Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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1 Sep, 2023 @ 5:12am
1 Sep, 2023 @ 5:45am
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Hey mercs,

Sooo in light of Halloween, I decided to ask Soldier's ex-roommate, Merasmus, if he could make a war paint for you guys.

At first, he looked furious when I asked him to, but then he started to cackle and fell into a burst of uncontrollable laughter for the next 5 minutes. When he finished, he said "Ohhh you, of coooourse I will gladly make your little mercenaries a war paint to rattle up the Halloween spirits. Now... BEGONE FROM MY STUDIO APARTMENT" and shut the door on me.

He then somehow showed up at the base the next morning with these in hand. He said that these embody the Anguish he had felt living with Soldier and to give him his regards. Not sure how he made them or what he did to them but they almost feel… alive? Pretty unsettling too. Definitely gives me the creeps…

I genuinely couldn’t have asked for a more perfectly grotesque, stomach-churning, collection for Halloween!



Kybes - Concept
Bazooks - Textures

White variant of the Agony war paint