Ultimate Fishing Simulator

Ultimate Fishing Simulator

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More fun
De Release
Adds a daily goal and information about the best catch in a cooperative game.
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Let fishing be more interesting for you - add an incentive to it.

This game modification adds a daily goal to fulfill. The goal is generated randomly and its numerical value depends on your existing progress.
For example, to catch a certain number of fish or only a specific fish (that you have already caught before), a fish for a certain amount of money, a certain length or weight.

Version 0.6.2 beta:
  • A window with the text of the day's goal and the result of its fulfillment.
  • A window with information on the best catch - who, what and what weight.
  • Function to buy more than one bait at a time: with Shift key - +10, with Alt key - up to maximum.

Below are images as an example:
  • Download archive from the link[drive.google.com]
  • Unpack the archive into the game folder
  • Open mod folder "UFS_MoreFun" in game folder
  • Run the "Install.cmd" file, which will apply the modification
  • Now you can start the game and check
The mod windows with information about the goal of the day and the best catch can be hidden/showed by pressing the "Tab" key.
Multiple purchase of bait occurs when you press the buy button and hold down the "Shift" (+10 pcs.) or "Alt" key (up to a maximum value of 99).
To remove it, you need to open the "UFS_MoreFun" folder in the game folder and double-click the "Remove.cmd" file. After that, this folder, along with all the files, can simply be deleted.

* Attention: the mod also separately saves some information about your achievements in the "settings.sav" file.
The mod does not process or store any personal data.
This file, for example, contains information about the number of fish you caught at a time while you are in the location, because the game itself does not store this information.
If you want to save the accumulated progress using the mod for later restoration or transfer to another computer, save this file somewhere before deleting the mod folder.
  • The mod supports translation into other languages supported by the game. At the moment there are two localization languages available: Russian and English. For other languages supported by the game is used English version of the text.
    If you want to help with translation into other languages you can edit the text and send the corrected version to me or use it yourself. The localization text of the mod can be found in the file "Localization.csv" in the mod folder (UFS_MoreFun).

  • The mod supports fixing the game localization text by adding the game localization file "I2Languages.csv" to the mod folder (UFS_MoreFun). The file can be downloaded separately at the link[drive.google.com]. For example, in the specified file corrected an error in the name of the skill "Strength" 3rd level "Сила III" (Strength III), in the original Russian "Сила II". You can independently correct found errors in the localization text.