Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 - How to Teleport!
Da Miguel
ETS - This guide is used to move the truck wherever you want!
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  • This guide is very useful especially to complete objectives such as taking pictures or even seeing the viewpoints, and very useful to complete some sections of the map!
  • This Method looks a little confusing but after using it a few times it starts to get more intuitive and easy to use!
1 - Euro Truck Simulator Folder!
  • First go to ''Documents'' then open the ''Euro Truck Simulator'' folder!

2 - Locate and Open the File!
  • Find the file named ''config.cfg''
  • Open with NotePad or WordPad!

3 - Edit the File!
  • Locate the line - uset g_developer "0" and - uset g_console "0" and change the value from "0" to "1" save and close the file!
  • Line - uset g_developer "0" to "1"

  • Line - uset g_console "0" to "1"

4 - Activate Free Camera Mode!
  • Now in Game with Truck on the Road!
  • On the keyboard Press number 0 above the letters!
  • There will be a view from under the truck!

5 - Move to the location you want!
  • Use the Mouse to move the camera and the Wheel to increase or decrease the speed!
  • Use the Number Pad keys on the right to move where you want ex. 8 forwards and 5 backwards!
  • I usually just use the Nº8 key to move forward and with the mouse i direct where i want to go!

6 - Activate new Truck Position!
  • Go where you want and bring the camera closer to the road
  • Press Ctrl + F9 to complete the teleportation!
  • Now press the button for your indoor or outdoor camera and you're good to go!

Automatic City Teleported Mode!
  • Press the \ Symbol next to Nº1 above the letters!
  • A Command Box will open, then write where you want to go for ex. goto porto and press enter!
  • Don't need to write the whole City name, only if there are identical names!

Tips and Suggestions!
  • Try to avoid using Teleport at night until you are fully adapted!
  • Use the Navigation Map to avoid getting lost!
  • If get lost for some reason, just press a key with your indoor or outdoor camera!
  • This method cannot be used when you have an Active External Contract, World of Trucks!

  • I know that there is a Quick Travel option in the game, but only works for cities that have already been discovered and have a Maintenance station, also if you have a slightly damaged Truck or low on fuel, you cannot use Quick Travel
  • I hope this was reliable and helpful!
  • Can use the same method for American Truck Simulator 2!
  • Another Euro Truck Simulator Guide below!

5 commenti
The Urban Goose 19 feb, ore 12:58 
@noa.roblc1 Home>.local>share>Euro Truck Simulator 2
noa.robic1 30 dic 2024, ore 8:15 
What if im using linux?
Lucaasaas 22 dic 2024, ore 7:56 
thx i found a french tutorial
Miguel  [autore] 11 dic 2024, ore 14:49 
I don't know how these keyboards work, but from what i saw it's the number 8 above the letters, try shift + 8
Lucaasaas 11 dic 2024, ore 13:01 
how do you do when u're on azerty keybord for the symbol "\"?