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The most dangerous ghosts in Phasmophobia
By O/Alexandr
1. The demon
is one of the most dangerous ghosts, he is very aggressive and active. The demon can launch an early attack starting at 75% sanity. He doesn't have any special upholstery, except that he is very aggressive, and is ready to kill everyone he meets. He has no mandatory evidence, in a nightmare, when only 2 clues are given, it will be a complete random what kind of evidence he will give you. Crucifixion works for a demon in a special way. If the standard crucifixion is protected by an area of only 3 meters, then it works for a demon by 5 meters. Also, with a successful session with a demon on the "Ouija Board", the mind will fall less than the standard one. Quite a dangerous ghost.

2. Taie
is a Ghost who is super fast at the very beginning of the game, and active While he is in his young stage, he is very dangerous. Since taie in the young stage can start an attack with 70% of his mind, and if he starts an attack in the young stage, there is little chance of survival, since he will be super fast, and accordingly will check more places where you can hide. It is practically impossible to escape from him while he is in the young stage without incense. But, the more you are in the room with taie, he slowly gets older, and becomes less active and fast. Eventually, when he gets old completely, he will become very slow and inactive. In the beginning, this ghost is very dangerous, and in the end not very dangerous.

3. Mimic
is a very mysterious and dangerous ghost. Since he has the ability to hide using the upholstery of other ghosts. Roughly speaking, he copies other ghosts, and can use the abilities of other ghosts. Let's say we copy the taie at a young stage, and launch an early attack being super fast. Also, the mimic has a "side" evidence. This evidence is a "ghost light". Also, a mimic posing as another ghost can give 4 clues, or 3 clues, non-existing combinations. This ghost rarely gives his true clues, hiding behind others, he takes their upholstery and abilities. It can also be very dangerous.

4. Mara
is a ghost who hates light, and can make a "guest event", during which she can break the light in the room where there was a "guest event". In the dark, Mara can launch an early attack starting with 75% sanity, but in the light, she can launch an attack like standard ghosts with 50% sanity. In the dark, Mara becomes faster, and can easily find you or catch up. In the light, the mara is less active, and slower. Mara often turns off the light generator, and also bursts light bulbs. She doesn't have any special evidence, as well as mandatory evidence. But without light, it's better not to get in the way of Mara.

5. Banshee
ghost with special abilities. Banshee (if you play in multiplayer), chooses one person for whom he will concentrate until he kills him. And also the banshee has the ability to teleport into a room with a player, and chase the player until he gets bored. You can also identify a banshee using a "directional microphone" by hearing a certain "scream". Except for the banshee, no one can make a "scream" into a directional microphone. Banshees are particularly aggressive chasing "their" victim. A dangerous ghost for the one who became her victim.

6. The Revenant
is one of the most violent ghosts. He is very active, but unfortunately I don't know if he can launch an early attack or not, he attacks in different ways. The revenant is slow until he sees the victim, but if the revenant saw you, you will never escape without incense. Seeing his victim, the revenant begins to run super mega fast after the victim, the player's speed is not enough to break away from the revenant, 2 seconds after the revenant notices you, he will kill you. Also, if the revenant noticed one player, and only then saw the second one, he will continue to run after the player he saw first. If the Revenant didn't see you, it will be very slow. If he notices you and you don't have the incense, you're finished.