Sheltered 2

Sheltered 2

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Sheltered 2 100% Achievement Guide
By Darishnoo
A how to on collecting achievements.
Part 1: The broken ones.
I couldn't make these achievements pop, and found the first is a well known bug, and the second seems to be linked to other quest related bugs.

Scholar (Book collection) – Collect them all and nothing happens. (I found that each STORY book seems to spawn in only one place. I also found that some places I had already searched during quests and the like had spawned them after, so be sure to check every PoI, esp if a dog finds something, because that overrides your action. And it would be a real shame if you were to need to go back and check EVERY MAP LOCATION, AGAIN, and then find its broken, like some kind of a cosmic bad joke. hahaha, I’m not bitter.)

Telefixaction (VHS tape collection) – Quest never spawns, I've tried to get it to spawn in a couple of different games. If you're lucky and it isn't bugged, then from what I have gathered its 'use a team with a high combined perception or you won't find a thing' time, with the thresholds on some of the tapes requiring more than 40 combined perception.
Part 2: On the road to victory.
These achievements seem as though they are meant to be collected naturally in a normal play-through.

Dominator or peace maker?
Go for peacemaker first, then do a circuit of the map and wiping out the leaders of the factions in their HQ’s once you’re maxed. This way you get both. (And if you take out a HQ, every outpost is converted to you). “But Darishnoo, everyone hates me.” Don’t worry my chasimatically challenged friend, you can pacify even the angriest of factions with the shiny, shiny’s. Accept give stuff quests, fulfil, find rare things, give them over. Do not accept fight other faction or capture other person missions, just skip and wait. Once people will trade with you, trade every 5 seconds, quick and free rep.

One stop shop: Unlike its description, you do not, in fact, need to build all the crafting stations, only unlock t1 for each of the craftable objects.

Solid foundations: Check your banner, complete the needed tasks.
Onwards and Upwards: Check your banner, complete the needed tasks.
Good management: At this point you’re probably stuck with a few tasks, but luckily at this point it’s the end game and you’re probably set, here I talk about the ones that took me a while.
Firefighting was notable but was easy to cheese once you let a few objects reach 0 integrity and burst into flames. Easiest way is to make a crappy heater, and surround it with high integrity objects such as med chests up top and storage crates below. Have a water barrel or two on each side and keep minions nearby, once the fire has spread put out all fires.
Convert prisoners is easy but by the time you realise you need to do it you’re oneshotting most people. Easiest way is to hit up some faction bases and capture the people, the Lost Mojitos or whatever were best for me as they could take a few punches to the face.
Car parts don’t always need to be repaired, I found that just swapping worn out pieces for fresh often counted as a repair for some reason.
Cook 1000 meals was my doomsday, it took forever, but simply keep a hydroponic planter or two filled up with tomatoes and you can whip it out with t1 soups quite quickly.
Crafting 100 med kits takes up quite a few bones to get enough glue. If you have been converting stuff to duct tape along the way it won’t have been an issue, but if you’re having trouble then the CTK gang sell bones.

Well established: 100 days, like it says on the tin.

On the road: The hard part is finding a chassis while having the inventory space to use it. The simple answer is ensure your exploration crew have a minimum of 500 capacity once you begin your roaming. The next hardest part is keeping tyres on the damned thing. Don’t worry though, once you have the t2 recycler you’ll be swimming in rubber.

Horticultured: Maxed out weather vane will let you know if the temp is going to ruin you within most plants growing windows. Note that predicted temp is often several degrees higher than actual temp. If you truly suck at keeping green things green, then stick to hydroponics and just grow a ton of tomatoes.

Perfect specimen: Eventually someone will max. Just keep them training.

Only the best: Once I stabilised I just worked on the objects one at a time, completing each one in turn.
Part 3: The rest of the chaff.
These Achievements felt like they needed a little more thought to grab.

Broken, Beaten, and scarred: Just interrogate one of your many prisoners until the achievement pops. it doesn’t specify it needs to be one of your people.

Fort Knox: I don’t know if it will pop on 10 bars, for me it popped on my 12th bar – and I had to craft it myself. I crossed the 10 mark with a purchased bar from an allied faction and the game didn’t count it, not even if I melted it down and recrafted it.

Sticks and stones: Just wait till you’re op, and one of the randos you encounter to be like “I’m going to kill these 4 heavily armed thugs on my own, have at yee!” and then throw rocks at them.

Water is life: You’ll be increasing your water content throughout the game, so long as you up the collector and build enough containers, this will pop. If you’re having trouble, you probably have too many survivors and need to send some on long walks.

Circumnavigator: If you didn’t do this while you were playing naturally, look for any fog of war, and uncover it, even in land.

Home alone: I did this with landmines. You need about 12 as it takes 3/person. Simply arrange them in a V formation outside of your base.

Aggressive Jailer: Mix with the faction goal of converting people. Build 4 holding cells, fill them from a couple of raids. Done.

Life giver: This is cumulative. If someone goes to deaths door. Save it and resuscitate them, load and do it again. If no one is going down naturally, take one of your recent converts (points if it is the broken one) and make them stand out in black rain until they're about to die from radiation poisoning, then bring them back inside for resuscitation.

Man Vs Machine: At this point in the game you should already be unstoppable. The only problem should be the boredom of waiting out the 50 days. One thing I do wish I’d known before hand, is that you’re going to need a TON of splints. For whatever reason you can't use surgery to fix broken bones, and can’t use combat abilities out of combat to fix broken bones, and cannot craft splints. (At least I couldn’t find a place to craft any, possibly I’m blind though.) As such, make sure you’re well stocked up, as the Andy’s can, and do, break bones with even regular attacks.

If combat is still too much, you may need to level up a specific team. The broken combination is maxed ‘Calculated One-Two’ with extra damage specialisation from your weapons of choice, party damage buffs, rallying call, and a high tier weapon, though I managed it with 2 guys armed with knives a dude with a regular bat, and an axe wielder, because I’d never needed more.

The Hunter: So, I started out trying to do this properly, like a chump. After 10 weeks of a full 15 people hunting and 0 encounters with bears, I realised that I’d been playing hard instead of smart. There is a guaranteed bear fight in the game during CKT quest 3. So I found a save near that and farmed the 50 kills. It took an hour, or significantly less time than I had already put in to trying to find a fight properly.
Part 4: Outro.
So there you have it. A guide on how to get as many of the achievements as possible in Sheltered 2.

If you dive on to the forums you can find community patches and the like for the broken achievements, but being the cynic that I am I’ll wait for an official patch and try to finish then.

I am not holding my breath.

Anyway, if this has helped you, and you’ve read to the end, thanks.
I’ve been your host, Darishnoo, and I write reviews for games I’ve played. Feel free to shout at me about things that didn’t work in the comments here, or, if you’re feeling spicy, things that did. And you can always argue with me about things you did or didn’t like in the comments on my reviews.

Happy hunting.