Arma 3
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Vanilla CRAM *Pub Zeus Compatible* (Composition)
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Data Type: Composition
DLC: Jets
9.053 KB
24. aug. 2023 kl. 8:51
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

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Vanilla CRAM *Pub Zeus Compatible* (Composition)

I 2 samlinger af Marine
Arma 3 Tools
90 genstande
M9-SD's Workshop (ARMA 3)
85 genstande
Official Zeus CRAM Script
Enhanced Vanilla CRAM UAV Turret
Blocks incoming artillery!


This mod enhances the default Arma 3 Praetorean by making it target artillery shells. It also intercepts rocket artillery, but not very well. The system will prioritize the shells that is going to land closest to it, it will also take into account how long will it take for the shell to hit. Currently, only the zeus can see the added scroll action on the turret that allows you to change targeting mode.

Adapted from:

Modifications from original:
- Got rid of debugging hint
- Fake target jets now get properly hidden for everyone
- BIS_fnc_fire replaced with custom firing script (was causing the remote exec restriction kick)
- Pub zeus compatibility (works on even numbered official zeus servers)


My Links

Discord (ZAM)[]
Discord (SQF Archive)[]



This is a scripted composition, designed to be placed from the Zeus[] interface. After subscribing to and subsequently downloading this composition, it will automatically be accessible in-game from Zeus > Groups > Empty > Compositions (since it's not a mod, it won't show up as one in the Arma 3 launcher). The scripts attached to this composition will only work if the server allows it with the zeus composition script level security parameter in its description.ext file.[] Here is a guide for server owners.

Set the value to 2 to allow custom attributes and all scripts.
zeusCompositionScriptLevel = 2;

The following official public zeus servers allow scripted compositions, however they do have various undisclosed remoteExec restrictions defined in a custom CfgRemoteExec.[]

Try out this composition on one of these servers:

[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (USA) #04[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (USA) #02[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (US) #02e[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (US) #02w[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #12[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #04[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #02[]
• [OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #0D
• [OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #0B

Thank you for subscribing, rating,
& favoriting this composition!

6 kommentarer
Local Pigeon 26. okt. 2023 kl. 20:54 
If you have any idea on this please let us know, we're desperate to try have this working as part of loading in with eden on a server
Local Pigeon 23. okt. 2023 kl. 21:20 
Ah okay, i dont think that was my problem after researching, however is there any way to make them work when spawned in eden? for example on a training map we keep up and restarts every day etc. They spawn and aim for target but are like "drunk" and waving around, compared to when spawned by myself which work well and very good , any help would be appreciated to understanding it
Marine  [ophavsmand] 18. okt. 2023 kl. 9:20 
Local Pigeon 18. okt. 2023 kl. 3:06 
Does this fix the issue where CRAM mods wouldnt be able to shoot down munitions on dedicated servers cause of desync?
Spartan 208 28. sep. 2023 kl. 3:33 
I dunno... seeing those fake target jets made it feel like the CIWS intercept radar was working, wait, is that even a thing?
Colgate Toothpaste 27. sep. 2023 kl. 12:32 
Awesome sauce :steamthumbsup: