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Wayfinder: Queue Conqueror
Tekijältä Sweatshop
The Wayfinder Queue Conqueror's Handbook

Welcome to the real first level of Wayfinder: the login queue! Uncover the hidden mechanics, elite strategies, and legendary patience required to conquer the epic waiting screen. This Queue Conqueror's Handbook offers tips, secrets, and a humorous take on the game before the game. Gear up, refresh with care, and let's dive into the adventure of waiting!
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Guide Updates
The Queue Boss Has Been Conquered!

Be safe and travel far my friends. This will remain as a memory of the times we shared and the reason we all will have the "Waitfinder" Title!....devs...

Devs, It's been fun, now let's get the real guide done!

Last Update: 0140-2023/08/30-Seoul
  • The Queue Boss is Dead!
  • Given permission for Official Guide :)
  • Finished up this guide, Its been fun, but need to move on to the real guide.
  • Closed: Private Discord Server: Official Server made room :)
  • Canceled: Guide: (Hidden) Wayfinder: Developers Compass (Listing of in game bugs) (No B**ching)
Introduction: The Queue, The Legend
Welcome, brave Wayfinder! You've embarked on an epic journey, a journey filled with anticipation, excitement, and the subtle beauty of staring at a login screen adorned with a digital counter that only seems to increase. But fret not, for the queue is not a bug; it's a feature! A feature designed to test your mettle, patience, and your unwavering faith in progress bars.

Ah yes, the Wayfinders login queue, the unsung hero of the gaming world. Some have called it the ultimate boss battle, while others have named it the epitome of digital patience. And let's not forget the select few who are currently venting their frustrations on forums, composing poetic tweets filled with anger, confusion, and emoticons. They're not mad; they're just... passionately engaged in the pre-game experience.

But is the queue really something to be angry about? Or is it a hidden treasure, a mini-game within a game, an existential riddle wrapped in a virtual enigma? That's what we're here to explore. In this guide, we'll delve into the magical realm of the Wayfinders login queue, uncover secret strategies to conquer it, and perhaps even discover the meaning of life itself (or at least the meaning of "00 min").

The developers, those mystical beings wielding keyboards and coffee mugs, are not villains in this tale. They are the masterminds, the composers of this waiting symphony, facing a storm of passionate players eager to enter their digital utopia. Some say they're cackling in a dark room, watching the numbers rise. Others believe they're hard at work, fine-tuning the experience while occasionally glancing at social media and the burgeoning art of queue-related memes.

And so, fellow Wayfinder, whether you're joyfully embracing the queue, raging against the unseen server gods, or finding solace in the endless abyss of "00 min," this guide is your beacon, your manual, your epic tome of wisdom and wit. Let's dive into the waiting game and unlock the secrets that lie beyond the loading screen.
Queue Character Creation
Before you embark on your epic quest of waiting, you must first select your class. Each has unique abilities, challenges, and perhaps even hidden superpowers. Who will you be in the sacred halls of the Wayfinder queue?
  • The Impatient Rookie:
Twitching constantly, feverishly clicking, and calling upon the ancient spirits of faster internet. Special Ability: Anxiety Surge - a passive skill that increases your refresh rate by 500%.
  • The Stoic Veteran:
Cool and collected, fondly remembering the days of dial-up modems and nostalgic loading screens. Special Ability: Patience Aura - emanates calm to all nearby devices, keeping connections stable.
  • The Meme Master:
A modern-day bard, spreading joy, laughter, and passive-aggressive queue-related memes. Special Ability: Meme Magic - can conjure viral content from the thinnest of ideas.
  • The Furious Developer-Blamer:
Angry, indignant, armed with a keyboard and a Twitter account. This class seeks justice, fairness, and a faster login screen, one strongly-worded forum post at a time. Special Ability: Rage Typing - a burst of speed and fury that can compose a scathing review in mere seconds.

Choose wisely, dear Wayfinder, as each class has its unique abilities and quirks, like crafting witty tweets, developing carpal tunnel from constant mouse-clicking, or forging alliances with fellow players in the comment sections. Your choice will shape your destiny in the queue, guide your path through the loading screen, and echo in the virtual halls of Wayfinders' lore.

Unleash your creativity! Design your virtual waiting outfit, compose your waiting theme song, and never underestimate the power of a good waiting dance. Whether you embrace the serenity of the queue or battle against the forces of loading, your character awaits, ready to make their mark on the world of Wayfinders.

But remember, the queue is a living, breathing entity, watching, waiting, and judging. Choose your path with care, and may your character be a beacon of hope, humor, or righteous indignation in the ever-shifting realm of Wayfinders.

Understanding Your Main Quest
Your primary quest is seems simple: Get into the game. Easy, right? Ha! This quest is designed for the most elite gamers, requiring extreme patience and determination. It's rumored that some have even managed to beat their high score in other games while waiting.

Your mission is not merely to enter the game. It is to face the labyrinthine login, the infinite scrolling numbers, and the deceptive "00 min" guardian.
  • The Waiting Lore:
Understand the rich history of waiting, from ancient queues to the legendary launch-day crashes. *Extra Content: The Extended Lore of Queueing Below
  • The Queue Environment:
Familiarize yourself with the login screen's artistic nuances. Some claim to have found hidden messages in the pixels!
Tips and Tricks
  • The "Refresh" Strategy:
Caution! This is for advanced players only. By hitting the refresh button, you either advance one position or plummet to the back of the line. If you're a Furious Developer-Blamer, you may accompany each refresh with a passionate monologue about server capacity, imbuing the refresh with extra vigor.
  • Build a Social Guild:
Engage with fellow players on forums, discussing the art of waiting. It's like in-game socializing, but less immersive! The Furious Developer-Blamer may prefer to lead heated debates about developer responsibility or organize a virtual protest – a unique form of social bonding!
  • Snack Crafting:
Unlock the hidden art of Snackomancy. From popcorn to five-course meals, become the Gordon Ramsay of queue cuisine. For the Furious Developer-Blamer, snack crafting is an opportunity to vent their frustration by preparing "Angry Nachos" or "Frustrated Fries." Every bite symbolizes their discontent with the developers.
  • Keyboard Calisthenics (For the Developer-Blamers):
This is a unique exercise routine that only the Furious Developer-Blamer has access to. While waiting, they keep their fingers nimble by typing scathing comments, alternating between CAPS LOCK for emphasis and swift keystrokes to punctuate their dissatisfaction.
  • The "Twitter Barrage" Technique:
This special move allows the Furious Developer-Blamer to simultaneously tweet at multiple developers, increasing the visibility of their plight. By strategically using hashtags and @mentions, they can rally fellow players and amplify their voice.
  • The "Livestream Lament" Skill:
For those Furious Developer-Blamers with a flair for the theatrical, hosting a live stream of their waiting experience can be both cathartic and influential. Share thoughts, lead discussions, and turn the queue into a community event. Extra points for creative visual aids!
Hidden Achievements
  • Queue Conqueror:
Reach the first position in the queue. (Warning: purely theoretical)
This achievement is purely theoretical, a mythical feat whispered among the Stoic Veterans and often scoffed at by the Cynical Critics. To conquer the queue is to master the art of patience, strategy, and, quite possibly, wishful thinking. For those Furious with the Developers, this might be a bittersweet victory, a triumph mixed with a touch of irony.
  • Time Traveler:
Experience a server time jump that somehow adds more wait time.
You've just unlocked the Time Traveler achievement! This puzzling phenomenon is a favorite topic among the Forum Explorers and has even inspired some Impatient Rookies to delve into quantum physics. If you belong to the group of Outraged Gamers, you might see this time jump as a metaphor for the never-ending quest for gaming perfection.
  • Philosophical Wayfinder:
Contemplate the meaning of life while waiting for the 18000+ queue to budge.
As the 18000+ queue refuses to budge, you find yourself contemplating the meaning of life. Unlock the Philosophical Wayfinder achievement by turning this wait into an intellectual adventure. Why are we here? What's the purpose of the virtual world? For those who often Question the Developers, this is a chance to explore the deeper philosophy behind game design and user experience, adding a thoughtful layer to the frustration.

Boss Battle – The "00 min" Guardian
The ultimate test of a Wayfinder's might! This boss teases you with a "00 min" wait time but is a master of deception. Pro tip: defeat it with the power of optimism and a secondary hobby like knitting.

  • Skills to Master:
    • Optimism Blast: Raise morale with relentless positivity.
    • Distraction Shield: YouTube, Facebook, maybe even work?
    • Laughter Strike: Confuse the boss with sheer amusement.
  • Epic Loot:
    • Victory might grant you the mythical access to the actual game.

  • Boss does have a random Critical AoE that can 1-shot everything in sight.
    Notice! New Boss Spell Found: "Kicked"
    (Spell Verified on 2023/08/20@2229-Seoul By MichinMigugin)

    Attention, valiant Wayfinders! An ominous new spell has been discovered, lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike when least expected. Just when you think you have almost defeated the formidable second intro boss, or even when you've triumphantly logged in, this wicked incantation can strike without warning: the "Kicked" spell!

    Possessing the insidious ability to return with full energy, the boss may suddenly unleash this devastating power, sending you reeling with a single, cruel word: KICKED.

    The spell manifests itself through a haunting error message that reads:

    • "An error occurred: Please try again. Error code: httpFailure"

    The deceptively simple text belies the power of the spell, leaving adventurers flustered and disoriented. This enchantment is random and ruthless, striking without reason or rhyme.

    Is there a way to counter this fiendish attack? Is it a mere glitch in the matrix, or a deliberate trial set forth by the developers to test our resolve, patience, and skill?

    One thing is certain, fellow Wayfinders: the path to glory is fraught with challenges, and the "Kicked" spell is but the latest in a line of trials we must face and overcome.

    Stay strong, stay vigilant, and may your journeys in the world of Wayfinders be filled with triumph, excitement, and a minimal number of unexpected "Kicks."

    Side Quests – Fun While You Wait
    • Forum Explorer:
    Welcome to the vast, untamed wilderness of online forums. Here, you'll discover hidden memes, carefully concealed by the ancient meme masters. Engage in wild debates with players from different classes, each defending their unique approach to queue waiting. Spread queue mythology by concocting legendary tales of the 'First Waiter' or the 'Queue Whisperer,' leaving breadcrumbs for future explorers to follow. If you're lucky, you might even stumble upon the secret handshake of the Stoic Veterans.
    • Desktop Cleaner:
    In the age of waiting, your desktop has likely become an overgrown jungle of icons, files, and forgotten memes. Embark on a digital archeological expedition, unearthing long-lost treasures and rediscovering the beauty of your wallpaper. As you excavate layers of digital debris, you might stumble upon ancient relics like that report you wrote back in 2009 or the "urgent" email draft that's no longer relevant. Document your findings and maybe even share them with fellow explorers on the Forum. After all, there's nothing quite like a clean desktop to accompany a lengthy queue.
    • Pet Training:
    The wait is long, but you're not alone. Your pet, ever-faithful and curious, is there to keep you company. Engage in telepathic communication with your pet, because let's face it, they probably understand the queue better than humans. Teach them to fetch snacks as you approach the front of the queue or train them to bark/meow/chirp at every position gained. If you're feeling adventurous, craft a series of commands that correspond with different queue stages. By the time you finally log in, you and your pet will have established a complex and amusing communication system that transcends mere waiting, transforming it into a bonding experience.
    • Digital Crusader:
    For the Furious Developer-Blamer, the online realm is not just a place of leisure but a battlefield. Take on this side quest to start a petition, organize a virtual sit-in, or perhaps host a 'Fix the Queue' live stream. It's not just about complaining; it's about advocating for change!
    • Keyboard Warrior Training Ground:
    Every great warrior needs to train, and as a Furious Developer-Blamer, your weapon of choice is the keyboard. Create a rigorous training regimen, practice typing up impassioned speeches, and hone those argumentative skills. Every keystroke is a step towards digital justice.
    The Perfect Queue Playlist
    • Epic Symphonies:
    Let the grandeur of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" inspire your valiant waiting. As the horns blare and the drums roll, envision yourself at the front of the queue, sword raised, ready to embark on your Wayfinders quest. For the Stoic Veteran, a touch of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 might bring back nostalgic memories of legendary login battles.
    • Relaxing Melodies:
    Soothe your restless soul with calming tunes. Whether it's a gentle piano piece or the mesmerizing flow of ocean waves, let tranquility wash over you as the queue slowly progresses. The Impatient Rookie might find solace in the healing sounds of nature, while the Meme Master will likely enjoy a chill lo-fi hip-hop beat.
    • Queue Anthem:
    Compose your hymn to sing with fellow Wayfinders. Whether it's a rousing chorus chanting "We Shall Overcome the Queue!" or a playful parody of a pop hit like "Waiting on the World to Change," make it uniquely yours. For those Furious with the Developers, you may consider crafting a satirical ballad, voicing your concerns with wit and rhythm.
    • Nostalgic Jams:
    Bring back the golden oldies that remind you of gaming's glorious past. From 8-bit chiptunes to the iconic themes of classic RPGs, take a delightful trip down memory lane. The Cynical Critics and Outraged Gamers may find satisfaction in the rebellious tracks from the era of dial-up and early online gaming.
    • Comedic Interludes:
    Creating the perfect queue playlist is not just about killing time; it's an art form that celebrates the community, reflects individual personalities, and adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the waiting experience. Whether you prefer the epic, the soothing, the nostalgic, or the downright funny, crafting your playlist is a creative expression of your Wayfinders journey. Enjoy the wait!
    Conclusion: The Endgame
    So there you have it, the ultimate guide to conquering Wayfinders' most challenging realm: The Login Queue, a game within a game, a digital odyssey of patience, wit, and existential reflection. May your mouse stay steady, your refresh button remain resilient, and your sense of humor never falter. Good luck, and may the queue be ever in your favor!

    Good luck my friends!

    Breaking News: Conquering the Login Boss
    Day #3 of the Battle-
    • The Triumph and Tragedy of Conquering the Login Boss
    Attention all Wayfinders! A new chapter unfolds in our epic tale of login lore. Hark, for we've just received word that a brave few have successfully battled the mighty login boss and emerged victoriously. The servers opened their gates, welcoming these fearless heroes into the mythical land of Wayfinders. Cheers and digital confetti filled the chat rooms as triumphant music played in the hearts of all who witnessed this remarkable feat.

    But alas, dear Wayfinders, the victory was short-lived.

    Upon entering this promised land, the champions were met with a beast most foul and treacherous: the menacing Lag Monster. Its wicked grasp slowed every movement, turned every action into a futile effort. Heroes, once swift and decisive, were now struggling in slow motion, their attacks mere whispers in the wind.

    And then, without warning, a dark spell was cast. The words that would chill any gamer's heart appeared on their screens: "System Disabled."

    Yes, dear friends, the second phase of the trial had begun.

    For those who'd been Furious with the Developers, their worst fears had materialized. Even the Stoic Veterans were taken aback by this unexpected twist. The Cynical Critics shook their heads knowingly, while the Impatient Rookies looked on in disbelief.

    As the news spread, forums ignited with theories, memes, and of course, a new anthem for the continuing wait. Some saw this as a challenge to overcome, a new level in the ever-expanding game of patience. Others considered it a cruel joke, a plot twist written by a capricious game master.

    And thus, the saga continues. The quest to conquer the login boss has evolved into a multilayered challenge, a game within a game. The Lag Monster lurks, the "System Disabled" spell hangs in the air, and the line between virtual adventure and real-life endurance blurs.

    Who will be the next to face these trials? Who will emerge victorious, or fall victim to the digital demons that lie in wait? Only time will tell.

    Stay strong, Wayfinders. The true adventure is yet to begin.
    Second Intro Boss: Fact or Fiction?
    Fellow Wayfinders, a question has arisen that demands our attention. After vanquishing the notorious login queue, defeating the Lag Monster, and narrowly escaping the "System Disabled" hex, is there really another obstacle, another boss, that we must overcome?a
    Enter the world of Wingrave, Silo, Niss, and other enigmatic characters such as the craftable Senja Kyros and the exclusive Venomess for Founders. Born of the Gloom, these characters are more than mere avatars; they are fully realized beings with personalities, emotions, and relationships.

    You'll start your journey by selecting one of these three choices - Wingrave, Silo, Niss - for a tutorial adventure. At the end, choose wisely: continue with your chosen character, or face the potential wrath of a disconnect and a dreaded return to the login queue. Say "Yes," and the adventure continues, with even more characters like Senja waiting to be discovered.

    The question is: can this be considered an introductory boss in its own right? Is character selection more than just a choice? Could it, perhaps, be an adventure within an adventure?

    So, dear players, what are we to make of this character creation process, less restrictive in movement but abundant in complexity? Is it merely a selection stage, or does it qualify as a second introductory boss that challenges our wisdom, strategy, and understanding of the Wayfinder's universe?

    Could it be that the path to becoming a true Wayfinder is more nuanced, more layered than we ever anticipated? That the real adventure begins not just with a class selection, but with embracing a fully fleshed-out character with a personality, a history, and a role in a grander narrative?

    The second intro boss, then, is not a battle against sliders and options but a challenge to understand, embrace, and become part of a world rich in lore, character, and adventure.

    Are you prepared to meet this challenge, to become a Wingrave, Silo, Niss, or one of the other unique characters, to delve into the Gloom, and to embrace the rich tapestry of Wayfinders? The choice is yours, and the adventure awaits.

    This was our chapter about: Second Intro Boss: Fact or Fiction?
    Wayfinders at the Ready!
    A Peculiar Pause in the Fight Against the Gloom

    As the login queue boss holds players at bay, Senja is taking her gladiatorial skills to a new arena – the world of crochet. Now a master of hooks and loops, she's fashioned a full set of gladiator-themed cozy wear. Her cat serves as her training opponent, a fierce critic of her scarf-making prowess. Senja impatiently awaits the players, yearning to trade her yarn for the roar of the real battlefield.

    Kyros, the mystical wizard, finds himself stymied by the login queue boss that holds players captive. He's channeled his energies into gourmet cooking, seeking to control the elemental forces of Fire and Water in his kitchen. With a collection of arcane cookbooks, he creates culinary spells that delight and mystify. He longs for the players to bring him back to a realm where his mystical talents are not wasted on soufflés.

    The Venomess, now temporarily defeated by the login queue boss that keeps players away, has turned her secretive skills to gardening. She tends her venomous plants with a deft touch, breeding new and exotic flora. Her garden maze flourishes, but she pines for her spy games and hopes the players will soon break through to rescue her from a fate worse than the Gloom: weeding.

    Niss, the shadowy assassin, feels lost without players to guide her through the Gloom. While waiting for them to conquer the login queue boss, she has adopted a fascination with bird-watching. Yet even in this serene hobby, her instincts persist as she tracks the elusive and stealthy owls of the night. She yearns for the day when players will return, and her shadowy pursuits will extend beyond ornithology.

    Silo's sharpshooter eyes are idle as the login queue boss continues to thwart players. His once precise aim is now focused on painting miniature figures, finding solace in the details. Each figure is a tribute to his smuggling family, each brushstroke a challenge. But his true thrill lies in the Gloom, and he aches for the players to liberate him from his artful, albeit dull, existence.

    Wingrave, the stalwart templar, awaits the players who are locked in battle with the login queue boss. In the meantime, he's embraced the patient art of bonsai trimming. His spell-forged shears shape miniature trees into monuments of valor, each a symbol of his longing for the true fight. His faith remains unshaken, but he silently prays for the players to overcome the queue and call him back to his righteous quest.

    These Wayfinders, once fierce and valiant, now find themselves in a strange limbo, their skills channeled into peculiar hobbies. They await you, dear players, with bated breath and an eclectic set of new abilities, ready to rejoin the fight as soon as you defeat the login queue boss. The true game awaits, and they are more prepared (and peculiar) than ever!
    Extra Content: The Extended Lore of Queueing
    The history of queueing is as rich and complex as the virtual worlds it precedes. It transcends mere login screens and loading bars; it's a cultural phenomenon, a digital rite of passage, a universal shared experience that unites gamers across generations.

    In the Beginning: The Dial-Up Era
    The ancient days of the internet were marked by the melodious screeching of dial-up modems. Waiting was not just a part of life; it was life. The login was a mystical journey, filled with static, disconnections, and the ever-present danger of someone picking up the phone.

    The Golden Age of Loading Bars
    Then came the age of graphical enchantment and loading bars. They offered an illusion of progress, a tantalizing dance of pixels across the screen. Legends speak of gamers developing second sight, predicting the exact moment the bar would fill.

    The MMORPG Renaissance
    As online games flourished, so did the art of queueing. Servers were like mythical beasts, occasionally granting access to a chosen few. Here, the queue became a social gathering, a place of camaraderie, shared frustrations, and wildly inaccurate wait-time predictions.

    The Rise of Battle Royales and Unprecedented Queues
    The era of battle royale games saw queues reaching epic proportions. Waiting times were measured not in minutes but in lifetimes. Some say that there are still players in those queues, waiting, hoping, forever refreshing.

    The Philosophical Age of Waiting
    Modern times have elevated the queue to a form of virtual enlightenment. It is no longer a mere waiting room but a contemplative space, a digital zen garden where time stands still, and "00 min" becomes a mantra for the patient and the brave.

    The Culture of Queue Memes
    In the world of social media, the queue has transcended frustration and has become a meme-worthy experience. From witty tweets to viral videos, the queue is now a stage, a platform for humor and creative expression.

    The Wayfinders Queue: A New Chapter
    And here we stand, at the gateway to Wayfinders, facing a queue like no other. It's a challenge, a game, a shared experience that unites us in joy, frustration, and endless snacks. It's not just a waiting line; it's a tradition, a legacy, an epic in itself.

    Conclusion: The Eternal Dance of the Queue
    The lore of queueing is the unspoken poetry of the gaming world. It's a dance we all partake in, a song we all sing, a never-ending cycle of anticipation, refresh buttons, and occasional existential crises. As Wayfinders, we are not just players in a game; we are bearers of a tradition, a shared history that unites us all in the glorious, maddening, and utterly unforgettable world of the queue.
    Join The Queue!
    Are you intrigued, Wayfinders? Do the tales of valiant queue-battles, character creation duels, and the notorious "Kicked" spell ignite a fire within you? Is the siren call of the Gloom, the allure of classes like Wingrave, Silo, Niss, and Senja beckoning you to take up arms?

    Whether you're an Impatient Rookie, a Stoic Veteran, a Meme Master, or even a Furious Developer-Blamer (yes, we're talking to you, passionate keyboard warriors), the world of Wayfinders has a place for you.

    From the rich, voice-acted characters with storied pasts to the challenging gameplay systems, Wayfinders promises an adventure like no other. Waiting in the queue is not a bug but a beginning, a unique experience that unites us all in anticipation, camaraderie, and sometimes frustration.

    Join forces with fellow players. Unite in the thrill of the wait. Share memes, stories, and strategies. Embrace the anger, the joy, the impatience, and the excitement.

    The queue is calling. The Wayfinders are waiting. The adventure begins not with a step but with a click.

    Are you ready to answer the call?

    PlayWaitfinder Website
    Wait Finder[playwaitfinder.com]

    Join us and be ready for the next Disconnect!

    Update History
    Update: 0140-2023/08/30-Seoul
    • The Queue Boss is Dead!
    • Given permission for Official Guide :)
    • Finished up this guide, Its been fun, but need to move on to the real guide.
    • Closed: Private Discord Server: Official Server made room :)
    • Canceled: Guide: (Hidden) Wayfinder: Developers Compass (Listing of in game bugs) (No B**ching)

    Update: 2316-2023/08/22-Seoul
    • Started: Guide: (Hidden) Wayfinder: Conquerors Guide (A Real Guide to the Game)
    • Started: Guide: (Hidden) Wayfinder: Developers Compass (Listing of in game bugs) (No B**ching)

    Update: 1705-2023/08/22-Seoul
    • Updated: Website Play Waitfinder [playwaitfinder.com]
    • Website: Loader now shows real-time loading queue and speed (manualy updated) Check from anywhere without needing to login to steam!
    • Progress: Android App: Login Emulator (adding real time queue)
    • Added: Guide Update History Section (to the end)

    Update: 1750-2023/08/21-Seoul
    • Updated: Website Play Waitfinder [playwaitfinder.com]
    • Progress: Android App: Login Emulator
    • Canceled: iOS App (Would not be able to get updates out to match real-time queues)
    • Added: Guide Update History Section (to the end)
    • Updated: Second Intro Boss: Fact or Fiction? (Character Selection screen Not really a boss)
    • Updated: Images in "Second Intro Boss: :..."
    • Added: Wayfinders at the Ready! (What the Characters are doing while they wait for you)

    Update: 0320-2023/08/21-Seoul
    • Finished: Website Play Waitfinder [playwaitfinder.com]
    • Stated: Android/iOS App: Login Emulator (Yes I really am going to see what I can get done while waiting)
    • Added: Guide Updates
    • Added: Second Intro Boss: Fact or Fiction? (Character Selection screen Not really a boss)
    • Added: Images to "Second Intro Boss:..."
    • Added: Notice: New Boss Spell Found: "Kicked" with image
    • Added: Join the Queue! (lol)
    • Updated: Breaking News: Conquering the Login Boss
    • Removed chapter #s and reorganized sections to fit events.

    Update: 0028-2023/08/21-Seoul
    • Started: Website: playwaitfinder.com
    • Stated: Android/iOS App: Login Emulator (Yes I really am going to see what I can get done while waiting)

    Update: 2257-2023/08/20-Seoul
    • Added: Guide Updates
    • Removed: Is It True? A Second Intro Boss?
    • Added: Second Intro Boss: Fact or Fiction? (Character Selection screen Not really a boss)
    • Added: Images to "Second Intro Boss:..."
    • Added: Notice: New Boss Spell Found: "Kicked" with image
    • Added: Join the Queue! (lol)
    • Updated: Breaking News: Conquering the Login Boss
    • Removed chapter #s and reorganized sections to fit events.

    34 kommenttia
    TabOutLoud 13.9.2023 klo 3.07 
    Just Amazing! Would be nice if the developers would even mention the fun in here. This was a great takeaway from the times we shared and how some people did NOT mind the growing pains of the Early Release Week One! Nice Guide MM.
    Blazecrier 24.8.2023 klo 12.08 
    This is GOLD! Thank you for making a little fun!!
    Bl1ndGuardian_ 23.8.2023 klo 4.47 
    Sir, you're a word wizard!
    Bl1ndGuardian_ 23.8.2023 klo 4.46 
    Amazing with words, and a delightfull read
    Alalzor 22.8.2023 klo 4.20 
    Why there are queues?
    I dont understand, we are in 2023, buying a game for 18 euros and have to wait 7k queue, wtf its happening to the videogame industry, being an alpha/beta early acces is not in off reason to not buy more servers to make people play instantly and dont make them wait 2hours to play and get kicked, this is awful:steambored::steambored::steamthumbsdown::steamfacepalm:
    Sweatshop  [tekijä] 21.8.2023 klo 17.24 
    Still updating Guide daily :)
    The website playwaitfinder.com
    The loadbar at the top is a true representation of the queue over the last 12 hours. You can use it on mobile to check without logging into the game itself. I update it every 12-15 hours or so to make the real life server queue. The Android app is almost done and it will be even more accurate.
    FORFUNOFUNATX 21.8.2023 klo 14.39 
    @imazombie14 yup still an issue, as of writing this queue's about 2 hours
    Imazombie14 21.8.2023 klo 13.51 
    is this still an issue? was going to buy the game, but if they haven't fixed it yet, it is not a good sign for future issues.
    ฏ๎๎๎ฏ๎๎๎ฏ๎ 21.8.2023 klo 12.23 
    This queue boss is nothing, I'll conquer it as many times as necessary just like I did with Overwatch 2's queue boss.
    gimpbrush 21.8.2023 klo 8.35 
    still not able to play always too much people