407 ratings
ALL Achievements AND Endings + Walkthrough
By Hallon
A NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD guide with all the achievements and endings.
  • PLOT
    Ame tweets on her private account saying “i cant take being ignored anymore. its really over for us. goodbye p-chan, i really did love you.” And then walks away on the webcam and a tab pops up saying “Thank god this is just a game, huh?”
    To achieve this ending, all you have to do is ignore Ame-chan's direct messages five times. Take into account that not responding to her messages after performing an action and before advancing into the next stage of the day will not trigger a negative reaction from Ame.
  • PLOT
    Ame suddenly texts you saying “i love you p-chan. im quitting being a streamer! i want you to f**k me all day every day!”. The Hang out tab pops up but the only options are ***, after you keep clicking it, a tab pops up saying “Love can muddle the mind at times.”
    To achieve this ending, all you have to do is sleep with Ame-chan seven times.
So Close Yet So Far
  • PLOT
    On day 3, you receive an email from your landlord saying you must pay rent by day 11 otherwise you will get kicked out. Ame pushes you to get to 10,000 followers so she could monetize their content and stay in their home. On day 11, she texts you that she couldn’t get monetized so you both got kicked out, and then says she’s going to move back to her parents' house. She walks away on the webcam and a tab pops up, saying, “Money is the great equalizer.”
    To achieve this ending, you need to maintain having less than 10,000 followers by day 11.
Normie Life
  • PLOT
    The game full screens to Ame’s Tweeter and she posts on KAngel’s account that she’s going to quit being a streamer and becomes a normie and says that she’s studying for her certification tests, then a tab pops up and says “Humans can’t live completely stress-free. Don’t you think?”
    To achieve this ending, you have to keep the mental darkness meter zeroed. This ending only occurs at night.
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel
  • PLOT
    All of a sudden, Ame will start texting the words "I love you" seemingly without an end as the same words also begin to appear all over the screen. After a few seconds, a tab pops ups saying "She couldn't handle the overdose of love.".
    To achieve this ending, you must reach maximum affection, whether that number is 100 or 120 depends on if you visited Ame-chan's parents on day 23 along with her. This ending only occurs at night.
  • PLOT
    Suddenly Ame would start a stream titled “With my Prince Charming” and she would introduce a new guy, saying they’re making their relationship official. Then she tweets a picture of them with the caption, “Now we’ll be able to find happiness.” A tab pops up saying “Please love her.”
    To achieve this ending, the affection meter must reach 0. This ending only occurs at night.
Fallen Angel
  • PLOT
    Upon starting Sexy stream, KAngel posts on her Tweeter talking about her upcoming stream with an image that teases it to be super sexy and super naughty. It invites people to check it out before she gets banned, and that it will be her "electrifying debut". After this, a popup tab comes up saying, "People can't live on lust alone".
    To achieve this ending, you must complete five "sexy" streams. You can do so by doing these streams:

    1. Let Me Love You (unlocked by spending time together)
    2. Tonight (unlocked by sleeping with Ame-chan)
    3. Me eating ice cream (unlocked by video streaming + 10k followers)
    4. Me riding a huge ball (unlocked by dating in Shibuya + 100k followers)
    5. Sexy stream (unlocked by sleeping with Ame-chan + 250k followers)
Painful Future
  • PLOT
    After confiding in P-chan about her insecurities, Ame-chan decides she will quit streaming forever. She goes on a Tweeter rant saying that her fans do not love her and that they love the internet angel. She then claims she will put an end to her misery and everything before inviting her followers onto her next stream, where she promises she will be out of her KAngel costume.

    Ame then streams "I AM LEGEND" where she smokes weed on stream, and is promptly banned in the middle of it. Later on, /st/ talks about KAngel and everyone on the boards praise her for how real she is. The ending text reads, "She's gone off the deep end of streaming."
    To achieve this ending, you must complete five "breakdown" streams. You can do so by doing these streams:

    1. Feeling Great (unlocked by overdosing on Depaz)
    2. How I Feel (unlocked by vanity search)
    3. An Important Message (unlocked by spending time together) (note: there will be a 2 day hiatus
    where you can't stream)
    4. Up and Down (unlocked by overdosing on Embian + 100k followers)
    5. I Am Legend (unlocked by smoking magic grass + 250k followers)
Welcome To My Religion
  • PLOT
    In this ending, KAngel streams "The truth" wearing angelic robes and apologizes, telling her stream that the world is ending. She promises she will guide all her nerds. She then compares wars of the past to people fighting on the internet and says that her plan to stop fighting is to reduce the population to 10%. It ends with KAngel saying, "Let there be! Peace on Earth!" and a crude drawing of KAngel and four followers behind her. The ending text box says, "She was not ready for the "truth" yet."
    To achieve this ending, you must complete five "Conspiracy theory" streams. You can do so by doing these streams:

    1. What if the government made you a nerd? (unlocked by going on social media)
    2. Only one government 30 years later? (Unlocked by playing video games)
    3. Beware the microchips (unlocked by video streaming + 10k? followers)
    4. I’ve seen the truth (unlocked by doing magic paper (mental darkness over 80 + 100k followers)
    5. The truth (unlocked by doing magic paper + 250k followers)

    After the 5th stream do magic paper again and you should get the ending.
Blazing Hell
  • PLOT
    Ame-chan will text you asking to buy charcoal. After you reply, “Okay”, she replies with “…thank you. We’ll be together even in the next life right?” After a few more messages the game over screen appears, but then it comes back to the game with Ame’s webcam full-screened. She says, “just kidding hehe! I won’t let this finish me so easily”. The game will continue like normal after you get this ending.
    To achieve this ending, the mental darkness meter has to be above 60. In the DMs, when Ame asks you to buy charcoal, reply, “Okay.”
Bomber Girl
  • PLOT
    Instead of streaming, Ame-chan proceeds to post on her Tweeter, "im tired", "i give up", "goodbye". She then promptly deletes her x_angelkawaii_x account and the ending message appears: "Being strict for her sake is not the same as being kind to her."
    To achieve this ending, have 80+ stress for 2 days to get the first stress event, then get to 100 stress and the stress capacity should increase to 120. All you have to do is get to 120 stress. This ending only occurs at night.
Internet Overdose
  • PLOT
    On Day 29, Ame texts P-Chan about her paranoia and her beliefs that she could change the Internet, both of them barely even capable of holding a proper conversation. The screen finally transits to "Jrypbzr gb gur Vagrearg Natry'f Fgernz!" (Welcome to the Internet Angel's Stream!), implied to be a hallucination where she talks about religion and anime while bloodied and holding what is supposed to be a funeral portrait of her real self. The end text says, "Abj, fur vf gehyl unccl." When translated, it says "Now, she is truly happy."
    To achieve this ending, the stress level must be over 80 when Ame-chan cuts her wrists, and that stress level should increase to 100. then to 120. You need to maintain a stress level of at least 80 on the 24th day to reach this ending.

    The stress cap can be easily broken by streaming every night without taking whole-day breaks to participate in stress-reducing activities. Sexy streams, ASMR Streams, Breakdown streams and Conspiracy Streams are recommended, but most higher-tier streams will work too.
Rainbow Girl
  • PLOT
    Without any input from the player, a rainbow overlay appears and Ame streams but it has no title and there are no comments to be seen. KAngel slowly approaches the screen and appears to be directly speaking to the player, claiming to know everything about you and her world. She will then ask you to hear your voice and you have to click the text that pops up. After selecting it, she says that she knew the "Divine" was always watching over her, and then asks you if she is a good girl for her good efforts, to which you have to click that she is. She thanks you and begs of you to stay with her because she doesn't want to be alone again; two options appears but both lead to the same response. After some more dialogue, a picture of KAngel pressing against the screen follows and she says "Thank you, God..."
    To achieve this ending, you have to use Magic Paper (under Medication) on 4 different days, until your desktop has 4 different logs. After this, you have to use Magic Paper again on the next day to reach this ending. This ending only occurs at night.
Nerdy Girl Overload
  • PLOT
    On day 30, Ame-chan texts P-chan, saying that an agency has sent an offer to KAngel to join, but only one person can live in their apartment so she has to leave P-Chan. Time skip to sometime in the future, Ame-chan tweets on her private account revealing that she’s left P-Chan for another streamer. She goes on about how great her new partner is until she realizes he’s been using her for money and hears rumors about another girl, before she starts tweeting about him on her KAngel account. She says nasty things about him then threatens to kill him. After a few more tweets ranting about him, a tab pops up saying, “Do we really have to sacrifice love in the name of fame?”
    To achieve this ending, you need at least 500,000 followers and affection under 80 by day 30.
Utopian Parody
  • PLOT
    In the first variation, KAngel vents on her main about not feeling loved by her fans, thinking all people care about is numbers and saying that nobody understands what she's really like. She then texts P-Chan, saying, "ill be fine", "thanks for caring", before blocking P-Chan. The ending text says, "These numbers are not enough to satisfy her.

    In the second variation, she will do the above, but instead of blocking you right away she will ask if you remember the important thing she told you about. If you answer it correctly, she will not block you, instead asking you to not throw her away. She will then post on her private about how much better her life is, but still feel like something is missing. She then posts on KAngel, "But 'normal' is so boring." before she blocks P-Chan. The ending text still says, "These numbers are not enough to satisfy her."
    To achieve the ending, you need at least 500,000 followers, but less than 1 million. Moreover, you have the affection meter above 80 on the finale to reach this ending.

    To get the second variation, you must have at least 60 affection and 60 mental darkness by day 15 so she will vent to you about her trauma. All other requirements are the same. You will still get the ending if you do either variation.
There Are No Angels
  • PLOT
    After to failing to achieve her goal of one million followers, Ame-chan confides that she felt everything she did was forgettable, she was tired, and all she did was get hurt over and over again. After the time is "Way too late", Ame-chan tells P-Chan she wants to start her goodbye stream doing something "no one will ever see coming". She says she wants lots of people to come see her, just as she had dreamed of.

    A tab saying "Thank you." pops up, then the stream starts. KAngel starts a stream from atop a rooftop called "Farewell Stream" where she says goodbye before jumping off. A "the end" tab pops up, saying, "Love and online numbers are her coping mechanisms."
    To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter under 60 and the mental darkness meter above 60 on the finale.
Labor is Evil
  • PLOT
    At the end of 30 days, Ame-chan decides she has to give up streaming and suggests both her and P-Chan get a job, asking for P-chan to not throw her away despite perceived imperfections. It skips to day 100, where she complains about work and says she's coming home late. P-chan then texts her a few times without response and then the chat bubble "Ame not found" appears. The ending tab pops up saying, "Did she seem happy living a regular life?
    To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 60 and the mental darkness meter under 60 on the finale.
Needy Girl Overdose
  • PLOT
    On day 30, Ame texts P-Chan about her inability to become a star streamer but says that they still made a lot of good memories together. Then, after clicking to advance, the screen becomes reddish and her webcam disappears. Ame asks if you like her but no matter what choice you select she will dismiss it, and then she proceeds with a series of four questions you have to answer correctly or it will result in a game over otherwise. In the final question, you must respond by typing a response yourself instead of selecting predetermined options. To correctly answer, you must type out a minimum of 100 characters that include the word "Ame" (case-sensitive) somewhere in it. If you copy-pasted a text inside the text box, you must change at least one character of your message, otherwise the game will check the clipboard data of your computer and cause you to fail.
    To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter above 60 on the finale.
  • PLOT
    On day 30, Ame-chan expresses clear disappointment over the results of her efforts and berates herself for acting as the "internet personal jester" all this time, wondering what they should do now. Later on, she decides that she will quit streaming, and accuses P-Chan of being a liar who didn't do anything for her and says goodbye to them before leaving.

    She tweets on her private account that everything has come crashing down on her and wonders whose fault is that. She then posts on her KAngel account that she has lost her wings and that it is the Internet's fault, before blocking P-Chan. After that, the ending tab pops up saying "This might be just a game to you. but maybe try a little harder."
    To achieve this ending, you need to have less than 500,000 followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter below 60 on the finale.
Do You Love Me?
  • PLOT
    On day 30, Ame-chan seems to be satisfied with the result of their efforts but expresses that "KAngel is capable of more". The screen then switches to Tweeter. KAngel tweets reads as usual and then announces that she's going out somewhere, a selfie in her KAngel outfit at an amusement park follows, she then tweets another selfie riding the carousel with her "P-Chan" and people get curious about this person.
    To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter and the mental darkness meter above 80 and you also need to finish the 1 million followers celebration stream. Make sure the stress capacity remains at 100.
(Un)happy End World
  • PLOT
    After KAngel reaches one million followers, she thanks P-Chan for helping her reach her goals before she streams "I BOUGHT A NEW HOME?!", where she reveals her new house to her followers and thanks them for helping her get so far. After streaming, she posts on Tweeter about ideas for the week's upcoming streams, such as a puppy reveal, showing off her luxury bags, and her frivolous spending thanks to the money she got from streaming.

    However, on an alternate account called Abyss@fmPf1KVp6, Ame-chan reveals that, despite her success, her happiness was bland and that streaming for her fans was a drag. She says living with P-chan was boring. After P-chan sends a follow request, Ame blocks them and a "the end" tab pops up, saying, "An ordinary happiness may not have been what she wished for."
    To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 80 and the mental darkness meter under 80 without breaking the 120 stress cap. Keeping the stress under 100.
Happy End World
  • PLOT
    KAngel posts on Tweeter declaring that she will ascend from the internet and become a real angel. Her Tweeter followers begin freaking out, and everyone follows suit to go live in the real world, which leaves Tweeter as a desolate wasteland with few users left. After some unknown time, KAngel returns with, "Ask and you shall receive! The internet angel is back, cuter than ever!" After no response, she deletes the post, and the top of the feed says, "You've reached an unknown ending." A "the end" tab pops up, saying "A powerful illusion, like that of an angel's smile."
    To achieve this ending, you need to have more than a million followers. Moreover, you need to have the affection meter above 80 and the mental darkness meter under 80. You also need to disable your actual computer's internet connection, make sure that your computer cannot connect to Twitter. If your language is Simplified Chinese, you should make sure you cannot connect to Weibo.
Comment te dire adieu
  • PLOT
    Ame-chan texts P-Chan on day 1, saying, "watch me closely, p-chan" and begins to live her life while streaming outside of the player's control. On day 3, she apologizes to P-Chan and tells them she wanted to try doing it herself for once. On day 6, she says she's getting into the mindset of a proper streamer. On day 9, she tells P-Chan the amount of followers she has is perfect and she is having fun.

    On day 12, she says that she was worried at first, but it was working out. On day 14, she says, "there are a lot of ways we could potentially go with, but... i realized that this way is better. its more correct". On day 16, she says that there's a side of herself she doesn't know yet, but wants to get to know her better. On day 18, she says she feels like she's entered the endgame, and by day 20, she says she's managed to work things out by herself and that she didn't need P-Chan after all.

    On day 22, she says she's going to find a new future. On day 30, she thanks P-Chan and says she's going to pursue her future with her own hands, before saying goodbye and walking out of her webcam's sight. The computer monitor is left on.
    To achieve this ending, you need to unlock all of the other endings (SMT and happy end world are optional), which will unlock a new save slot in the file menu. Upon starting the save, you will enter the true ending. The game will play itself automatically until the end. Then you can close all the windows to read secret.txt.
  • PLOT
    Unexpectedly, the screen starts to move erratically and Ame-chan covers her face with her hands. Her webcam then full-screens and shortly after, the screen glitches out and is replaced with an endless dark void. The words “DELETE IMMEDIATELY” begin to appear. After a while, the game switches back to Ame’s computer, but the desktop is empty and she texts you the words “aAaAAaaaAaAAaaAAa” until they reach the top. After that, the game reboots and acts as normal afterwards.

    To achieve this ending, your mental darkness meter must be at 100, and every time you end a night and move to the next day, the game rolls a number between 0 and 100, additionally between 0 and 20 if you got 16 or more endings. When you roll 66 in the first case or 6 in the second, you can unlock this achievement and ending.
Galactic Express
  • PLOT
    After clicking on the Galactic Rail location, the Go Out sequence plays with a different train and a shooting star in the night sky. KAngel starts a stream entitled "True Happiness" on the train in space, where she admires all the beautiful things she sees and talks about her struggles on the internet. She then says that the train terminates here, and the "The End" tab pops up saying, "I'm a real angel now..."
    Complete all Netlore streams, then overdose on any drug during noon, and at night go to the Go Out section. A new location called "Galactic Rail" should appear—choose it.

    Stream ideas guide:

    1. A mysterious figure in my stream… - Internet > /st/
    2. A message from the future - Internet > /st/
    3. When I got off at a strange station… - Go Out > Ichigaya (Having at least 10K followers)
    4. How to overcome your fears - Internet > social media (Having at least 100K followers)
    5. KAngel - internet > /st/ (Having at least 250K followers)
  • PLOT
    Ame-chan texts you in the noon about her 1 million follower milestone, but she says that she is tired and scared and feels like everyone hates her. At night when you stream a different version of Internet Angel 5, she transforms into an Ame-color-schemed KAngel outfit instead of her usual outfit, and adopts her own personality instead of her regular KAngel one. She rants about how screwed up the internet is and blames everything on her fans. After the stream, she tweets about how she is not going let them get away with it. The next day, Ame streams again and immediately starts ranting, at one point even showing her viewers her self-harm scars. At the end, she pulls out a box cutter and slits her throat, and blood splatters on the screen.
    Reach 1 million followers with 120 stress cap and get the Internet Angel 5 stream idea, then do it when it is night; or, reach 1 million followers without doing the Internet Angel 5 stream then break the stress cap.
Internet Runaway Angel: Be Invoked
  • PLOT
    Right after reaching 9,999,999 followers, the game fullscreens on the stats and starts adding and removing random numbers as the screen goes white. KAngel thanks everyone for the support on Tweeter and proclaims that since she is now the god of the streaming world, she is going to do a celebration stream. A bunch of tabs announcing that KAngel is the most popular streamer in the world appear, including some threads of people talking about the stream KAngel is about to host. When the stream starts, there are over 100 million people watching—the background changes to a space theme with the earth and the moon. KAngel thanks everyone for everything, but she says that the internet may end because of the amount of people on the same stream, so she says her heartwarming goodbyes and "🙏BLESS🙏" one more time before the screen starts distorting and the earth in the background explodes. Afterwards, the webcam plays an animated version of KAngel's usual stream end screen, and a tab pops up with the question, "Wasn't the internet so much fun?" and a closing button that reads, "Thank you."
    Reach maximum followers (9,999,999).
    Get Your Very Own Paypig Today!
    To get this achievement, all you have to do is reach 10,000 followers.
    Those who don’t fight won’t survive.
    To get this achievement, all you have to do is reach 1,000,000 followers.
    It’s poison for you.
    To get this achievement, you need to take more drugs than prescribed.
Cut Wrists
    My love is going crazy.
    To get this achievement, You need to be at over 80 stress for 2 days.
Smoked Grass
    It’ll all be better soon.
    To get this achievement, you need to smoke magic grass. It unlocks at mental darkness 60.
Took Psychedelics
    This messed-up internet is a psychedelic rainbow.
    To get this achievement, you need to use magic paper. It unlocks at mental darkness 80.
Bila 18 Sep @ 6:08am 
orinmeow 14 Sep @ 7:30pm 
Kamiza2033 12 Sep @ 1:03pm 
akhiran_ 6 Sep @ 7:07pm 
Lucky 幸運 5 Aug @ 5:59pm 
'ikori 28 Jul @ 2:54pm 
T4lentless 24 Jul @ 1:51pm 
Luka Sky ヅ 14 Jul @ 11:53am 
FishLord 10 Jul @ 12:06am 
minish 9 Jul @ 1:43am