Apex 레전드™

Apex 레전드™

45 평점
How to enjoy apex once again
OMiYa 님이 작성
A complimentary & not complicated guide on how to enjoy apex once again :)
즐겨찾기 해제
It is literally this simple
Allow me to spread my wisdom:

Step 1:

Stop hotdropping every match.
Combat is cool but instead land in the middle of the map. You will allways have at least 1-2 enemy teams to fight. At least now you can get a preferred loadout instead of landing on a p2020 and a rare sniper mag. This will also drastically increase you chance of keeping up your recent k/d and time survived, meaning that you'll have better teammates.

Step 2
:Stick with your squadmates: Although it might seem tempting to 3rd party that one fight 250 meters away, you should allways wait if your teammate needs to craft some bats. Taking a fight together is much more preferable instead of getting beamed and not being able to reset since your pal isn't there to protect you.

Step 3:
Just don't dc. The amount of fights where your teammate has clutched up while you were loading back to the lobby is way bigger than you think. Most of the time you will spend even more time loading to a new game rather than simply laying on the ground for a bit and having a teammate to pick you up. (Looking at you, wraith players...)

Step 4:
Don't play if you are even slightly tilted. Apex can be extremely irritating when you are feeling even a bit off. Just calm down, play an another game or do something else until you feel better and only then come back.

And yeah that's pretty much it. We like to do a little ranting.

If you have any other thoughts that you would like to add, let me know! I will gladly update this mentally ill rambling of mine. :D

댓글 12
Flayme 2024년 4월 8일 오전 9시 43분 
Fully expected another played out "uninstall" gag. Instead got validation that I'm not alone, thx man
Adder6112 #FIXTF2 2024년 4월 7일 오후 10시 42분 
史迪仔 2023년 9월 3일 오후 9시 47분 
SwatB2 2023년 9월 3일 오후 7시 51분 
As a Wraith main I thank you for making this guide. Too many players do this.
De La Campa JR 2023년 8월 31일 오후 8시 04분 
okay thx u
ZeeZuss 2023년 8월 30일 오후 6시 33분 
Sketrick 2023년 8월 29일 오전 9시 18분 
Sorry, but the game is rewarding me RP for splitting off my team and playing solo in sliver and gold lobbies.
Kuda Hitam 2023년 8월 27일 오후 11시 10분 
Step 5 Admit your mistake, eventhough its you that litlerally 1v3 a squad :D
Skells1930 2023년 8월 26일 오후 3시 22분 
finally some one who shares my view points on this game :steamthumbsup:
Midorima Shintarou 2023년 8월 25일 오후 12시 20분 
I came here expecting a tutorial on how to delete the game