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Black Labyrinth "The Chamber" Secrets
By death
All the secrets for Amid Evil's The Black Labyrinth DLC level "The Chamber". Screenshots only, no video.
Secret 1

There's a secret behind this staircase near the beginning of the level.

There's a gap on the right side of the stairs near the top.

It's dark under there but you should be able to make out a patch of light on the wall behind the stairs.

Follow that path for the secret.
Secret 2

From the stairs of secret 1, look out to the left. Jump in the water and swim to the far side.

Jump on the elevator then immediately jump off.

There's a space underneath it with some mana!

Jump in to get the secret. Don't worry about the lift closing you in, it will move up again when you approach it.
Secret 3

When you get to the button that brings up a lift in front of you, jump onto it and then jump across into the large oval support in the same direction.

From here make your way forward by hugging the left wall (there's a ridge there for most of the way so you won't fall).

When you get to the last support, claim the secret.
Secret 4
This is probably the trickiest secret. It requires the light power up which is timed, so you have to be kind of quick.

When you get here, go towards the elevator but don't step on it yet.

To the right of the elevator is a hole.

Inside the hole and back towards where you came from there is the first light powerup.
Grab it and then run back up the ramp in the rock, following it as it turns left.

Follow this path into the cave till you see a breakable light.

Break it to get past it and head into the dark.

Go up the rock on the left and jump across to the ridge on the right.

Follow the path until you come to a big flat dead end wall.

Turn around and line up with the lowest part of the rock step, then jump onto it.

Once you're up, turn back and follow the left wall forward through a little alcove.

In the alcove is another light power up. Grab it and turn around, following the left rock as it curves to the left.

Jump up on a rock and head back to the left until you're right above the little alcove where the second light power up was. Jump across and head forward.

The cave will curve to the left a little and you'll finally get the secret (and back to the light!).
Secret 5

When you get up by the button that raises the inverted obelisk, quick save before you do anything. The jump coming up can be tricky and you won't be able to retry it easily.

Press the button and jump down by the hole.

See the holes on the way down? You want to get into the second one down. The easiest way is to just hold forward as you walk off which will first land you in the top hole.

From the top hole, turn around and just run forward (no need to jump).

You'll land in a little room full of health and claim the secret.
Secret 6

From the health room in secret 5, look out from the entrance hole. Run straight out, again without jumping.

Walk down the beam towards the orange mana and claim the secret.
Secret 7 + A Little Extra

In the large room with the momentum jump pad and the wind puzzle you'll find a large structure by the entrance.

Climb up the side and head towards the middle.

The step is lower here, you can jump up. Then head to the left.

You'll come to a hole in the wall. You have to duck to enter it.

Go a little bit inside and you'll claim the secret.

A Little Extra
There's extra stuff past here that isn't strictly secrets.

Keep pushing forward through the cave. You'll have to jump over some obstacles and maybe duck some more. Eventually it opens up to a hallway with windows overlooking the area you were just in.

Follow the hallway and turn left at the end. There are some stairs here.

Climb them and go out on the tube to claim one of the developer artifacts you need for the "Indefatigable" achievement.

If you carefully make your way across the lattice stonework ceiling ahead, you'll find a message hidden under the lip of the far wall.
Secret 8

When you get to the wind puzzle, don't jump across it just yet.

Instead, look through the hole in the ground and notice some purple mana on a railing.

Jump down to it to claim the secret.
Secret 9

When you get to the room with the flying power up, grab it and fly up to the top.

Hit the button as usual.

But keep flying up, following the pole that the button is mounted on.

At the top you'll see a little landing spot with some purple mana.

Land there to claim the secret.