POSTAL 4: No Regerts

POSTAL 4: No Regerts

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Earliest / constant Weapon / Item picks, machines and skins
Von Elder_Moloch
This guide aims to highlight earliest and constant picks for weapons and items for each day. Also it covers reward / vending machines and weapon skins, HUD skins.
Hope, it was helpful.
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This guide is for 1.1.2-1.1.4 version. Most of it is relevant for 1.1.1 version too.
Updated (10.04.2024): All screenshots restored by Steam.
Updated (13.08.2024): Partly updated for 1.1.4 version.

Items and Weapons:
- Most items and weapons respawn when re-entering location/loading a save.
- Items could be found in toilets, when opening them or in rare cases when flushing.
- Items could fall from soda machines 1 time per game.

- Money could fall out of ATMs 1 time per game.
- Items could be given by reward machine.
- Items could be given for completing Rampages and in at least 1 case you get Mallet weapon.

- Most firearms and Rocket Launcher have extra aiming ability.
- NPCs which were set on fire with flammable weapons could set on fire other nearby NPCs when they touch them.

Vending machines:
- Items and weapons could be bought from vending machines. Ammo, Scissors, Grenades and Molotov Cocktails don't have limits.
- Meds machine - sells all health affecting items and water.
- Shop machine - sells special items, most melee weapons, Scissors, Gas Can, Spray Paint Can, armor, permits, backpacks. Doesn't sell Shovel, Tazer Baton, Machete, ammo for Spray Paint Can and Cats.
- Ammo machine - sells all firearms and ammo for them, ammo for Dilbow, Rocket Laucher and ammo for it, Grenades and Molotov Cocktails. Doesn't sell Dilbow, SnS 9000 and ammo for it and Pigeon Mines.
- All items apart from SiC Armor, Energy Drink and Vitamin X are accessible in vending machines, since Monday.

Getting behind barriers:
- If you get behind barriers via Police Station level, you can pick up:
* Rattler, Hunting Rifle and Rocket Launcher on Monday in Mexican level.
* Rattler, Sledgehammer, Fournicator, Hunting Rifle and ammo for M60 in Industrial level
* Foam Hammer on Kunny Island level.
- If you collect 25 Larry and Krotchy dolls, you can also get Fournicator and M60 on Monday (unfortunately there is no ammo for M60 on Tuesday).
To learn about where collectibles are, you can check this guide:
- Unfortunately, you may lose P350, Revolver, M16 and Health Pipes, if would use Police Station level route and would be arrested, so I recommend to use Estates / Industrial->Zag and Zag->Residential instead of being arrested.

Skins and HUD:
- Accessible in New Game, if unlocked once.

- You could pick up objects with interaction button (default "E").
Big thanks to:
- My friend Tanya for pointing issues with guide's writing.
- Lena from Discord for helping me learn about location of a Dilbow.
- ABRAoriginal for suggesting to check Industrial level for Rattler.
- Lil thang from Discord for trick with getting Sledgehammer on Tuesday.
- r3l1csvk from Discord for scooter idea for Golden Larry near Dam mission.
1. Shovel
Accesible, since Monday. Sidenotes: decapitates NPCs. Dogs could bring you heads. Has 2 attacks with similar effect. Doesn't sell in vending machines.

1. (New!) Residential level - shack near starting location. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (Always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn closet. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. Dark Lodge - starting house. Accessible on: Thursday.
4. Liebermode - could be picked from armed NPCs. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. There is also unique version of shovel accessible only in Dam level on Friday on 2nd floor somewhere in the central part, which drops from 2 hostile male NPCs. Accessible on: Friday.
2. Machete
Accesible, since Monday. Sidenotes: you could hold its hit for longer time to make stronger hit with better dismemberment and it could be thrown like bumerang. Doesn't sell in vending machines.

1. (New!) Police Station level - road between Bellow Agency and Prison. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
2. (New!) Police Station level - Big Camp building 2nd floor on the left. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
3. Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Attic has items in general. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
3. Tazer Baton
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: has 3 modes: Tazer - tazes NPC and makes them throw weapons and get scared, if used a bit or go into ragdoll state, if used a lot. Baton - kills NPCs. Padded - worse version of Tazer, which requires absurd amount of hits to make NPCs unconscious. Doesn't sell in vending machines.

1. (New!) Police Station level - Bellow Agency 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New!) Police Station level - small houses area. Small house on the left on a road to Police Station. Accessible on: Monday-Thursday.
3. Dark Lodge - north west cave (could get via water on the left side of a map, where wooden things are on the right side of them or jump into cave). Accessible on: Thursday.
4. Could be picked from armed NPCs like police officers (and some others) on any difficulty. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. Liebermode - could be picked from armed NPCs. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Rattler
Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers) or since Tuesday. Sidenotes: has 2 modes - Sickle and Weight. 1st kills and 2nd makes NPCs unconscious. Both set NPCs in ragdoll state (Sickle only, if kills), if thrown. Alt Sickle attack can't be used vs unconscious NPCs, if they weren't set unconscious with Weight. Alt Sickle attack can't be used vs dead bodies. Sickle also allows to use hook points, which placed on different buildings to get to special areas.

1. (New and always there!) Mexican level - Mexican Town area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
2. (New!) Police Station level - shack near Prison. Accessible on: Tuesday only.
3. (Always there!) Industrial level - central part near road to Commercial level. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
4. (Always there!) Industrial level - northen part near entrance to Estates level. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
5. Riverside level - Phill's clothes store. Accessible on: Wednesday, Friday.
6. Sells in Shop vending machines for 175$. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
5. Sledgehammer
Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers) or since Wednesday. Sidenotes: could blow NPCs heads, if thrown and if to hold. Also, if to hold could break some doors. Helmets protect a bit from it, but still could be broken.

1. (New and always there!) Industrial level - central part near Hot Zone nuclear-plant like building. There are also a lot of other stuff in this secret always here. Accessible, on: Monday, Wedensday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Ghost Town - area near Treasure Cave. Rampage with smashing rocks - if to throw Sledgehammer and fail Rampage, Sledgehammer will remain on the ground and can be obtained. Big thanks to Lil thang from Discord for this trick. Accessible, on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Rusty Trombone. Accessible, on: Wedensday-Friday.
4. Sells in Shop vending machines for 175$. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
6. Chainsaw
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: has 2 attacks, but both dismember NPCs. Uses same ammo as Gas Can.

1. (New!) Police Station level - prison tower inside prison area (one on the left from Prison entrance). Accessible on: Monday (I assume, it's oversight).
2. (New!) Estates level - mansion with cleaning mini-quest. 2nd floor. Accessible on: Wednesday.
3. Police Station level - small houses area on a road to Camp building. Accessible on: Thursday, Friday.
4. Zag level - near Pie House. Accessible on: Thursday.
5. Estatest level - mansion near teleportation station. Accessible on: Thursday, Friday.
6. Sells in Shop vending machines: 100 for 250$. I recommend to buy Gas Can ammo, since it's 100 for 160$. Accessible on: Thursday, Friday.
7. Mallet
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could set NPCs unconscious or if thrown into an *ss, makes them stay for a while in that state with Mallet being stuck there.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Attic has always some items. Accessible on: Monday.

2. (Always there!) Commercial level - area with small shops in the north part of this level. If you win related to Mallet Rampage, you'd get Mallet. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or on Tuesday-Friday.
3. Police Station level - small houses on a road to Police Station. In same place as usually Tazer Baton placed. Accessible on: Wednesday, Thursday.
4. Sells in Shop vending machines for 110$. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
8. Mop
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could delete stains.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. Liebermode - could be picked from armed NPCs. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. Sells in Shop vending machines for 50$. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
9. Foam Hammer (OUTDATED)
Removed from a game as a weapon in 1.1.4 patch. Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers) or Wednesday. Sidenotes: could set NPCs unconscious or if used with Energy Drink dismember them. Works in both cases with one of attractions, where you find it. Doesn't sell in vending machines and very rare weapon in general.

1. (New and always there!) Kunny Island level - North part of a level. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
10. Pistol
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenote: 2nd most common light firearm in terms of ammo.

1. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New!) Residential level - KDTF building. Always something here. Accessible on: Monday, Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - small bridge near houses area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. (Always there!) Police Station level - Police Station basement armory. To unlock it use terminals in one of the rooms behind red doors on 1st or 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. Dark Lodge - starting area near basement exit. Accessible on: Thursday.
6. Could be picked from armed NPCs on any difficulty (in rare cases incluidng Liebermode). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
7. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 10$, ammo - 21 for 10$. Both accessible on: Monday-Friday.
11. Revolver
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could blow heads. If to kill NPCs, bar for it would fill giving you option to perform instant execution on 1 or more NPCs, when filled enough.

1. (New!) Police Station level - small houses between Bellow Agency and Big Camp. Accessible on: Monday-Wednesday.
2. (New!) Police Station level - Big Camp area. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday.
3. (New and always there!) Police Station level - Police Station basement armory. To unlock it use terminals in one of the rooms behind red doors on 1st or 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Mexican level - 4 houses area. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
5. Could be picked during Apocalypse or on Hestonworld / POSTAL / Nigh-Impossible difficulties from armed NPCs. Accessible on: Friday or Monday-Friday.
6. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 125$, ammo - 7 for 20$. Both accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
12. Ingram
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Either very common, either 1 pick provides a lot of ammo.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - area near starting location. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. Police Station level - Bellow Agency roof area. Accessible on: Monday.
3. Could be picked from armed NPCs on any difficulty (in rare cases including Liebermode). For example could be returned back in Dark Lodge, if to kill Mountain Men or could be picked in some other areas. Accessible on: Unknown / Wednesday-Thursday at least.
4. Could be picked during Apocalypse or on Hestonworld / POSTAL / Nigh-Impossible difficulties from armed NPCs. Accessible on: Friday or Monday-Friday.
5. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 75$, ammo - 25 for 25$. Both accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
13. P350
Accessible, since Monday.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - partly closed Book Archive building. 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (Always there!) Police Station level - Bellow Agency toilet on the 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. I don't remeber, if armed NPCs use it on any difficulty, but it's sure in use during Apocalypse and probably on Hestonworld / POSTAL / Nigh-Impossible difficulties. Accessible on: Unknown/Friday or Monday-Friday.
4. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 45$, ammo - 24 for 20$. Both accessible on: Monday-Friday.
14. Flare Gun
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: sets NPCs on fire. Can't set on fire unconscious NPCs and dead bodies. Sights and cats can't be used with it. Has no extra aim.

1. (New!) Riverside level - shops area. 1st shop from Residential level side. Something always on a roof. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
2. (New!) Riverside level - north houses area. Last house 1st floor kitchen. Flares are always here. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
3. (Always there!) Mexican level - Border Patrol roof near border near Mexican Town. Also ammo for Flare Gun, Hunting Rifle and ammo for it, Pistol, Cop Badge and Money are always here (Hunting Rifle, Cop Badge and Money are 1 time pick, though). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. (Always there!) Industrial level - central part. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
5. (Always there!) Industrial level - central part. Also Vitamin X is always here. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
6. Riverside level - area near bridge. There is always something in this area. Accessible on: Tuesday, Friday.
7. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 60$, ammo - 5 for 20$. Both accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
15. Shotgun
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could dismember and blow heads.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Attic has items in general. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday, Friday.

2. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (Always there!) Police Station level - Police Station basement armory. To unlock it use terminals in one of the rooms behind red doors on 1st or 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Could be picked from armed NPCs on any difficulty (in rare cases even on Liebermode). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 20$, ammo - 16 for 20$. Both accessible on: Monday-Friday.
16. M16
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Either very common, either 1 pick provides a lot of ammo. Could dismember.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - area near small bridge and houses. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New!) Residential level - houses area near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
3. (Always there!) Police Station level - Police Station basement armory. To unlock it use terminals in one of the rooms behind red doors on 1st or 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Could be picked from armed NPCs on any difficulty apart from Liebermode, since Tuesday at least. Accessible on: Unknown / Tuesday-Friday.
5. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 50$, ammo - 35 for 25$. Both accessible on: Monday-Friday.
17. AK
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Either common, either 1 pick provides enough of ammo. Could dismember.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn. Dumpster. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday.
2. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn. 2nd floor spooky room behind cupboard. There are money here too. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Arcade 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4.(Always there!) Industrial level - central eastern part near Hot Zone. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
5.(Always there!) Mexican level - Mexican town. Cave behind church. Code is 684. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.

6. (Always there!) Mexican level - Mexican town. Houses area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
7. Could be picked from some armed NPCs on any difficulty apart from Liebermode, since Monday, if you travel behind barriers (and if not, since Tuesday). Could be obtained from Mexican mafia. Could be returned on Thursday from dead Mountain Men. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
8. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 90$, ammo - 30 for 30$. Both accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
18. Fournicator
Accessible, since Monday (if to go behind barriers and pick it in Industrial level or get enough dolls for reward machine) or since Tuesday. Sidenotes: struggle a bit to dismember, but still very powerful. Ammo is rare. Could shoot 4 ammo at once. Sights and Cats can't be used with it. Has no extra aim.

1. (New and always there!) Industrial level - southen part near Commercial entrance. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Industrial level - southen part - big round storage tank with long stairs. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.

3. (New and always there!) Industrial level - central eastern part near Hot Zone. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
4. (New and always there!) Industrial level - northen part near Estates entrance. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
5. (New!) Riverside level - area near north houses. Use nearby objects to get behind fence. Also this area always has something. Accessible on: Tuesday.
6. (New!) Ghost Town level - reward machine building. Accessible on: Tuesday (money on Wednesday-Friday).
7. (Always there!) Police Station level - Safespace Mall roof (use Rattler to get there). Also this area has heavy armor, since Wednesday. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
8. Residential level - near entrance to Police Station level in a shack. Accessible on: Friday.
9. Could be picked from armed NPCs on Hestonworld / POSTAL / Impossible difficulties. If I remember it right, also could be picked from armed NPCs during Apocalypse. Accessible: Friday or Monday-Friday.
10. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 175$, ammo - 8 for 40$. Both accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
11. Could get as a reward in reward machine for collecting 25 Krotchy dolls. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
19. M60
Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers and pick enough dolls for reward machine) or since Wednesday. Sidenotes: dismember NPCs well. Very powerful, but ammo is rare. Sights and cats can't be used with it.

1. (New and always there!) Ghost Town level - main town part near gallow. Accessible on: Wednesday, Friday.
2. Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor. Spooky room behind cupboard. There are money here too. Accessible on: Thursday, Friday.
3. Police Station level - Mobility Megastore. Accessible on: Friday.
4. Ammo. (New and always there!) Industrial level - central eastern part near Hot Zone. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
5. Ammo. (New and always there!) Industrial level - central eastern part near Hot Zone. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.

6. Could be picked from armed NPCs on Hestonworld / POSTAL / NIgh-Impossible difficulties. And if I remeber it right, could be picked from armed NPCs during Apocalypse. Accessible on: Friday or Monday-Friday.
7. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 200$, ammo - 100 for 125$. Both accessible on: Friday.
8. Could get as a reward in reward machine for collecting 25 Larry dolls. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
20. Hunting Rifle
Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers) or since Tuesday. Sidenotes: could dismember. Very powerful. Sights and cats can't be used with it. Has scope, which could be zoomed in / out. Under catnip allows to control bullet a bit.

1. (New and always there, if not picked once!) Mexican level - border area. Border Patrol building. 1 time pickable weapon (but ammo for it could be picked without limits here). Also Flare Gun, Pistol, Cop Badge and Money on same roof are always here (Cop Badge and Money are also 1 time pick). Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Mexican level - voting building roof. You could use nearby object to get here. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.

3. (Always there!) Industrial level - one of the cisterns in central southen part. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.

4. Estates level - near sports area and behind toilets. Accessible on: Wednesday, Friday.
5. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 150$, ammo - 5 for 25$. Both accessible on: Thursday-Friday.
21. Dilbow
Accessible on Tuesday and Thursday only. Sidenotes: very rare weapon. Nails NPCs to objects. Weapon doesn't sell in vending machines - only ammo.

1. (New!) Commercial level - small shops area in north east. BDSM club. Code: 451 (you could find it in a toilet). Only place to find this weapon, I'm aware of. Big thanks to Lena from Discord for telling about it. Accessible on: Tuesday, Thursday.
1. (New!) Commercial level - small shops area in north east. C*ckasian last floor. Accessible on: Thursday only.
3. Ammo sells in Ammo vending machines: 5 for 100$. Ammo accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
22. Rocket Launcher
Accessible, since Monday (if you travel behind barriers) or from Tuesday. Sidenotes: has 2 types of rockets - regular and target seeking one. Cats can be used and allow to control rocket.

1. (New and always there!) Mexican level - Mexican town. Cave behind church. Code: 684. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.

2. (Always there!) Industrial level - central part Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
3. (Always there!) Kunny Island level - north part. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.

4. (Always there!) Riverside level - area near bridge between Estates and Residential entrances. Use Rattler to get here. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
5. Could be picked from armed NPCs on Nigh-Impossible diffiuclty. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
6. Sells in Ammo vending machines: weapon - 175$, regular ammo - 10$, heat seekers - 15$. All 3 accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.

7. Could get as a reward in reward machine for collecting 25 Kunny dolls. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
23. SnS 9000 (Flamethrower)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: has 3 types of ammo - urine and water (separate ammo) extinguish fires, urine makes NPCs puke and gasoline (build-in SnS 9000 pick only) with light sets NPCs on fire or sets object on fire, if used without light and then with it. Gasoline doesn't burn from matches. Can't be used against unconscious NPCs and dead bodies. Doesn't sell in vending machines, same as any ammo for it.

1. (New!) Residential level - houses area between small bridge and Circle shop. Also water ammo is always here. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Friday.
2. Riverside - north part near trailers and toilet. Also both types of addittional ammo. SnS ammo always in cabins. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
3. Police Station level - Big Camp building. 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday.
4. (Always there!) Commercial level - area with 4 houses. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
5. Police Station level - Bellow Agency roof. Accessible on: Tuesday, Wednesday.
24. Grenade
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could be used as a mine. Could be used with cats, so cats would run and blow closest target.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - starting area Book Archive. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle shop near Fire Station. Also Molotov Cocktail and Spray Paint Can are always here. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area on mountains side. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. Police Station level - Bellow Agency below stairs on 1st floor. This location often has items. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday.
6. (Always there!) Industrial level - central northen part. Also Pigeon Mine is always here too. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
7. You could pick it from armed NPCs on Nigh-Impossible difficulty. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
8. Sells in Ammo vending machines: 2 for 15$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
25. Molotov Cocktail
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could be placed to blow with delay.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle shop near Fire Station. Also Grenade and Spray Paint Can are always here. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. Residential level - house near a small bridge. This area always has some items. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday.
4. Police Station level - Bellow Agency 2nd floor. This area always has some items. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday.
5. You could pick it from armed NPCs on Nigh-Impossible difficulty. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
6. Sells in Ammo vending machines: 3 for 10$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
26. Scissors
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Most common thowable in terms of ammo. Could throw few in a row. Could be picked, if missed (but not with alt attack).

1. (New!) Residential level - behind Book Archive. There is always some item in this place. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - Laundromat roof. To get here use Rattler or Sledgehammer in Antiques or route on 1st pic with crouch jumping. Also check other items on roofs - there is always something there. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

3. (Always there!) Riverside level - houses near Residential entrance. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Sells in Shop vending machines: 10 for 20$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
27. Pigeon Mine
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could attack few targets in a row. Rare weapon. Doesn't sell in vending machines.

1. (New!) Residential level - house near small bridge. Something always in garage. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
2. (New!) Residential level - houses on mountains side. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.
3. Police Station level - Bellow Agency roof. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday (nearby on a roof).
4. (Always there!) Police Station level - behind Mobility Megastore. Pic from Thursday (so one on a roof is not always there and only on Monday, Thursday, but there is always something on a roof). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. (Always there!) Police Station level - near Camp. Near small cabins. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
6. Ghost Town - roof of red building. Generally this bulding and nearby roof has a lot of stuff everyday. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
7. (Always there!) Industrial level - central part. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
8. You could pick it from armed NPCs on Nigh-Impossible difficulty, but this one is rare. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
28. Gas Can
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: sets everything on fire. Uses same ammo as Chainsaw.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - KDTF building 2nd floor on the right. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle area. 2 gas cans - 1, which is further is not present on Tuesday and Thursday. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Sells in Shop vending machines: 25 for 40$. I recommend to buy it, instead of Chainsaw fuel, since it's 100 for 160$ vs 100 for 250$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
29. Spray Paint Can
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: may scare NPCs. Spray decals stay depending on options you've set in Settings. Ammo doesn't sell in vending machines.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - Book Archive near starting area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - Behind Civvie's shop. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Sells in Shop vending machines, if you don't have one for 20$. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
30. Junk Food
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: most common item in a game. Could be found in toilets. Restores 3 HP.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. You can buy 15 of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 5$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
31. Fast Food
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Could be found in toilets. Restores 5 HP.

1. (New!) Residential level - near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - Rusty Trombone. Accessible on: Monday-Friday (on Thursday on nearby table).
3. You can buy 10 of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 10$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
32. Hearty Meal
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Could be found in toilets. Restores 10 HP.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. Residential level - behind Book Archive. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
4. You can buy 10 of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 20$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
33. Doughnut
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: quite rare item. Still lures officers and makes them puke when pissed on. Restores 6 HP.

1. (New!) Residential level - Fire Station. There is Cop Badge on Tuesday, Thursday. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
2.(New and always there!) Residential level - House on mountain side near Circle and small bridge. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (Always there!) Police Station level - Police Station 1st and 2nd floors. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. You can buy 10 of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 15$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
34. Health Pipe
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: quite common item. Could be found in toilets and in rare cases fall from soda machines, when kicked. Sets HP to 125, but would take away some health after time (would leave with 94 HP maximum or 1 HP minimum).

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - starting area. Up to 5 health pipes in pinata (could be destroyed with weapons). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday.
3. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday-Wednesday.
4. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Attic always has some items. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

5. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
6. (Always there!) Police Station level - area near small houses near Bellow Agency on a road to Police Station. There is also always health pipe on concrete wall on the right. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
7. You can buy 2 of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 90$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
35. Water
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: in rare cases could fall out of soda machines, when kicked. Restores 4 HP and urine to 20 instantly.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. You can buy unlimited amount of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 10$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
36. Cat
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Cats are always there in their spawn place. I'll post all 7 cats for Residential level. Accessible on: Monday-Friday Could be used as a silencer and would run away after full loading clip was used. Could be petted instead of reloading. Would disappear, if weapon was put in a box and would run away, if weapon was thrown. Can't be purchased in vending machines.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - Book Archive and closed building with clocks area.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - Rusty Trombone area.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - near Arcade.
4. (New and always there!) Residential level - near Circle.
5-6. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area near An*s Inn.
7. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area near small bridge.
37. Doggie Treat
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Grants 1 HP. Good for befriending dogs. 1 box grants 10 treats.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle shop. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area. 1st house near Circle shop. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - house near bridge. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. You can buy unlimited amount of it each day in Meds vending machines. Price: 5 for 10$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
38. Catnip
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: slows down time and movement on scooter / kart. Set new textures from film "They live" by John Carpenter. Also changes reloading animations. Duration: 25-26 seconds.

1. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Roof of a shack. There are money on other days. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Residential level - near An*s Inn. Also money are often here. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. You can buy 2 of it each day in Shop vending machines. Price: 125$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
39. Reflex Sight
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Helps with aiming. Would disappear, if weapon was thrown or if it was put into weapon box.

1. Police Station level - small houses area. Road to Police Station. 10 reflex sights could be obtainted each day from mini-quest giver. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

2. Can be bought infinitely in Shop vending machines. Price: 100$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
40. Cop Badge
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Resets Wanted status when in Police Outfit.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn 2nd floor near secret room. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Riverside level - near bridge. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New!) Police Station level - Police Station 1st floor interrogation room. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Friday.
4. You can buy 3 of it each day in Shop vending machines. Price: 150$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
41. Special Rounds (Tazer, Incendiary, Explosive, Tranquilizer)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: The only 2 places you could get them are vending machines and reward machine. Tazer rounds taze. Incendiary rounds set on fire. Explosives rounds increase dismemberment chance for specific weapon dismemberment capacity. Tranquilizer rounds are currently poor version of Tazer one - barely work. You can get only 10 each day from Ammo vending machines. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

1. Tazer - price: 50$.

2. Incendiary - price: 50$.

3. Explosive - price: 75$.

4. Tranquilizer - price:75$.

5. To know how many rounds you would get from reward machine - check "Reward machine" in the end of a guide.
42. Handcuffs
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Could handcuff NPCs in scared sitting state or unconscious NPCs.

1. Could be obtianed from dead police officers and in rare cases from prisoners in Prison mission. Also few could be picked in Prison level.
2. Limit: 20 per each day from Shop vending machines. Price: 80$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
43. Energy Drink (Akimbo Power)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Grants you additional selected weapon in hand and deletes reloading for a while. Works with all firearms apart from Hunting Rifle. Also works with Rocket Launcher. Could be found in toilets. Duration: 40 seconds.

1. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn 1st floor. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - An*s Inn 1st floor bathroom. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Police Station level - behind Mobility Megastore. Also water is always here. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
5. You can buy 2 of it each day in Shop vending machines. Price: 125$. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
44. Vitamin X
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Allows to pee and kick with great force destoying glass elements, kicking cars and set NPCs to ragdoll state. Could be found in toilets. Duration: 60 seconds.

1. (New!) Residential level - starting area. Accessible on: Monday.
2. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn closet on the 1st floor. This area may have items in general. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday.
3. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn room on 2nd floor behind secret room. Accessible on: Monday, Friday.
4. Residential level - near An*s Inn. Accessible on: Tuesday, Thursday.
5. Residential level - Cricle. Accessible on: Wednesday.
6. You can buy 2 of it each day in Shop vending machines. Price: 125$. Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
45. Money
Accessible, since Monday.

1. (New!) Residential level - ATM near An*s Inn. 1 time case pick. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Attic has items in general. Accessible on: Monday, Thursday (plus one further on Tuesday and Thursday).

3. (New!) Residential level - ATM in Rusty Trombone. 1 time case pick. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. (New and always there!) Residential level - houses area on mountains side. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. (New and always there!) Police Station level - mountain between Police Station, Prison and small houses. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
6. (New, always there and biggest amount!) Riverside level - Crypto Bank. One of the biggest amount of money in one place. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
7. (Always there and biggest amount!) Mexican level - Mexican town. One of the biggest amount of money in one place, which I'm aware of. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
8. (Always there!) - Mexican level - Mexican town. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
9. (Always there!) - Kunny Island level - starting area bathroom. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
10. You could get 15 000$ for collecting all 10 Golden Larries. All of them +1 are present on 3 starting Monday levels (also you could find at least 3 additional on other levels). To get all 10 on Monday use Rattler from Mexican level or door from lower part (touch it and take it) of a building near bridge in Riverside, get it to a roof part via rock nearby, touch with door roof's edge, so door would stand like on a pic and crouch jump on a door. Alternatively, use Rattler near Dam level on the left mountain or scooter/boxes near trader on a road to Dam level, get near mountain and put boxes/scooter there. Get on trampoline and get on a rope, then go to tree near UFO. Thanks to @r3l1csvk for scooter idea.

46. Clothes Bag
Accessible, since Monday start. Sidenotes: Contains all outfits outside of Police Uniform and Sexy Outfit.
47. Fire Hose
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: could put out fires or kick away NPCs and set them into ragdoll state for a while, when connected to hydrant. Has power limit.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - Fire Station shack. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (Always there!) Mexican level - Mexican town. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
3. You can buy 1 of it in Shop vending machines. Price: 100$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
48. Medkit
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: can't be collected, only instantly used. Restores 30HP.

1. (New and always there!) Residential level - Thrift & Gift shop. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New!) Residential level - Antiques shop. 1st floor backdoor. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday, Friday.
3. (New and always there!) Residential level - Circle shop. 4 of them. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
49. Light Armor (Kevlar)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: grants 200 armor, which partly negates damage.

1. (New!) Residential level - An*s Inn attic. Would be replaced with heavy armor on Thursday, Friday. Accessible on: Monday, Tuesday (also money nearby), Wednesday.

2. (New!) Residential level - Civvie's shop roof. Could get here using Rattler, sledgehammer or using this route with crouch jumping. This roofs area has some items in general. On Friday Light Armor is on Antiques shop roof. Accessible on: Monday-Wednesday, Friday.

3. Riverside level - houses area near Residential entrance. Go through window on 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
4. You can buy unlimited amount of it each day in vending machines. Price:80-110$ (Monday-Friday). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
50. Heavy Armor (SiC)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: grants 200 armor, which partly negates damage.

1. (New and always there!) Police Station level - area with Hobos in mountains behind Mobility Megastore. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. (New and always there!) Police Station level - Police Station basement armory. To get here you need to hack one of the terminals behind red doors on 1st or 2nd floor. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. (New!) Riverside - near a bridge there is small building you could climb and jump down on a roof, where armor is. There is always something in this area. Accessible on: Monday, Friday.
4. (New!) Riverside - shops area. Closest shop to a bridge / Urgent Care. There is always something on a roof. Accessible on: Monday.
5. You can buy unlimited amount of it each day in vending machines. Price: 190-200$ (Wednesday-Friday). Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
51. Heaviest Armor (Tactical Duraflab)
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: grants 375 armor, which partly negates damage.

5. You can only buy unlimited amount of it each day in vending machines. Price: 400$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
52. Weapon Permit
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: allows to carry weapons without scaring NPCs or making armed NPCs like police officers hostile. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

1. Small Side Arms Permit - 900$ (Pistol, Revolver, Ingram, P350).

2. Large Weapons Permit - 1250$ (Shotgun, M16, AK).

3. Heavy Weapons Permit 1500$ (Fournicator, M60, Hunting Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Grenade).

4. Exotic Weapons Permit 1100$ (Machete, Rattler, Sledgehammer, Chainsaw, Flare Gun, Molotov, Dilbow).

5. Extremely Small Weapons Permit 5000$ (Unzipped Pants).
53. Red and Black Hole Backpacks
Accessible, since Monday for Red Backpack and since Tuesday for Black Hole Backpack. Sidenotes: 1st doubles weapon ammo / items capacity, 2nd makes it limitless.

1. Red Backpack - price: 150$. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.

2. Black Hole Backpack - price: 699$ Accessible on: Tuesday-Friday.
54. Outfits
For all outfits check this quide:
All outfits apart from Classic and Sexy Outfits available each day. The only 4 additions to this guide would be:

1. Residential level - houses area. House near Circle. You could find Sexy Oufit here, if you missed it. Unfortunately, no Classic outfit. Accessible on: Friday.

2. Mega Mall - Custom Clothing machine in Gilded Rag shop on the 2nd floor.

3. Custom Clothing machine sells Rave Robe now, which costs 1250$ and changes colors.

4. You can obtain Dude Sr. outfit in Reward machine, if you collect 10 Golde Larry dolls.
55. Weapon skins and HUD from reward machine
Accessible, since Monday partly (and fully if to go behind barriers) or related days, which open levels.

1. Krotchy skin for Unzipped Pants for finding 10 Larries.
2. Krotchy Family skin for Hunting Rifle for finding 10 Krotchies.
3. Kunny HUD for finding 10 Kunnies.

4. Golden Goose skin for Revolver for finding 10 Golden Larries (also 15 0000$).
56. VR weapon and HUD skins
Accessible, since Thursday.

1. Could be obtained during Game Tester mission on Thursday in Commercial level / VR level after finishing mission (regardless of a route). All weapons apart from Foam Hammer have VR skins. Also HUD is given.
57. Tie Dye skin for AK.
Could be found in Mexican level near Mexican Town behind church in a cave. Would automatically aplly as soon as AK is picked. Code for a cave: 684. Could disappear after reloading from menu, so I recommend not to change it, if you want to keep it.
Currently, needless, since there are icons on a map now, but will keep it for those, who use older version.
58. Reward Machine
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: 1 is in Residential level in Antiques. In same shop you could sell dolls before getting reward for them - this way you'll get both money and rewards.

1 in Ghost Town - area near railroad and trailers.

Reward for 10 Golden Larry dolls also has secret Dude Sr. outfit.

1. All rewards:
59. Vending machines
Accessible, since Monday. Sidenotes: Ammo apart from special rounds is limitless, while items and special rounds are restricted and weapons could be bought only, if you don't have one.

All locations:

1. Residential level - Ammo and Meds near starting area, An*s Inn and closed building with clocks. Shop near Anitques. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
2. Police Station level - Ammo and Shop near Bellow Agency. Meds in Safespace Mall. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
3. Ghost Town level - 3l near entrance from Police Station to Ghost Town. 2 (Meds and Ammo) in Wipe Militiant building entrance. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday / Wednesday-Friday.
4. Mexican level - Meds near Church in Mexican part. Ammo and Shop in Mexican town center. Another duplicate of all 3 of them is in abondoned buildings area. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
5. Commerical level - Ammo and Shop are in small shops north area. Meds nearby closer to Mega Mall. Accessible on: Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday.
6. Mega Mall - Meds in Urgent Care on 1st floor, Shop - 2nd floor Urgent Care. Ammo - Steme shop 2nd floor. Accessible on: Wednesday-Friday.
7. Industrial level - Meds on a road from Commercial entrance. Ammo and Shop near Hot Zone nuclear plant-like building and same Ammo and Shop in norther part near Estates entrance. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
8. Estates level - all 3 near teleportation station in central part. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
9. Riverside level - Meds are in Urgent Care. Ammo and Shop are in Small shops area near Clothes shop. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
10. Zag level - all 3 near High Seas Hotel in the west part of the level. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday.
60. Gunporium
Accessible, since Monday. Contains a lot of skins and few new models for weapons. Skins/models transfer between saves/games. Spray paint

Prices ( ~2635$ for all): * AK - Tie Dye - 150$ * Bow - Brainaged - 100$ * Chainsaw - Loco Lumber - 60$ * Deagle - Arizona - 50$ * Mallet - Rubber - 40$ * P350 - Cummy - 35$ * Fournicator - Silver - 75$ - White 'n' Gold - 125$ * Machete - Bread Knife - 65$ - Kukri - 160$ - Hunting Knife - 180$ * Rattler - Gold - 150$ - Worn - 50$ * Revolver - Two-Tone - 60$ * Rocket Launcher - Pink - 200$ * Scissors - Purple/Pink - 45$ - Red/Yellow - 45$ * Shotgun - Bone Breaker - 80$ * Shovel - Gold Digger - 125$ - Militart - 150$ - Serrated - 170$ - Square - 140$ * Sledgehammer - Wooden - 70$ - Foam - 150$ * Hunting Rifle - Light Wood - 50$ - Military - 80$ * Grenade - Kunny - 75$ * Spray Paint Can - Worn - 25$
61. Locations
While game doesn't have a lot of locations with a lot of pickable things, there are few with quite a bit of weapons, ammo, items, which I'm aware of.

1. Police Station level - Bellow Agency. I recommend to check roof, area below stairs on 1st floor, toilet on the 1st floor and trash area nearby too, since they always have something. Unfortunately, amount of items decreases each day, instead of increasing. Accessible on: Monday(mostly)-Friday.
2. Police Station level - behind Mobility Megastore. This secret is an opposite of previous one and increases amount of items with days. Also I recommend to check Mobility Megastore roof and area with trader between both locations.
3. Police Station level - I recommend to check all 3 roofs, since there may be something (money, grenade and ammo are always there). Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
4. Ghost Town level - this red building and small building roof have a lot of items usually. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
5. Commercial level - parking lot roof near Mega Mall. While Grenades and Molotov Cocktails appear, since Monday, I recommend to visit it, since Wednesday, if you're nearby, since only then it would have enough of them. Accessible on: Monday (Wednesday)-Friday.
6. Commercial level - area near parking lot. While you there already, you could also climb this mountain and pick up some items here. Accessible on: Monday-Friday.
7. Commercial level - Border Smuggler area has always some items in 2 places.

8. Industrial level - central eastern part near Hot Zone. This area is a gem and provides lots of weapons / items: Sledgehammer, Fournicator, 2 ammo items for M60, 3 Grenades, 3 Molotov Cocktails, 3 Gas Cans, 2 Energy Drinks, 2 Vitamin X, 1 Heavy SiC Armor. And that's all, since Monday! Also probably one of the biggest secrets in game. Accessible on: Monday, Wednesday-Friday or Wednesday-Friday).
You could get all weapons on Monday-Wednesday:
- Monday: Shovel, Machete, Tazer Baton, Chainsaw, Mallet, Mop, Pistol, Revolver, Ingram, P350, Flare Gun, Shotgun, M16, AK, SnS 9000, Grenade, Molotov Cocktail, Scissors, Pigeon Mine, Gas Can, Spray Paint Can. Also Rattler, Sledgehammer, Foam Hammer, Fournicator, Hunting Rifle, Rocket Launcher, if you would travel behind barriers. Also Fournicator, M60 and Rocket Launcher, if you would travel behind barriers and collect 25 Larry / Krotchy / Kunny dolls for reward machine.
- Tuesday: Rattler, Sledgehammer, Fournicator, Dilbow, Rocket Launcher.
- Wednesday: M60.

You could get all items on Monday.
My 2 other similar guides for Postal 2:

1. Getting behind barriers.
2. Ultimate guide for Monday-Friday.