Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Achivement Guide: Awake and Angry [WTT and non-WTT]
By pwn3r1
This is a full guide for the achivement Awake and Angry
1. Do your basic research (construction and engineering, save guns after you pick a equipment company)
2. choose li zongren as first political power pick
3. research support eqp, it is very improtrent u get engineer support
4. industry isn't gonna be that importrent for u, build like 5 civs then spam out mils
5. build in high infreasctruture province anhui it will not fall tho the japan.

[if you have not started producing artillery, do, you will add them to your divisions aswell]

6. if u are feel sure than attack communist china because it will help in long run
7. don't finish the destroyer you start building, instead spam out convoys, you are going to run out of steel one day
8. subjugate warlords, do not declare war on the ones that did not accept subjugation
9. anti-communism, roll over the CCP
10. get the whampoa academy focus, it will help if u run out of generals :wehrmacht:
11. it is vital you kill the CCP before you see the japanese justification on you
12. train full army it will be anti naval invasion army and to close it quick
13. u will have to train 1 more to cover north front. :d
that will leave you at 3 full good armies, keep the 28 low priority divsions on, and on tiles near ports.
keep one army in reserve, and use it to close japanese invasions quick
do not look if u lack equipments for it
u need men in field not guns in field

14. when japanese declare, micro manage northern front and hold beijing
15. hold in beijing until you are able to counter attack

the division you should have been using is a 9 infantry, engineer+arty support 18 width.

thanks you ccp achivement guide coming soon™
🅾️rder💲 23 Jul, 2023 @ 8:22am 