Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

29 人が評価
Lone Mansion
1.848 MB
2023年8月4日 14時24分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Lone Mansion

Roddo 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Project Zomboid Hard
175 アイテム
And you notice something in the distance, although sweat and exhaustion make you believe it's an illusion... Damn! Too many zombies are coming... Maybe you survived, maybe you were bitten, maybe you died, however you managed to see that it wasn't an illusion, a mansion stood in front of you... What things will be inside? Is it worth the risk to enter?

Personally I have died a couple of times cleaning the area (I like that difficulty), but the loot is too worth it. You will find weapons, medicines, tools and much more. Hopefully and you also find some secret that is hidden there.

Cell 26:26

Incompatible Map Mods:
- ABS base

Map in beta phase, it can change in the future, both location and building itself.

Y notas algo a la distancia, aunque el sudor y el cansancio te hacen creer que es una ilusión... Joder! Se acercan demasiados zombies... Quizás sobreviviste, quizás te mordieron, quizás moriste, como sea lograste ver que no era una ilusión, una mansión se erguía frente a ti... Qué cosas habrán dentro? Valdrá la pena arriesgarse a entrar?

En lo personal he muerto un par de veces limpiando la zona (me gusta esa dificultad), pero el loot vale demasiado la pena. Encontrarás armas, medicinas, herramientas y muchas cosas más. Con suerte y también encuentras algún secreto que se esconde por allí.

Celda 26:26

Mods de mapas incompatibles:
- Base ABS

Mapa en fase beta, puede cambiar en un futuro, tanto ubicación como edificio mismo.

Workshop ID: 3014972112
Mod ID: MansionSolitaria
Map Folder: Lone Mansion
15 件のコメント
Gunther Kruger 3月19日 0時48分 
@Archadies Leafwalker Nested container done that to me :)
Roddo  [作成者] 2月3日 9時34分 
I suppose you could check the Console file, the errors will be there. Or try one mod at a time to solve the error. Tell me anything about the map, it will help me a lot :D
Archadies Leafwalker 2月2日 20時58分 
That is great to hear. I'm doing some work on my mod list over the weekend since I haven't bee able to play the game since Dec.13th. Well, I mean the game would load but I'm not able to right click no anything in my inventory. It would highlight the item but no menu would appear. Might be either a problem with mod conflicts, mod order or maybe i fell into the newb trap of activating cool mods I like at the same time even though I've been playing for I thik about 2 or 3 years now.. lol. But once I get it figured out, I'd like to try this map out. :D But yeah, not having been able to play for a while kind of makes me feel like I'm going through withdraws. Anyway, sorry for the long post. I'll talk to you later, have a great weekend. :) :praisesun:
Roddo  [作成者] 2月2日 17時08分 
@Archadies Leafwalker still in progress, has not undergone any changes yet, but is in plans for B42 (along with 5 other maps)
Archadies Leafwalker 2月2日 12時21分 
@Roddo Is this still a work in progress? Have you changed the location at all or no? I'm looking for something different yet challenging. :) I seen this and figured, lets do it! lol. :praisesun:
Andy 2023年9月29日 2時39分 
The building is absolutely awful to attempt to clear, especially if you have sprinters.
The building being absolutely full of bars? Yea, that's fine.
The *problem* is how they're set up. For some reason, these things can block visibility on the other side. You have extremely little foresight into just how many zombies are behind the thing you're sledging.
Normally you could just stab the zombies that are on the other side of the bars, but the visibility issue makes it impossible to do so.
The loot is respectable and worth the effort, but there is very little fair counterplay due to how the mansion is set up, and is something I advise against trying to install, as it is extremely janky to deal with.
The zombie count is fair, but the way the mansion is built is clunkier than a late 90s Dodge.
Would not recommend.
Roddo  [作成者] 2023年8月21日 7時13分 cell 26:26
i´m lost 2023年8月21日 4時56分 
what is the locaiton?
Roddo  [作成者] 2023年8月19日 22時05分 
@Misfit2024 using the sledgehammer
Misfit2024 2023年8月19日 16時01分 
how do u break the bars?