

77 ratings
All Equipment Types, Tiers & Uses (Ascension Update)
By Toughluck8012
This guide will cover everything you need to know about all the equipment in the game, from pricing, to uses, to the difference between tiers.
General Overview
With the introduction of the Ascension Update, many forms of evidence and pieces of equipment now function differently and have different uses. On top of that, each equipment type now has 3 tiers of upgrades, varying in purpose and usefulness, bringing the total number of equipment in the game from 22 up to 60. This guide is meant to provide information and clarity about the new systems for everybody from new players to seasoned hunters.

To upgrade all equipment from Tier 1 to Tier 2, it will cost $66,000. To upgrade all equipment from Tier 2 to Tier 3, it will cost an additional $112,250. If you want to buy all of the upgrades for every piece of equipment, going from Tier 1 to Tier 3, the grand total to do so comes to $178,250. And with $1=1xp, you will be able to get all Tier 3 equipment before you reach level 100.

Additionally, if you wish to bring the maximum quantity of every piece of equipment into the contract, it will cost $2130, regardless of which tiers you're bringing.

Consumable Equipment
In regards to Consumable Equipment, these items will disappear from your inventory and need to be repurchased if they are used at least once on a contract. If they are brought along but never activated before you leave, they will not be consumed.

Electronic Equipment
If a piece of equipment is marked as Electronic, this means if the device is left on in your hands during a hunt, the ghost will be able to detect it, and your position might be revealed. In special cases like with the Raiju ghost type, act electronic equipment in their vicinity can increase the speed of the ghost. Most equipment can easily be toggled on and off by pressing Left Click or Interact on them while they are on the ground.

Even if you have experience with the game previously, I recommend checking out the new Training section from the main menu. It will run you through a unique course meant to familiarize yourself with some of the new equipment and changed mechanics, and how to gather certain types of evidence. This guide features some descriptions from that training course.

When playing in multiplayer, each person can bring a different tier of the same equipment. They add it to the inventory the same as any other equipment, leaving at least one slot open for another player to bring another tier of the item.

If you know of anything I missed or if you wish to offer a correction, I encourage you to do so respectfully in the comment section below this guide, and I will do my best to keep this guide as updated and accurate as I can.

My Other Guides
Real quickly, if you are looking for help identifying the proper ghost type, I am linking a guide I made on the topic. Some niche changes in the update may have made certain details outdated, but the information is still largely applicable.
Also, I made another guide detailing cursed possessions and their spawn locations for every map, linked below.
DOTS Projector
DOTS Projectors are devices that emit green lasers, illuminating a given area. If the ghost passes through the lasers, a 3D hologram like image will be revealed, roaming around the area, and you can mark this in your journal as DOTS evidence. Ghosts can still pass from one side of the projection field to the other whether they have DOTS evidence or not, though, so don't expect it to be perfect for tracking whereabouts.

Tier 1:

Description: A handheld laser pen that emits a cone of dim green light. Good for quickly checking specific areas, but less effective at locking down an area. It can also be placed down so you can use other equipment while the grid is still active. *NOTE* The tier 1 DOTS Projector is coded as a flashlight, and currently will not properly function while playing in a custom difficulty that disables flashlights. This may be patched later on.
Level: 1
Cost: $65 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: The same model as in previous versions of the game, this gadget must be placed on the floor, surface or wall to activate. It projects a medium size dome that covers a decent sized area, and will reveal anything moving within.
Level: 29
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $65 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:

Description:This projector can be placed on a wall, floor or other surface, and will pan the sensors back and forth, illuminating a large area with green lasers. This encompasses a good volume of area that will catch the ghost walking around, and also provides a decent amount of visual light, too. *NOTE* The panning does generate a lot of noise and may cover up quieter interactions and sound effects.
Level: 60
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $65 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
EMF Readers
EMF Readers are devices that register paranormal activity on a scale of 1 to 5. Standing near an interaction, event, etc. with the device activated will provide a readout of the strength of that encounter. Alternatively, you can place the device next to an item that is commonly interacted with, such as a Ghost Writing journal, the breaker, a crucifix, etc, in order to get notified when they are interacted with. *NOTE* A reading of 5 can only happen with specific types of ghost and can be used as identifying evidence in your journal. An EMF 5 ghost can trigger lower strengths too, so be patient and consistent with measuring interactions.

Tier 1:
Description: A semi-inaccurate device, this reader gives off static scratches like a Geiger counter in the presence of ghost activity. The needle can sometimes jump around, but it should be ignored if there isn't also a sound. It will be very obvious when there is EMF 5 activity based on the intensity of the sound it emits, and how far right the needle goes.
Level: 1
Cost: $45 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: Essentially the same as the model in previous versions of the game, this EMF emits a different more audible set of beeps and tones that have a corresponding color read out too. The values are definitive and easy to read.
Level: 20
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $45 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: This device has a digital display screen, able to track up to three recent ghost activities. It shows you how far away the interaction was (up to 3.5m away), in which direction it occurred, and the strength of this interaction. It has audio tones associated with each strength like previous tiers, but it isn't as loud or distinctive, in my opinion.
Level: 52
Cost: Upgrade: $4500 | $45 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Ghost Writing Book
Ghost Writing can be a tedious evidence to get. It can take a while for the ghost to interact with the book. The higher the tier of book you are using, the more likely the ghost will interact with it. If it has Ghost Writing as one of its evidences, the ghost will scribble drawings or words on the paper eventually. If it does not have it as an evidence, the ghost is able to, but will not always throw the book instead, meaning you can mark Ghost Writing off as a possibility.

Tier 1:

Description: A basic notepad/notebook and pencil that has a 3m range. The writing appears as faint scribbles on the page, but the noise is still fairly audible. Picking it up still shows the same unaltered texture as before, but placing down again reveals the marks again.
Level: 1
Cost: $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: A journal and office pen with a 4m range. It has a mildly increased chance to be written in if the ghost is able to. The writings appear distinct and legible.
Level: 23
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 3:

Description: A heavy book and writing pen that has a 5m range. It has a fairly high likelihood to be written in if the ghost is able to. The writings can appear as distinct sometimes colored drawings with some blood splatter.
Level: 63
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No
Spirit Box
A spirit box is a small device that allows for potential paranormal responses. If you have push to talk enabled, hold that button and speak some of the key phrase questions into the device and wait for a response. Spirit Boxes are more effective when used alone and in the dark. Sometimes ghosts won't offer a response otherwise. I have found changing my voice recognition mode to "Text" to be more helpful because it brings up a menu where you can choice presets of questions, which can make checking for this evidence faster. This can be found in the "Game" tab of the options menu.

Key Phrase Questions:
  • Where are you?
  • Are you friendly?
  • Are you here?
  • Are you close?
  • Are you far?
  • How old are you?
  • Are you old?

Tier 1:

Description: Fairly ineffective at scanning frequencies for ghosts with only a 3m range. The microphone icon on the device will light up if it is picking up your audio, and the ghost icon will light up red if the ghost is hearing your question/prompt. It will light up with a white light if the ghost is responding to it, and you will hear an answer coming from the box over the static. *NOTE* The red light indicator for the ghost can come on multiple times without a proper response, even if the ghost has it for evidence and will respond later. A red light does not mean you can rule out this evidence right away.
Level: 1
Cost: $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: This device is more efficient at properly scanning frequencies for ghosts and has a 4m range. If an X appears on the display, that means the ghost has heard your question/prompt, but only when the ghost icon flashes does it mean that it gave a response, accompanied by an auditory answer.
Level: 27
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:

Description: This switchboard-looking device allows for efficient scanning for ghosts, resulting in the best chance for a response. It has a 5m range, and several indicator lights. The Mic input light will shine red if it detects your talking. The lights along the bottom will shine red if the ghost hears your question/prompt, but will turn white if the ghost is responding, and you will hear a voice, too.
Level: 54
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Gathering Freezing Temperature Evidence works different than how it used to in previous versions of the game. Seeing Cold Breath does not instantly mean Freezing Temperature Evidence. You will see Cold Breath in areas that are cold (5 degrees C or lower), or if the weather is snowing, but in order to actually get the evidence, you have to read 0 degrees C (32 F) or lower on one of the thermometers.

The new weather system added with this update also affects base temperatures. If the sun is rising, base temperatures will be slightly higher. If it is snowing, base temperatures will be notably lower than average. Additionally, all the rooms on site will be colder if the breaker is turned off. Attics, basements, and garages tend to run slightly cooler than other rooms, too. The Hantu ghost type changes its speed based on the temperature of its surroundings, so keep this in mind.
Tier 1:
Description: A slow-reading mechanical thermometer that will adjust its readout over a period of time. Best to leave in an area and come back to check on later. Additionally, bringing this device from room to room is a good way of quickly checking for the ghost room, as you will see the red mercury levels begin to rise or lower or stay the same, allowing you to instantly rule out certain areas. Also, the readouts, while slow, are perfectly accurate, unlike the next two tiers
Level: 1
Cost: $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: A similar model the one in previous versions of the game, this digital readout thermometer requires a slight charge up animation before reading the temperature of the room you are standing in. *NOTE* This device has an intentional inaccuracy of around 2 degrees, meaning it may display a temperature higher than the actual temperature of the room/area, so keep this in mind. However, this does not mean that a readout of 1 degree actually means it is -1 degree, as the inaccuracy can be closer to zero rather than two.
Level: 36
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: Very similar to the Tier 2 thermometer, but with a quicker read. *NOTE* This device has an intentional inaccuracy of around 1 degree, meaning it may display a temperature higher than the actual temperature of the room/area, so keep this in mind.
Level: 64
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
UV Lights
UV lights illuminate nearby surroundings in UV light, revealing possible footprints, handprints or fingerprints for evidence. It also provides a small amount of light so you can see in the dark. After hearing a window tap, light switch, door interaction or footstep, check the origin of these sounds with a UV light to see if there is a glowing handprint, fingerprint, or footprint. Hold the light on the print for a few moments to make it momentarily visible without the use of UV lights in order to take a picture of it for extra money at the end of the contract. These prints usually only stay around for about 20 seconds before disappearing. *NOTE*: For footprints, a ghost must have walked through a pile of salt in order to leave UV footprints when they walk, and the prints will be localized to that pile of salt.

This is what UV evidence looks like on tents for the outside maps like Camp Woodwind and Maple Lodge Campsite.

Tier 1:

Description: A glowstick that when activated, emits a short-ranged radial glow, revealing various prints, and providing a small amount of light. Over time, the glowstick will dim, but it can be reactivated infinite times to renew its effectiveness. A glowstick can be dropped, for example, at the base of the door and still illuminate and charge fingerprints on a door touch quite effectively, whereas with later tiers, you have to hold the light on them and then switch to it, as the angle of the light cone sometimes doesn't reach the print from the ground.
Level: 1
Cost: $20 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: A UV flashlight with a narrow concentrated beam, providing limited visual light, but charges UV prints faster
Level: 21
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $20 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: Essentially just a bigger version of the Tier 2 UV Flashlight, with a larger cone of light that charges fingerprints and footprints faster. Provides a fair amount of visual light, as well.
Level: 56
Cost: Upgrade: $2000 | $20 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Video Camera
Video Cameras are used to help gather Ghost Orb evidence. They can also be used as portable night vision devices to see in the dark. Bring the video camera into a room you suspect there to be ghost activity and look through the display screen to see if you can spot any mysterious subtle white dots floating around. Additionally, you can place the camera on the ground, furniture, or on a tripod so that you can safely spectate the video feed from the truck. Use the mouse and keyboard to cycle through camera feeds and toggle night vision respectively. However, ghosts will now be able to throw cameras if they are not properly anchored with a quality tripod.

Example of Ghost Orbs
*NOTE* The ghost orb is the small white dot on the left side, not the big glowing circle on the top (that is a screen reflection of a van light)

Tier 1:
Description: An old handheld video camcorder with a small display screen, capable of toggling to a green night vision mode. Susceptible to glitching and artificating in presence of ghost activity, disrupting video feeds.
Level: 1
Cost: $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: A higher quality handheld video camcorder with a detailed display screen, capable of toggling to a black and white night vision mode. Mildly susceptible to glitching and artificating in presence of ghost activity, disrupting video feeds.
Level: 33
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:

Description:A large professional video cam with a sizable display screen, with a black and white night vision toggle.
Level: 61
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Crucifixes are items that can prevent a ghost from initiating a hunt, so long as it is within range of a crucifix that still has a charge. This item is effective while held or while placed on the ground, but placing them provides an effective safe perimeter while you gather other evidence. Depending on the ghost type and difficulty, this will also prevent them from trying to start another hunt for a set amount of time (around 25 seconds, 20 seconds if the ghost type is a demon). The tier of crucifix does not affect this grace period.
Tier 1:

Description: A basic wooden cross effective 3m with the ability to stop 1 attack. If the ghost type is a Demon, this tier of crucifix has an effective range of 4.5m.
Level: 8
Cost: $30 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: An cast iron crucifix capable of preventing two separate attacks with an effective range of 4m. If the ghost type is a Demon, this tier of crucifix has an effective range of 6m
Level: 37
Cost: Upgrade: $4000 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:

Description: The Tier 3 still has the ability to prevent two attacks, but has an active range of 5m. Additionally, if it still has both of its uses left, and this item is placed next to the cursed possession when a cursed hunt triggers, it will prevent the attack and use both charges. If the ghost type is a Demon, this tier of crucifix has an effective range of 7.5m
Level: 90
Cost: Upgrade: $20,000 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No
Candles are portable light sources that can be used for completing objectives, sanity drain protection, or specific tests for ghost type, such as an Onryo (more on this in the Additional Ghost Information guide linked in the General Overview section). The benefits of a burning candle only apply within a 2m range for all tiers, however. An Igniter of any tier is required to light these. If you have one in your inventory, you can instantly light the candle with "Primary Use". Otherwise, if the candle is placed, aim it with the igniter and press "Secondary Use".

*NOTE* Standing in a room with the overhead light on will result in zero percent sanity drain. Candles are helpful for when you are in areas without an overhead light or if a ghost even has burst the lights in the room.

Additionally, the candles that spawn on some maps can no longer be picked up, but will burn forever. They also can be used for Onryo tests and objectives. The sanity protection they provide is unknown if any.

Tier 1:

Description: A single wax candle on a metal stand that burns for 3 minutes. It provides a 33% sanity drain reduction if held.
Level: 12
Cost: $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: A candelabra with 3 candles, providing more light, and a 50% sanity drain reduction. It takes 5 minutes to burn out and can provide the benefits when standing close to it while it is placed down.
Level: 47
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:
Description: This lantern provides a ton of visual light as well as a 66% sanity drain rate reduction when standing within 2m of it. It also works in all weather types and will not be extinguished by the rain in outdoor maps. Additionally, it has an infinite burn time, meaning it can be used throughout the entire contract.
Level: 79
Cost: Upgrade: $10,000 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No
Flashlights are hand held devices that provide a cone of visual light in order to navigate and identify your surroundings more efficiently. The level of brightness and the illumination range varies depending on tier.

Tier 1:
Description: A bulky silver flashlight with a weak and narrow cone of light
Level: 1
Cost: $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: A black metal tactical flashlight with a consistent and average light output, with suitable range and coverage.
Level: 19
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: A strong mobile spotlight with a bright and large cone of light
Level: 35
Cost: Upgrade: $2500 | $30 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Head-Mounted Gear
An additional piece of equipment you can bring along that does not take up one of your three inventory slots. Press and hold "T" by default to toggle them off and on. Remember to toggle these off if the ghost starts to hunt, or else it can be drawn to your position because it sensed active electric equipment.
Tier 1:
Description: A basic camera with live video feed instantly to the truck monitors so teammates can spectate from safety. Use the keyboard in the truck to toggle the video feed to night vision so you can spot things like ghost orbs. It will remain on the top of your screen for the rest of the contract. No practical use in solo.
Level: 13
Cost: $60 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: A head-mounted flashlight that can be toggled on or off by holding the "special use" button after putting on the item. The amount of light provided is comparable to the Tier 2 flashlight, but has a wider cone.
Level: 49
Cost: Upgrade: $10,000 | $60 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: A pair of night vision goggles that provide the ability to see in the dark. They will remain visible on the top of your screen for the rest of the contract. *NOTE* This does not allow you to see ghost orbs, and a video camera is still necessary.
Level: 82
Cost: Upgrade: $10,000 | $60 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Igniters are fire sources that allow you to light candles, campfires, and burn incense. They also provide a small amount of visual light and help reduce the sanity drain effect while standing in the dark.

Tier 1:

Description: A small box of matches that can be used 10 times before running out. The matches burn quickly, so be ready to use them once you've activated them (10 seconds after a short animation). Extinguished in rain.
Level: 12
Cost: $10 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:
Description: A simple BIC-Style lighter, that has 5 minutes worth of fuel. Extinguished in rain.
Level: 41
Cost: Upgrade: $500 | $10 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:
Description: A metal Zippo-Style lighter, with fuel for 10 minutes of continuous use. Able to be used in outdoor environments during rainy weather.
Level: 57
Cost: Upgrade: $750 | $10 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No
Incense are items that can help save you from ghost attacks and make the area safer for a limited amount of time after use. You must have an Igniter of any tier in your inventory to use them. Right click with the incense in your hand and the lighter in your inventory to ignite them.

If the ghost isn't hunting, igniting them in the vicinity of recent activity will prevent the ghost from attempting a hunting for 90 seconds (60 seconds if the ghost type is a demon, 180 seconds if the ghost type is a spirit)
Tier 1:

Description: If the ghost is hunting, lighting these smudge sticks with an igniter will blind the ghost for 5 seconds (7.5 seconds if the ghost type is a Moroi).
Level: 14
Cost: $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: If the ghost is hunting, lighting these sage bundles with an igniter will blind the ghost for 6 seconds (9 seconds if the ghost type is a Moroi). They will also slow down the ghost notably for 5 seconds.
Level: 42
Cost: Upgrade: $3500 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:

Description: If the ghost is hunting, burning these special herbs with an igniter will blind the ghost for 7 seconds (10.5 seconds if the ghost type is a Moroi). Additionally, it will freeze the ghost in place for 5 seconds (good for if you need a ghost photo).
Level: 85
Cost: Upgrade: $15,000 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No
Motion Sensor
Motion Sensors are devices that will alert investigators if the ghost passes through the monitored area. This can be useful in completing objectives or learning the movement behavior and/or active location of the ghost. Some ghosts have specific roaming behaviors, and this item can help reveal that. You will be alerted that the device was triggered when standing close to the device either visually and/or via audio cue, depending on the tier. Additionally, the device's activity and data can be monitored from the truck. The laser will turn green when the device is triggered only when viewing from the screen in the truck.

Additionally, placing a motion sensor over a pile of salt can help test for the Wraith ghost type. Wraiths cannot step in salt, so if the motion sensor triggers above the salt and no footstep was left, you know your ghost is a Wraith.
Tier 1:

Description: A basic single laser trip design, this device will flash a bright white light when either the ghost or a player passes through the sensor
Level: 5
Cost: $100 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:

Description: After placing the device on a wall, you can left click it to toggle between 1 laser straight ahead, 2 lasers forking in different directions, or off. The two lasers setting can be helpful in determining which direction the ghost is traveling in without the need for multiple units. In addition to flashing a bright white light, this device will emit a beep when the laser is tripped. Audio feedback is also relayed to the truck so you can be alerted when it happens.
Level: 45
Cost: Upgrade: $2500 | $100 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:

Description: A dome-shaped sensor with a 5, 10 or 15m range circular detection field. Provides directional detection accompanied by a bright white light and an audio cue. Relays info back to the truck. Adjust the range by pressing the white arrows on the top right screen in the truck. This Tier 3 device does not chime when an Investigator passes through the search range, unlike the two previous tiers.
Level: 74
Cost: Upgrade: $8000 | $100 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Parabolic Microphone
Parabolic Microphones are used to complete objectives, test for specific ghost types (Banshees), and help narrow down where the ghost room is by identifying which side of the map activity is taking place on a larger map.

Tier 1:
Description: It can focus on sounds from up to 20m away. The cone of focus is very narrow, and anything outside of it will be severely muffled. Be cautious, as you may miss your warning that a hunt has started while using this device.
Level: 7
Cost: $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No

Tier 2:
Description: With a larger receiving dish, a wider range of audio can be picked up, and the cone of focus isn't quite as narrow. It has a maximum range of 30m. With a digital display screen, you can also see a visual representation of the strength of the sound source. Audio outside of the focusing point is still muffled, but not as much as tier 1.
Level: 31
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No

Tier 3:
Description: With a range of 30m, this tier 3 device has a complex display screen, providing range and direction of nearby activity, as well as the volume of the interaction. Perfect for tracking down the ghost room. It still muffles audio, but far less than the previous tiers.
Level: 72
Cost: Upgrade: $5000 | $50 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Photo Camera
Photo Cameras are used to take pictures of various types of evidence and activity on site. Taking a properly framed picture will reward the player with extra money at the end of a contract. The more centered and focused the picture is (also proximity to the item/event), the higher the reward. Luckily, the new system seems to be far more forgiving than past versions. Also, in previous versions, a single camera could only take 5 photos before needing another one, but in the new update, all 3 tiers of photo cameras can take unlimited pictures, making it less pressure to get a perfect ghost photo early on if you have that objective. Only the first 10 photos taken will count towards your journal evidence however, meaning if you mess one up, taking another good photo will not replace the bad one. There is no reward for taking more than 10 photos either. *NOTE* Photos must be taken quickly after the event has occurred, or they will not count.

Some things to take photos of:
  • Bone
  • Dead Teammates
  • Charged Fingerprints (UV)
  • Charged Footprints (UV)
  • Interactions (rocking chair, door creak, etc.)
  • Thrown Items
  • Disturbed Salt
  • Ghost Writing (while scribbling and when finished)
  • Dirty Water (ghost turns on sink)
  • Burned Crucifix (the same one can be taken twice if the tier of crucifix allows for multiple uses)
  • Cursed Possessions (1 per Ouija Board response also)
  • Ghost (during hunt, events or in DOTS Projector beam)
  • Phone Ring
  • Candle Extinguished

Tier 1:
Description: A handheld Polaroid camera with no display screen, with a short delay between pictures
Level: 3
Cost: $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:
Description: A handheld digital camera with an average display screen, and a very short delay between pictures. Moderately susceptible to paranormal disruptions and glitching in the display.
Level: 25
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:
Description: A high-end professional digital camera with a high resolution screen, less susceptible to glitching, and a fast cycle time between pictures.
Level: 70
Cost: Upgrade: $5000 | $40 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Salt can be placed around the site to help track movement, gather UV evidence, test for specific ghost types (Wraiths cannot step in salt), gain extra money, and potentially affecting a ghost's movement patterns/behaviors. Once a ghost walks through a pile of salt, they can leave UV Footprints if UV evidence is applicable to that ghost type. Taking photos of disturbed salt can be an easy way to get extra money.

*NOTE* Be careful taking pictures of the footprints, as they do not last long after the ghost has walked through them. Have your UV light ready to charge the prints so you can quickly snap off a photo before they disappear. You can get multiple pictures from the same set of steps, but it is highly risky due to the short time window. The tier 3 photo cam is best for this.

Tier 1:

Description: A bottle of standard salt that leaves 2 circular piles per container
Level: 9
Cost: $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:

Description: A small wooden container of pink salt *no special attributes). Can place up to 3 lines per container
Level: 43
Cost: Upgrade: $2500 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:

Description: Each container holds 3 lines of special blessed black salt. If the ghost is not hunting, stepping through this salt acts like a barrier to the ghost, and will cause it to turn around. This can allow you to essentially trap a ghost in a room to stop it from roaming. If the ghost is hunting, walking through this salt will slow the ghost for 2 seconds. The wraith ghost type is not affected by these abilities.
Level: 68
Cost: Upgrade: $5000 | $15 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No
Sanity Meds
Sanity Meds are used to recover sanity points that have drained from events and natural degradation. Most ghost types will start hunting when you reach 50% sanity, but some can hunt as early as 80% or as late as 35%.

Things that drain sanity:
  • Standing in the dark
  • Ghost Events (Manifestations, walking through ghost, Air Ball)
  • Using Cursed Possessions (See Cursed Possessions guide linked in General Overview for breakdown of each item)
  • Ghost Special Abilities (like the Moroi or Banshee)

Sanity degradation and regeneration both relate to what difficulty you're playing on as well, where as sanity degradation is also determined by the size of the map. However, all tiers of Sanity Meds restore the same amount.
  • Amateur: 40% Regen Per Use
  • Intermediate: 35% Regen Per Use
  • Professional: 30% Regen Per Use
  • Nightmare: 25% Regen Per Use
  • Insanity: 20% Regen Per Use

The following chart was found on the Phasmophobia Wiki, linked below (credit section)

Tier 1:
Description: An elixir that when consumed regenerates sanity points over the course of 30 seconds
Level: 16
Cost: $20 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 2:
Description: Pills that when consumed regenerates sanity points over the course of 20 seconds
Level: 39
Cost: Upgrade: $2000 | $20 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No

Tier 3:
Description: An adrenaline shot that when consumed regenerates sanity points over the course of 10 seconds, and grants 10 seconds of infinite sprint as well. Must be under 95% sanity to use, and make sure you're not already exhausted from running before using this.
Level: 77
Cost: Upgrade: $5000 | $20 Per Unit
Consumable: Yes
Electronic: No
Sound Sensors
Sound Sensors are remote recording devices that gather and relay audio from a given range back to the truck. Place this equipment in rooms to gather and relay sound data back to the monitors and speakers in the truck. The truck displays a visual feedback of which devices are being triggered and to what extent, and also allows you to listen remotely. This can be helpful for identifying where the ghost room might be and also helps track the ghost's movement while it wanders/roams.

Additionally, you can place one near another piece of equipment like the Ghost writing journal, EMF Reader, or a door in order to get an update in the truck when those are trigger to go check them out.

Tier 1:

Description: Projects an invisible 5, 10 m circle around the device that relays any sound based activity back to the truck
Level: 11
Cost: $80 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 2:

Description: Listening device with stronger microphones, projects an invisible circle around the device that relays any sound based activity back to the truck. Press the white arrow buttons on the screen in the truck to toggle between size of circle (5, 10 or 15m)
Level: 32
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $80 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes

Tier 3:

Circle (Default), Cone, Hourglass:

Left to Right: Circle, Cone, Hour Glass

Description: With a range you can toggle between 5m, 10m, and 15m, this is the most versatile listening device. By adjusting the antennae on top of the device while it is placed or while you're holding it by pressing "right click", you can select a specific shape of the listening area (circle, cone, or an hourglass)
Level: 58
Cost: Upgrade: $1500 | $80 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: Yes
Tripods are stands to put video cameras upon. Ghosts are still able to throw and knock over the video cameras, requiring them to be set up again, but tripods offer varying levels of protection so that it occurs less frequently. Mounting a camera to the tripod still allows you to look through the camera, but the screen will be even smaller while carrying it around. Any tier of tripod can support any tier of video camera.

Tier 1:
Description: A basic stand with no special traits. It is mildly susceptible to disturbances and paranormal throwing.
Level: 10
Cost: $25 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 2:
Description: Motorized stand that allows for rotational panning from the safety of the truck, using on screen controls (the camera will continue to pan in the same direction until you click an arrow again). Less likely to be knocked over.
Level: 34
Cost: Upgrade: $5000 | $25 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No

Tier 3:
Description: Essentially identical to the Tier 2 tripod, but with more sturdy legs, causing it to fall over even less.
Level: 62
Cost: Upgrade: $3000 | $25 Per Unit
Consumable: No
Electronic: No
Toughluck8012  [author] 29 Oct, 2023 @ 2:16pm 
If you still need to complete the Halloween event for 2023, I made a guide to help:
Fiboss 21 Oct, 2023 @ 9:15am 
thank you!
💦 RezanansX 💦 18 Oct, 2023 @ 6:54am 
Thunder 16 Oct, 2023 @ 2:45pm 
This is incredible! Thank you! You rock!
Blaze 16 Oct, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Thank you for sharing this guide!!! Excellent job!! :steamthumbsup:
Lord_Shmaxx 14 Oct, 2023 @ 2:40pm 
thanks man. was wondering why there was three of everything
Toughluck8012  [author] 13 Oct, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
This guide is coming out a little late because I had to find time to grind to a high enough level to unlock, learn and experiment with the equipment. Hopefully the information is still helpful as a reference