Samurai Vandalism

Samurai Vandalism

41 ratings
Samurai Vandalism [Walkthrough]
By EdenGenesisWs
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This guide features spoilers and covers the 3 main routes:

It shows how to unlock the 3 routes, as well as some optional sub-missions and events.

*This guide is currently being created and will be updated regularly until its final version. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me.
Common Route - Chapter 1
This is the strategy page for the common route - chapter 1 of Samurai Vandalism.

In a nutshell :
  • There will be one day of free action for Mukuro.

Chapter 1 summary table

Day 1
Opening [Samurai group Hozuki] (Mukuro's past)
Free time (you can decide to do sub-missions or other actions)
Required Event [Extermination of Vermin in the Western Region of Teito]
Go to Common Route - Chapter 2

1) - Opening
During the game's opening scene, the activities of the "Hozuki" group to which the main character Mukuro belongs, as well as Mukuro's past, are discussed.

It's recommended that you see the opening when you play the game for the first time (you can skip it if you wish).

2) - Free time
After the opening, talk to Commander Azami and you'll be free to do what you want.

You can go shopping or complete side events before you get to the mandatory ones.
(I strongly advise you to do the side stories.)

Losing your virginity.
You can also lose your virginity immediately in a sub-event during your free time.

One of Hozuki's veterans, sitting in the room opposite yours, will lecture you on the dangers of fighting enemies and monsters, and suggest a painless way to lose your virginity. It just so happens that she's bought two sex toys and is offering you one of them.
(You can accept the sex toy without using it, as it won't affect your stats).

Losing your virginity will increase the number of NPCs in event H, or you'll be raped by a monster during battle.

3) - Required Event [Extermination of Vermin in the Western Region of Teito]
Go out to the Teito West Road and explore the cave of the Teito West Road.
There is a boss at the far end.

The boss here doesn't have a defeat H-event. (If defeated, you will retreat temporarily to Teito.)
If you win, you will advance to the second chapter of the common route.
Common Route - Chapter 2
This is the strategy guide for the common route - Chapter 2 of Samurai Vandalism.

In a nutshell :

  • Makuro has 2 free action during her free time.
  • Momo has 1 free action during.
  • Kinako has also 1 free action.
  • In this chapter, there are 3 events that proceed with victory or defeat.

Chapter 2 Summary table :

Day 1
Free time
Mandatory Event [Asset Owner Blackmailed by Rebel Faction] Victory or Defeat

Day 1
Event [Momo meets Gin]
Free time
Required event [Asset owner's escort] Victory or defeat

Day 1
Event [ I don't want to kill anyone anymore! ]
Free time
Required event [ Get the evidence of secret talks! ]

Day 2
Free time
Required Event [Extermination of Invasive Alien Species] Victory or Defeat
Event [Byakuya executive group "Nine Stars" makes a move]
Event [The Princess's Travels in Pursuit of a Secret]
Go to Chapter 3 of the Common Route

Events that progress with "defeat" or "victory" and "route branching".
From this chapter onwards, some "defeats" will result in a "mission failure", but the story will continue to progress.
If you have 3 or more failures by the end of chapter 3, the Ronin path will be triggered.
If you wish to follow the Hozuki path or the Byakuya path, you must limit the number of failures to 2.

The Mukuro Part

1) - Free time
Mukuro starts this chapter without any missions, so you may decide to complete the additional sub-events added at the beginning of this chapter before continuing the adventure.

Since you will be heading to Katsusa, you can clear the "Deliverance to the Mayor of Katsusa" by taking the order.

2) - Mandatory Event [Asset Owner Blackmailed by Rebel Faction]
For this mission, you can progress by victory or defeat in the boss battle.

▲ During this fight, 3 characters will appear, so you'll have a hard time defeating them if your level is low. Be careful because If you lose the boss fight, there will be an H-scene.

The Momo Part

3) - Event [Momo meets Gin] :
This event relates how Momo and Gin first met several years ago, before they joined Hozuki.

▲ It is important to note that the character's level is inherited from the level of the previous group.
Please take a look at the status screen, as the character may have learned new skills.

4) Free time

5) Required event [Asset owner's escort]
This will be a series of three battles. (The second and third rounds will go straight into battle.)

It will be difficult to progress if you're exhausted, so it's best to recover your HP as often as possible during each fight so as not to be surprised at the start of the next one.
The game progresses by winning 3 consecutive fights or losing one in the series (there will be no H-scene even if you lose).

The Kinako Part

6) Event [/b]
Story of Kinako and her meeting with Commander Azami (Hozuki).

7) Free time
The Kinako part starts in the dungeon map.
If you want to prepare yourself further, you can return to Teito by moving backwards in the direction of the blue arrows to shop, etc,
If you don't want to turn around and head straight for your destination, it's in the upward direction.

8) [Required] Get evidence of secret talks.
When you infiltrate Takahama and reach the deepest part, you will achieve your goal.
There is no boss battle here.

The Mukuro Part - 2nd Day

9) Free time

10) Required Event [Extermination of Invasive Alien Species]
The boss fight takes place in the deepest part of the orc nest.
The game progresses according to Mukuro's victory or defeat.
If Mukuro is defeated, there will be an H-scene.

11) Event [Byakuya executive group "Nine Stars" makes a move]

12) Event [The Princess's Travels in Pursuit of a Secret]
After clearing the castle, the anti-Shogunate faction organization Byakuya makes its move and the Shogunate princess escapes the castle.

The opening movie will be played and you will proceed to Chapter 3 of the common route.

13) Go to Chapter 3 of the Common Route
Common Route - Chapter 3
This is the common route - Chapter 3 - of Samurai Vandalism.

In a nutshell :

  • The Hozuki, Byakuya and Ronin routes branch off.
  • To proceed to the ronin route, you must have a "lewdness B" or higher, or "mission failure 3 or higher".
  • There are 4 events that proceed with victory or defeat..

Chapter 3 summary table

[Expose the slave trade] → [Crush the slave market] Victory or defeat
[Find Hannya] → Get the fruit of the spirit tree
[Foreigner street slaying case] Victory or Defeat
Victory in battle with Manji
Mission Success
Defeat in battle with Manji → Mission failure → Change player
Rescue the captive Mukuro.
※ If you are defeated even once by an ennemy on the way, the mission fails.
Player selection (can start with any character)
4-1 (Kinako)
[Shady Karakuri (Doll) factory].
4-2 (Mukuro)
[Capture an important person of the anti-clerical faction] Victory or Defeat
4-3 (Momo)
The Battle of Kasuga Shrine
Branching by number of mission failures after completing 3 missions
Fail less than 3 missions
[Guard the cruel Grand Old Man]
Number of failures is more than 3
Go the Ronin & Sinners Route
After 5-1, a branching option occurs at [Lewdness B or higher]
Let's just go away.Calm down with a night breeze] or [less than B for lewdness]
[Reunion with sister]
[Let's just go away]
Go the Ronin Route
Choice during the 6-1 event
[Looking back at what we've done so far]
Go to Hozuki route
[I'll follow you, sister]
Go to the BYAKUYA route

Difference between the "Ronin Route" and the "Ronin/Sinners Route"
Both routes start with the ronin route, but the starting point for chapter 4 is different.

In the "Ronin/Sinner Route", the player starts as a sinner and an H-event is inserted at the beginning of chapter 4.

After that, you head for the Western Capital and join the "Ronin Route" at the start of your Ronin life.

3 - [Foreigner street slaying case]
Tail five, Manji appears as a Boss in the mission a [Foreigner street slaying case].

If defeated, the mission will fail, but Mukuro will be captured and a rescue event will occur.

If you don't save her in time, you'll fail the mission.

Note that on the way to the rescue, if you are defeated even once by a small fry, you will not arrive in time to save Mukuro and the mission will be a failure.

If you want to go the Hozuki or Byakuya route, be careful.

If you manage to save her in time, the Raging Leo will come to your rescue.

Characters from the precious game* also appear in Samurai Vandalism.
From chapter 3 onwards, characters from the previous game* also appear.

*Ideology in Friction Append

In the event [Capture an important person of the anti-clerical faction], in which Eliza (from the previous game) appears, there is a battle with Tail four, Midori Mochizuki.

If you win the battle and hunt Midori down, Ranmaru stops her, and Midori's ability to release her powers is almost kept in reserve.

Branching by number of mission failures
If the number of mission failures is 3 or more, you will be accused of murdering a nobleman and become a criminal.
Proceed to Ronin Chapter 4.

If the number of mission failures is less than 3
If the number of mission failures is less than 3, you will proceed to the event [Guard the Cruel Grand Old Man].

After the event, you will be given a choice if you are above B in lewdness.

▲ If you choose "Let's just go away", you will go to the Ronin route.

After that, your future route will be decided after the last choice in this chapter.
Continue to Chapter 4 for each route.

Hozuki route
This is the Hozuki Route strategy guide for Samurai Vandalism.

Here I will explain the important points of chapters 4, 5, and the final chapter.

The ending branching point at the end of Chapter 5
The key point to watch out for in the Hozuki route is the ending split at the end of Chapter 5.
Decide which route you want to take from the four endings.

Chapter 5 summary table

End of Chapter 5, after Takachiho Azami's recollection
Less than Lewdness A
1-1 [Sleepless nights]
Lewdness A
1-2 [B*tch ENDING] confirmed
Go to the last chapter of Hozuki route
Choice during the 1-1 event
"Let's face Leo's feelings properly"
2-1 [Pure Love ENDING] confirmed
Go to the last chapter of Hozuki route
[Not yet...]
[Virgin ENDING] ** or [Normal ENDING] Go to the last chapter of Hozuki Route

**If you choose "Not yet...", you will get "Virgin ENDING" if you are a virgin, otherwise you will get "Normal END".

Side episodes for virgins only
There are two virgin-only side episodes that are opened when you enter Chapter 5.
Mukuro and Nina" and "Would You Like a Date?" are limited side episodes.

Enjoy the story!
(In case you're aiming for the Virgin ENDING, be aware that there are three H-events if you're defeated in Chapter 4).

There is no H-event following a defeat after chapter 5.
I highly advise you to win all the battles to enjoy the story. (The development of the story becomes epic at this point).

If you think someone is missing in the confrontation with BYAKUYA.
View the side episode "Punishment for the Betrayer". (Open in the second half of Chapter 4)

This is the strategy guide for the Byakuya route in Samurai Vandalism.

This page explains the important points of the Byakuya Route, including the ending branching.

In a nutshell :

  • The ending is split according to the level of corruption and the degree of lewdness (3 kinds).
  • The player can control Mei (Mei's control part is limited to Byakuya).
  • The story unfolds from Byakuya's point of view.

The ending branching
The ending after the destruction of the last boss is determined by your evil corruption level and your degree of lewdness.

There are three types of endings for the Byakuya route.

Chapter 5 summary table

Ending type
The ending is reached when the level of lewdness is less than A and the level of corruption is less than LV3.
(There is an additional episode when Mei and Ranmaru are united.)
Lewd END:
The ending is reached with the degree of lewdness A
Evil Corruption END:
The ending is reached at the level 3 of the evil corruption.

About the "Evil Corruption Level"
You will be given a choice at the event or when you defeat a humanoid enemy.

The evil corruption LV is raised according to the number of people who have been tokened.

Evil corruption LV
Number of people killed with your blade
0 person
1~19 people
20 to 29 people
30 or more

The [Road to Hiraga's Laboratory] has only humanoid enemies, so it's easy to increase your Evil Corruption LV.

Sub-event that brings Mei and Ranmaru together
A sub-event occurs when Mukuro and Mei are able to work together in the last chapter.
The condition is that Mei has had sex less than 10 times.
Switch the leading character and go to Ranmaru's tenement.

Number of Mission Failures
The number of failed missions is not directly related to the ending.
If you fail two or more times, there will be an H scene in the middle of Chapter 5.

Event in which "side episodes" are lost if failed
  • If you fail the [Helping Mikage Orikasa] event in Chapter 4, you will lose one of the subsequent side episodes. You will not be able to see [Honeymoon with a subordinate], so it is important to succeed in this event.

The Mei part
In the Byakuya route, you can control Mei and, unlike the other playable characters, decide whether she's a virgin or has had sexual experience.

If you want Mei to be sexually experienced, you can decide who her first partner was, which will affect her statistics.

You will then be given three choices of partner(s):
  • "I secretly did it with a boy from the neighboring village"
  • "l lost to a monster..."
  • "I sold it to a noble to rid myself of that weakness"

Please note that if you choose the last option, offering Mei's virginity to the nobility, the number of times they've had sex exceeds 10x.

The story unfolds from Byakuya's point of view

- The story progresses from the point of view of Byakuya, the anti-shogunate faction, and unfolds differently from the Hozuki route.

- During the Byakuya route, Daruma and the other commanders will moves to overthrow the shogunate.

- Mukuro will have to fight against her former comrades.

- We will also get to the bottom of the attack on the village of Mei and Mukuro.

This is the strategy guide for the Ronin route in Samurai Vandalism.

The important points such as the ending branch will be described.

Please note that If you enter this route as a guilty person, you will be saved by Ranmaru at the beginning of the game.

In a nutshell :
  • The ending is split by the level of corruption and the degree of lewdness.
  • Full of H-events for the three main characters. You can do whatever you want.
  • There are also sex scenes with other than the main characters.
  • This story doesn't belong to either Hozuki nor Byakuya.

The ending branching
The evil corruption LV and the degree of lewdness affect the ending.

The ronin route also splits bad endings.

Ending Branching
Evil corruption END:
The ending is reached at the level 3 of the evil corruption.
Lewd Ronin END :
[Mukuro, Momo, Kinako] Ending with a lewdness level of "A"
Ronin END :
The end is reached when the above two conditions are not met.

Evil corruption BAD END:
Defeated in the final battle (Evil Corruption LV3)
Defeated in the final game

Places where it is easy to raise the LV of evil corruption
It is easy to raise the level of evil corruption by going to "Kanna Highway" because there are many humanoid enemies.

The Evil Corruption Level will be raised to level 3 if you kill 30 or more people.

Evil corruption LV
Number of people killed with your blade
0 person
1~19 people
20~29 people
30 or more

Lewd Ronin Route
The Ronin route is full of H-events.
From the middle of Chapter 5, Mukuro, Momo, and Kanako will all become available.
(Switching between characters is done from the status screen.)

Sex trip
You can get a " (Yotogi) Night Line" at the bar.
You can use it from the item.

This item makes it easy to find men who want to have sex with you (with NPCs who have the heart symbol above them)

Working in a brothel
Mukuro is not the only character who can work in a brothel, Momo and Kinako will also be able to work there.

Raise your exposure development level and enter men's baths
When you reach Exposure Development Level B, you will be able to enter men's baths. (You also need to have a lewdness level of B or higher.)

Once you enter the men's bath, you can undress anytime.
(Men's baths are available from Chapter 4 in the Ronin route. (You can enter the men's baths in the Hozuki and Byakuya routes in the last chapter of the game.)

How to increase the number of exposures
The number of exposures rises with H-scenes that involve nudity.

The main scenes that raise the exposure count are as follows :
  • NPC sex (that allows you to get naked)
  • Selecting to be naked in a nightclub line
  • Working in a brothel

You will be able to conceive (Mukuro only)
If you have Hiraga perform the surgery, you will have the constitution to get pregnant immediately.
Then, if you experience Nakadashi (intravaginal ejaculation), you're more likely to get pregnant.

Events Progressing in Defeat
Some events advance the story despite defeat until the middle of Chapter 5. (Many of these have H-scenes.)

If you fail 3 or more events, there will be an H-scene in the middle of Chapter 5, although this doesn't affect the ending.

After that, there are no more events to advance the story despite defeat, and if you lose a fight, you'll have to start again.

H-scenes involving characters other than the main ones.
There are H-scenes in the side episodes.

The female characters who will fight in the middle of Chapter 5 or later will be given the option to live or not after winning the battle.
If you keep them alive, you can see the side episode in the last chapter.

A story that doesn't belong to either Hozulki nor Byakuya
The story is about Mukuro former samurai (Mukuro, Momo & Kinako) who become ronin and live a life of freedom without belonging to any organization.
After Hiraga leaves Byakuya in the middle of the story, the story moves dramatically.

After Kinako joins the group, the three of them (Mukuro, Momo and Kinako) can work together all the time (middle of Chapter 5).

Hiraga will leave the Byakuya and join the Shogunate. He'll be

You risk attracting attention and confronting Daruma, the leader of Byakuya, if you reach level 3 of evil corruption.
Final Bosses, Hidden Bosses and Additional Episodes [BIG SPOILER!!]
Important : This session features several spoilers about the identity of the final bosses of each route.

Summary of Final Bosses :
The Final Boss of the Hozuki route is Hiraga , transformed into a super-powerful monster
The final boss of Byakuya route is Tamamo-sama , transformed into a nine-tailed fox after absorbing the destructive power inherited from Princess Saya.
The final boss in Ronin route is the Shogun . He asks Hiraga to give him eternal youth, but the surgery doesn't work as intended and the Shogun becomes a monster to be slaughtered.

Specificity of the Ronin route :
In the Ronin route, you'll have the opportunity to fight and kill members of Byakuya (Nine Tails except Ranmaru) and your former Hozuki companions.

In the final chapter of the story, these 3 optional missions will be available to you: :

Showdown with the Strongest :
Objective : Defeat Daruma
Description : Daruma, Byakuya's boss, once called the world's strongest, now trains on the mountain called Cloud Path, in preparation for the fated day.
* You must have a Corruption Lv. 3 to start this mission

Wind God's Determination :
Objective : Defeat Gin Fuma
Description : After Hozuki was disbanded, its members scattered. Gin disappeared, but it seems he now resides on Mt. Nasuno, where he once trained together with Momo.

The Thunder God Gets Serious :
Objective : Defeat Leo Goldstein
Description : After Hozuki was disbanded, its members scattered. Leo now dwells in Elfheim, deep within Fairy Forest. He could be dangerous if left to his own devices.

Hidden Bosses and Additional Episodes
A hidden boss has appeared in the last dungeon.
▲The hidden boss is just before the final point, go in the direction of the arrow.

The hidden boss is located at the final point of Mt. of Immortality, by taking the path on the left-hand side, as shown in the screenshot above. If you take the exit straight ahead, you'll have to fight the final boss, who will be different depending on the route you take.

Please note that the Hidden Boss is more powerful than the Final Boss.
You'll need to equip you team with your best skills and accessories to face the Hidden Boss in the best possible conditions. We strongly advise you to use accessories that increase resistance.

Sort out your skills and equip those that do the most damage. You can also equip your characters with a skill that allows them to restore their HP.

Don't forget to buy lots of healing items (Hight/ultra Potion) and SP recovery items (Skillfruit Leaf, Skillfruit).

Example of items you may need for this confrontation :

Ultra Potion :
Effect : Restores one ally to full HP.

Skillfruit leaf :
Effect : Restores SP to one ally.

Ambrosia :
Effect : Restores one allyt to full HP and SP.

Fairy Tears :
Effect : Restores the entire party to full HP.

Revival Drug :
Effect : Revives one fallen ally.

Teleport Stone :
Effect : Sends the user back to the entrance of the current dungeon. Also allows the holder to escape from enemies if defeated.
After clearing the game
After completing the game and all its endings, new scenes will be added to the EXTRA menu, and new episodes to the AFTER EPISODE menu.

Except for the episode "First and Last Night Together"

Please note that you can also unlock any missing CG or episodes by going to :
"CONFIG -> System Settings Pages 3 -> Force open extra menu -> ON".

With the exception of the episode "First and Last Night Together", which relates the relationship between Zepp and Nina (Leo's parents), the other episodes are actually a recap of the game's endings that you've unlocked.

There should be a total of 10 endings, according to the creator of the game.

Opening the Extra :
The menu Extra can be opened on the title screen.

You can view CG and H-scene recollections that you have seen once, and H-animations during battle.

If you're missing CGs, H-scenes or animations and you don't have the patience to unlock them. You can force them open in the options, as explained earlier.

The AFTER EPISODE menu opens on the title screen.

You can replay all the end-of-game episodes you've unlocked so far.
These are the episodes that start after the end credits, which differ according to your choices and actions in the game.

Start a new game after completing the game:
When you start a new game from the beginning, you will have two additional options.
You can decide to start the game at LV Max or choose Mukuro's sexual experience status.

This is handy if you've finished the game (Hozuki/Buyakuya route) and already unlocked the Virgin End and want to unlock the Lewd End as well as all the CGs and Animations to discover.

If you want to unlock the most CGs and Animations, it's highly advisable to aim for the Ronin Route, as this contains the most H-events, CGs and corruption for Mukuro, Momo and Kinako.
Please note that the Ronin route is also the most tragic one, where you'll have to make tough choices and confront your sister, former friends and comrades.

If you want to unlock Mei's CGs, you'll need to do the BUYAKUYA Route.

You could, for example, join Mei and the Buyakuya when she suggests it, then fail several missions to unlock the Ronin route.

It's important to note that Mei will never become a Ronin. So it's essential to unlock all Mei's H-scenes before separating from your sister, who will later become your enemy.

ShadowYakuballs 2 Aug, 2024 @ 6:48am 
lewdness B? you mean Immorality?
EdenGenesisWs  [author] 6 Jul, 2024 @ 8:53am 
@IT IS ALWAYS GLOOMY DAY, it's strange. The game should work without any patch. Please contact Mango Party for further assistance.
SMOKE 5 Jul, 2024 @ 9:25am 
@Eden i cannot unlock any H scene but completed the game. feels like there is no H scenes
EdenGenesisWs  [author] 6 Dec, 2023 @ 9:36am 
@Noir, I'm committed to enhancing the guide!

Feel free to suggest another game for me to create a guide on by leaving a comment on my steam profile.

I'll reach out to Steam support to get assistance on incorporating screenshots into my guide.

There are plenty of topics I haven't covered yet, and I'm eager to address them.
NoiR 28 Oct, 2023 @ 4:07am 
@Eden Idk how to do it but you should be able to(edit it?). I've never created a guide b4 but I've seen images on other guides. Ur guide is already good tho, pretty much everything is perfect but its just a bit confusing with labellings
EdenGenesisWs  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 1:26am 
@Noir, I'm sorry for the confusion.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my explanations and presentation.

Do you know how I can add screenshots that are visiblent? Mine are displayed as clickable links, it's a pain...
NoiR 26 Oct, 2023 @ 3:17pm 
@Eden ohh so that's what it was. I thought it was one of the endings and I couldnt get it lmao. Tnx for the clarification
EdenGenesisWs  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 4:09am 
@BedBathNurMom It seems to me that Momo and Kinako join the team in the middle of chapter 5.

I think we meet them on a mission. We have to fight Momo and Kinako, and then she'll join us.

Both have failed their mission for Hozuki and decide to leave Hozuki to become Ronins. After a while, they'll be hired for a joint mission and will once again be working for the Shogun, or rather the former member of BYAKUYA.
EdenGenesisWs  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 4:09am 
Sorry for my late reply!

@Noir, From what I remember, before the final battle, there's a night I've named "Sleepless night" in which Mukuro can't sleep and she decides to leave her room to get some fresh air.

As she does so, she'll pass by Leo's room and you'll have the choice of going to see if Leo is awake, or not disturbing him.

If you decide to go and see Leo, then an H scene will be launched and Mukuro will lose her virginity (unless she's lost it before).

If Mukuro decides not to bother Leo, then she'll remain a virgin (unless, as previously stated, she's already lost her virginity).

I think this is the event that changes the end of the Hozuki route.
If Mukuro has a very high Lewd level, then she'll become Hozuki's Toilet or another name translated by Kagura in the English version of the game.
BedBathNurMom 16 Oct, 2023 @ 3:01am 
i have a qestion i just got to the rounin route after being deemed a criminal, when i save it tells me i am on chapter 10, in your guide yyou say that momo and kinnako join midway through chapter 5, did i skip over something?