon
bind "mwheelup" "invprev"
Select Next Weapon
bind "mwheeldown" "invnext"
Last Weapon Used
bind "q" "lastinv"
Drop Weapon
bind "g" "drop"
Inspect Weapon
bind "f" "+lookatweapon"
Buy Menu
bind "b" "buymenu"
bind "f3" "autobuy"
bind "f4" "rebuy"
Primary Weapon
bind "1" "slot1"
Secondary Weapon
bind "2" "slot2"
Melee Weapons
bind "3" "slot3"
Cycle Grenades
bind "4" "slot4"
Explosives & Traps
bind "5" "slot5"
HE Grenade
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
Smoke Grenade
bind "8" "slot8"
Decoy Grenade
bind "9" "slot9"
Molotov Cocktail
bind "0" "slot10"
Zeus x27
bind "key" "slot11"
bind "x" "slot12"
Utility Items
bind "key" "slot13"
Graffiti Menu
bind "t" "+spray_menu"

(UI Keys)

bind "tab" "+showscores"
Show Team Equipment
bind "key" "+cl_show_team_equipment"
Call Vote
bind "-" "callvote"
Choose Team
bind "m" "teammenu"
Toggle Console
bind "'" "toggleconsole"

(Communication Options)

Player Ping
bind "key" "player_ping"
Radio Message
bind "z" "radio"
Command Radio Message
bind "key" "radio1"
Standard Radio Message
bind "key" "radio2"
Report Radio Message
bind "key" "radio3"
Team Message
bind "u" "messagemode2"
Chat Message
bind "y" "messagemode"
Use Mic
bind "k" "+voicerecord"
Temporarily Disable Incoming Chat
bind "key" "clutch_mode_toggle"

(Chat Wheel Keys)

Chat Wheel 1
bind "key" "+radialradio"
Chat Wheel 2
bind "c" "+radialradio2"
Chat Wheel 3
bind "v" "+radialradio3"

(Chat wheel phrases)
Chat Wheel 1

Chat Wheel 1 (1)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_1 "#Chatwheel_gogogo"
Chat Wheel 1 (2)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_2 "#Chatwheel_sticktogether"
Chat Wheel 1 (3)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_3 "#Chatwheel_requestweapon"
Chat Wheel 1 (4)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_4 "#Chatwheel_requestplan"
Chat Wheel 1 (5)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_5 "#Chatwheel_fallback"
Chat Wheel 1 (6)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_6 "#Chatwheel_requestecoround"
Chat Wheel 1 (7)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_7 "#Chatwheel_requestspend"
Chat Wheel 1 (8)
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_8 "#Chatwheel_spreadout"

Chat Wheel 2
Chat Wheel 2 (1)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_1 "#Chatwheel_cheer"
Chat Wheel 2 (2)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_2 "#Chatwheel_negative"
Chat Wheel 2 (3)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_3 "#Chatwheel_bplan"
Chat Wheel 2 (4)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_4 "#Chatwheel_thanks"
Chat Wheel 2 (5)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_5 "#Chatwheel_sorry"
Chat Wheel 2 (6)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_6 "#Chatwheel_peptalk"
Chat Wheel 2 (7)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_7 "#Chatwheel_aplan"
Chat Wheel 2 (8)
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_8 "#Chatwheel_affirmative"
Chat Wheel 3
Chat Wheel 3 (1)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_1 "#Chatwheel_enemyspotted"
Chat Wheel 3 (2)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_2 "#Chatwheel_heardnoise"
Chat Wheel 3 (3)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_3 "#Chatwheel_multipleenemieshere"
Chat Wheel 3 (4)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_4 "#Chatwheel_droppedbomb"
Chat Wheel 3 (5)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_5 "#Chatwheel_needbackup"
Chat Wheel 3 (6)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_6 "#Chatwheel_youfixbomb"
Chat Wheel 3 (7)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_7 "#Chatwheel_sectorclear"
Chat Wheel 3 (8)
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_8 "#Chatwheel_sniperspotted"
Help improve the guide by leaving your opinion of what you think.
If you know of a command that is not in the guide, just write the command and the guide will be updated.

Donation to support the guide

sashie 16 Aug @ 9:05am 
hear my own voice = voice_loopback_no_networking
Lobzy 30 Jul @ 1:29pm 
bro, you're the best) keep up the good work ;3
j1XD!Br¡ 16 Jul @ 2:44pm 
cl_net_buffer_ticks (1 - 2)
BIOHAZARD 3706 15 Jun @ 10:21am 
main menu : ui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_B0B70CFF de_dust2
inspect : ui_inspect_bkgnd_map_B0B70CFF de_dust2
noM0RE 10 May @ 10:08am 
Main Menu Background Scenery
for dust 2? command
mito 6 Apr @ 11:44pm 
they just forced it so you automatically spray graffiti. that's annoying
RatusNatus 23 Feb @ 8:32pm 
Onde tem a lista de nomes? Eu quero alterar o padrão para Player 1, player 2,...etc...
Clean Player Names cl_sanitize_player_names "true"
Being of Whiteout 16 Feb @ 8:25am 
New telemetry settings

cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show "2" //Show frame time and FPS
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor "100" //Frame time warning threshold
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show "2" //Show ping
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show "2" //Show packet loss / misdelivery
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor "5" //Packet misdelivery warning threshold
Confuoco 13 Dec, 2023 @ 7:41am 
any link to combined to single cfg?
MrWhiteER 29 Nov, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
Just let me know if you can find the *USE Commands* example - use weapon_flashbang and the rest. (NOT AS AN SLOT)