Quake II

Quake II

134 ratings
Quake II Secrets
By Xazuki
A visual guide to finding all the secrets and secret levels in Quake II.
Useful Information

Quake II Secrets Guide Contents

This guide will help you find all the secrets in Quake II.

Quake II consists of several "units" and each unit contains several levels that connect to each other. Sometimes you won't be able to find all the secrets in a level the first time you visit it but later on in the unit you will return to that level to find the rest of the secrets. Proceed through the levels in the order listed in this guide to ensure you discover all the secrets before leaving a unit.
[Unit 1: Base]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Outer Base
Secret 1 of 3
At the start of the level destroy a glass window () in front of you and jump through.

Go down the ladder and then crouch to get through a small passage () that's near an Adrenaline.

After crawling for a while the passage will end in some water. Swim down in to the water on the right side () to find a secret area.

Reward: Grenades, Armor Shard x3

Secret 2 of 3
After emerging into the outside area with lots of Strogg flags, look under the stairs to find a secret item.

Reward: Silencer

Secret 3 of 3
In the last room with the exit elevator, head to the back of the room and look at the ceiling to find a shootable switch () that activates a nearby wall ().

Reward: Grenades, Medkit x2
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Installation
Secret 1 of 2
When you head outside and see a broken bridge, drop down in to the water and look for a small opening () near an entryway.

Once inside look for a cracked metal wall () that can be destroyed to reveal the secret.

Reward: Shotgun

NOTE: The final secret in this level will be found after you return from Comm Center later on in this unit.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Comm Center
Secret 1 of 2
Soon after starting the level you will see some stairs leading down in to a large pool of water underneath some platforms. Jump in and swim through a damaged section of the floor ().

Look for a small gap in the corner () that you can swim through. Emerge from the water to find a room with some items and an elevator.

Reward: Bullets x2, Medkit

Secret 2 of 2
This is essentially part of Secret 1. As soon as you activate the elevator you found it will count as the 2nd secret and take you to the secret level: Lost Station.

‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Lost Station [Secret Level]
Secret 1 of 6
Before going on the moving tram, head to the right to find a dark storage area filled with crates. It can quite hard to see in the dark so try firing your Blaster weapon to provide some light. Jump up on the smaller stack of crates () and then over to the larger stack ().

Climb up the crates in to the top corner () to find the secret.

Reward: Silencer

Secret 2 of 6
Head back towards the moving tram but this time drop down in to the water below it (). Swim through a small tunnel and proceed up some steps to find a secret.

Reward: Bullets, Shells, Stimpack x2, Armor Shard x4, Rebreather

Secret 3 of 6
Now take the moving tram down to the next level. You will see two pools of water so head to the furthest one ().

Shoot the shootable switch () that is underwater here then swim back the way you came.

A small hatch () will have opened underwater to reveal a secret.

Reward: Bullets, Grenades, First Aid x4

Secret 4 of 6
While you are getting the Red Keycard you will shoot a shootable switch () to raise you up. However there is actually a secret underneath this ramp. Shoot the switch and quickly pull back off the ramp () before it raises you up and head underneath it to find the secret.

Reward: Medkit

Secret 5 of 6
Continue climbing the stairs of this area and take a right ().

You will notice a shootable switch () that when shot activates a secret wall () and a nearby blaster trap. When it is safe drop down and go in to the secret.

Reward: Armor Shard x2, Adrenaline

Secret 6 of 6
In the large room where you use the Red Keycard on a computer, dive down in to the water below. Shoot the lighter part of the wall here to reveal a secret.

Reward: Shells x2, Medkit x2, Jacket Armor, Invulnerability
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Installation [Continued]
Secret 2 of 2
While in the final room with the exit elevator, drop down to the lower level ().

Head to the right and look for an alcove containing a cache of secret items ().

Reward: Super Shotgun, Shells
[Unit 2: Warehouse]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Ammo Depot
Secret 1 of 3
In the starting room look in the corner of the ceiling to see a shootable switch (). It activates a nearby wall () to reveal a secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 2 of 3
In the room where you'll press a green button to smash a door with a crate, look for a 2nd green button () nearby that opens a floor panel () allowing you in to a secret.

Reward: Bullets, First Aid, Stimpack

Secret 3 of 3
In the room with the bridge over the lava walk over it and then drop down to the platform () underneath it.

You'll find a few items here and a shaft () that takes you to a few more.

Reward: Chain Gun, Grenades, First Aid x4
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Supply Station
Secret 1 of 3
In the outdoor area jump off the edge and down to the ground below. Look for a metal door in the corner that opens when you approach to find the secret.

Reward: Combat Armor

Secret 2 of 3
Inside the facility look for a crate on a machine that is moving around the room. Jump on to the crate () and wait until it tries to re-enter the closet it came from (). Crouch down to avoid getting knocked off and it will take you inside the secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 3 of 3
You'll enter a huge room filled with different coloured crates. Head between the orange and red crates ().

Look carefully at a stack of orange crates. Shoot the odd yellow crate () to reveal the secret.

Reward: Megahealth
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Warehouse
Secret 1 of 2
After descending the spiral staircase, take note of all the crates along the wall. Find the small red crate () and jump on it, then make a jump over to another set of crates ().

From here you will just be able to see a shootable switch () behind the crates.

Shooting the switch will activate a nearby wall () by the spiral staircase. Head inside to find a lot of items.

Reward: Shells x2, Bullets x2, Grenades x2, First Aid x3, Jacket Armor, Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 2
In the room where you press a green button to activate several moving hanging platforms, look to the ceiling nearby to see a shootable switch ().

It activates a nearby ladder () which leads you up to the secret ledge.

Reward: Quad-Damage
[Unit 3: Jail]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Main Gate
Secret 1 of 2
Near the start of the level, jump off the platform down in to the water. You'll notice a small area between the walls containing a secret.

Reward: First Aid x3, Rebreather

Secret 2 of 2
When you enter the installation an enemy Enforcer will run for an alarm button (). Let him press it or press it yourself and a wall to the right will explode and some Flyers will attack. Jump up on a nearby computer () and then in to the section the Flyers emerged from () to find the secret.

Reward: Jacket Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Detention Center
Secret 1 of 2
In the room with some computers, look up to the corner to see a shootable switch (). This raises some stairs allowing you access to some Bullets. However the actual secret is underneath these stairs. Shoot the switch and quickly drop down off the edge ( and head around the corner.

Head underneath the raised stairs () to find the secret.

Reward: Combat Armor

Secret 2 of 2
Before you exit the room you'll notice a strange central room containing lots of metal barriers. First press the green button () next to the door and then head inside ().

While inside turn around and push the another green button () next to the door. Then head out again () and turn right. Keep going past the other open door.

Press the last green button () here and then go in to the door just around the corner () you passed earlier. Certain barriers have been removed and you can now access the secret.

Reward: Cells x3, Medkit x2, Adrenaline x2
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Security Complex
Secret 1 of 1
In the room with some computers look for a entryway blocked by yellow laser beams. Shoot a section of the wall to the right of it to reveal a secret.

Reward: Grenade Launcher
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Guard House
Secret 1 of 3
Destroy some barrels () to blow up a nearby crack in the wall () which leads to the secret.

Reward: Ammo Pack, First Aid

Secret 2 of 3
After entering an outside area look carefully at a brick in the wall () in front of you. It is actually a push switch that activates a nearby ramp () to reveal a secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 3 of 3
From the same outside area as Secret 2 jump down to the platform below near some water and go through the entryway ().

In here you'll see two cracked doors and some barrels. Destroy the barrels and crawl through the cracked door on the right () to enter the secret area.

Reward: Grenade Launcher, Medkit
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Torture Chambers
Secret 1 of 3
Near the start jump over to the grass area and head right around the corner () to find the secret.

Reward: HyperBlaster, Cells

Secret 2 of 3
Head in to Cell Block A and press the red computer () next to the 2nd cell (). Head inside the cell.

Inside is a Prisoner banging against the wall. Destroy the brick () infront of him and crouch through the hole to find the secret Invulnerability item. Keep this item to help with Secret 3.

Reward: Invulnerability

Secret 3 of 3
Next to the exit that takes you to back to Security Complex you will see a cage suspended above some lava. Activate the Invulnerability item you found in Secret 2 and jump in to the lava to find a large amount of items.

Reward: Shells, Bullets, Grenades, Cells, Slugs, Ammo Pack, Quad-Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Grid Control
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
[Unit 4: Mines]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Mine Entrance
Secret 1 of 1
When walking over a platform high above some lava look to your left to see a sparking orange computer panel. Shoot it to reveal the secret.

Reward: Rocket Launcher
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Upper Mines
Secret 1 of 2
In the room with the push switch that activates the ventilation system, shoot the sparking computer on the left to reveal a secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 2 of 2
After activating the ventilation system head to the corridor nearby that contains a floor switch that activates a bridge. Shoot a part of the wall nearby in a dark corner to reveal a secret.

Reward: Bullets x2, Medkit
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Borehole
Secret 1 of 3
In the room with the HyperBlaster, look under the stairs () to find some secret items (). Destroy the barrels to reach the items.

Reward: Rockets, Combat Armor

Secret 2 of 3
In the same room as Secret 1 look down the hole in the floor to see a platform. If it is too dark to see use your Blaster to light it up. The edge is lined with water and you can jump in () and swim down to find the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 3 of 3
After pressing both red buttons near the drill some closets will open and you'll be ambushed by some Gunners. Head in to the closet () that contains a Medkit.

Shoot the metal circle () at the back of the closet to reveal a secret area.

Jump on to the rising cart elevator () to reach an alternative entrance to the next level: Drilling Area. It takes you to a hidden platform in that level with more items.

Reward: Shells, Cells, Stimpack, Medkit x3, Adrenaline, Armor Shard x3, Silencer
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Drilling Area
Secret 1 of 2
After taking the large elevator down to the lowest level in Borehole you will re-enter Drilling Area and find a room containing a Rocket Launcher. Destroy both the red power conduits in here to allow you to continue in to a dark cave ().

As soon as you enter the cave look to the right and destroy the wall () to reveal a secret.

Reward: Invulnerability

NOTE: You will return to this level right at the end of the unit to find the last secret.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Lower Mines
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Drilling Area [Continued]
Secret 2 of 2
In the final room with the exit elevator you can jump on the elevator bars () and then on to the crates (). Jump up to the larger crate to find a secret item (). You can also use the nearby barrels for an easier jump if they haven't been destroyed in the fighting.

Reward: Adrenaline
[Unit 5: Factory]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Receiving Center
Secret 1 of 4
When you see three small lifts, jump on the middle one ().

Look down and straight ahead is a metal door () that will move when you approach letting you in to the secret.

Reward: Bullets x2, Rockets x2, Combat Armor

Secret 2 of 4
Shortly after disabling the red laser beams you'll go on to a walkway above some water. Jump over the side of the walkway in to the water ().

Head in to the area underneath the platform () to find a secret.

Reward: Railgun, Grenades, First Aid x2

Secret 3 of 4
Go back up to the walkway from Secret 2 and head over to the waterfall. Make a running jump off the end of the walkway () and on to the top of the waterfall (). This takes you to the secret level: Sudden Death. If you're having trouble making the jump, try rocket jumping over by shooting the ground with a Rocket Launcher as you jump to get a height boost.


NOTE: You'll find the final secret of this level when you return at the end of the unit.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Sudden Death [Secret Level]
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Processing Plant
NOTE: An extra secret has been added in the 2023 remaster of Quake II that raises the secret count from 3 to 4. If you are playing the original 1997 release of Quake II then you can ignore the fourth secret.

Secret 1 of 4
You'll come to a door that requires you to push two green buttons to continue. Before doing that look straight up to see a red light () in the ceiling.

Shoot it to make a nearby wall move () to reveal the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 4
After you open the door with the two green buttons from Secret 1 head through it and immediately jump off to the left (). Quickly get inside the secret area before you take too much damage.

Reward: First Aid, Quad-Damage

Secret 3 of 4
In the room with the conveyor belt above the red acid pool, press the green button to deactivate the machine and the message "Bio processing control unit deactivated" will appear. You can now enter the machine through the conveyor belt to find the secret item.

Reward: Power Shield

Secret 4 of 4
In the room with the "Bio-Compression Chamber" head down the left side () of the machine.

Look behind some metal bars and you'll see a shootable switch (). Shoot it to remove the bars and let you in to the secret area.

Reward: Armor Shard x5
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Receiving Center [Continued]
Secret 4 of 4
Right before you exit the level and the unit, look opposite to see a grey panel () built in to some red metal. Move near it to make it flip open and reveal a shootable switch.

Shoot it () and then head around the corner ().

A wall has moved () revealing a secret area.

Reward: Shells x2, First Aid x2
[Unit 6: Power & Cooling]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Power Plant
Secret 1 of 2
From the start of the level go across the bridge, through the entryway and turn left. Look up to the ceiling and look for a lightly flashing blue light () that is also sparking. Shoot it to make a section of a nearby wall () move to reveal a secret.

Reward: Medkit x2, Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 2
Immediately after finding Secret 1 look down to the next room to see a large cluster of barrels. Destroy them to reveal a secret entrance.

Reward: BFG10K, Shells, Cells, First Aid x2
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎The Reactor
Secret 1 of 1
Work your way down to the lower levels of this facility until you are on the platform with two red doors and toxic water is nearby. Enter the red door () on the right.

Behind the red door you will notice a dark panel () between two white lights. Shoot it to reveal a ladder to a secret.

Reward: Armor Shard x2, Adrenaline
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Cooling Facility
Secret 1 of 3
While making your way through the flowing water channel, look for a ladder on the left side which can take you down to a secret. The water flow can sweep you past this quickly so try to walk on the edge of the channel.

Reward: Bullets x2, Grenades, First Aid x2, Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 3
At the end of the water section you will ride some lifts up () to a higher platform. Once at the top head around to the other side of the room and look down to see a secret under the platform () you can jump down to.

Reward: Megahealth

Secret 3 of 3
After pressing the large crank wheel, ride the piston up to the next floor and press the red button ().

You'll hear an explosion so drop back down to the lower level and look for the section of wall () that is now destroyed.

Reward: Railgun, Body Armor, Quad Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Toxic Waste Dump
Secret 1 of 2
Not long after crossing the high bridge look for an Enviroment Suit () next to a dead body at the end of a corridor. If you're quick you can use this item to reach this secret and the next one.

Activate the Enviroment Suit and jump in to the corner of the toxic pool () in front of you. Swim down to find the items.

Reward: Armor Shard x3, Adrenaline, Invulnerability

Secret 2 of 2
While still in the toxic pool from Secret 1, turn around and swim back the way you came ().

Head in to a long corridor still filled with toxic acid and run all the way to the end () and take the last right turn.

From here follow the toxic channel and keep going forward and you'll walk straight into the secret.

Reward: Cells, Armor Shard x4, Enviroment Suit
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Pumping Station 1
Secret 1 of 3
You'll enter a room and see a Grenade Launcher on a stack of crates. Turn around and shoot the flickering yellow light () which will blow up a nearby crate () and reveal a secret Adrenaline. To reach it you can jump on the nearby barrels if they haven't been destroyed but you can also jump up using the slanted metal to the right of the crates ().

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 3
In the same room as Secret 1, look at the large pipe next to the Grenade Launcher. It has a crack in it and can be destroyed to allow you access to a secret.

Reward: Bullet x2, Adrenaline

Secret 3 of 3
After you exit Secret 2 by jumping in to another water pipe you'll emerge in an outside area. Shoot the two grates (+) in this area to reveal a secret compartment ().

Reward: Quad-Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Pumping Station 2
NOTE: The 2023 remastered version of Quake II has fixed a bug regarding Secret 1 and now all the secrets in this level can be properly discovered. If you are playing the original 1997 release of Quake II then the first secret still exists, it just doesn't activate as a secret.

Secret 1 of 4
Shoot the Strogg panel next to the Blue Key Door to reveal a secret compartment.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 2 of 4
In the same area as Secret 1, drop down in between the wall and the platform ().

For some extra items destroy the two metal bars () covering the pipe. After getting those items head over to the thin edge and follow it around the corner ().

Eventually you'll see a dead body and some items so drop down to discover the secret (). To get back you will have to run through the acid pit so if you have a Enviroment Suit now is a good time to use it.

Reward: Stimpack x5, Adrenaline, Body Armor

Secret 3 of 4
While walking up a ramp which has toxic acid on either side look carefully at the nearby metal wall to see a dark door shaped panel. Destroy it to access a secret.

Reward: Invulnerability

Secret 4 of 4
After activating the pump and opening the Blue Key Door you'll see a large pit of acid (). Take a right () and head in to a nearby room.

Pick up the Enviroment Suit () and then return to the acid pit.

Activate the Enviroment Suit and carefully enter the acid pit. You don't want to swim down to far or you'll be instantly killed by the blades. Carefully swim in to the secret alcove ().

Reward: Quad-Damage
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Cooling Facility [Optional]
Extra Secret
This extra secret is completely optional and requires a bit of backtracking. At the very end of the unit you will be heading back through The Reactor level and the reactor itself will explode in front of you. Instead of heading to the exit by going up the elevator, head straight on () and back in to the Cooling Facility level.

Quickly get through the entire level until you reach the outside area where you can see the Big Gun in the background and a large pool of water. A new tunnel has appeared underwater () so jump in and swim through it.

Inside the room you'll notice a crack in the brown pipe () so destroy it to be greeted by an old friend.

Reward: None
[Unit 7: Big Gun]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Big Gun
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
[Unit 8: Hangar]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Outer Hangar
NOTE: The 2023 remastered version of Quake II has increased the secret count from 3 to 4. If you are playing the original 1997 release of Quake II then you can ignore the 3rd secret.

Secret 1 of 4
At the start head down the nearby elevator ().

In this room jump over the metal pipe () near the Rebreather to get to the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 4
Jump in to the water and look for a large underwater fan. Destroy the red conduit () next to it to stop the flow of water.

Head to the surface and drop down in to the pool of water () to find yourself inside the pipe. Now you have stopped the water flow you can swim through and reach the secret.

Reward: Shells, Cells, Stimpack x2, Combat Armor

Secret 3 of 4
While still in the area of Secret 2 look carefully at the cliff wall. A small chunk of rock can be seen sticking out of the cliff, shoot it to make a strange secret appear.

Reward: None

Secret 4 of 4
Still in the area for Secret 2 & 3 enter the building and head around to see the entrance to a large blue teleporter. Head inside to be taken to the secret level: Comm Satellite.

‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Comm Satellite [Secret Level]
Secret 1 of 2
As you approach a window, look over the edge to your left to see several platforms above open space. Carefully drop down to one of the platforms () but be aware of the lower gravity.

Carefully jump over to the platform in the corner () then over to the secret item ().

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 2
Just before you go through to the last hangar which contains the exit telelporter, look to the right of the door. There is a platform just below the edge () hidden in the darkness that contains a secret.

Reward: Adrenaline
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Research Lab
Secret 1 of 1
When walking over the red laser bridge look to your right. Destroy the bars on the right cage to access a secret.

Reward: Slugs, Quad-Damage

Extra Secret
To discover an optional secret make sure to destroy every single Prisoner that you can over the whole level. This includes all the ones that are just wandering around, the few trapped on the death machines and the two behind the metal bars near Secret 1. The Prisoners that are trapped behind indestructable glass barriers don't count.
Just as you are about to leave the level through the original entrance, look to your right to see that the message "KILL ME" has appeared on the glass. You can now destroy the glass, enter the cell and crawl through a vent to read a cryptic message.

Reward: None
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Inner Hangar
Secret 1 of 5
At the start of the level look to your left and inspect the red computer panels. The middle one is cracked and can be destroyed to reveal the secret.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 2 of 5
After making your way past the large rotating blades you'll enter the room with three brown crates in the corner. One has a crack and can be destroyed to reveal a secret.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 3 of 5
In the flooded area with the moving cube platforms look by the 2nd green button to see a Rebreather (). Pick it up and activate it then jump in to the water below () to find a deeper section that leads to a cramped set of underwater corridors.

Swim to the right side of this maze () to find a Bandolier and then swim over to the other side () to emerge from the water and find the secret.

Reward: First Aid x2, Body Armor, Bandolier

Secret 4 of 5
You'll enter a large circular room with water all around the edge. Drop down and enter the water ().

While underwater swim under the central platform to find the secret area ().

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 5 of 5
Right before you use the final lift, shoot a dark panel to the right of a white light to reveal a small secret closet.

Reward: Body Armor
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Launch Command
Secret 1 of 2
As soon as you start the level you'll notice a platform with three floating rings above it. Rocket jump up to the platform () by jumping and shooting a rocket at the ground to boost yourself up. Drop down the other side () to get the secret items.

Reward: BFG10K, Bullets, Rockets, Medkit

Secret 2 of 2
After achieving all the goals in this level you'll be able to access the exit corridor. Look at the glass on the left to see one it is and can be destroyed allowing you in to the secret.

Reward: Shells, Bullets, Grenades, Rockets, Cells, Slugs
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Outlands
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
[Unit 9: City]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Outer Courts
Secret 1 of 5
Near the start of the level look for a dark cave entrance () and head inside.

Look for an item behind a crack in the wall (). Destroy the section of the wall to widen it enough for you to enter and discover the secret.

Reward: Medkit, Power Shield

Secret 2 of 5
Head back to the outside area and start climbing up the side of the cliff. Jump over to the grass covered ledge () and then over to a green button () which you should press.

Drop down and go back through the entryway underneath to return to the start of the level. A section of the wall () is now missing and you can enter the secret.

Reward: Shells x2, Grenades x2, Rockets, Slugs, First Aid x2, Body Armor

Secret 3 of 5
Later in the level you will see the Data Spinner item behind some glass. Look to the right of it to see an odd section of wall (). Shoot it to reveal a hidden closet containing a floor switch.

The floor switch opens another closet () in the room containing the secret and a green button. Push the green button and it will open the door used in Secret 4.

Reward: Adrenaline

Secret 4 of 5
Make sure you have pushed the green button from Secret 3 and then return all the way to the outside area at the start of the level. A section of the cliff has now opened revealing a secret.

Reward: Medkit

NOTE: You will return later on to find the final secret as it is only available after disabling the red forcefields in Lower Palace.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Lower Palace
NOTE: If you're playing on Easy difficulty then Secret 3 does not exist as the blaster trap doesn't appear at all. This reduces the secret count to 5. All other difficulties have 6 secrets to find in this level.

Secret 1 of 6
There are two entrances in to Lower Palace take the one which has a red carpet leading up some stairs through the front door. Straight away you will see a Quad-Damage above a cylindrical fountain. Shoot the two Strogg faces (+) on the walls nearby to deactivate the fountain which will let you get the secret Quad-Damage.

Reward: Quad-Damage

Secret 2 of 6
After crouching under the blue laser beams take a right ().

In the next room look for a broken vent () near some barrels that can be destroyed. Head inside to find several winding passages containing various items. After climbing the tall ladder you will find a Invulnerability item behind a small door.

Reward: Bullets, Rockets x2, Cells, First Aid x3, Power Shield, Invulnerability

Secret 3 of 6
If you're playing Easy difficulty then this secret does not exist and can be skipped.
In the room with the large computer that you insert the Data Spinner into, look to the floor and follow the red carpet to the left ().

You will encounter a blaster trap shooting down the corridor. Look carefully at the wall nearby to see a dark square () and shoot it to disable the trap.

Reward: None

Secret 4 of 6
Continue following the red carpet and you will see a large elevator which is one of the entrances to Upper Palace. Don't use the elevator, instead shoot the yellow computer panel on the right and drop down in to the secret.

Reward: Rockets, First Aid x2

Secret 5 of 6
Return to the room with the large computer. Head through the door to the right () of the machine.

You'll soon find the button which disables the green forcefields. Look carefully at a nearby wall panel to see it is actually a push switch ().

Head out of the room and you'll see a secret closet () has opened.

Reward: Grenades, Rockets, Megahealth, Jacket Armor

NOTE: Before you go to Upper Palace head back to the Outer Courts level. Since the red forcefields have been disabled a new secret is available to find.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Outer Courts [Continued]
Secret 5 of 5
Now that the red forcefields have been disabled head back to the water () and jump in.

Start swimming underwater but before you swim through the large pipe, head to the surface to see that the red forcefield is now disabled () and you can access the secret. Make sure to pick up the Red Keycard here as it is used in a secret later on in Upper Palace.

Reward: Grenades, Rockets, Cells, Slugs, Medkit, Power Shield, Red Keycard

NOTE: Return to the Lower Palace and then head back to Secret 5. Near here is an entrance to Upper Palace you should go through.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Upper Palace
Secret 1 of 7
You'll come to a large shaft next to a red striped railing. Drop down () to the bottom of the shaft.

You'll see a yellow forcefield and after a few seconds a section of the ceiling will explode and a Mechanic will attack. Look in the hole where the Mechanic emerged to see a shootable switch (). Shoot it to make a secret item appear.

Reward: Enviroment Suit

Secret 2 of 7
Keep going through the level and you'll find an elevator ().

Ride it all the way to the top and go through a small vent ().

Look to your left to see a dark section of the wall () you can shoot to reveal the secret.

Reward: Slugs, Power Shield, Invulnerability

NOTE: At this point you need to return to the lift shaft from Secret 2 and enter the room about half way down ().

In here will be a Security Pass () which you will need to access several upcoming secrets so make sure to grab it.

Once you have it you will now need to return to Lower Palace using the entrance you came in. Head back to the elevator near Secret 4 in Lower Palace by following the red carpet. The elevator will take you back in to Upper Palace.

Secret 3 of 7
Once you are back in Upper Palace you will be facing two forcefield doors. Open the one on the right () with the nearby button and head inside.

Shoot the square ceiling panel () to move the nearby wall ().

Reward: Cells, Slugs, Adrenaline

Secret 4 of 7
Now head in to the other forcefield cell and take the elevator up. Eventually you'll reach an outside bridge area surrounded by Strogg flags. Head through the entryway () on the other side of the bridge.

Look carefully in the corner () of this dark room to see a small hole you can drop down in to.

Reward: Cells x2, Slugs, Medkit, Combat Armor

Secret 5 of 7
While inside the crawl space of Secret 4 look down the hole to see a corridor corner with lava on the edge. Drop down in to the lava () and quickly run to the secret item.

Reward: First Aid x2, Quad-Damage

Secret 6 of 7
You now need to disable the orange forcefields using the Security Pass you picked up earlier. Head to the room where you picked up the Data CD and drop down to the lower level. Approach the door with "ACCESS" written above it () and use the Security Pass to open it. Inside you will find a button to disable the orange forcefields.

Now you need to head back to the location of Secret 1. There is a shortcut nearby so head back up the level taking the route to the Data CD again but this time take a right in the last corridor to find an elevator () that is no longer blocked by an orange forcefield. From here make your way down back to Secret 1.

Once you're back at Secret 1 you will notice another orange forcefield is deactivated and there is a green button (). Press it and head down the corridor.

Shoot the wall () between two yellow lights to reveal a secret item.

Reward: Body Armor

Secret 7 of 7
Still in the area for Secret 6 you need to push a small rock () that is next to the acid pool (). After activating the rock you can jump in to the acid pool (use an Enviroment Suit if you have one) and swim through to the other side.

Inside this secret cave use the Red Keycard to activate the computer which drains the jar, then shoot the jar. This lets you pick up the unique Ancient Head which gives you an instant +5 maximum health boost. A bonus Adrenaline will also appear out of the machine. To return simply shoot the wall () opposite the machine for a shortcut.

Reward: Ancient Head, Adrenaline

NOTE: Before you finish the unit it is time to head back to Lower Palace to find the final secret.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Lower Palace [Continued]
Secret 6 of 6
Head back to the location of Secret 2 in the Lower Palace. Go all the way through the winding corridors again climbing up all the ladders to where you picked up the Invulnerability item. Look nearby to see that the orange forcefield is now disabled and you can get to the secret cache of items.

Reward: Shells, Bullets x3, Grenades, Rockets x2, Cells, Slugs, First Aid x2, Medkit
[Unit 10: Boss]
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎Inner Chamber
NOTE: There are no secrets in this level.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎Final Showdown
Secret 1 of 1
During the final boss fight with the Makron look for a floor switch () next to a panel. Pressing this switch activates a different panel on the other side of the room for a short time.

Head over to the other side of the room and down in to the secret area () that the panel was covering. There is also another floor switch here that activates the other panel but it is not necessary as they both lead to the same secret.

Reward: Bullets x3, Cells x2, Medkit x3, Armor Shard x3, Combat Armor

Extra Secret
After the Makron has been defeated head back in to Secret 1. A wall at the end of the corridor is now cracked. Destroy it to access the secret id Gallery.

Press all of the green buttons inside the id Gallery and a part of the floor will explode revealing a secret ladder to another room.

If you're playing the 2023 remaster of Quake II there is one more secret area to find. Jump in to the pool and look to the ceiling to see a shootable switch. Shoot it to destroy a nearby wall allowing access to another gallery area featuring people who contributed to the 2023 remaster.

Reward: None
Darkerman 4 Feb @ 11:11am 
Ufff! Gracias por esta guia, despues de jugar y terminar, siempre es bueno otra alternativa de juego como buscar y recopilar zonas secretas.:steamhappy:
|Milo| 14 Aug, 2024 @ 11:06am 
HeliosDrive 11 Aug, 2024 @ 4:20am 
Huh, that's pretty neat. I figured I had seen some of those images before.
Do you happen to have the raw image files you made of these on hand (without the empty space on either side)? These would be highly useful for article purposes.
Xazuki  [author] 11 Aug, 2024 @ 3:37am 
The Unit thumbnails for Q2 / TR / GZ are taken from the various .ogv videos that play at the start of each Unit. They can be found in the "\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake 2\rerelease\baseq2\video" folder. Not every Unit has a thumbnail in those videos though so I created a few extras ones like Q2 - Unit 10 and GZ - Unit 1.

Q2-64 has its own folder of .ogv videos in that same folder. From those I cropped out each planet which each cover a Unit.

Call of the Machine is different, the red thumbnails for those are actually taken from the Unit selection computer screens that you can see in the hub level "Strogg Gateway".
HeliosDrive 10 Aug, 2024 @ 7:45pm 
Where would one be able to find the files for those image previews for the different units? Same with the other expansions.
molotov 13 Feb, 2024 @ 5:01pm 
Very impressive, thank you!
Coesious 31 Dec, 2023 @ 6:36pm 
Thank you for taking your time to make this great guide!
Mephrite 💾 23 Sep, 2023 @ 1:27am 
Great guide! :Q2_Torch: