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Spawnpoint Placement
作者: Yul Rave (starstrafe)
A very short picture guide on using proper spawnpoint placement on your maps.
How to do it Right
One of the biggest flaws with most workshop maps lies in the spawnpoint placement, or lack thereof. Because I, like many mapmakers, would much prefer to see the number of good playable maps on the workshop increase, i have assembled a tiny picture guide to illustrate "proper" spawnpoint placement.

The image below is one I made not too long ago, and basically says it all. I'm posting it here mainly so that i can easily link it to random steam-goers, without having to drag them into the Ravenfield Discord Server. If you're reading this, then take the following content as more of an educated suggestion rather than an ironclad "rule" of any sort.

EA28 Notes
As of EA28 released on Nov 17 2023, there are some new mechanics relating to "The Vanilla Way" of placing spawnpoints. In short, the game will attempt to chose contested spawns away from the direction of attacking bots whenever these attacking bots get within a certain radius around the flag. This new system is under-cooked, and does not function in all scenarios, it seems. But when it does work, it can actually make "the Vanilla way" one of the best ways to set up spawns. In theory. Sometimes. When it works...

When this system is fully functional and reliable, i will be updating this guide to fully encompass all of the nuance that this will bring. But until then, I still feel strongly that "my way" is what works best for me, and is still what will work the most reliably for many of you reading.
Some Extra Notes
I downplayed it somewhat in the image, but bad spawnpoint placement (like in example #1) really can turn a map into a skin-crawlingly bad experience. Seriously, no amount of bad map design is as bad as letting 8 bots pop in directly in front of the player, it's personally infuriating!

Like i said in the image, "my way" isn't necessarily the best way, just the way that frustrates me the least. Since ravenfield is a singleplayer game, it's not nearly as criminal to allow a whole group of respawners to get wiped out at once, and my design philosophy generally favours the player's enjoyment above all else, while still ensuring that proper confrontation occurs around flags. For those who are curious, you can watch this technique in action on some of my maps;

Under the Radar (Particularly at that first red gate flag)
Condo Raid

If you're reading this, it's possible that i linked you to this page as part of a suggestion to improve your spawnpoint placement. If this is the case, just remember to use this guide as inspiration , not as a law book! Be creative! Solve problems! Do what works for you, just make sure it works in the first place!!
14 件のコメント
Lemon caro 9月7日 2時19分 
neat guide
i learned all my map design knowledge from my own experience playing on other peoples map's (mostly in other games) and you know what it actually had information that was new for me witch i usually don't find in guides so i give this a 10/10 :steamthumbsup:
Palmemordet 2023年12月16日 15時35分 
Fixed my map based on your tips. I think i did a pretty good job. Thanks!
Flag Zombie 2023年12月14日 8時39分 
Excellent guide Starstrafe, spawn-points can really break or make a map.
Char 2023年11月25日 12時34分 
SteelRaven could learn a thing or two.
Yul Rave (starstrafe)  [作成者] 2023年11月24日 15時23分 
@Littleguynoah Bruh, they're one of the first thing you see when you enter the Place menu
Littleguynoah 2023年11月24日 13時23分 
I didn't know spawn points even existed
r0gue22 2023年11月10日 21時54分 
i sucked balls at mapmaking but with this atleast my ass maps are more playable thanks
Kelsiel 2023年9月12日 1時37分 
I didn't noticed you could make spawn points "contested", guess I'll come back to each map I made very quickly.
Yul Rave (starstrafe)  [作成者] 2023年8月21日 10時56分 
yeah, i honestly have to wonder if the people who make those sorts of spawns actually spent any amount of time playing their own creation.
Cuz it's like....
surely they must see the problem with like 10 enemy bots popping in to the middle of a 10-metre cap range, right?? There's no way that they played that and thought "yep, that's good, no issue with that happening", right? Idk, it boggles the mind....
rer11 2023年8月21日 10時21分 
Really wish more map makers would take spawnpoint location into consideration. I always have to set the spawn times to like half a minute to prevent waves of enemies from respawning mid capturing.