Counter-Strike 2
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From Silver to Eagle: Improving Your Game.
От AddictedPro
In this guide you will learn how to properly move, peek, aim, shoot, clutch, breathe, focus, think, find your sensitivity, gain the advantage, use psychology, and more, to help you improve your game.
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From Silver to Eagle Official Translations -

Since the release of this guide in 2014, more than 500,000 players in over 140 countries have found guidance and help with this guide and its contents, turning this guide into one of the most top-rated Steam guide series of all-time.

To celebrate the guide’s anniversary, I have decided to remaster this guide, and improve it even more.

In addition to accompanying media to help improve knowledge efficiency and retention, I have also added flags with a link to their perspective community-volunteered translations, a community in-game sticker of the “Silver to Eagle Medal” to help raise money for charity, and a merchandise store to help raise even more money while simultaneously obtaining some sweet loot.

I would like to personally thank you for these amazing 2 years of support. Thank you and enjoy the guide!
I used to give free classes to anyone who asked for them, but due to the unbelievable amount of people, and my time and energy restraints, I thought I might as well make a guide about it and help improve the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community altogether. I will teach you everything I have taught my previous students and more. I initially taught about 10 students and most went from Silver and Novas to Legendary Eagle Masters and Supreme Master First Class. Now, that count has gone up a couple hundred thousands more. Who does not like to improve, right? Well you can reach those ranks and above with the help of this guide.

My goal is to help you have fun by knowing how to get better at the game. I have divided the tutorial into many sections: First will be the PRE-ASSESSMENT, where we will find your appropriate sensitivity and test your accuracy. Next will be the PEEKING/MOVEMENT section, where I will teach you how to properly peek and move. Afterwards, the SHOOTING section will guide you through how to properly aim, shoot, and control your precision and accuracy. Then, I will introduce PSYCHOLOGY into the mix, something not a lot of tutorials show, and explain to you how psychology is used and can be used in competitive play, and will also teach you how to remain calm and focused throughout the game. Finally, I will add extra tips on various issues and will give my conclusion.

The guide intends to be long and productive. I recommend closing all programs, taking some pen, paper, and writing down along in order to help you remember. Studies show that writing down important information can successfully categorize and help the retrieval of information in the future. I hope you enjoy the guide, and let us get started.

Let us start with the Pre-Assessment.
Pre-Assessment: Assessing Your Current Skill

Usually, before I do a class, I tend to see how my students shoot, think and react to know what to improve. I tell them to download the Training_Aim_CSGO map from the workshop in order to help assess their skill. I’m about to go into detail about how to download and start the map, if you already have the map and know how to start it, then you might as well skip this next section.
Pre-Assessment: Downloading and Starting Training_Aim_CSGO
To download the map, first you need to go to the Play Tab in your game, select OFFLINE WITH BOTS, click Workshop, and then click View Workshop. After that, A Steam window will come up with the CS:GO Workshop. Search for Training_Aim_CSGO and hit enter or click the search button. Put your mouse over the first map by AddictedPro and click the icon with the plus sign. If you do not see the plus sign, you can easily click on the map, and click the subscribe button so that it states Subscribed. Now you can go back to the game and the map should be available in the map list.

Click on the map and click go. Make sure you assign the first bullet to No Bots, click GO and wait for the map to load. Once you are in the map, you will spawn under it. In order to get on the training area, you need to make sure console is on, and then open it.

You can open the console using the tilde key, usually beside the “1” key on your keyboard. Once its open, type “sv_cheats 1” hit submit. Then type “noclip 1” and hit submit. You should be able to look up, press W and go to the training area then type “noclip 0” to return to normal state.
Pre-Assessment: Testing Your Accuracy
Okay, you are now in! To the right there are various weapons. Pick either M4A4, M4A1-S or AK-47 (since the map is not updated, in order to get an M4A1-S you need to open console again and type "give weapon_m4a1_silencer", without the quotes). To your left will be the control panel. Do not move anything yet. There are various training types to use but you only need the default one today, the one called Classic Fast Aiming.

Face the shooting range and get ready to shoot. Once ready, go up to the start button, and press E. Step back, and try to hit as many targets. Every time you hit a target, try to go back to the middle before continuing to the next one.

Afterwards, check how you did. How many did you hit? If you hit more than 20 out of 25 then you did good. If you did not, you might need to find your appropriate sensitivity.

Alternatively to the Youtube Video, you can watch the full GIF by going to:
Pre-Assessment: Finding Your Sensitivity
Okay now try it again, notice whether you are coming short or farther than your target. If you are coming short, that means your sensitivity is too low. Try increasing your sensitivity. If you are ending up farther than the target, this means that you are sensitivity is too high. Try decreasing your sensitivity. Keep on trying until you feel comfortable with your sensitivity. You should be able to hit the nearest and farthest targets from the middle without too much trouble.

You also do not have to get perfect, on-point, aim like in the video provided. If you end up with a sensitivity that still makes you go both a little further and a little shorter, this is a good one sensitivity to start with. The more you play with your newfound sensitivity, the more your aim will “tighten” as your body becomes more accustomed, leading your body to measure itself and land exactly where your eyes and muscles want it to land.

Alternatively to the Youtube Video, you can watch the full GIF by going to:
Pre-Assessment: Accuracy Percentage and The 100 Test
Now that you have your appropriate sensitivity. Try another round at the shooting range. It might take a while to get used to the new sensitivity so make sure to practice a few times. Once you are used to it, go to the panel and look for Amount. Put your crosshair over it, press E, and select 100. Get ready; you will have to shoot 100 targets. Make sure to return to the middle before shooting the next target. Try your best. Good luck.
Pre-Assessment: Onto The Next Section
Afterwards, check how you did. If you hit 40 out of 100, that means you have a 40% accuracy average. The higher percentage the better and more accurate your shots are. If you are getting a low percentage, it is okay. I will go over many tips to improve aiming. This map is great for warmup and I recommend that you daily practice doing the various exercises on the control panel. Daily exercises improved my aim from 60% to 98% when I became a Legendary Eagle Master.

Now, if you are wondering why your percentage does not represent your rank accurately, that is because the exercise does not measure skill. What it does measure extremely well is your hand-eye coordination and your reflex, two of the most important factors in aim (along with movement and recoil knowledge/management). Therefore, if you hit a 90% and are a low rank, your problem may be utilizing recoil patterns or moving accurately to reset your aim, instead of pure hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

That was the PRE-ASSESSMENT; now let us talk about PEEKING.
Movement/Peeking: How To Move

Movement is an essential part of the game, and peeking is the intermediary between movement and shooting. Peeking is the act of coming out of cover to engage or to observe an area. However, as great as peeking may sound, it can lead to your team losing or winning the round depending on how properly you peek. Have you ever noticed that people tend to hug the wall in long when they rush into A site in Dust 2? Do you ever ask why? It is because they are using the INSIDE LANE. The inside lane is the inner side of a wall or angle. When you use the inside lane, because of the angles of the walls, it can be used as a defensive advantage.
Movement/Peeking: Inside and Wide Lane

When using the inside lane, you get to see your opponent first before they see you. You see their shoulder and ready for a shot, giving you an advantage. The opponent must completely reveal himself in order to catch a glimpse of your head, but by that time, it is too late. Now, you can counter an inside lane, by you going inside lane as well and surprising your opponent.

As well as an inside lane, there is also a wide lane. A wide lane can be useful for attacking, as it give you the control of the angle and lets you split the angle into sections, like a pie; carefully checking the corner, without exposing yourself too much. Wide angles are also why the usual spot near the A site is also used. Wide angles and inner angles, and their use, are a common sight in professional esports gaming.
Shooting: "How Do You Get A Headshot EVERY Time?"

Now let us talk about Shooting. I get many questions on how I get headshots. In addition, the answer is easy. Just aim for the head. If you are constantly aiming for the head, there is less chance of you having to waste precious seconds adjusting your crosshair for a headshot. Sure, you can kill with body shots, but they take longer, and risk you losing precious health. For example, if you are holding an inside angle, and you want an advantage over the enemy, ANTICIPATION will help you like no other. Anticipation is giving yourself enough reaction time to see the enemy and letting them across your crosshairs, making it easier for yourself to eliminate him. My students and I use this constantly and leads to many hackusations, when all we really did is give ourselves reaction time and just click whenever an enemy crosses our crosshair. It does not get any easier than that. Moreover, that simple headshot just created an abundance of opportunities and advantages that could help win the round.

Alternatively to the Youtube Video, you can watch the full GIF by going to:
Shooting: Distance Shooting
In order to shoot accurately, you must learn to shoot appropriately based on distance. You are not going to spray at a person over miles and hope to get a shot. What you need to do is control those shots accordingly. For example, if an opponent is far, you should try shooting one bullet at a time, so that your shots stay precise and lead to a kill. If the opponent is at a medium range, bursting, or holding the fire button for a second or two, is appropriate, as it leads to a short burst of 3-5 bullets over a medium sized area and can do high amounts of damage. Only when an opponent is at touching distance, only then, is it appropriate to spray, and even so, controlled with the help of recoil patterns.

Alternatively to the Youtube Video, you can watch the full GIF by going to:
Shooting: Recoil Patterns
Every single gun has a recoil pattern. An unaffected pattern, unlike the previous Counter Strikes. I would recommend researching the recoil patterns of your most used guns, or the guns you want to learn how to use better. Knowing recoil patterns can lead to more accurate bursting and spraying at medium to close ranges.

The second guide (link at the end) talks into more detail about the science behind practicing, how your body learns and memorizes content, and how you can use this to improve your muscle memory and recoil management. It also explains various techniques I personally used, and so did my students, to improve their recoil management.
Psychology: A New, Yet Important Factor in Competitive Play

Now, I am going to introduce a new section that is never been talked about but is of extreme importance when playing. Psychology. Psychology, unbelievably, is a constant and dominant factor in casual, competitive, and professional matches.

Just like any other game, (whether that is chess, checkers, soccer, football, or Counter Strike) the point of the game is to beat an opponent. To outsmart him. To be better than him. To get an ADVANTAGE that could help you in the future. First, there are many kinds of advantages: There are KNOWLEDGE, SKILL, EXPERIENCE, and SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGES, as well as something called INTUITION. I am going to talk about each individually. If you get the advantage over the other team, you WILL win. The solid point of counter strike is to get as many advantages over the other team and defeat them by utilizing those advantages.
Psychology: Knowledge Advantage

Let us start with KNOWLEDGE ADVANTAGE. Knowledge advantages are advantages gained through either sound stimuli, sight stimuli, or team/communication stimuli. Sound stimuli is when you hear something, such as an enemy gunshot, footsteps, or other sounds that help you gain knowledge of what the other team is doing, or is about to do. An example is you listening to enemies running in tunnels about to head into the B site in Dust 2. The sound of the footsteps give you knowledge that the enemy is about to go into B site, and that you should prepare yourself for the incoming rush. Sight stimuli is seeing something: an enemy in tunnels, a thrown grenade, flashbang or smoke. You can get knowledge based on seeing things as well. Bunches of flashbangs usually lead to a rush. Seeing the entire enemy team running on catwalk on Dust 2 usually means that they might be heading to A. Knowledge advantages gives you information about where the other team is and what they are doing, to help you come up with a way for your team, and you, to stop them based on what they are going to do. For example, a full 5-man rush into A site leads to most of the team rotating to that site to defend. Sometimes, sight and sound knowledge might not come from you personally, sometimes a teammate will call out something they saw or heard. Which can help you to think about how to use that piece of information.

I like to use the following situation to explain an extremely good, yet unfortunate, unused knowledge advantage that is extremely useful. When a CT in Dust 2 crosses double doors, and sees two awpers, who shot a bullet each, and two enemies going behind the awpers going to their left, what do you think? “Well I almost escaped those two AWP shots, whatever.” No, you should be thinking: “Okay, Two awpers, two rifle players going towards long, and one probably either got a close spawn towards long and is on his way or he is moving to tunnels because I did not see him cross behind the awpers. The awpers will not be playing close quarter combat with the AWP unless they have to, they will probably watch long ranges such as mid, long to A site, or tunnels to B. The two rifle players are on their way long, but they could also be taking the long way to cat, and rushing it. There was a third guy with an unknown gun who is probably heading tunnels.” Look at how much information I obtained from the first 3 seconds of the round. In addition, the only advantage the other team got was that two CTs crossed to B. That is it. Just by those advantages alone, you have a greater chance of winning already.
Psychology: Knowledge Advantage (Misinformation)
Along with effective communication, there is also MISINFORMATION. In order to help create tactics and increase the chances of winning, a team must use EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. “The last 2 guys are B, one is 30hp and the other one is 16hp with the bomb. Both have AWPs.” that sentence alone contains an abundance of accurate information to be used: The last two people are B, one is 30 health-points with an AWP, the other is 16hp with a second AWP and has the bomb, he might plant or not. MISCOMMUNICATION or INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION sounds something like this: “THOSE ♥♥♥♥ING SONS OF A ♥♥♥♥ING ♥♥♥♥♥! LOOK AT THEM WITH THEIR ♥♥♥♥♥♥ FACES. HOW DID THEY KILL ME? HAX! NICE HAX BRO. FIGHT ME 1V1 LAN”

Now what kind of information did you receive from that sentence? Not a lot in comparison, huh? Even if it is the same situation, effective communication can lead to your team winning or losing the round. Even when the communication sounds like its solid, it might have loopholes.

I was in a match where the other team had two people left, one had three health-points and the other had six health-points. They planted the bomb and waited for my last teammate alive with 70 health-points to attack. The teammates said, “There are two in B, one has the bomb.” This sentence contained a lot of information, but missed a crucial piece that led to us losing the round: The enemy’s extremely low hp. The last person was so scared thinking he was against two 100hp rifle players, when in reality; one shot of his P90 to both could have killed them. He slowly approached window and died.

The same situation happened five rounds afterwards, but this time, I told the two teammates to call the health-points of the two enemies that rushed them. “One is 16hp and the other 28hp”. That simple sentence created confidence into the mind of the last teammate who died five rounds before. In the same situation, just knowing that he had a chance, allowed him to go to window again, take some damage before killing one enemy, then turning and killing the other one with 50 health-points and more than enough time to defuse the bomb. That is a perfect example of how simple communication, a few words, can lead to a win or a loss of a round. Therefore, now you know, KNOWLEDGE ADVANTAGE is advantage that gives you knowledge about what is happening or what will happen to help you win.
Psychology: Skill Advantage

Next up is SKILL ADVANTAGE. Skill advantage really needs no explanation. Its skill. Some people have better reaction than others do, some have better muscle-memory, some know recoil patterns and know how to shoot accurately better than others. They are natural advantages, advantages that come from the player and his talents. You can earn SKILL ADVANTAGES with time and determination, over time and training.
Psychology: Experience Advantage

Afterwards, we have EXPERIENCE ADVANTAGE.

Sometimes considered knowledge advantage, EXPERIENCE ADVANTAGE gives you knowledge about the game and its details through previous interactions over the years. EXPERIENCE ADVANTAGE comes from playing many, many games and knowing what most people would do in certain situations. I know, for example, that if there is an awper in the enemy team on Nuke, they will either go outside, or radio to peek ramp. Why? Because I have played so many games that almost 98% of awpers on nuke will go outside to boxes, outside to Twinkie, or inside and peek ramp. Always. EXPERIENCE ADVANTAGE can come from a couple of rounds before too. If a team has saved three times, rushed squeaky each time, and now they are saving for a third time, where is a good chance they might go? That is right, Squeaky. They could also trick you into thinking they go squeaky and end up going somewhere else, but I will talk about this mental game later.
Psychology: Situational Advantage

SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGE is next. This advantage comes from the certain situation you are facing.

For example, did you know it takes an approximately 3:1 ratio of attackers to defenders for the attackers to win a situation? That means that if two players are defending, holding their spots, they have a greater chance of winning the situation against three running opponents who are attacking. This is if the attackers do not have any other advantages over the defenders, such as positional knowledge, or superior reaction times. That is why taking over sites is hard as either CTs or Ts because they are the ones attacking. SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGES can also come from grenades, thrown by you or from the enemies. Flashbanging a site can create a situational advantage where you can easily walk in the site, as the enemies are blinded, same with smokes. A thrown grenade from a site, can easily tell you where the grenade come from and where the person is located. I cannot express how many times I have killed people because they give their position away by throwing a grenade. As you see, SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGES are good for attacking, but they are also good for defending. If you hear a group of five rushing into tunnels about to make their way into B, and you flash the entrance successfully flashing all five of them, that flash just gave you a SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGE because now you can see them and they cannot see you. A smoke in tunnels against rushing attackers, give you a situational advantage because you can see them running through the smoke before they even have time to come out of it and realize they’re being shot at.

Another successful SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGE comes from making five different 1v1 situations instead of a single 5v1 situation. I have seen many teams rush in 1-by-1 into a site, and slaughtered by a single player. Why? Because he created various 1v1 situations as they were coming in, instead of a single 5v1 situation. Another example is when you are clutching, instead of rushing in site and taking all five of them as they all shoot at you; try taking them out 1v1 by peeking effectively and playing smart. Clutching is not hard and I will go into further detail about how psychology can help you improve your chances and help you become a master clutcher.
Psychology: The Secret Ingredient for Success is Intuition
Okay, now we reach the most useful factor that will make EVERYONE call you a hacker. No, it is not located on a specific site on the internet; it is located, unbelievably, deep inside your brain. INTUITION as complicated as it sounds, is basically, guessing. Yes, guessing. What? How can guessing help me? Well, let me introduce you to INTUITION.

INTUITION is the hardest thing to teach, as it is very hard to explain. However, the best way to explain is to show it to you. When you use all the advantages mentioned before, you can use that to come up with a hypothesis or educated guess about what the other team is doing or will do, and gain an advantage over them. By doing so, you hack your brain into thinking that the hypothesis will happen, and when you do so, you gain a massive boost in confidence to help. One can usually come up with a guess and use that, but intuition is a kind of gut feeling that you HAVE to be confident in. Don’t think “They will be going tunnels right?” rather think “Based on what has happened in the round, I KNOW, I AM SURE that they are going tunnels” and setup as if they are on their way there and they are running in, imagine them running in and execute. This confidence is your guess will help you so that if they do come, you were already ready physically, and most important, mentally, for the opposing team members. To the other team it will seem as if you knew EXACTLY what they were going to do, but you didn’t, it was all just a very well thought guess that you believed in. Let me show an example of what intuition looks like in-game:

The round starts normally. I pick up my gear and head to A site. I see my teammates watching B and A long, leaving mid exposed on purpose. I imagine I am a T and I am moving to CAT, I time the grenade and throw it. Then, I peek and catch a glimpse of one Terrorist. I call it out whilst I move to the right of the box and take him out. I see that my teammate mid and long are dead. Because of this, I move to watch Long and CT Ramp if they try to go CT Spawn to A. I peek, put my crosshair ready for the reaction, and I land a shot on someone going Pit. It was the bomb. From here on, I reevaluate the situation. Bomb is priority. There might be coming Middle to CT Spawn, Long, or Cat. I see my teammate going B tunnel and gain a little bit of confidence. I flash CT Spawn to see if I can catch a Terrorist whilst vulnerable. I now move to Short and lower my angles. I only have to watch two (CAT and Long. If the CT goes to A, I can see him first). Sometime passes and I see my teammate looking at CT Spawn, it must be clear. I then move to watch the next two spots they could come from (CAT and LONG) I do not have to worry about CT anymore. I think, "If they are smart, they will try to corner me by one going long and one cat. Therefore, I set my crosshair in the middle so I can facilitate a shot for each direction. I GUESS that CAT will go first then long, I peek CAT...and sure he was on his way to throwing a grenade. I then think that the other person would probably back off CAT, if he was there, or go and continue long to try to get the bomb. I then set in the middle and wait for him to come. I am so sure he will come long that I ready myself for the shot, and as I do, he comes in and I take him out. That last flick shot, although lasting a second, to me lasted 3 seconds due to me being so into the game that I caught the information faster than usual. I call this "The Matrix Effect" and I will talk about it later in the guide. I calm down after the amazing shot I claim, and ready for the next round.

The second guide (link at the end) talks into more detail about an “intuition-based” technique called “Area of Potential Hostility” that facilitates the practice and use of intuition and many of the advantages.
Psychology: The Three Zones (Warmup, "The Zone", Fatigue)
Whenever you play games, your time divides into three zones. First, we have the Warmup Zone, then “The Zone”, then we have the Fatigue Zone. During the Warmup zone, you are trying to regain the muscle memory, memory, and knowledge of the previous times you have played. You are warming up, easy as that. During this zone, you should be deathmatching, and going into the map, I mentioned earlier, to train (Training_Aim_CSGO). Next zone is “The Zone”.

Have you heard athletes say, “Man, I was just in the zone today, that’s why I did better than usual”? Well that zone actually exists. “The Zone” is when your muscle-memory, memory, and reactions are at their best potential. You play exceptionally well because of your focus, energy, and reactions. This zone is perfect to play.

After the zone, you reach the fatigue zone. Have you ever been so tired, in the middle of the night, and you are so tired that you are actually doing worse? That is a clear sign you are in the fatigue zone and that you should stop playing. You are tired and fatigued because you have wasted all your energy staying focused in “The Zone”. If you are tired, and in the fatigue zone, it is better to stop playing and save your energy. Playing when you are tired and unfocused, will not help you win and will definitely not help your teammates win since they have one less person in their team.

Now the cool thing about the three zones is that they vary from player to player. I have students who tell me they only have to warmup a little before they are in the zone for quite some time, and then later reach fatigue and stop playing. Some have told me that they have to warmup a lot to reach the zone, and that the zone lasts a game or two, and then reach fatigue fast. I had one student who told me his zone seemed to be the first game after warmup, and then reached fatigue. He for example, adapted to his zones, and later told me he would warmup, play one game, reach fatigue and stop playing, then 3-4 hours later when he wasn’t fatigued he would warmup again, then play one more game, and repeat the process every day. That helped him reach the rank of Legendary Eagle Master and helped his recruitment into a team. Research your zones, and adapt to them, don’t try to prolong “The Zone” because you could be in danger of getting into fatigue, and don’t try to prolong warmup, because you could be in “The Zone” when you’re warming up in Deathmatch instead of in competitive matches.

If you do want to make your zones last longer, I recommend to do so in a safe and healthy manner. You see professionals drowning in energy drinks in competitions, and while this is a good “artificial” way to gain more energy and make your zone last longer, long-term use of caffeine can lead to serious and undesired side effects. If you do want to improve your zones the good way, you can do so by living a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping 6 hours a day, exercising 1 hour daily with cardio and strength training, eating a well-balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (along with various micronutrients) will do the work and will also keep you looking healthy, and feeling healthy with more energy to use when gaming. Even if you cannot do everything in a healthy manner, any change will result in you having more energy. The more healthy changes you apply to your body, the more of a result and change you will get in your game.
Psychology: Learning From Your Mistakes
Now, let us talk about a progress I want you to familiarize yourself with, it is called LEARNING FROM YOUR MISTAKES. The best way to continue learning is to learn from your mistakes. Every time you die, do not complain and say “WHAT THE HELL, I WAS BEHIND COVER!” rather think, “Wow, he outsmarted me.” Then type “Nice shot”. Accept that you lost the situation; you cannot do anything about it but accept that you died or lost. Then ask yourself WHAT, HOW, WHY, WHERE, and WHEN.

WHAT Happened? Did you lose the round or just lose a gunfight?

HOW did you lose it? Were you too aggressive and they were too passive? Did they flash, smoke, or blow you up with a grenade?

WHY did it happen? Why were you too aggressive when all you had to do was defend? Did you not hear or see the enemies coming? Were they waiting for you?

WHERE did it happen? Did it happen ramp? Did it happen in A site? From where did he kill me?

Lastly think, “When did it happen?” Was it at 2:50? Was it after they flashed and smoked the site? Was it after you killed they are person outside? Was it after a push?

Use all these questions to come up with a conclusion. “I lost the gunfight because I thought they were going to look hut and I decided to be aggressive and push ramp, but then they flashed me and heard me coming and waited for me to run in and died with 30 seconds left in the match.” Okay, now find the mistakes. “I was aggressive when I should’ve been defending; after all, I am CT and a lowercase ‘ct’ looks like a lowercase d, which means I should be defending. The clock was at 30 seconds left, they had to act quickly and plant the bomb or save, and there was no reason for me to push them when they would’ve pushed me.” After you find the mistakes, do not do them the next round. Next round do not be aggressive and if the time is 30 seconds, wait it out, they might be saving and you will easily win the round. A second example would be dying to an awper in Radio twice in a row. The third time, do not do the same mistake, don’t go to that same spot and smoke radio, make him wait or make him move positions, then defend. This goes for attacking too.
Psychology: Staying Calm and Focused (How To Clutch)
Now I am going to teach you how to stay calm and focused throughout the game. In case you did not know, your body is constantly making energy to fuel your concentration, muscles and brain. Do not waste that necessary fuel by raging or getting mad. Learn from your mistakes, in fact, you should be thankful you made a mistake, because now you can learn from it, you learn something that you can use later in the game, or later in another match. Watch your breathing, make sure you are not breathing too fast and not providing enough oxygen to the brain and muscles in order to react and think. Improper techniques seen during clutch situations is common and definitely normal. I call them CLUTCH-NERVES. Have you ever been sweating and shaking, breathing super hard because you are the last one in your team against four players and you have to retake the site? The solution to rid yourself of those nerves? THINK.

Ask yourself where they are, what happened, what guns they have, analyze the situation. By doing so, you create crucial knowledge that will be used in the upcoming seconds when you clutch. By also analyzing and gaining knowledge, you are not thinking about how nervous you are and you end up gaining confidence and when you gain confidence, you raise your chances of clutching. Soon, your team will call you the clutch master; they will see you in a clutch, and they will say, “Man, I’ve seen him win out of worse situations, he has this.” In addition, you will think, “Yes, I do.” and win one more round for your team. After clutches, do not go into the next round with the leftover adrenaline and intensity of the last round, Release all your breath and focus on the upcoming round. You do not want to be hyperactive and unable to focus.
Psychology: The Matrix Effect
Talking about focus, when you focus hard on something, you are able to do something I call “The Matrix Effect” In the movie matrix; there are scenes where the protagonist slows down time and reacts at fast speeds. Well I hope you believe me when I say, I have pulled off such things during games. In fact, I recorded one not too long after I decided to put more focus into my competitive play.

In stressful situations, adrenaline runs throughout your body and it reacts at a very fast level. We developed this instinctual “fight or flight” mechanism as hunters in previous ages. Not only is this very useful for survival, as some people have witnessed mothers lifting cars off their children to save them or hikers lifting 2-ton rocks to stop it from crushing them, but it is also very helpful in just everyday situations both in-game and outside of it. In this case, gaming can really bring you in and immerse your body to such a level, that adrenaline kicks in thinking that you need it. This is what makes the Matrix Effect. Unfortunately, the usage of adrenaline and the “fight or flight” mechanism is entirely natural. It is not a light switch, but fully immersing your body and letting it judge your situation and the necessary energy to “survive” are the only things you can do. If your body believes you need a little bit of help, it shall provide it for a short period.
Psychology: Resolution
Notice just how much psychology is a factor in casual and competitive play. Not a lot of people know about it, but its present every single time you play and not a lot of people consider teaching it, but I did and I hope you can use it to your advantage in competitive play.
Ending: Finishing Thoughs
That consists of the lesson! I usually go and ask students if they have any questions here and answer them. When it comes to “grenade spots to help increase situational advantages”, I tend to show them, but every day, newly discovered spots appear and there are plenty of tutorials out there that can help you gain the advantage.

Moreover, if you have any questions no matter how stupid you may believe they sound, you might not be the only one that wants to ask it so post them in the comments section and I will answer them as fast as I can.

Throughout the many years of me playing video games both competitive and casually, I have learned to use this kind of thinking in all games, not just counter strike, and I can vouch to say it works just as well. The point of this lesson is to make you realize that in order to play better you do not have to play more; you have to play SMARTER, outsmart your enemies using advantages you find and create, and help teach yourself through your mistakes.

I refrain from playing with my students competitively after I teach them. This forces them to gain motivation to analyze their own gameplay without my help, and help themselves. “Fish for someone, and they will eat for a day. Teach them how to fish, however, and they will eat for a lifetime.” Not everyone can easily learn how to fish in a day, so asking questions until you fully learn is my priority. However, playing casually, during my streams or just in general deathmatch and casual game modes, is definitely something encouraged. I enjoy playing with you people and creating new experiences.
Ending: Never Play Alone Again (Properly Solo-Queueing)
Oh and a couple more things, if you don’t have any friends or people who are online, most people say that solo-queueing is a definite NO, but I like to think otherwise. I got from Master Guardian II to Legendary Eagle Master by solo-queueing after all. In addition, I learned that if you go to a match and someone in your team is playing well, effectively communicating, and seems like a good person, you should add him. Moreover, ask him if you can play again with him. Now you have another person, and you are not solo queueing but you are queuing with one more person. If you find two in one match, nice, add them both. Sometimes you may not find a person worth of adding in some matches, but it is okay. Try again. If you start solo queueing, and you find one person every match, in four matches, you should have a full party of good players, who all communicate, and you will not be solo-queueing.

If you want to meet other Silver to Eagle students who have read the guide and are just as determined to improve themselves, you can also consider joining the SilvertoEagleStudents Steam Group (link at the end). You can go to the discussions tab, click on your perspective rank, and post some quick info for others to add you or for you to find people to play with.
Ending: It's Just A Game
Okay, lastly, I want you to know that this is only a game. No one can win all of the games. It is okay if you lose, and there is no need for that to affect your daily life. Video games exist for entertainment purposes after all. In the end, it is just a game, and you are supposed to have fun. So, enjoy it.

Thank you for reading this guide! I hope to have improved your gameplay and hope to see you game better in the future. You are welcome to add me and ask me any questions or even game with me from time to time. You can also check out my website ( for more information about The Addiction and myself. Share this with your friends and help them improve! I made this guide to help improve the Counter Strike community and help make it an even better community than it is. Stay awesome, stay smarter, and most importantly, Stay Addicted.

Quickly, I would like to thank the people who helped me test this guide and thank my students who have now succeeded and have joined successful competitive teams. I also want to thank everyone for supporting the guide over these couple of years. The people I have met and the support I have received has been amazing and I am eternally grateful. The least I could do is try to give back the same amount of support, time, and energy I have received. Therefore, answering every single message, even if it means taking 5 hours a day to answer every single one, is something I am willing to do.

Thank you. Sincerely, and wholeheartedly.
Extra Notes
Official Silver to Eagle Student Group! – ( where you can meet and play with other people with the same determination as you! GAME ON!

2nd Anniversary Statistics –

From Silver to Eagle 2: The Science of Practice –
Become an Official Translator of the Silver to Eagle Guide Team! – (

(c) 2014-2016 Angel Chavez All Right Reserved.
Replication of the guide and its contents not allowed without my written consent and approval, thank you.
3 267 коментара
flex_snake 25 юли в 0:08 
L0N3 ZHANE™ 7 юни в 19:30 
daora mano
Blackout Blake 18 апр. в 20:30 

Not only good for CSGO but any other competitive/casual shooters! This was a great read even if CSGO isn't exactly my cup of tea, I'll take these mental notes with me on my PC gaming journey ^^
MightyCS01 29 март в 19:24 
Helped me become LE, after many hours of grinding and practicing in CS:GO, tyvm
DaHitMaker5k_TTV 19 септ. 2023 в 17:25 
Thanks for the tips!
AddictedPro  [автор] 11 септ. 2023 в 21:36 
@James, hahaha did you try reading the guide from the bottom to the top? :steamthis: :Speech_Love:
James 5 септ. 2023 в 17:32 
Instructions unclear, dropped from LEM to silver :(
Dale 11 авг. 2023 в 16:54 
Thanks for the awesome guide, I hit 86% on my 100 shots and Im still looking to imrpove.

Alot of great information here.
Arameister 9 юли 2023 в 3:48 
Some of my teammates should read this lol
A1 12 юни 2023 в 22:10 
+rep POG