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Items (227)
~~Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (3.13)
Created by Ariphaos
AI • Bugfix • Mod Support • Performance This mod corrects several hundred issues in vanilla Stellaris. The game is faster, the AI is smarter, mods are better supported, and fewer bugs will be encountered.
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is spe...
! Dark Blue UI Remake
Created by Kasako'小傘
<UI Overhaul Dynamic is required, sort it above DBUI.> Translucent + Trimmed UI style Designed as an addon to UI Overhaul Dynamic Blue tinged cyberpunk visual style New UI graphics and layout changes Some additional new features Legacy version of last majo...
! Casako's Framework & Modmenu
Created by Kasako'小傘
This mod will always go with the last update of Stellaris <warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Current mod version for mod setting panel The basic framework of the sub-function of Infinite System Independent function...
! Universal Game Rules Patch
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: My first language is not English, there may be translation errors> Repair population cannot be assembled Repair orbital bombing failure Repair the failure of the jump engine Compatible with additional information types Make capital buildings from...
! Dark Blue UI Kasako's Bespoke
Created by Kasako'小傘
Designed for Production Revolution Framework is required Add new shortcut button Manpower parameters show directly in planet UI Animated leader portrait Better ground combat image You must have all required mod installed Compatiblility Patch with MOD: Giga...
! Better Performance & Utilities
Created by Kasako'小傘
Better Performance & Utilities Current version for Legacy version of Kasako's mods Up to 75% increase in game fluency in later game New pop growth control method (disabled by default) Automatic demotion function Express manual pop migration method Reduce t...
More Events Mod
Created by Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.13.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
! Reworked Advanced Ascension
Created by scroll
Adapting to Stellaris 3.13 This mod is to add new advanced ascensions based on vanilla ascensions 30 new Advanced Ascensions The upper limit of the ascension slot has been increased, which requires UOD series for UI support Future development of this MOD h...
Max Leader Level
Created by coolnet
Increases leader's max level to 30 Subclass level - 14* Destiny level - 20* Veteran Traits - 5* *Need DLC Galactic Paragorns Adds edict (ambition): "Virtual Training", increases experience gain rate by 1000%...
3D Fleet Formation
Created by breloom1994
This mod is a rework of the mod: Fleet Scale once created by@Magog Since the former creator stopped updating anymore, and I personally believe this mod is a "must-have". So I decided to upload this new version and continue the update. I also made a little ...
More Ship Sections
Created by Hibiki_RT
Updated for 3.7 This mod adds available Sections for all types of ships: Corvette added 3 Core Sections: Gunboat Core (S1M1), Barrage Core (P1T1) and Picket Core (P1M1) and more... Destroyer added 3 Bow Sections: Escort Bow(H1)、Barrage Bow(T2)、Picket Bow(M...
Ancient Empire 1.9 [Stellaris 3.13]
Created by AetherGhost
Stellaris 3.13.* Compatible 1 Introduction Ancient Empire Mod is a late-game/end-game event mod that introduces the story of an ancient civilization that was once mighty but eventually fall for unknown reasons, a series of related technologies, ships, and ...
Tidy Tradition 3.10~3.13
Created by Laquly 零者
3.13✔️;3.12✔️; 3.11✔️; 3.10✔️; English✔️; 日本語✔️; Italiano✔️ The author cannot speak Japanese and Italian, so the translation of these two languages needs to subscribe to the following mods: 日本語の翻訳:
255 Tradition Slots + 256 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
! Real Galaxy HD blue
Created by Ende der Sonne
I like the Real Galaxy very much, but there are still some flaws with this mod. Stellaris does not support image larger than 4K for particle FX, then when you put your camera too close to the galaxy plane, you will see rough pixels. So I made some improvem...
Created by Clam
3.* 5.10DLC...
! Age of Wonder
Created by Kasako'小傘
Partial support for English 41 new megastructures added If you installed Gigastructural Engineering & More, it is best to choose one of the two mods to play, otherwise you will see conflicts such as overlapping models and partial functional failures. But i...
! Reworked Tactical Battlefield !
Created by Kasako'小傘
<warring: non native English speaker, there may be translation errors> BETA TEST 2x system scale (while RSS is 6x) Bigger solar system + smaller ship The perfect balance between beautification and gameplay Compatible with partly compatible with Better stri...
Age of Wonder: 2 System Scale
Created by Laquly 零者
奇观拓展与宏伟战场(2倍行星缩放)的兼容mod 排序 !伞の决战兵器:宏伟战场! 奇观拓展 奇观拓展:2倍缩放兼容 考虑打赏 作者目前都是靠爱发电的,可能会因为各种各样的现实生活中的原因而拖更,不可能时时刻刻照顾mod。 如果有大佬打赏会激发作者的创作激情,加速更新哦~ 爱发电打赏链接...
! Production Revolution
Created by Kasako'小傘
Mod version for Newest Update for Current Stellaris Manpower system that reduces pops, simplifies operations and improves optimization Independent tech tree and new research system The vanilla structure system has been expanded, and gameplay is expanded. R...
! Production Revolution Patch 3.12
Created by zero
Make MODs below to support PR system Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story Ancient Empire Azur Lane Stellaris DLC 皑茵世界旅行 Ancient Cache of Technologies ~Acquisition of Technology Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12) Warship Girls R And MIST Species PR...
Ethics Points +3 & Civics Points +2
Created by foridlaw_47
Created by Clam
3.8✔️; English✔️ OVERFLOW FIX Description: greatly reduce the situation that the combat power becomes 1. Theoretically, it is compatible with any mod...
Girls Frontline Voice Pack
Created by Clam
3.4.*✔️; English✔️ compatibility Does not conflict with other mods 【sortord】 You can put it anywhere in the mod list Elaborate Girls Frontline voice pack Contains the following voice packets C93 G36 PPK KP31 MP41 HK416 M1873 M1931 Makarov PPSh-41 Mosin-Nag...
) Tactical Girl Music Pack
Created by Douglas Hipper
To English viewer I‘m working on its English translation. Including: Doll's Frontline Music Azur Lane Music Guilty Gear Music !!!! You can use this mod without advisor voice mod!!!! 包含: 少女前线 猎兔行动 Guilty Gear 碧蓝航线 注意:本mod替换了载入(即主题曲)BGM,有可能与其它mod冲突 可以独立订阅本mo...
Ascendant Shipset
Created by Garyx Starlight Version 1.3.2 AI has access to the shipset and portrait and can spawn with it, but only if a player isn't using it already. Ascendant shipset contains precursor/fallen empire style models for the following ships and structur...
! Immersive Simple map UI !
Created by Kasako'小傘
Animated New Icon Minimalistic Style Complete fleet information display Plus version add more details to fleet icons Simple Map UI Has been integrated in IBS Part of the content display
Real Space 3.9
Created by Annatar
Real Space v 3.9.6 This version is compatible with patch 3.13.0 Vela. This mod does not fundamentally change the game mechanics, creat...
Real Space 汉化包(鸽组汉化)
Created by jbdcr1234
───────────────── 模组概述 ───────────────── Real Space及其子Mod的汉化,由鸽组继续接手。 本模组仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 汉化模组永远可以使用,与版本号无关。原模组是否兼容最新版本与汉化模组无关。汉化模组只会在本体内容有更新或者群星更改了汉化方式或文件格式时才会更新。 RS及其子模组包含假中文,请自行删除以免出现随机英文内容。 翻译原则上以原版官中为准。 在此感谢KrukaL(Alpes Maritimae)与shouerma(兽耳娘是好文明)...
Vanilla Chinese Improving
Created by 月华天星
———————————————郑重声明——————————————— 本汉化为公益性质,完全免费,任何需付费使用本汉化行为均与我组无关。 亦谢绝任何将全部或部分本汉化与下属独立汉化模组之内容用于盈利或其他商业用途,包括但不限于收费或收取任何形式赞助的模组、整合包、修改后二次发布、AI训练以及游戏内付费墙等。 鸽组对鸽组汉化、下属独立汉化模组及声明内容保留最终解释权。 ———————————————重要通知——————————————— 由于人手不足,本mod在一个或多个版本周期内会不定时多次更新,如果遇到翻...
Created by 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
Paragons Cap Tech
Created by Botp
Integrated Repeatable Technologies
Created by Laquly 零者
合并循环科技的同类项,双倍强化其余循环科技 新增科技控制台,可以控制哪些循环科技该出现 支持ESC NEXT模组的循环科技 具体改动: 整合的科技(双倍花费): 能量武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 防御平台伤害和船体值整合为一个科技; 爆炸武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 动能武器伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 舰载机伤害和攻速整合为一个科技; 陆军伤害和生命值整合为一个科技 双倍的科技(双倍花费): 提升岗位能量币产出的科技改为岗位产出的能量币+10%; 提升岗位食物产出的科技改为岗位产出的食物+10%; 提升...
Advanced Jump Drives Reloaded (3.10+)
Created by NightWarrior Have you ever wanted to make your ships even more powerful with adding even more advanced jump drives? If yes, then this mod is exactly for you. Advanced Jump Drives Reloaded adds 4 new normal jump drives and 2 new psi jump ...
更好的舰船作战AI(better ship behaviors)
Created by 天亮了
本模组为免费模组,并反对任何模组收费与合集收费 修改原版的舰船作战AI 蜂拥战术:舰船将冲锋至极近距离处,随后开始盘旋。 哨戒战术:舰船将盘旋至最近射程处,随后缓慢推进。 线列战术:舰船将冲锋至中等射程处,随后缓慢推进。 炮击战术:舰船将缓慢推进至最远射程处,随后保持静止。(不再像原版一样打到一半就逃跑了!) 航母战术:舰船将缓慢推进至极远距离处,当敌人进入远距离处时开始后撤。 注意: 舰船使用炮击战术与静止敌人(如恒星基地)作战时,舰船将静止在最远射程处,此时只有最远射程的武器才能攻击到敌人!建议搭配使用...
Bigger Planet View
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Versions:🎀 Building Box Dirty Fix 🎀Previews are not always up to date. Currently only supports up to...
Downscaled Ships
Created by Kondi
Compatible with 3.2.* Compatibility patches: DLC: -Aquatic ship set DLC Mods: -AI ship set. -Sins of the Prophets. -EAC: At War Patch Graphical mod only. No gameplay changes. This mod fixes a couple of problems with the default visuals: Fleets are too tigh...
Endless Space 2: Vodyani Shipset
Created by Cavily
Description Victims of a classic cycle of over-industrialization, the Vodyani were saved by technology culled from ruins of the Virtual Endless. These precursors quickly gained an aura of divinity in the eyes of the Vodyani, and are now worshiped as gods. ...
Planetary Diversity
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server Other Planetary Diversity Mods Unique Worlds More Arcologies Ascension Worlds Vanilla Replacement A...
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* PD Discord Server This mod is currently empty! Why? Because I didn't have time to update it to the new version of PD, but it's coming back soo...
Planetary Diversity - More Arcologies
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* Not Achievement Friendly PD Discord Server This mod is 100% stand-alone and will work without Planetary Diversity. This mod adds five new Arco...
Planetary Diversity - Planet View
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* PD Discord Server This is an add-on for Planetary Diversity. This is a stand-alone mod; it will work without PD. This module does one thing: i...
Planetary Diversity - Unique Worlds
Created by Gatekeeper Stellaris: 3.13.* PD Discord Server Unique Worlds This mod is standalone and does not require Planetary Diversity to function. It adds additional planets, scali...
Different ascenions perks
Created by Akashicreator
This mod has added ten three segment ascent routes to the game At the same time, it provides players with three levels of strength options Including three independent mechanical, spiritual, and genetic ascent routes, as well as three ascent routes for spir...
Created by Akashicreator
模组 DAP超凡飞升的小扩展包,3.6已更新 请和DAP一起食用(就算不一起安装,此模组应该也能有一些作用) 重要的改动 本模组对原版的四个飞升路线进行了修改,使四个飞升路线不再互斥,可以满足喜欢一起点的永世神选型玩家的需求 (本来是不想兼容3.6的机飞的,只搞义飞,但是想了想,DAP本体因为版本更新而全部使用义飞当前置,这扩展再不兼容机飞岂不是显得我飞升歧视?) 添加了两个新...
Created by Akashicreator
本模组为DAP超凡飞升的三段灵飞物种兼容包 安装本模组后,进行飞升超灵体-生命型态后将不会改变您的物种,而是直接添加特质以避免和mod种族的冲突...
Plentiful Traditions 3.x
Created by Abominus [GER]
Welcome to Plentiful Traditions, it wasn't always easy to implement everything Birdy made for 1.9 into 2.0 and further. NOW for the 3.x Please report bugs! :) Works with: Extra perks (addon) Extra Districts (addon) Extra perk spots Civics Advanced Ascensio...
Technology Tree (for Chinese Language)
Created by Sakuya Minagami
为原版拥有后置科技的科技显示它的科技树,稀有科技和危险科技分别用紫色和红色标出。 本mod可选择游戏语言为英语或中文启动,游戏中的科技树会显示为中文。 下面的全语言通用版mod同样有中文科技树,但不支持选择游戏语言英语来启动。 for English, Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean : Technology Tree 支持铁人成就。 为了更好的阅读体验,你可能...
More Civics
More Civics This mod is intended to improve your stellaris experience with adding bunch of new civics. Currently adds 30+ new civics with various possibilities. Currently only doing version update. Some modifiers have been disabled or removed via game upda...
Trait Diversity
Created by Lylant This mod adds 220 new species traits to the game: ■ 169 Biological Traits 113 common traits 46 non-lithoids only 10 lithoids only ■ 51 Robotic Traits 33 common traits 7 robots only 11 machines only
Trait Diversity - Trait Points Traits
Created by Lylant This is an add-on mod for Trait Diversity. This is not a stand-alone mod, Trait Diversity is required to operate. This mod adds 8 new species traits to the game, which only affect to the available trait points. These traits wo...
Ultimate Technologies
Created by breloom1994
Have you ever felt constrained by military advances and economic growth? Inalterable planets and negative modifiers. Insecure borders, pirates plunder and angry populations. Or do you just feel like the graphics could be taken up a notch and the weapons co...
Warship Girls BGM
Created by PSIONIC海豹 本MOD为幻萌旗下游戏《战舰少女R》的BGM收录MOD 目前我们已经收纳了104首来自官方和同人的歌曲,在未来我们可能还会收纳四叶草剧场的BGM 音乐mod与版本无关,请不要在意任何版本提示。 友军MOD: 1.Warship girls R and MIST species 舰RMOD物种MOD,拥有...
Akari Voice
Created by 123
紲星あかりちゃんのお知らせボイスを追加するmodです。 version 2.8.1 ※不具合があればコメントください。気づいたら直します:)...
[fix patch]Akari Voice
Created by Rio_Mizuhoshi
Stellaris Ver3.13.x対応 MOD Ver1.6.0 紲星あかりのアドバイザーボイスMOD「Akari Voice」の修正MODです。 ファイル名の変更により、一部音声が正常再生されない不具合を修正します。 Stellaris 3.4.xでの公式日本語化による日本語化対応もしています。 本体と一緒に利用し、本体の下に配置してください。 ※注意  アップデートなどで音声が新規追加されても、音声を新録することはしません。  (同じ音声にするのが難しいため)  追加音声がオリジナル音声で流れるのが...
Created by anaki猫猫
(以下所有改动对ai无效也不会影响ai的游戏策略,仅对玩家生效) 修改了新版的四大飞升以及附带的传统树、理事会决议的使用条件,删除了他们的互斥效果(以及修复了一个潜在的bug:如果打了更多飞升槽的mod在7个之后无法点出一些原版飞升),为普政添加了机飞之后可以点出智械的专属飞升合成时代的效果 。非常轻量的改动,没变动任何数值,有bug请反馈。 普政的飞升对于蜂巢和智械同样生效,并且为新版智械合成时代飞升后的三条路线添加不互斥效果(在嬗变局势中还是只能选择一种,但是局势完成后想要另外两种可以在传统里点)。 写...
Apocalypse No Diplomatic Punishment
Created by 橡皮泥的记忆
The diplomatic penalty of Colossus has been canceled to prevent the diplomatic collapse caused by cleaning up AI planets to relieve CPU pressure....
Created by Salvacrimae
一个非常简单的小mod,包含才不是特意为你添加的一个(划掉)两个法令,可以让领袖负面特质上限-5,或者移除全部领袖的负面特质。 注:移除负面特质对mod特质可能无效。 mod制作背景:当我使用死灵人儿搞军国独裁和朋友们联机时我的统治者,居~然~在二十年内成为了鸽派II,随后被大家戏称为不死和平宇宙灯塔女王,然后超强的debuff让我差点就在早期边界争端中被隔壁一个ai干碎了,那时我一边猛吃奴隶一边看着+25%的造舰费用、+25%的造舰时间以及我伟大的宇宙灯塔女王那190才有可能暴毙的一生时陷入了深深的沉思。...
!!Universal Modifier Patch (3.13.*)
Created by jasonpepe
Fix the modifier issue after the 2.2.6 update. With the release of 2.2.6, once again, Paradox fools buried countless of mods and modders into the abyss. This fix mod brings the missing modifiers that existed in 2.2.0 to 2.2.5 back to life. (via overweight ...
36 Building Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Just increases the buildings slots to 36, and that's pretty much it. Mod does not modify the branch office slots anymore. If you want to change the buildings slot amount: Goto: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\...
63 Tradition Slots + 64 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Additional Vanilla Ultimate
Created by Cadsives
Additional Vanilla Ultimate Version Updated for 3.12.1 Origin This mod is an updated standalone version of Sam's Additional Vanilla Components & Additional Vanilla Weapons Mod. You do not need the original mods to use this mod. This mod contains content ma...
47 Tradition Slots + 48 AP Slots
Created by Laquly 零者
Cannot be used alone, one of the following mods must be enabled: Tradition UI 3.12 Tradition UI 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI 3.1~3.9 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.12 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.10~3.11 Tradition UI (low resolution) 3.1~3.9 Same series mods...
Amazing Space Battles
Created by Chickenhunt
Compatible with V3.12 This Giant mod combines my previous graphical mods + far more, in order to completely improve the graphics of Stellaris space battles. It improv...
Ancient Cache of Technologies
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction Summary of 3.12 Super Update can be read here. Ancient Cache of Technology explores the stories of the ancient enigmatic precursors, including the Curators, the Fallen Empires and those that came before them. Behind their history lies great ma...
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction Secrets Beyond the Gates is an official add-on mod extension of the main Ancient Cache of Technologies that explores the custom backstory of the origins of the Fallen Empire and the secrets that lies beyond the scope of the local galaxy. Every...
Ancient Cache of Technologies: Extra Defines and Changes
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
This ACOT Submod make changes to various defines and vanilla repeatables to make Stellaris fit with ACOT more. It can however be used without ACOT if you so desire. #Note : Not all changes are listed below, some may be missed, I will add them in as I remem...
Ancient Cache of Technologies: Override
Created by Chirumiru ShiRoz
Introduction This override patch intends to improves both the Fallen Empire, vanilla leviathans and crisis factions to be more challenging when using ACOT. It also contains some graphical changes to various vanilla icons to be more consistent. The Override...
Ancient Empire - UI Overhaul Dynamic Patch
Created by AetherGhost
Compatible with ANY VERSION of Stellaris Compatibility Patch for Ancient Empire and UI Overhaul Dynamic. Ancient Empire: UI Overhaul Dynamic.:
Archaeology Story Pack
Created by XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A year ago, there was a contest to make archaeology event mod in my community. This mod is made as a reward for the contest. It adds 19 archaeol...
Arknights Near Future
Created by 衡菌
明日方舟mod:不远的未来(Arknights Near Future) 2024.5.13版本更新 群星3.12更新,mod版本维护 将泰拉人与海嗣的肖像合并到了明日方舟选项卡中 2024.4.18临时更新 修复:高级源石开采建筑未经升级就可直接建造的错误 修复:军工企业与元件装配厂岗位添加错误的问题 修复:海嗣认知塑造面板的若干问题 修复:海嗣进化完成后会将任何宜居星球(结构)更改模型的问题,现在只有陆...
[United Fleet]Mobile Shipyard
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 A huge mobile shipyard, unlike the Juggernaut, it is a new spacecraft dedicated to the production of ships in the true sen...
[JP]Dolls' Frontline Portrait
Created by karo
ドールズフロントライン(ドルフロ)のキャラクターポートレートです。 2021年11月時点の本国で実装された全人形、登場人物の一部が追加済みです。 ※ コラボ人形やスキンは除きます。 ★2~3:市民Pop ★4:将軍 ★5~6:提督 ★4~6:総督 妖精:科学者  に割り振ってあります。 ※国是、種族特性、ローディング画像も含んでいます。 また、鉄血製造公司、パラデウス、正規軍も種族として追加されます。 【更新:2021/11/28】 更新内容→
[JP localize + fix patch]Kaityo`s Kotonoha Sisters Portraits
Created by Rio_Mizuhoshi
Stellaris Ver3.12.x対応 MOD Ver1.7.1 ポートレートMOD「Kaityo`s Kotonoha Sisters Portraits」の 日本語化+修正MODです。 本体MODの下に配置して利用して下さい。 ▼備考  ・更新催促はご遠慮ください。  ・表示などおかしい部分などがありましたら、教えて頂ければ可能な範囲で修正します。  ・気に入っていただけたら、好評価・お気に入り、アワードなどを   入れて頂けると嬉しいです。   何か物的なものを支援したい方がもしいらっしゃれば、私...
Created by V.PDA.LPH.D
德丽莎中文语音顾问 【bilibili】语音预览 基于So-VITS4.1和微软TTS的中文语音顾问 共有137个声音文件 声音归属权声优所属,侵权联系删除 嘿嘿嘿德丽莎我的德丽莎 德丽莎你带我走吧(emjio哭) 关注德丽莎吧喵 关注德丽莎吧喵 谢谢喵 使用方法:现版本必须启用某DLC才能切换顾问语音,如果你看不到这个选项,说明你应该使用你的凝聚力购买全部的DLC了!吃相难看 方式①:游戏中→点击左上角徽章→点击顾问→语音下拉选择Theresa即可。 方式②:新游戏→种族编辑→左侧菜单栏→【帝国】的第三个...
Yukikaze Advisor
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
雪风顾问语音 新制作的语音包,使用碧蓝航线的雪风角色日语配音~ 提供了一可供选择的 “雪风顾问” 现在满脑子Nanoda 全部素材来源于WOWS以及碧蓝航线,如有其它建议可在该下方留言。 最神奇的是,写本mod其间抽到了雪亲王(尽管已经有了) 期望大家喜欢Nanoda!...
Yukari voice
Created by 神代アリス
Yukari日语语音mod Japanese voice of notifications Yukari This mod change the notifications voice to Japanese. このMODはゲーム内のボイスレポートを日本語に変えます。 update for 3.0.3 @Reinhard様のご協力のおかげで、以後ゲーム内でのボイスタイプ選択ができるようになりました MODの使用に新たな選択メニューまたゲーム内の政府メニューで切り替えることができます。 Tsur...
Created by xTracr_Owen
Ship power overflow repair v1.2 Game version: v3.* ———————————————————— The power recalculated is basically equal to the original version Single ship power will not become 1, unless your dpd > 922M (damage per day used to calculate ship power is an interna...
Warship Girls Advisor
Created by Amatsukaze 本顾问语音mod为幻萌公司旗下游戏 战舰少女 中游戏角色 列克星敦(cv:@Sakula小舞)、赤城(cv:@紫苏九月)、维内托(cv:萝卜Cheddar)、长春(cv:@林簌SUSU)的角色语音包。 本语音mod中收录的台词均为氪金特别定制,以贴合游戏提供更好的体验。 本语音mod收录321句台词,...
Visible Planetary Shields [OBSOLETE]
Created by borsk
Updated to 3.10 I am no longer maintaining this mod Sorry, I don't have the time and dedication to maintain this mod. Luckily, someone agreed to adopt it and will be keeping an up to date version here. Feature overview This mod makes planets with the 'plan...
United Fleet Shipset
Created by PSIONIC海豹
关于本mod的更新日志与流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 downscale patch compatibilty : 本MOD是Warship girls R and M...
Ultimate Weaponry (Standard)
Created by breloom1994
This is a weaponry expand patch of main mod: Ultimate Technologies Features: This patch contains all the ship components, weapon module and armies of Ultimate Technologies, and the strength of the weapon is set as "Standard". Recommend for regular mod play...
Ultimate Weaponry (Restriction Break)
Created by breloom1994
This is an expand pack of Ultimate Technologies. This weapon pack contains ship weapons and components which basically as same as the other two Ultimate weaponry packs except for the weapon firepower. The damage values of the weapons in this mod are way hi...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Planetary Diversity
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and Planetary Diversity so that Empire Creation matches the style in UIOD. It's still possible to use Planetary Diversity without this patch. 📑 Load Order 📑 Plane...
UI Overhaul Dynamic + Ethics and Civics Alternative
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ Compatibility patch between UI Overhaul Dynamic and either Ethics and Civics Alternative - FunEFork or Ethics and Civics : Infinity. Doesn't add anything new by itself. 📑 Load Order 📑 Ethics and Civics Alternat...
Created by Elivicti_
此MOD为伞の泛用规则兼容与Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib的兼容包 关于前置 Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib 伞の泛用规则兼容 使用本兼容包需要同时开启Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib和伞の泛用规则兼容。 推荐排序: Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib 伞の泛用规则兼容 本兼容包 注意 由于学业等原因,本人精力有限,此兼容包的维护与更新的优先级不高,更新速度和时间会出现迟滞的可能...
Triglavian Shipset
Created by Target
Updated for 3.6+ and NSC Season 7 Added new titan model Still need to fix entropic sphere particle effect sizing and ship sizing. Please let me know if ship sizing is too small for Vanilla. The beautiful Triglavian shipset from EVE Online, one of my favori...
Tier Numbers: Tech
Created by Oskar
Adds tier numbers to some tech icons. Spiritual successor to If you find any icons I missed please leave a comment and I will add them. Ironman/achievement compatible. Check out my other mod...
The Zenith of Fallen Empires 4.0 Sandbox
Created by Kolyn
During the galactic recession that followed the Great Crusade, the leading economies were soon plunged into a century of darkness. Without a common cause to unite them, the Precursor Empires drifted apart, turned inwards and consolidated their borders. For...
The Zenith of Fallen Empires 4.0
Created by Kolyn
Ten millennia ago, the galaxy had glimpsed apocalypse when Ascended Empires waged war and brought death to a mighty civilization. Convinced of the righteousness of this Great Crusade, each Ascended Empire pushed the limits of science, fielding massive flee...
TALL WHITE 2.X ships and stations
Created by COLA
It is simple MOD just to add new choice to ship appearance. I made it with the concept of Tall White's spaceship. ship set(only) modeling and textures by ncmod3d The feature of this MOD is that it displays all ships with one...
The Wandering Earth Event-新流浪地球事件组
Created by 清秋
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 作者看完了流浪地球2,决定重置并新增相关内容 重点提示:必须完成星球扫描上出的异常,才能进行事件。必须要先完成! 旧时代的mod 2.6/2.7因为未知原因导致了某些情况下的闪退,在目前版本已经获得解决,该mod重新运转 欢迎所有有能力的moder能加入更加精彩的内容! 一个基于刘慈欣小说《流浪地球》和其同名电影的脑...
Tactical Dolls Species Mod
Created by 学園長さま!
本Mod是根据手游《少女前线》为题材制作的一个种族mod。 简要说明: 加入303个立绘,包括14名铁血头目 加入格里芬种族及预设命名(不是命名组)。 加入10幅少前的载入画面 加入3个旗帜 加入4个国策与2个物种特性 加入2个预设国家 加入原游戏背景作为房间及星球背景 今后少前更新新枪娘的时候此mod也许会更新,但无法保证频率。 各分支的战术少女无法生成国家,仅限玩家使用。 此mod经过多次测试,理论上没有bug,也没发现冲突其他mod,如果有请向我反馈 最后是声明:此mod一切素材来自互联网,立绘著作权...
Storypack: The Nyblax and the Collector
Created by Complex Storypack! Digsites! Relics! Midgame Crisis - 2 New Midgame Crisis: The and - Lots of custom new events - 6 New original digsites - 7 New relics - Custom initializing empire to interact with - Unique mechanics for relics - V...
Created by 无言Infinite
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入群星中文频道 这个mod添加了由多个作者所制作的考古遗迹,大幅增加了游玩群星时的探索体验! 感谢@FUZE ANTATIC制作的 Ancient Relics Story Collection-远古故事集为该mod提供的英文翻译! 吾之友人呐, 汝等又追随着吾辈之足迹,抵达这时间尽头。不妨听吾辈讲个故事吧。 上古之时,这片宇宙,地灵人杰,诞生了数位至尊。这些至尊成名久矣,或是将宇宙之法则玩弄于股掌之中,或是将人事之纽带拆散又重组。亦或者,有至尊举手投足之间,以...
Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib
Created by _OAO_
This MOD is mainly for modders, if you are just a player and see that a MOD requires this as a prerequisite item, then you only need to subscribe to it. Features This MOD provides a solution to the conflict problem caused by adding rules between community ...
StarTech AI
Created by salvor
This is a fork of another AI mod, Starnet AI that is intended to create the galaxy filled with progress, expansion and technology. This mod will improve AI economy, technological choices, ship design and everything I was able to find to be moddable. The in...
Star Wars: UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: Starwars:UnknownWorld Shipgirls Story为是以星球大战为背景,讲述星舰舰娘们在遭遇天灾之后,重新在其他银河系重建文...
Star Trek:32C shipsets
Created by 清秋
"Let's see what the future holds." Beyond the final frontier, in the distant future of the year 3069, the dilithium crystal instability disaster "The Burn" shook the destiny of the galaxy. The disaster almost destroyed all long-range interstellar travel ca...
Species Traits
Species Traits This mod addes 50+ new traits, 4+ for each type of species for enhanced Stellaris experience. Some traits will be locked only for some species to use. Others you can use just like other traits. Current Version: 3.11.x Capabilities Please do ...
Shader merge 3.13
Created by Inny [The Merger]
This is a standalone version of the shader merge files that are included in the Merger of Rules, for those who don't want or can't use it. Can be safely used with UGRP. Shaders This file merges the shader changes made by these mods: - Ancient Cache of Tech...
Reduce the negative buff of population growth+Lifting of population restriction
Created by StellarEVE
note that mod has updated the compatibility changes, independent of the changed code to adapt to other modules! if there is a problem or mod failure in your game, please click update log and go back to the previous version! 1. This small patch temporarily ...
Plentiful Traditions 3.x - Extra Perks
Created by Abominus [GER]
Welcome to Plentiful Perks! This is an addon for Plentiful Traditions. Dependency: Plentiful Traditions 3.x If you use Planetary Diversity Patch for Plentiful Perks and Pl-Di Features: 27 new Ascension Perks (some are for machines only etc. so don't expect...
Precursor Story Pack
Created by XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible There was an ancient civilization before us... this is their story. This mod adds 3 precursor stories written by the community members. This is ...
Real Galaxy
Created by Annatar
Real Galaxy v 1.0 This standalone mod was created based on the galaxy model used in the optional Real Space - Color out of Deep mod. I...
Real Gray
Created by Kalo
~Real Gray:The Distant Stars Story Pack Module~ If you are finding a mod about waifu gray. That is direct made for this concept. If you are not. you are not. v3.13 Vela Main Feature All Stories to one road What never you find in L-Cluster you always find G...
Origin Fallen Empire
Created by Cepheus
This mod is simply the origin mod of the fallen empire. In this mod, you can choose the origin of "Elder Race" to become one of the five fallen Empires at the beginning, and experience the fallen life close to the original. Support English, Chinese and Rus...
Created by 楚迷是我
在mod里加入弹窗广告的行为毫无疑问是(_)(_), 为了抵制这些违反社区协议,以赞助的名义出售个人mod、出售合集、出售排序的行为,我建议广大modder将这个mod里的文件复制粘贴到自己的mod里,反正文件不大。 这个模组的原理就是拿空文件去覆盖涉及广告内容的文件,因为一个一个排查哪些mod被植入了广告实在太麻烦于是我搞了这个mod。...
Nirvana Empire Project
Created by StaVis
欢迎大家加入QQ群讨论MOD及汇报BUG,或提出建议~ 建了个本MOD的QQ群~166037843 MOD大概内容: 1. 新国家具备较大幅度的强化,非平衡性MOD,若玩家未扮演涅槃帝国,则涅槃帝国将由AI扮演; 2. 玩家在开局一个月时可以选择是否保留AI涅槃,除非想要挑战自我(或开启了其他玩家强度...
Neuro-Sama Advisor
Created by Neyko
添加Neuro-Sama顾问语音 台词和原机械智能一样 Add Neuro-Sama Advisor The lines are the same as the original mechanical intelligence...
Machine Shipset
Created by AryxCami
The Automated Dreadnought guardian is a beautiful ship. Which makes it a shame that it's one of a kind and that there aren't many other ships in its style. Until now! Behold machine ships, a fully sectioned shipset! Machine Ships adds a new shipset in the ...
Lifting pop restrictions X
Created by StellarEVE
3.0.3 up have fun...
Leviathan Events Xtended - Legacy
Created by Spacemike
2.0+ Update Note: there may still be bugs with this mod due to the massive changes in the latest update, please report any bugs to the bug discussion thread. Credits for everything in Leviathan Events Xtended but the port to 2.1 goes to: Forum user Bitterb...
Kaityo`s Kotonoha Sisters Portraits
Created by kaityomoke
This is a portrait mod of Kotonoha Sisters by self-made picture. To display species names, Japanese Language mod or Japanese Complete Translation is required. 自作イラストによる琴葉姉妹のポートレートMODです。 有機種族は姉妹、茜のみ、葵のみ、メイド姉妹、メイド茜、メイド葵の6種類 機械種族やロボットはそれに加えてロボ姉妹の7種類です。 種族名を表示...
Isolated Home System 3.0
Created by 清秋
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 如果您愿意支持我们的话 我们的爱发电: 添加了一种特殊的初始星系,玩家的国家将会出生在一个像L星团一样与世隔绝的星团内,外面的舰船只能迁跃或使用一种特殊的星门进入这个星团。 特殊起源“破碎之环”和“虚空居者”拥有替代起源“孤立之环”和“孤立居者”,它们除了让玩家出生在孤立星团内部外与原来的起源没有区别。 Added a special starting system. Player’s empi...
hololive advisors
Created by aplog
hololive Adviors' voice comes from the joint activity of Hololive and Azur Lane! *mod voice content cannot correspond to the original voice content statement: 1. This mod's picture material and audio material are all from the Internet, not the author's ori...
Guilli's Ship Components (no longer updated)
Created by Guilliman
Hello everyone, I've sadly decided I'm no longer going to support this particular mod. The new archo weapons really mess with balance and I just don't have the energy or time to flesh those out as well as keep the other ones up to date with the many game c...
Guilli's Planet Modifiers and Features
Created by Guilliman Guilli's Planet Modifiers For version 3.12+ of the game. A big content expansion mod focusing on Planetary Modifiers. With hundreds of modifiers and lots of content that interacts with them. DLC's not required though some fe...
Gray Tempest Shipset
Created by borsk
Updated to 3.9 Gray Tempest Shipset Also known as Dessanu shipset and Nanite shipset. Features This is a light and vanilla-friendly mod that makes it possible to select Gray Tempest shipset for regular empires. This shipset includes custom nanite-themed mo...
Gray Anime Portrait Ironman
Created by 迷你魔导师
Replaces Gray's portrait with anime illustrations. A rework based on and for version and ironman achievement compatibility. ...
Free trait points (3.1)
Created by Siuwa
Adds 9 traits so that your species can modify your trait points from -3 to +127. Useful for creating species without an overabundance of points. Version 3.1. FAQ: The AI will not use these traits. Extra trait picks not included. NOT achievement compatible....
Fallen Empire Ships
Created by Alex FRD
Looking to use the coolest ship designs in the entire game? Look no further! What sets my version of Fallen Empire ships apart from all the others? Simple, mine: - Won’t break the tech trees - Doesn’t use mammalian ship components - Doesn’t add a ton of ex...
Extra Ship Components NEXT (Stellaris 3.7)
Created by NHunter
Extra Ship Components: NEXT (Stellaris 3.7) > This version of the mod is for Stellaris 3.7. Use the main version of ESC NEXT if you are playing later versions of Stellaris! GitHub: ESC NEXT git repository "Extra Ship Components" aims to provide an extended...
Expanded Stellaris Traditions
Created by Private Feelings
Currently non-maintained, see link for alternative version/h1] I currently do not have the time to maintain this mod as thoroughly as I would like. An update may happen in the future, but in the meantime consider this alternative version of it being mainta...
Expanded refineries buildings
Created by Blorg
Refinery Building Expansion In-game English supported, this intro is translated by chatGLM-4, you got what I'm trying to say. —————————————————————————————— Feature Introduction: - Added T2 and T3 refinery buildings, each increasing the number of refining ...
Expanded Colours [180 Colours]
Created by Veegi
3.8.* Compatible Are you tired of Stellaris' tiny selection of flag colours? This mod adds a bunch of colours all across the spectrum, for all your customization needs. Vanilla colours are also included. The AI has also been given 17,102 different colour c...
Even More Origins
Created by nighthawk
Federations brought us the fancy new Origin system! You want more? - I've got you covered: This mod adds Even More Origins to the number of vanilla ones! Origin Description & Features Below is a list of all included Origins, describing their features. Due ...
Ethics and Civics Classic (Megacorp Civc Update)
Created by petruxa
Now Has Megacorp Civics! Hello everyone! Joakim is sadly retiring from the modding scene. I would like to thank him for maintaining/updating the mod ever since Petruxa left, he was carrying the torch for so long, and I am honored to be carrying it forward....
Ethics and Civics Classic独立汉化v2
Created by Miracle_Kagari
由于Mod修改了原版文件,因此请不要在未启用原Mod时启用本补丁。 Ethics and Civics Classic中文翻译,后续更新转到本Mod中。 Classic和Alternative REDUX的文本已经有了较多区别,后续将拆分两个汉化(在做了在做了)。Classic早期翻译也存在部分错漏,正在校对(也在做了也在做了)。 启动器排序请置于原Mod下方,如果使用UI Overhaul Mod需要相应兼容补丁(在UI作者合集内)。 请勿与其它思潮Mod混用,极有可能造成冲突。 大量新思潮 并进行了对立...
Ethics and civics : Reach the Star
Created by 爱民如子康王
English MOD introduction 当我们仰望星空,可曾想过,会有什么样的文明在等待着与我们相会? 曾经,我们设想了无数可能的文明形态。但当我们最终相遇,却发现文明之间竟如此相似。技术的发展抹平了生物个体间的差异,资本的增值约束着群体的行为,生命的本能又引导着社会发展的方向。最后的最后,在星海之间,仍然是我们早已厌倦的,意识形态的斗争...... 或许,文明间的道路本就殊途同归。 本MOD自Ethics and Civics Alternative拓展而来,在原版本的基础上重新制作了思潮、国策...
Ethics and Civics Infinity
Created by Hua Zhang
Incompatible Classic, Redux,Revolutions,Bug Branch These other versions of Ethics and Civics! If the mod does not take effect or the icon shows a question mark, please open the steamapps\workshop\content\281990\2810254780 file, delete and unzip the latest ...
Eternal Empire
Created by 清秋
3.13.X✔️ origin mod: About this mod change: Updated the eternal empire to 3.12.X Now you can play with this mod Credit: @राकेश_आर्य Completed support for related content about Eternal Machin...
Dimension tech pack x
Created by StellarEVE
Dimension technology beta has been updated to 1.3.0 and supports 3.4.5! Brand new: feisheng "dimension promotion" has replaced science and technology "dimension promotion". It is recommended to use it with more feisheng slot mod. Do you want powerful and u...
Chinese Namelist
Created by 学園長さま!
中文命名组Mod 简介: 由于群星原版游戏皆为英语命名,严重缺乏代入感,于是本人便制作了此中文命名mod。注意此mod是“中文”而非“中国”命名组,并且制作初衷是自用,因此不喜此mod命名方式的可以左上角或右上角,勿喷 本人另一个中华命名组: 命名方式: 护卫舰以清朝,民国海军及日本海军,自卫队舰船命名,共约400个预设名称 例:海圻,致远,赤城... 驱逐舰以世界各国城市命名(中...
Created by 楚迷是我
本模组为缤纷多彩の银河(2.0.9) 「良夜永眠」(Colorful Galaxy,以下简称cg)的附属mod。 首先鸣谢坚持更新的简小姐,以及小伞(毕竟抄的伞兼容) 模组内容: 1、提供以Stellaris Universal Gamerule Lib、伞の泛用规则兼容为主,最优先保证CG次优先保证其余适配模组规则生效的game_rules文件。已完成SUGL与伞规则的兼容. 2、提供已适配模组对原版内容除game_rules以外修改的兼容,包括但不限于建筑、飞升等。 3、提供已适配种族模组的种族能启用多...
Colossus Terraforming
Created by 9S
Colossus Terraforming New Update: - 3.9.* Support ================================ Tired of waiting for a long time terraforming? This mod can help you. You can use colossus for terraforming a planet in 4 months. Features: - Genesis Device * Can terraform ...
BetterCheats 汉化包
Created by [HAN]egnbv
汉化包版本 v1.2 BC更新日期为:2020年7月21日下午8:33 游戏版本 2.8.1 按钮及其他主要内容已汉化,但不包括行星地貌名单。 本汉化主要使用谷歌机翻&DeepL机翻+人工校对,如有发现汉化内容错误,请第一时间联系我。 部分名称翻译取自: !!注意!!本模组可能会与"! (鸽组汉化)更多中文"冲突,使本汉化失效。 如果本模组订阅后无法直接挂载使用,请使用如下方法进行安装↓↓↓ 找到如下目录: 你的盘符:\Steam\steamapps...
Created by Dimitoru
We set up a Discord server for the mod, feel free to join. If you have problems with launching the mod/ the mod not loading, try the following: While we found a way to make it work again, it's sadly not an easy two-click fix. First, open the Stellaris Laun...
Better Night Lights
Created by Sam_
A simple graphical mod that changes the night lights visible on the dark side of inhabited planets to a Cyan colour. About It always bugged me that despite the FTL technologies, Ring worlds and giant death fleets equiped with high technology, the cities on...
Battle Debris - Starship Graveyards
Created by mzilli
With this mod, ships destroyed in battle will (usually) leave debris behind. This is a purely visual change, meant to give large space battles and their aftermath a little more weight. This may lag your game a bit in systems with large debris fields, but t...
Azurlane portraits
Created by rimu
this mod let your Azur lane waifus be with you in stellaris too. アズールレーンのポートレイト(外見)集。 碧蓝航线立绘头像 ironman support ver. ->Azurlane Universe (ironman) compatible with 3.8.2 Azur lane ver.追撃 シュペーちゃん(2022/10/13) Features: - new 1000+ portraits for all species 新增了...
Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Recommended Star Oath~This will be updated later Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI inter...
Azur Lane Stellaris DLC
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三 碧蓝航线主题DLC 2.9 新生 Language:简体中文,English 内置碧蓝航线精美立绘 本MOD内置了全新制作的专属KANSEN种群立绘,并有附有阵营区分。 并将碧蓝航线KANSEN作为独立的物种大类加入游戏(类似生物/机械/岩石) MOD中物种组别的第一个物种组是全部立绘模式。 第二组是由我精简领...
Azur Lane Species Mod
Created by 学園長さま!
Chinese then English 本mod取材自风靡全球的舰娘手游,萌豚界的灯塔,提炼有色金属的天堂——碧蓝航线! 简要说明: 加入356个立绘 预设命名(不是命名组)。 加入6幅载入画面 加入10个旗帜 此mod经过多次测试,理论上没有bug,也没发现冲突其他mod,如果有请向我反馈 最后是声明:此mod一切素材来自互联网,立绘著作权归画师所有,载入画面背景来自p站及萌娘百科 立绘异常变小的尽量调高画质和分辨率,以后不回答此问题! 扩展mod:
Azur Lane Species KuRUMiiii Edition
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 此mod即为“需要三三限定特别版拓展包”的解锁条件 全新制作的碧蓝航线种族立绘 以及作者的私人内容。 只支持我自己的碧蓝航线主题DLC中KANSEN种族 其中大部分为皮肤立绘,整体观感为头像与半身像之间。 其中人口岗位的立绘为Q版小人。 完全根据我自己的喜好挑选 还原我账号中的婚舰以及偏好皮肤的数据~ 不存...
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
Azur Lane repeatable tech integration repeatable technology integration pack It integrates all circular technologies of physics, sociology, and engineering. To make them more balanced with each other, some adjustments were made to the correction. If you us...
Azur Lane KANSEN species compatible
Created by 埃罗芒阿三三
For species compatible,Usually no subscription is required This mod is a patch for Azur Lane Stellaris DLC. It is convenient for those who want to use other Lie MOD as the start of KANSEN race. Please load ...
AshArms Aquarius History
Created by 虚空雪狐 莎兰
关于本mod的更新日志与相关流程攻略,欢迎您加入善良群星频道 灰烬战线水瓶座の历史 时间的脚步继续向前,无尽的过去成为历史。 The steps of time continue to move forward, endless past become history. City,最后的生存之地,已成为曾经的记忆。 City, the last place to live, has become a memory. 在我们自己的战火中我们的文明得以幸存,这给予了我们无尽的机会。当我们再次展望星空.........
Ascension Perk Tech
添加了一个循环科技,增加飞升点 用于填满更多飞升的飞升槽...
Created by 旺财
这宇宙间所有的坟头都是我的, 你们!! 不可挖!!! ........................................................................... 禁止ai考古挖坟 更新:3.12...
# Tactical girl advisor sound
Created by Douglas Hipper
最新更新:UMP9语音已加入全家桶 少女前线顾问语音mod 现在已经完成了春田和HK416 与其它语音mod兼容(制作了新图标),另外就是有bug请及时反馈 感谢某位少前物种mod巨佬提供的素材 MOD可以独立使用,独立使用,独立使用,关联包可以不安装 New Update: UMP9 Girls Frontline advisor voice mod Now Springfield completed HK416 completed Please report any bug to me, thank y...
(-United Traits-)
Created by Fugasas
This mod contains 70+ traits for species inspired by various Sci-Fi themes (from Star Wars, Mass Effect, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Stargate, StarCraft to Fallout). New traits are defined in a separate file, therefore vanilla traits are not affected. These tra...
!!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+]
Created by Narvindar
Updated for 3.*.* Patch to display the added strategic resources from different mods. For Stellaris +2.4.* Thanks to the new launcher the order in which mods are loaded is changed, if you have trouble getting the mod to work try moving it to the bottom, di...
! Real Galaxy HD vanilla
Created by Ende der Sonne
I like the Real Galaxy very much, but there are still some flaws with this mod. Stellaris does not support image larger than 4K for particle FX, then when you put your camera too close to the galaxy plane, you will see rough pixels. So I made some improvem...
! Kogasa Advisor
Created by Clam
Kogasa Voice Advisor Non English voice line right now But if you like this energetic and cute voice, jsut subscribe Compatibility and Sorting Anywhere and all mods compatible ...
! Immersive Beautiful Stellaris !
Created by Kasako'小傘
117 New Sky Box Galaxy position affects skybox Beautify the Milky Way map Optimize the lens Simplify the map UI 100 new wallpapers New room background New flag Other new materials original mod Change the appearance of the sky box according to the position ...
! Dark Blue UI - Synth Icons !
Created by Kasako'小傘
Neon fluorescent, stroked, translucent game icons style Support most popular mods that add new civics and ethics Support all vanilla trait icons Sorting: Try to go as far down as possible, otherwise it will be overwritten by other mods Compatibility: ①Supp...
香草科研助手-Vanilla Research Helper
Created by 地砖
蠢驴提供了自动科研功能,但其逻辑完全是AI的权重判断,对于某些只想跑伤害循环的人极不友好,于是就有了这个mod……的制作原型————Automatic Scientific Research Helper/自动科研助手 那个mod让你可以限制自动科研选择的科技,配合官方的功能可以极大优化后期体验。 那么为什么有这个mod呢? 答案是堕落帝国的全科技会获取自动科研助手中兼容mod的循环科技,导致你虽然没装xxmod,堕落却有其循环加成。 而这个mod就是纯原版的版本,不包含任何兼容内容。(其实是我拿来自己用的...
Created by 寒丶宵
超级工程 Mega Engineering[3.*]
Created by JIUGER
添加了如下几个法令: "超级工程:建筑奇迹": "该法令用于提高星港、星球建筑和巨构建筑的建筑、升级速度,并且可以额外同时建造十个巨构。" "超级工程:星球改造": "该法令用于提高星球改造的速度。 " "超级工程:星港繁荣": "该法令用于星港的升级速度和防御平台的建造速度,星港的模块的建造速度。 " "超级工程:雄伟军队":"该法令用于舰船的升级以及建造速度,陆军的建造速度。 " "和谐社会:人口增长": "该法令用于人口的快速增长。 " 这些法令启用没有任何条件 Add some edits: "Me...
Created by 玻璃漓漓
自从我打上萌化星河mod之后,这个游戏的性质就发生了变化 该mod更新自Anime galaxy(萌化星河) 此处附上本模组另一个版本,选择性亲缘特化·《萌化星河·仅限人型》,有助于玩家在和美少女种族贴贴时保留攻击性: 比较推荐,占用空间较少,几乎每一个人型物种都经过了可爱筛选,基因飞升大幅增强。 排序建议 我只是一个修改外观的模组,理论上放在哪里都可以 可以消除内阁的全息投影效...
Created by haruna
欢迎加入群星中文频道 本Mod为角川游戏开发,DMM运营的传奇页游《舰队Collection》的群星衍生mod。 目前提供240个舰娘立绘。包含除去A士画的海伦娜与御藏和屋代的所有立绘(原因懂的)。本Mod强度宗旨为不依靠循环科技战胜25倍程度的天灾,所以谢绝军备竞赛。 This mod is a stellaris mod from the legendary page game kantai collection. At present, 240 shipyard drawings are provid...
Created by Jian
①请订阅最新图文包。 ②请开新档。 ③请务必保证删除所有旧版文件,以防bug。 重要提示 如你所见,本mod为多彩银河。 本mod为游戏中增加了一系列新的种族,科技,建筑,事件等,极大地增加了游戏的趣味性。 拒绝以任何方式转载和传播本mod。如果你是创作者,请不要引用本mod及其图文包的链接。 本mod含有许多内容,所以无法简介。 仍然在更新中,并且祝您游玩愉快。 本mod将文本、图片与代码分离,此处仅会对代码进行更新,文本和图片请转到其他地方下载。 若您希望在多个大型mod环境下游玩,请订阅我们的兼容补丁...
Created by R
奇奇怪怪的MOD 二刺螈手游 碧蓝航线(Azur Lane) 的厨力向mod。 技术力不足,还有各种乱入 平衡性:无都是用jio写的数值,以及最经典的兼容问题。 感谢各位能玩这个mod。 摸鱼好爽!!! 更新了3.13版本号;重置了部分建筑、区划及对应的科技。蠢驴你该死啊,能不能别改来改去的 ), 此mod一切素材来自互联网以及碧蓝航线游戏文件,立绘著作权归画师所有。如果侵犯到相关利益,可以联系我修改。 推荐mod 雪风语音顾问 资源显示兼容 ...
碧蓝航线顾问语音 Azurlane Theme Advisor -「JK的语音MOD」
Created by Douglas Hipper
2022.05.24-FIX- 修改了版本号,现在它不会提示版本错误了 没有发现任何无法使用的bug,请考虑是否有冲突mod =============== 4.23-FIX- 提供了就算江田岛海军学院士官也能听清的音量增大 ==================== 碧蓝航线顾问语音MOD Azurlane Advisor Voice ---------------------------- 参与者 -【以下均为Bilibili 账户】: · 技术担当:重型机场 - B站主页:ht tps//space.b...
更多外交辞令(More DiploPhrases)
如果你有什么意见和问题,想修改和增加什么别的内容,请告知我,只要我能做到。 请检查后面的 更新日志 和 改动说明 以跟进和获取本mod的制作更新情况。 Chinese Only 简介 欢迎来到我的第一个mod,这应该是我的第一个正式的mod了,如果不算那些翻译和简单的数值修改的话。 这个mod增加了游戏中的外交辞令,拓展了其中的外交话语,以为大家的星海之旅带来更精彩的体验。 我希望借助此mod拓展和丰富原版中外交交流的表现,让你体会到星际交流的多样和情感表达,你可以从中感受到更生动、更具代入感的话语。 无论...
明日方舟船模Arknights Shipset
Created by 光圈辞职员工
本mod为明日方舟mod:“明日方舟:不远的未来Arknights:Near Future”中的船模部分。 已经集成进主mod中,没有必要再开这个,如果还想要同时开启的话一定要将船模mod置于主mod上方!!! 已根据模型配好了相应的尾焰粒子效果~ 强烈推荐与3D Fleet Formation一起使用! This shipset is loaded in Arknights mod:"Arknights:Near Future". Already loaded in the main mod, there...
Created by 烤薯条
3.9改了居住站,更新一下 1、去除了国家拥有巨构数量的上限且同一个巨构可以同时修建多个 2、同一个星系可以修建多个巨构 3、每种巨构AI国家现在只能修一个(包过环世界) 4、只有拥有虚空居者起源的AI才能修居住站 5、戴森球、巨型船厂可以在多恒星星系建造,且可以每个恒星各修一个 6、物质解压器可以在多个黑洞星系中修建,且可以每个黑洞各修一个 7、移除了量子弹弓的数量限制和必须修在中子或脉冲星上的限制 8、新加了政策"量子弹弓准确度调整",前置科技:量子弹弓 效果:增加了量子弹弓准确度,可以让舰队不再到处乱...
Marked Incompatible ]  无我原非你,从他不解伊。
Created by Jian
拒绝以任何方式转载和传播本mod。如果你是创作者,请不要引用本mod及其图文包的链接。 请保持期待和欢喜,因为我们都相信会有更美好的未来。 群420359831...
Created by 溯昔言
物种的特质上限提升到10点 领袖的初始年龄被设置在18-22岁之间 现在领袖升级时可以自由选择全特质了。 现在领袖不会获得负面特质。 如果上述两条不需要,请在政策中更改 ui修改来源:
Created by 溯昔言
已适配3.13,没效果的请确认是否被小伞框架覆盖了 错过法令可以控制台输入event megumin_chaifen.799调出来 增加了难度自动调整,星球计数器,把法令的消失时间改成了5年。 另外关于额外生成的利维坦打了没局势这个问题,大家可以在打之前选中利维坦控制台手动加代码。为什么不单独写事件hhh,事件到时候还要更新,谁知道蠢驴会不会再给局势改点别的,写起来太麻烦了。 无畏舰: effect = {save_global_event_target_as = automated_dreadnought...
Created by Anna.Comnenus 本MOD为Mica-team云母组旗下游戏《少女前线》的延伸MOD。 欢迎加入我们的MOD反馈讨论群:1035699926 如果您喜欢这个MOD,请务必为我们收藏和点赞。 背景介绍 自北兰岛事件以来人类与人类、人类与叛乱人形间无休止的战争让...
Created by 安纳利斯
异想魅惑 安纳利斯种族 专属政体 专属政策 专属特质等.... 可以和最高难度AI轻松对抗的mod 善良认证 狡猾认证
为多彩银河魅魔物种制作的BGM补充包。风格为纯音乐爵士。 音乐鉴赏水平有限,欢迎提供新曲目意见,smooth jazz和萨克斯优先。 曲目列表: Al Williams - Heart Song Ben Tankard - Ribbon in the Sky Bob James - Take Me There Bobby Lyle - Sweetest Taboo Brian Bromberg - Tears Brian Simpson - I Remember When Brian Simpson - I...
多彩银河+ 多彩事件拓展 UI修复版
Created by Adrastea74
原mod链接 使用方法: 不需要原mod 在DC本体后加载即可...
【3.10-3.13】Civilization Never Stagnant Ap-tech 0.98F-5 [Constantly updating/CNS-1]
Created by Кофе
【Written in the former】 This MOD aims to improve and balance the strength of the original Ascension perk by adding unique technologies and features to the original ascent; And to a certain extent, make the original Ascension perk can be equal to some MOD A...
Created by Gelou
适配3.12 舰容总上限增加至99999 解锁泰坦、主宰、巨像、小龙的建造上限 资源仓库+2M上限 增加遗物的上限 开局给一个能清除遗珍冷却的遗珍 改自惠惠拆分优化1: Ship capacity total upper limit increased to 99999 Unlock the construction limit of Titans, Dominators, G...
Created by 溯昔言
原版的时间显然是按照100年中期200年后期300年胜利写的,而玩家实际游戏时间一般在100-150年左右。所以很多cd都会显得漫长。随便干些什么等10年那真是黄花菜都凉了,将这些条款限制在四分之一到十分之一是比较合适的。 更改政策、迁都、物种权利、停战都只有一年冷却(10年变成1年),另外附庸条款为6个月冷却。 Policy changes, capital transfers, new leaders and armistice all have only one year to cool down...
Created by 快乐的炎天
增加了星球决议 可以增加星球区划 ai不会使用...
Created by 溯昔言
在攻占首都后100%概率掠夺遗珍 咋的,我买了游戏,这游戏里所有的遗珍都是我的,你ai还想独占不成? Loot relics with 100% probability after capturing the capital...
h1] 适用于3.9*  绝大部分科技效果翻十倍 新增15个循环科技、修改几乎所有原版循环科技(适当增加循环次数,个别无限循环) 如果你喜欢这个mod请点一个赞 所有新增循环科技的循环次数都标在了游戏的科技说明里 本mod现在拥有中文以及英文文本。  新增科技:  1.科技网络:研究方案+5。  新增循环科技:  1.稳固船体:船体值+10%,循环20次 2.模块化恒星基地:恒星基地升级速度、模块建造速度、建筑建造速度(恒星基地)、防御平台建造速度+100%,无限循环 3.模块化机械装配:人口组装速度+10...
Created by 幻灭暗影
星球决议:将这个星球上的外族人口全部变成你的主体种族,不管是生物机械石头人还是mod物种,种族洁癖福音。 顺便物种政策里把死灵dlc尸化机制修改了下限制,使玩家能随意使用,并大幅提高了转化速度,效果也是同化成主体种族. ai不会使用....
100 leader level 3.10.4 beta
Created by respectic724
обновление мода в связи с устареванием, исправлено большинство ошибок, если будет мод популярен то и балансом тоже займусь. updating the mod due to obsolescence, most errors have been fixed, if the mod is popular, then I will also deal with the balance. I'...
Elegant Chinese Random Names & Localisation Fix
Created by ChagatuAlin
A Chinese Localisation Mod ------------------------------------- 最后更新:3.12 尝试修复了随机名称包乱码的问题,在3.12运行正常; 由于在新版本下蠢户已经修正了大多数的汉化问题,因此撤销了大部分对原版格式的修改,仅修正少部分词组 新增了一个预设名称包 - 人类(中华); 既复古又未来的中国风预设名称包。 已经完成对新版本的重制与调整适应,模组正常运作,但是否还有隐藏问题仍旧需要游戏体验去测试。 暂时未发现与新版本的兼容性问题。 由于更改...
Stellaris Texture Pack - Base Game 2K
Created by Protodeus ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE If you use Planetary Diversity please download this version of the mod instead, as it contains way more textures. It is not necessary to download both, please only use one or the other: https://i.imgur...
Stellaris Texture Pack - Better Arcologies 2K
Created by Protodeus NOT ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE This is the LITE version of this mod. If you want higher quality textures, please download the 4K version here (Strong computers only): If you use the mod Planetary ...
Stellaris Texture Pack - Better Arcologies for Planetary Diversity 2K
Created by Protodeus
THIS MOD IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED NOT ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE This is the LITE version of this mod. If you want higher quality textures, please download the 4K version here (Strong computers only):
Stellaris Texture Pack - Planetary Diversity 2K
Created by Protodeus MOD CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED ACHIEVEMENT COMPATIBLE This mod has a large file size. If you would like to have higher res textures, please download the 4K version here (WARNING: Strong computers only):
天体战舰 Celestial warships
Created by 小松岗 MOD围绕天体战舰和堡垒展开,通过巨构/船坞等方式建造特殊舰船和堡垒。 采取飞升→研究科技→设计舰船→建造巨构。 The mod revolve...
Fallen Empire Buildings Old
Created by 鹿鲸梦
Update: Force overwrite localization of old version with new version. Building the Fallen Empire buildings, based on the original code, with only modifications to the conditions to ensure there are no bugs. Given that some people prefer the old version, th...
Created by 232
增加两个循环科技:1、轻量化驱动:增加1个机器人特质点数,可循环9层。2、供能优化:增加1个机器人特质数,可循环5层。 前置要求:普政需要合成进化飞升,智械需要合成时代或有机机械交互飞升,合成繁衍起源没有条件限制。 (修复非格式塔机械无法研究的bug) AI会研究该科技(如果满足前置要求) 机器人特质点循环(禁止AI研究) ...
Created by Kantaku
以法令的形式增加领袖特质选项,默认修改了基本与老手特质上限(自用) 如果有屏幕外的选项建议搭配UI Overhaul Dynamic使用 或者打开创意工坊路径workshop\content\281990\3008334128\common\edicts\tezhi_edicts.txt 把里面的数字6改小...
! Immersive Energy Shield
Created by Kasako'小傘
This is a simple mod, but it enhances one most important part of the game: the visual effects of energy shields. Modified the vanilla rudimentary shield to a more technological shield with animated hexagonal shape, and added more details on it. No more wor...
! The Merger of Rules 3.13
Created by Inny [The Merger]
This mod serves as a global compatibility patch for Stellaris 3.13, designed to harmonize the various incompatible game rules and scripted triggers introduced by different mods. When two mods alter the same rule or scripted trigger, only the last loaded mo...
Created by zero
10倍科技消耗和效果 导弹武器的两个循环移动到能量 添加了3个稀有科技完善玩家体验 现在可以在法令界面禁用特定循环科技,搭配原版自动科研可以做到解放双手 当你使用某些mod时堕落(指原版堕落,mod添加的堕落不会吃到加成)强度会更高 添加对 空酱的更多更好的循环科技 和 Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.12) 的支持。...
AI can't explore astral rift and archaeological site
Created by 小咕咚
The function of the module is shown in the title. Due to the absence of localized text, no additional translation is required. Please place the module loading order as later as possible to prevent the content from being overwritten. In order to achieve bet...
Anime Vampire Girls
Created by Добромысл
Если вам зачем-то понадобились 30 плохо сделанных портретов аниме вампирш (зачем?), то этот мод для вас. Что я делаю со своей жизнью? ______________________________________________ If for some reason you need 30 poorly made portraits of anime vampires (why...
ASB Addon: ACOT Patch
Created by Druark
Description Alters the Ancient Cache of Technologies (ACOT) weapon visuals to be similar to those included in Amazing Space Battles. This means beams and autocannons will look like they travel rather than fading in and out like vanilla. I did plan to add c...
Daoyu Cheat
Created by 刀鱼作弊
群星刀鱼作弊 Daoyu Cheat for Stellaris 您的点赞和收藏是我们更新的动力!暂不接受任何金钱捐赠,但您可以点击Mod描述下方的“奖励”按钮给我们一些点数奖励以表支持,谢谢! Your Like and Favorite will encourage our continuous update! We don’t accept any money donations at present, but you can show your support and give us an awar...
Data Overflow Repair and Other Extensions
Created by Bolack·AiDieck
The game's combat value calculation is essentially an exponential-like function, and by turning down the weight of the Curtain Index and other values, it achieves the goal of solving the overflow problem of most data-explosive mods and minimizing the file ...
Created by Clesiram❀
Q0:Story line Two available leader story lines. The main story line is still under development. Q1:What is the positioning of this mod? A1 :Addon-like mod,suitable for use in combination with other powerful mods Q2:Content? A2:New species types, events, ar...
Eras of Earth
Created by Dunno
A simple little mod to add a bit of diversity to the pre-ftl Sol spawns. Features - Adds several new potential Sol spawns - Adds a playable Cretaceous Earth start, with a custom Earth map. - Several flavour events for potential explorers in the Solar syste...
Give Technology & Fleets
Created by Root
A mod that will allow us to provide technology and fleets to friendly countries with communications. 他Mod用Pachの作成の仕方は上に画像があります You can see the image above on how to create a Pach for other mods. SubMod Give Technology & Fleets for Gigastructural Engineerin...
Gigastructural Engineering & More (3.13)
Created by Elowiny Do you like megastructures? I sure do! This mod aims to expand on the concept of megastructures by adding more megastructures you can build, with a wide range of effects, and sizes ranging from large space stations to system...
Hundred Years of Solitude
Created by Hibiki_RT
Updated for 3.7: First Contact For long time we looked into the galaxy, Why have we not encountered any advanced civilisation? Could it be that ...... we were the first pioneers to set foot in the stars? While others are still running around on the prairie...
Honkai: Star Rail | Music Picture and Advisor
Created by Mung Bean Cake
Honkai: Star Rail's Music, Picture and Advisor MOD 崩坏:星穹铁道 音乐、图片与顾问 模组 本作是崩坏:星穹铁道模组的音乐、图片与顾问包模组,即「崩坏:星穹铁道」模组的子模组!本模组内含音乐200余首,精美图片140余张,星穹铁道角色顾问语音(待优化)。其中,模组音乐涵盖「失控」、「雪融于烬」、「长生梦短」、「行于命途」与「星空剧场...
Honkai: Star Rail | 崩坏:星穹铁道
Created by Mung Bean Cake
Honkai: Star Rail | 崩坏:星穹铁道 English and Chinese General Version 中英文通用版本 「崩坏:星穹铁道」是由米哈游自研的一款全新银河冒险策略游戏。在游戏中,开拓者将乘坐星穹列车体验银河间光怪陆离的奇幻景色,踏上由冒险与刺激交织为主旋律的旅途。本作则是基于游戏「崩坏...
Magic & Psionic Traits
Created by Hann3o 🧙‍♂️ Magic & Psionic Traits Mod ● Around 20 positive traits inspired by Magical Abilities, Wizards, Psionic etc. for...
本mod由在群星和mc世界行走的流浪商人团体出资600绿宝石汉化。 汉化名单: 1.Nomadic Lifestyle Finalized 游牧生活方式 2.Nature Traits Mod自然特征模组 Soldier Traits 士兵特质 Magic & Psionic Traits 魔法和灵能特质 3.Theta / Metropole大都会 4.Easy Pete's Civics, Origins, & Tweaks Additional Mega-Engineering Projects 其他...
Megastructure on Planet
Created by MyresMkG
The original mod, thanks to Grandyy: This mod should work with 3.13. If you have experienced any bug, please comment. This mod adds several planetary features that can be built through plane...
More Leader Traits
Created by kroun
This mod adds many (42) new leader traits! High-Quality Traits Most traits have their own icon as well as differing flavor text and name depending on whether or not you're a normal, hive or machine empire. List of all traits. Galactic Paragons DLC required...
More localized text colors
Created by _OAO_
一个简单的MOD,使本地化文本能够使用更多颜色. MOD顺序不重要,除非有另一个MOD同样修改了fonts.gfx 如果在不使用该MOD或使用不存在的颜色代码,则等于没有更改颜色,因此可以放心使用 其实是modder群有人提出的想法,但他们没做,那我就占了( A simple MOD that enables more colors for localized text. MOD order is not important, unless another MOD also modified fonts.g...
NEKO種族。 11/19 更新 新增加了11個頭像。 ...
Otter Editor
Created by Seamoo
Pre cosmic civilization BETA
Created by StellarEVE
This is an extension mod of MTP Currently, it's beta I'm sorry that I don't support English games for the time being. The author will add English to the next version as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!...
Some Overpowered Traits
Created by Hann3o 🏋️‍♂️ Some Overpowered Traits ● Just another trait mod, that probably no one really needs ● Around 20 overpowered cheat traits for machines and biological species regarding most resources ● Not available for AI, N...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Ascension Slots
Created by Orrie
For 3.13.X ✔️ - Compatible with save games. It does require the main mod to run. This is a submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that increases the ascension slots from 8 to a maximum 100, depending on user selection. The vanilla U...
Unique Ascension Perks
Created by DrBLOOD95
◿ INTRODUCTION Hello guys, are you looking for more gameplay and unique features not seen anywhere else? Do you want more Ascension Perks granting you amazing stuff instead of only some annoying modifiers? Then you've come to the right place because that's...
Universal Gateway Origin
Created by kolorowagwiazda
Mod I've created as sequel to playthrough I had, so i can continue story of that civilization. Mod adds advanced origin with player starting on stellarite voidsphere as part of larger multiversal empire to newly colonized universe. There are 20 new megastr...
Visable Planetary Shields
Created by Aurelias
Essentially a fork of Borsk's Visible Planetary Shields In case of something breaking in future updates. Main version has been abandoned and I have adopted it, It will continue to receive updates here, again the main mod version was updated to 3.10 but wil...
开局查看L星团和机械爹好坏和一些特殊星系是否生成,因为增加了事件触发所以不支持铁人获得成就。如果需要更多刷开局查看变量请留言,我会添加到mod中。 本mod语法基本不会发生变化,如果提示过期直接载入就行,除非有新的特殊星系否则不需要更新。 不需要更新,无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号无视黄感叹号! 封面出自b站up唯一正妻列克星敦,给大家推荐太太的视频()
Created by 乐通
支持铁人/联机模式,旧档也可以用,不对版本号进行修改,与几乎所有MOD不产生冲突 乐通: 这个mod在名字那里显示了大部分异常与遗迹的简略效果,异常的话,描述的最后一行还写上了详细效果 如果你发现了什么问题或者bug,还请告诉我们。比如留言,或者加群566397003...
Additional Vanilla Components (3.11 Patch)
Created by Anarchy
A patch for the original verison of the mod by Sam_ to bring it into 3.11.x Updated Balance for additional components! Finally no more underpowered tier 6+ components. This mod works standal...