Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions

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YellowRed LargeWarehouse - I1
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Building Size: I1
Building Type: Warehouse
Mots-clés : Empty
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827.575 KB
17 sept. 2023 à 1h05
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YellowRed LargeWarehouse - I1

Simple large warehouse layout. Pallet shelves around the sides, extra rows at the back and the floor showing where to walk. Don't want those pallets fall on your head!

Brand your company with all YellowRed Blueprints! (work in progress)
YellowRed Giftshop - A1
YellowRed Giftshop - A2
YellowRed Nightclub - C1
YellowRed Supermarket - C1
YellowRed LiquorStore - C2
YellowRed FastFood - C2
YellowRed ClothesStore - M1

YellowRed Graphical Designer - D2
YellowRed HQ Office- K1

YellowRed Small Warehouse - H1
YellowRed Large Warehouse - I1

Don't hesitate to request for new blueprints (Shop type/building type)