Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

97 arvostelua
Orbit of Planet Hivez
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Item Type: Adventure
Description: basic
2.100 MB
25.8.2023 klo 13.17
29.8.2023 klo 11.56
21 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Orbit of Planet Hivez

A Long Awaited Continuation of the Prequel!
About a Weeks Worth of Work for this One, after a couple of Heartships finally finished too! lots of Custom Animations and a short and sweet level, can you Conquer the Ship in One Shot?
14 kommenttia
Spookypizza 12.10.2023 klo 12.23 
Emperor Shiba it is very clear what it says
ThatMaskRabbitCat  [tekijä] 12.10.2023 klo 1.32 
i can
Analysis Bot ☯ Emperor Axolotl 11.10.2023 klo 11.54 
y̶̩͌͑ö̴͙̰̏u̸̟̼̿̀ ̴̢͙̐a̴͈͈̓r̸̪̻̉͐e̵̛̯̼͊ ̸̣̿s̵͇̈̅t̴̡͑͑ĩ̶̪l̸̤̫̈l̸̬̒ ̶͔̂̕a̴̯̱̾l̸̰̝̆i̴̗͑v̴̿̽ͅé̴̖ i know what it says but i wonder if other people can read this lol
ThatMaskRabbitCat  [tekijä] 1.9.2023 klo 4.56 
oh yea i spent most of the time on the animation stuff
thing took a whole week, most of the time was spent with animating
Spookypizza 31.8.2023 klo 21.42 
Very detailed keyframe animations, i can tell a lot of effort was put into this. Good job
ViperOfManyNames 30.8.2023 klo 13.14 
I gotta say, one of the best CDDZ levels Ive played. well done HyperMedic!
ThatMaskRabbitCat  [tekijä] 29.8.2023 klo 6.32 
eyyy =D
Unknown_4563 29.8.2023 klo 4.58 
this is fire
ThatMaskRabbitCat  [tekijä] 28.8.2023 klo 6.09 
more levels.. gotta see when i got my next holidays
could also add more to the current level

and hey gotta have the challenge somewhere you know?
Cybermanic 28.8.2023 klo 5.44 
Could you make 2 thing: more levels like this and an easier control room fight