Limbus Company

Limbus Company

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The Epic (and Painful) Scrap Grind
By Voxblönv
Scraps are easy to get, but check out this guide to increase/maximize scrap obtainment efficiency!
Introducing... Scrap grind!
Basically Bongy Plush grind, but this time, not in a dungeon.
This guide will help you with your scrap grind efficiency. Simple enough I know.

This guide was brought to you by Blin/Blon. All rights reserved.
- A healthy mental approach is needed as this grind is tedious.
- Use identities that are mainly using pierce attacks.

tbh, this guide doesn't really need a lot of tips as its very simple!
Level and Loadout
We'll be using 4.5-12 as the medium of grind.

This time, its not a dungeon, but rather a 3 waved level which costs 1 module to enter.
Wave 1:

Wave 2:

Wave 3

Since you can equip 7 sinners in that stage, it should be a breeze through.
Note: I have not obtained SODA RYOSHU E.G.O. and SODA HONG LU E.G.O, so I will not be using them.

Bolded sinners means that they grant scrap boosts.
Italic-ed sinners means that they can be substituted with Ryoshu (for their E.G.O boosts)
K Corp Class 3 Excision Staff Hong Lu
Everfloresced E.G.O. Spicebush Yi Sang
The One Who Grips Faust
W. Corp Cleanup Agent Don Quixote
R. Corp 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff
Molar Boatworks Fixer Ishmael: 40% more scrap
Molar Boatworks Fixer Sinclair: 20% more scrap

E.G.O boosts:
SODA Hong Lu: 40% more scrap
SODA Ryoshu: 20% more scrap
They seriously didn't learn from that Bongy Plush event did they...?
This is a very simple event compared to the Bongy Plush event.
So go Mr. Manager! Go kill those crabs and get their scraps (and hopefully not anger PETA).