

637 ratings
How to be a good mountain
By salix
Teaching you all the things you can do with your mountain!
General Information
MOUNTAIN is an ambient procedural mountain game. It was released on July 1st, 2014 on Humble and the Apple App Store. At the moment there are versions available for iOS, Android and of course PC. When you first start the game you'll have to draw some pictures related to certain topics and after that your mountain will be generated and you're ready to mountain it up.

Using the keys Z to , (comma) and A to K you can play 16 different notes. If you press . (dot) you'll be able to see what your mountain is thinking right now. Use your mouse to drag the mountain and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

This guide is a work in progress. If you know more than me write a comment and let me know!
Music codes
While playing melodies is kinda fun on its own and it also speeds up time regardless of what you play, certain codes will enable some fun stuff:

  • Force thought: m,kj
    This is like pressing the dot key.
  • Toggle thoughts: jk,b
  • Snowglobe mode: bbbbcb
  • Blood mode: mmmmmm,mnab
    I'm wondering whose blood that is.
  • Raining fish: cxzxcccxxxcbb
  • Heart mode: ssfssfsfjhggf
    Very romantic.
  • Raining frogs: bbaassa,,mmnnb
  • Coins: cccccccbzxc
  • Flames: cvbnmbm
  • Annihilation: as,zb
    This kills your mountain if you don't create a shield around it by spamming notes.
  • Remove items: sss,aaam
    This makes your mountain lonely.
Everything else
  • Remove clouds: Shake your mountain with your mouse.
  • Gramophone: If you have this item click on it and enjoy the music! (It played "Night and Day" for me, not sure if it always does that.)
  • Change window size: You can do so in the settings menu, but you can also use the number keys 1-4.
  • VR/Oculus Rift support: Press number key 5.
STNGTE 26 Jul @ 2:49am 
I'll probably never understand why in some games, like here again, my fan works more than it should, it's so annoying!
Who?Me?Butt of Course 7 Nov, 2021 @ 4:48am 
I've been trying to get "you are mountain" for so long. I had 450.000 age on my mountain.
While I was away cooking, "a small sun" crashed into my mountain. I clicked Retry on accident.
Had to remake the drawings and just made squiggly lines everywhere. Now I ran it again without touching anything. Got "You are Mountain" at age 4360" without touching it once.
Jag0Jal0 11 Oct, 2021 @ 1:28pm 
You can press space, it slows the time i think? and you cant pick up things anymore
ccotunai 21 May, 2021 @ 4:05pm 
These still work
Heavyoak 12 Dec, 2020 @ 12:45pm 
after typing in Annihilation a second time I stopped being able to interact with the mountain and nothing else will crash in its just floating around but the stuff on it still works.
软萌萌棉花糖 26 May, 2020 @ 3:32am 
Stuck in the interface, keep it, need to be solved
salix  [author] 26 Aug, 2019 @ 10:06am 
@PJwagon: I'm not aware of any changes to them. But maybe someone who played recently can help.
DVSXLNC 25 Aug, 2019 @ 9:35pm 
do these codes still work?
Luv_Tim4ever 8 Jan, 2018 @ 8:31pm 
Why can't things fall off the mountain??????
Freygeist 4 Dec, 2017 @ 9:06am 
pretty short and helpful. Thx !