Hero and Daughter+

Hero and Daughter+

Not enough ratings
Endgame character stats and abilities
By Knight
A list of the girls, their endgame stats, and abilities.
What does this guide do?
This guide will cover the general information about the girls at their max levels. It will showcase their strengths and late game potential.

It kinda bothered me the game would say things like "Greatly increase ATK" and not actually tell me how much that was.

It will also go over their abilities. I will post the values I tested, albeit somewhat lazily.

The majority of stat buffs, from my tests, seem to increase the raw value of the stats by 1.5, and most stats can be increased up to 5 folds. Max HP and MP can be increased to 3.2 times.

The only exceptions are if a stat is above 99,999 which you can see some characters get to, such as Carrot with the weapon "To the Point."

How many Girls are there in this game?
There are 37 base girls and 2 girls not completely programmed.

Deste and I'm a Dark Lord are for the most part unfinished characters. They gain no affection with Ralph. If you invite them to the Bathhouse, the guy will comment "They don't look ready yet..." then he'll admit, "The scene is not ready." Because of this, they can never gain the affection-based damage ability.

The next issue they face is the fireplace stat modification. When you pump a girl full of veggies, the fireplace will give you an opportunity to "undo" this by minimizing the stats. These girls are an exception. They can only gain a full 1,000 to all stats and 10,000 to HP, but once you've given them these stats, it can never be undone.

They also cannot be challenged to a fight, nor do they have an invitation key item. They cannot be given gifts.

They also have no bearing on the story. As an example, when Ralph fights in one scene all the girls you've collected gather together to cheer him on. Deste and I'm a Dark Lord will not. They also will not leave the pub when all other girls are turned into Dark Lords, (except Felice and Leffy) They cannot have their own room in the castle of the town.

There's also some conventions regarding stats.

With Ralph and Carrot as the exception, there is no point in having more than 4000 AGI. You will always go before enemies in this circumstance.

All girls will be able to achieve more than 2k in speed, which is the maximum of the enemies. This means unless an enemy uses a priority attack, which blows their speed up to 4k, they are always going to go second.

Hit/Miss/crit chance do not change based on stats. Even with 40k LUK and AGI I found Ralph would still miss attacks against slimes from the first dungeon.

AGI strictly determines turn order.
LUK strictly determines if an ailment affects an enemy, or if you are able to resist an ailment

What is Veggie Value and Adjusted Value?
Veggie value is the cost of stats as they are priced in game via vegetables. It's a work in progress to be honest.

Each stat has a value of 50 points, HP as the exception, at 500 Points.

So when calculating a character's Veggie Value, I add up every stat except HP, then divide by 50. Then I add HP/500.

Adjusted is the value from the Japanese wiki, which recommends you alter the value using the following formula: Divide HP by 40, MP by 10, LUK by 4 and AGI by 3.

What is the average of all stats?
HP 69437
MP 12678
ATK 2836
DEF 2311
MAT 2362
MDF 2233
AGI 3768
LUK 3608

Veggie Value:734.816

How much do veggies contribute to stats?
HP 10000 (14.4%)
MP 1000 (7.9%)
ATK 1000 (35.3%)
DEF 1000 (43.3%)
MAT 1000 (42.3%)
MDF 1000 (44.8%)
AGI 1000 (26.5%)
LUK 1000 (27.7%)

Veggie Value 160 (~21% of all stats)

That is to say for most girls, the most valuable veggies are going to be DEF and MDF. After that prioritize MAT for girls you want to cast spells, AGI for girls you want to support, and ATK for girls you want to utilize physical damage.

If the Japanese wiki has all these values why make this guide?
The Japanese wiki does not have these values. The version of the game you're playing is very different from the one on the wiki. Leffy is one of the few girls who has no alteration, but outside of her, almost every girl has massively changed.

Spirit Queen's HP was listed at ~31k and MP at ~10k. Both these stats have been buffed. However, all her other stats have been nerfed, the exception being her AGI, which is unchanged. She was once the highest stat average with an astounding ~9k LUK, too. Liv was also once the lowest stat average, but she's not anymore.

I just maxed a girls level, her stats are lower than yours?
I added the Vegetable-max to this guide. All the girls gained 1k to all stats and 10k to HP because I maxed their vegetable value.

You got something wrong.
Leave a comment and let me know so I can fix it.

Where do I get "To the Point" and "Intellectual Clothes"?
Intellectual clothes are armor found in chests in the Earth dungeon near the start of the game.
To the point is a weapon found in chests in the "Tree Trial" dungeon.

Help me complete the bestiary!
Most commonly missed monsters:
Monster ID 16 Cerberus, in Earth Dungeon. You're extremely likely to fight Berserker when you fight the scythe wielding enemies. I found I would see Cerberus consistently on the fourth floor of a dungeon.
Monster ID 82 Dark Lord Evildeity. You can fight this guy at the end of True Dark Lord's Castle. when you fight the boss, don't crush him. Just beat him a bit. Eventually he will start a conversation where he transforms.
Monster ID 269-I have not found them yet. The two ids after Deste seem to be unfindable.
High Schooler
HP 59694
MP 9437
ATK 5950
DEF 2045 (LOWEST -tied with Haeti-)
MAT 2051
MDF 2051
AGI 4193
LUK 4211

veggie value:
adjusted value:
below average

Ability overview
Unique-She's always the first summon.

  • (One) High school Punch! (10)- confuses opponent, does about 9*ATK damage
  • (One) High school Combo! (10)- It seems stronger than 5 normal attacks in 1 per the description. According to my tests, her normal attacks do about 4*ATK, but her combo here does about 6-7*ATK per hit. So the total damage is a bit over 30*ATK.
  • (One) High schooler Spiral! (40)- 9 DEF ignoring attacks. Unlike Highschool combo, this appears to do normal attack damage 9 times. so roughly 36*ATK assuming all hit.
  • (All) High schooler Machinegun! (10)- Does about 6-7 times ATK, so it's higher than normal attacks, and does it 5 times to all enemies. So at least 30*number of enemies damage.
  • (One) High schooler Scream! (0)- Although the description says it restores 10TP, it actually restores 20, and it does about 6*ATK.
Final Verdict 4/5 (Glass cannon fighter with quality field clear, TP restore, and single target with CC.)
HP 81501
MP 14649
ATK 2088
DEF 2080
MAT 2077
MDF 2077
AGI 3180
LUK 3146
veggie Value
adjusted value
  • (All) Warm-Up Time! (30)- Grants a party Warm-up buff, permanently restoring TP for the battle
  • (All) Strategy Time! (30)- 5% HP and MP restore, with MAT boost
  • (One) Water Punch (10)- Attacks HP, MP, and it just gives it a MDF debuff. Deals about 9*ATK.
  • (All) (Water) Aquata Swim (20)- Does about 9*MAT to all enemies
  • (All) Independant Training (0)- Contrary to the description, it does not target "user" it targets all party memebers, buffs MDF and DEF.
Final Verdict 1/5 (There are better alternatives to everything she brings to the table. Unless you expect the fight to be very VERY long, I wouldn't bother using the first ability. I wouldn't characterize her as the worst because she does fill in a niche of being able to attack MP, restoring party tp and apparently being the only one able to do water damage, though what enemies this will harm more than ice, who can know? She also has a 0 cost partywide defensive buff. And although her stats are low, she has a huge pool of mana and high hp.)
HP 59266
MP 14691
ATK 2051
DEF 2116
MAT 2154
MDF 2103
AGI 3136
LUK 2147

veggie value:
adjusted value:

  • (One) Get Cursed (10)- curses a single opponent. A curse will deal 8% of the targets total HP per turn, on top of confusing them for 5 turns and lowering their accuracy. The strongest CC in the game.
  • (User) Mutter, Mutter (0)- Weirdly enough, the game lists this ability as targeting (One) and not (User) even though it only targets (User). Arguably the most powerful restore in the game. Curses self but restores HP/MP/TP. Can become immune to curse with Intellectual Clothes. If you don't have them, you can use a refresher to restore it, or win the fight itself. Also seems to lower speed to 0, as a negative priority move that will always go last.
  • (One) Bomb Curse (40)- Will do 20*MAT. If cursed, it will cure the curse, but multiply its damage by about 8-9 folds. So at least 160*MAT
  • (User) Devote (10)- Although the description says "greatly increase MAT" it seems to only give a standard 1.5 boost, like all normal MAT boosts.
  • (User) Convince Self (20)- Restores 5TP per turn and multiplies LUK by 5. The TP restoration is permanent for the battle
Final Verdict 6/5 (She might have awful stats, but she has insane abilities.)
HP 61500
MP 17862
ATK 2081
DEF 2060
MAT 3109
MDF 2142
AGI 4169
LUK 3141

veggie value:
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (User) Magic Body (20)- restores 10% of MP per turn (permanent buff)
  • (User) Magic Berserker (50)- Get 2 actions for 5 turns, but can't use Self-Skills
  • (User) Relax (30)- restores 30% max MP
  • (User) Brain Control (0)- restores 30 TP
  • (All) Strega Meteo (100)- 90*MAT to all enemies

Final Verdict 4.5/5 (Ideal mage in almost every way.)
HP 67756
MP 11519
ATK 2093
DEF 2073
MAT 2070
MDF 2085
AGI 3149
LUK 3145

veggie value:
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Potions for all (20)- restores 30% HP, boosts LUK, DEF, MDF for 5 turns
  • (One) Very Special Potion (15)- restores 60% HP, boosts LUK, DEF, MDF for 5 turns
  • (One) Super Very Special Potion (30)- restores 100% HP, boosts LUK, DEF, MDF for 5 turns, uses PRIORITY (so her AGI will be boosted to 4k for this ability)
  • (User) Gather, Gather (0)- restores 5% of HP and 30 TP
  • (All) Highly Effective Herbs (30)- Everyone gains max hp (30% of total) gain 10% hp regen and boosts MDF, DEF, and LUK for 5 turns. This buff stacks to the extent max hp increases to 3.2 times.
Final Verdict 3.5/5 (Quality defense/healing specialized support unit.)
HP 64608
MP 9470
ATK 2147
DEF 2053
MAT 2128
MDF 2049
AGI 5210
LUK 2155

veggie value:
Adjusted value:
above average

Ability overview
  • (User) Conceal (0)- lowers ATK to 0, but increases evasion against magic and physical attacks
  • (One)Assass Innate (20)- instant kill, but some enemies (bosses) are immune. Even when immune, it'll dish out about 25*ATK
  • (All) Gleaming Ball (10)- inflicts darkness on all enemies
  • (User) Absolute Shadow (30)- Grants the absolute shadow buff for the duration of the battle. The only part of this ability's description that's true is the agi bonus. It says you gain +2 actions, but this only means you gain 2 extra attacks upon auto-attacking. From my tests you don't actually seem to get 100% accuracy. You instead get 100% critical hits on attacks, I've found I miss occasionally with this.
  • (User) Killing Intent (10)- Gives a bonus to ATK
Final Verdict 2.5/5 (Low damage, with a skill that doesn't work against enemies you need it to. But at least she has ok CC.)
HP 72079
MP 13631
ATK 2070
DEF 2055
MAT 2097
MDF 2102
LUK 4202

veggie value:
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
Note: Her buffs stack with lowered returns. According to the wiki, it's 2.6->4->5.
Her immediate buffs are the strongest party raising stats available, though.
  • (All) Lucky Princess! (0)- increases LUK for all party members (260%)
  • (All) Destructive Princess! (0)- increases ATK for all party members (260%)
  • (All) Protective Princess! (0)- increases DEF for all party members (260%)
  • (All) Soothing Princess! (30)- 30% HP recovery to all party members
  • (All) Healthy Princess (10)- Party-wide cure for all ailments

Final Verdict 2.5/5 (Immediate fantastic party buffs, but not versatile enough, only works with a few party comps against specific enemies, the most important stat a party buffer can have is speed, and hers is abysmal)
HP 53004
MP 16836
ATK 2066
DEF 2131
MAT 2127
MDF 2102
AGI 3171
LUK 3189

veggie value:
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (User) All-Nighter (20)- increases MAT, but induces darkness (250% boost)
  • (User) Art of War (15)- increases ATK, but induces silence (250% boost)
  • (All) Communication Skills (20)- boosts all stats
  • (User) How to Avoid Disease (10)- Cures all ailments
  • (All) Talk Your Head Off (20)- Stuns and damages (~11*MAT) all foes and heals user by half. Ignores defense. Although the japanese wiki says it's based on ATK, I noticed it only scales with MAT. However it does work as a physical attack nonetheless, so if you let her be induced with darkness use her ability How to Avoid Disease in order to cure it.

Final Verdict 4.5/5 (Incredibly versatile. Huge support value as she boosts every stat in the party including max MP and HP.)
HP 63662
MP 13626
ATK 2105
DEF 2074
MAT 2125
MDF 2118
AGI 3181
LUK 4191

veggie value: 715.212
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Wax Philosophical (10)- AoE flat 9999 damage and confusion
  • (User) Counseling (10)- increases ATK and DEF by 100%
  • (All) Heart Seal (20)- lowers all stats of all enemies
  • (All) All in the Mind (10)- Poisons all foes flat AoE 9999 damage
  • (All) Sleep Easy(20)- All foes sleep, flat 9999 damage

Final Verdict 4.5/5 (She's probably the best early game antimob, but even in the late game her AoE CC helps a lot, combined with her outstanding LUK she'll make things easier. She offers another bonus niche, and that's lowering all enemies' stats.)
HP 66720
MP 11548
ATK 2099
DEF 2115
MAT 2056
MDF 2091
AGI 3207
LUK 4224

veggie value:
Adjusted value:

Ability overview
Her theft is based on her LUK stat. If you want to see what items she steals, look in the beastiary at the pub, on the haremancer's desk. It will be the item drops.
  • (All) Item Steal (10)- tries to steal an item from all enemies, defense ignoring damage, theft can be successful even if the attack misses. Deals around 17*ATK
  • (One) Stamina Steal (20)- Drains HP from an enemy. Will drain exactly the same amount you've done in damage -10000, in some cases rounding errors lower this value to 999. Deals about 9*ATK
  • (One) Mana Steal (20)- Drains MP from an enemy. Drains the exact damage dealt, but only deals about 5*ATK
  • (One) Time Steal (40)- Stuns a single target, deals a colossal 80*ATK?!?
  • (User) Steal yourself (0)- restore 50 tp and increase AGI and ATK, the strongest self TP restore ability besides Dieh's mutter, mutter

Final Verdict 5/5 (Good against bosses, good against mobs, and good for keeping supplied. High LUK also helps CC, and restores her own tp for long dungeon raids.)
Cell Phony
HP 57260
MP 16782
ATK 2060
DEF 2097
MAT 2115
MDF 2121
AGI 3186
LUK 2156

Veggie value:


  • (User) Fake a Call (0)- Seems to increase MAT and MDF by about 1.6
  • (All) Live Stream (30)- Deals flat 9999 damage and stuns. It also lowers enemy MDF
  • (All) Let's Play (20)- Deals flat 9999 damage and silences. It also lowers enemy MDF
  • (User) Hysteria (0)- Doubles ATK, then randomly attacks enemies 5 times a turn. DEF and MDF are lowered to 5%. The raw damage if they all connect is 40*ATK. She cannot act in the way of using Self Skills or Magic or Guard during the time she's in this state
  • (All) Touch Type (20)- flat 9999 damage to all and inflicts darkness and lowers MDF
Final Verdict 4/5 (A versatile early game queen, with miserable LUK to balance out her amazing cc)
HP 95176
MP 9433
ATK 3112
DEF 2150
MAT 2059
MDF 2049
AGI 3146
LUK 3108

Veggie value: 34575
Adjusted: 13518


  • (User) Protect (10)- Automatically protect allies for 3 turns. It says "low on HP" but it seems to protect any ally at any time. Also increases DEF and MDF
  • (User) Provoke (10)- increases ATK and makes enemies more likely to hit her. Seems to increase ATK by 250%.
  • (User) Iron Defense (20)- greatly decreases physical damage
  • (User) The Best Defense (20)- Increase ATK and DEF
  • (One) Armor Break (30)- Defense ignoring Attack that lowers DEF of enemy it hits. Deos about 28*ATK from my tests (The japanese wiki says 40*ATK so I might've gotten unlucky with RNG, or she might've gotten nerfed.)
Final Verdict 4.5/5 (Her protect ability is extremely useful to party compositions early, and especially in the challenge tower. Unfortunately, she lacks the DEF and MDF to flawlessly pull this role off.)
HP 82592
MP 13629
ATK 2122
DEF 2119
MAT 2050
MDF 2056
AGI 5221
LUK 4219

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Berserker Roar (5)- increases ATK of all allies (~1.6) for 5 turns
  • (One) Whammo! (15)-13*ATK per hit, 3 hits, assuming all connect ~39*ATK
  • (Random One) Hryahhh! (30)- Same as Whammo!, except it attacks a random target and uses 6 attacks, not 3. Assuming all connect it should do ~78*ATK
  • (User) Put some heart into it! (10)- Recover 30TP and increase DEF ~(1.6)
  • (One) Mighty Blow (100)- It did ~120*ATK from my tests to a single target
Final Verdict 3.5/5 (Despite her low ATK considering her role, she is a competent fighter)
HP 69908
MP 15782
ATK 3113
DEF 2141
MAT 2142
MDF 2139
AGI 3197
LUK 3196

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Angel Heart (5)- Grants an "Angel Heart" buff to allies. 2% HP, 2% MP, and 2TP (permanent buff for the battle).
  • (User) Sadism (50)- Normal attack 10 times for 5 turns. (Each connected hit restores 8TP) Does exactly the standard normal attack damage (4*ATK) 10 times.
  • (All) Reflect Magic All (50)- Repels all magical attacks from the entire party for 1 turn, similar to the universal 20TP ability reflect magic.
  • (User) Heavenly Light (25)- Causes darkness, 8*ATK to all enemies
  • (One) Heavenly Drain (30)- ~12*ATK to a single target, drains exact damage-10000 from the enemy
Final Verdict 4/5 (A great example of a Jill of all trades, master of none. Still, even in her situation, a full party repel isn't something you'll get from any other girl.)
HP 51945
MP 15741
ATK 2131
DEF 2046
MAT 2071
MDF 2099
AGI 4256
LUK 5208

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Kitty Attack! (0)- Deals ~8*ATK to all enemies and stuns them for 1 turn
  • (All) Kitty Totter (20)- Increases evasion of all allies, even against spells
  • (User) Kitty Counter (30)- Her ATK will increase to 300% of its current value and she will use a regular attack against anyone who attacks her.
  • (User) Groom (0)- Increases ATK for 3 turns by about 1.5 (stacks with Kitty counter). Assuming both are stacked, should do about 21*ATK with normal attacks.
  • (All) Kitty Poison (10)- Deals ~8*ATK to all enemies and poisons them all. (High chance of poison). Poison does about 4% of enemies max hp. It lasts 5 turns, BUT you can stack this buff so it lasts 15 turns total. Oddly, this ability will never critically hit.
Final Verdict 4/5 (I would ordinarily give her a 5/5 for the first ability alone, yet despite her high LUK, this stun rarely seems to stick against bosses. Seems like it has a low success rate. Still, she has a great poison CC and high enough MP to act as a mage.)
Brawl Leader
HP 79419
MP 11578
ATK 3107
DEF 2093
MAT 2089
MDF 2061
AGI 4225
LUK 3125

veggie value: 35220
adjusted value: 13683

Fast+1 star

Ability overview
  • (One) Brass★Knux (5)- Deals ~4*ATK to a single target, ignoring defenses, and lowering both their MDF and DEF
  • (One) Brawler Punch (20)- Does ~40*ATK, but calculates the damage in a way that makes their DEF much higher.
  • (All) Knux★Cleaver (30)- Brass★Knux, but to all enemies instead
  • (All) Super Brawl Punch! (40)- Brawler Punch except to all enemies. Falsely lists itself as doing damage to (One), when it does (All)
  • (One) Knux★Machinegun (35)- Deals ~1*ATK to a single enemy, but ignores defense and stacks a lower DEF and MDF defbuff on a single enemy
Final Verdict 2.5/5 (I think the goal with her was someone able to lower an enemy's defense, then fight well against enemies with low defense. She's not quite a game changer, but has some value in certain parties that rely on physical attacks.)
HP 96233
MP 10480
ATK 4040
MAT 2052
MDF 3954
AGI 2187
LUK 2149

veggie value: 37536
adjusted value: 18816 (#1)

Fast+1 star

Ability overview
  • (All) Reload (10)- Recovers 10TP to all allies (including Robotta)
  • (User) Fortify (10)- Increases DEF
  • (One) Machinegun (15)- 7*ATK 9 times
  • (All) Machinegun Spray (25)- same as Machinegun but to all enemies
  • (All) Rocket Launcher (60)- ~80*ATK to all enemies
Final Verdict 5/5 (While she lacks CC, she has a great support ability [effectively 0 cost], has insanely high stats that puts the other girls to shame, extraordinary defense, and an ultimate that completely crushes bosses with mobs. Combos well with others.)
HP 64564
MP 11592
ATK 2114
DEF 2134
MAT 2105
MDF 3954
AGI 2187
LUK 2149

veggie value:
adjusted value: 14346

Ability overview
  • (All) At your service (10)- Recovers 10% HP and MP to all allies
  • (All) Get Some Medicine (20)- Revives fainted allies
  • (User) Iron Maid (10)- A stronger version of Schildt's move Iron Defense, but better. Increases MDF and DEF, same duration as well. Reminder, Iron Defense greatly lowers physical damage done
  • (All) Maid in Heaven (50)- Grants Iron Defense to all allies for 3 turns
  • (All) Maid and Claw (70)- ~80*ATK to all enemies, lowers all stats of enemies, except Max HP, MP and LUK.
Final Verdict 5/5 (Her bottom 2 abilities are outstanding in every case scenario. The first two abilities shine magnificently in the challenge tower, where you can't use items (low cost revive all to prevent your team from being wiped out and MP gain)
Prodigy Fencer
HP 72061
MP 14728
ATK 2118
DEF 2134
MAT 2047
MDF 2065
AGI 4229
LUK 3140

veggie value: 34691
adjusted value: 19416

Fast+1 star

Ability overview
  • (User) Hyperoptic Suit (Phys) (5)- Blocks all physical attacks for 2 turns
  • (User) Hyperoptic Suit (Mag) (5)- Blocks all magical attacks for 2 turns
  • (One) Prodigious Samidare (20)- 6 attacks in a row (12*ATK) but weaker against foes with high DEF. Deals Light damage.
  • (All) Prodigious Freeze (40)- Inverts the enemies DEF. Deals more damage against foes with high DEF. Testing this was difficult. The slimes in the pub took 2.5*ATK from it (lower than her regular attack.) Against Luciferga (108 DEF), it did ~17*ATK. Against Hecteyega (250 DEF) it did ~38*ATK
  • (All) Prodigious Thunder (60)- More damage the higher a foes HP. Against Luciferga it did 150*ATK when his hp was 750k. When it was 400k, she did 100*ATK. When it was 245k it did 55*ATK. If I had to guess, I'd assume it does roughly (enemies current HP/4000)*ATK
Final Verdict 4/5 (She scales well as an antiboss, and you'll notice her getting stronger as the game progresses. She also has really powerful defensive abilities. But still, I can't think of a situation I'd have preferred her over Carrot for damage dealing. Her large pool of mana should probably be only used for healer, because her MAT is too low.)
HP 63663
MP 15773
DEF 2077
MAT 2080
MDF 2079
AGI 3123
LUK 4242

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (One) Stare (50)- Arguably one of the strongest abilities in the game. Her speed boosts to 4k because of this move's "priority value" so she uses it quickly. It charms (stuns, really) the enemy for 2 turns, the turn you use it, and the immediate next turn. Deals flat 9999 damage too. There's an error in the description because it lasts 2 turns.
  • (All) Chaos Eye (10)- Confuses all enemies for 2 turns
  • (All) Silent Eye (10)- Silences all enemies for 2 turns
  • (All) Insight (0)- Gain 10TP and Huge LUK boost for 5 turns
  • (One) Laser Eye(10)- ~13*ATK and lowers enemy LUK by a large amount
Final Verdict 5/5 (Her first ability is bugged to be way, way stronger than it should be, her high luck supplements a success rate that puts other girls stuns to shame. Excellent antimob cc, excellent antiboss cc. This is your antiboss girl, she remains successful in every stage of the game, including against former glory.)
HP 84621
MP 10483
ATK 2139
DEF 3110
MDF 2148
AGI 2153
LUK 3123

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (One) Imprison (20)- Makes self unable to take any action for 2 turns (functionally 1) Heals 50% HP and 50% MP at the end of each turn, and becomes immune to all damage
  • (One) High Kick (20)- Highly likely to stun, deals about 22*ATK
  • (One) Handmade Pastry (10)- Flat heal against an enemy for 500 HP, but will very likely inflict poison
  • (User) Protection Pro (5)- Permanent buff that makes the guard command 3 times more effective. Also raises DEF for 5 turns.
  • (All)Stronghold (50)- reduces 10% of all damage for 10 turns. Arguably the weakest 50TP ability in the game
Final Verdict 4/5 (I've kinda revised my view on her. Normally she'd be a 3/5, simply because she's meant to be the group punchingbag, doesn't have an ability to get enemies to target her. She has a borderline useless ultimate, useless perma buff, but her imprison ability is amazing, especially in the challenge tower. Her high kick is also a great stun. Her lack of reliability can be mostly fixed if you buy C-Appeal for 350k tp. It's an expensive thing to buy, but it helps her do her job properly. Even so, I don't think she's as reliable as Schildt.)
Peace Lover
HP 65633
MP 9416
ATK 2146
DEF 2116
MAT 2064
MDF 2050
AGI 3170
LUK 4230

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (All) Peaceful Mind (50)- Allies MDF and DEF go up a large amount. According to the Japanese wiki, every turn for 5 turns the amount declines.
  • (All) Peace Sublimation (20)- Attack allies and grant them a 100% bonus to ATK. Increases TP by 1 per hit (3 expected hits) the ATK buff will stack
  • (One) Paci-Fist (40)- Deals approximately 25*ATK 3 times, with each giving a chance to paralyze. Ignores DEF also.
  • (User) Calm Palm (30)- Strike 9 times, but only does 1*ATK. Will also restore TP each hit. Functionally it does 2.5*her regular attack and will restore more tp. As long as she has 30TP there is no reason for her to normal attack.
  • (One)Stronghold (50)- Deals ~40*ATK to a single enemy and gives a debuff called "Peacefull Suppression" to seal its self-skills and magic for 2 turns, making it only regular attack.
Final Verdict 4.5/5 (A lot of her abilities are questionable. Yet, her damage to her own allies seems fairly low, the bonuses she gives is incredible, and Peaceful Suppression is incredibly powerful.)
HP 97313 (HIGHEST)
MP 3801
ATK 4973
DEF 2062
MAT 2062
MDF 2077
LUK 3092

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
  • (One) Sucker (10)- Deals about 20*ATK, restores damage equal to the damage dealt-10k. Has a chance of inflicting Anemia, which allows enemies to resist sucker, and slurpall. From tests it looks like the damage is reduced by 15%.
  • (All) Slurpall (20)- Sucker 3 times per enemy
  • (User) Mosqi Breathe (20)- Restores 10TP for 6 turns. Regarding the initial cost of this ability is 20 TP, it functionally restores 40 tp over 6 turns.
  • (User) Infight (0)- Gains 100% critical rate, but halfs MDF and DEF.
  • (User) Blood Bank (0)-At max level, her HP will go from 97313->1841894, doubling it for 5 turns. If it doesn't expire, you can use it again, increasing it to 272476->301670->311401 (3.2 times her max HP)
Final Verdict 4.5/5 (Good against mobs, good against bosses, high hp only mitigated by low defensive values. She can do just about everything you want, except she can't function well as a caster.)
HP 31545 (LOWEST)
MP 13674
ATK 2098
DEF 3043
MAT 2099
MDF 3047
AGI 5161
LUK 4158

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
Note: All cheer routines have the following effect: When first used it will heal all members of the party by 1*MAT. After, it will give Cherie a "cheering" debuff. Cheering causes Cherie to not be able to take any action while in effect. As long as she is both alive and the cheering debuff is in place, Cherie will take 10% max HP damage per turn. Her effects never benefit herself beyond the single minor HP heal at the start of her cheering routines.

  • (User) Break Time (10)- Recovers 10% HP and TP
  • (All) Go Go HP! (20)- Cheer Routine that causes all allies to restore 30% Max HP every turn.
  • (All) Go Go MP! (20)- Cheer Routine Restores 30% max MP for other members of the Party
  • (User) Go Go TP! (20)- Cheer Routine restores 30TP per turn to all other party members
  • (User) Cheer Up! (50)- Cheer Routine that gives all other members of the party 1 extra action
Final Verdict 5/5 (Despite having a microscopic amount of HP, she does have pretty sweet DEF and MDF. Because she can't use CC her high LUK value can only be used defensively. Still considering her role, she relies on that LUK a lot. Finally, her speed (which is exemplary) is the best stat for a support like this. She performs very well in the challenge tower and can be utilized well with other girls for exponentially useful effects.)
Hero's Daughter
HP 77943
MP 13672
ATK 2130
DEF 2115
MAT 2115
MDF 2085
AGI 4167
LUK 3141

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
Note: If her self-skills harm an enemy, it will restore 10TP each time, however, any miss results in no TP restore

  • (User) Daughter's Resolve (5)- Take 5% less damage for 1 turn. Buffs ATK and MAT for 5 turns.
  • (All) Regen (10)- Restores 5% HP for 10 Turns.
  • (One) Brave Slash (20)- 45*ATK to a single target and lowers AGI of the target by a large amount
  • (One) Break Hit (20)- ~10*ATK and causes darkness for 3 turns
  • (One) True Wind (100)- ~24*ATK 3 times, lowering MDF each time
Final Verdict 1/5 (A failed Jill of all trades, with some of the worst abilities in the game.)
HP 60358
MP 11538
ATK 4961
DEF 2045 (LOWEST -tied with Lara-)
MDF 2062
AGI 3124
LUK 3130

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (One) Darklorditis (10)- Gives an opponent Debuff Darklorditis. Confuses opponent for 5 turns, but raises their stats. Does no damage.
  • (One) Brainwash (20)- Gives a brainwash debuff. Causes enemies to only attack other enemies for 3 turns. Darklorditis will increase the likelihood of success, and be removed upon this debuff taking effect.
  • (All) Magic Suction (20)- deals flat 1HP damage, and drains MP. This will drain darklorditis foes at a higher rate, but keep in mind it's unaltered rate is already astronomically high.
  • (One) Flames of Hate (15)- Deals ~21% the current HP of the enemy.
  • (All) Crush Hate (10)- If the enemy has the Darklorditis debuff, it becomes "weak" to this ability, dealing about 2 times as much damage. Deals ~40*ATK (80 for debuffed with darklorditis)
Final Verdict 4.5/5 (Extraordinary stats with powerful CC and AoE. In a lot of ways she's a worse version of Dieh, but Dieh is still really op.)
HP 88658
MP 18516 (HIGHEST)
ATK 4949
DEF 3991
MAT 4947
MDF 3988
AGI 2155
LUK 2147

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (One) Moonlight (10)- Attack that ignores DEF but restores 1% of the enemies max HP. Against a 999,999 HP enemy, it will deal about ~65-86k damage (Max stats unequipped.) it should heal them 9,999 HP and it means the raw damage averages about 19-20*ATK before calculating the restore.
  • (One) Over Moon (20)- Exact same description but with a 5% heal, the game almost implies it's worse. However, against the same enemy the damage went to averaging at 117k. Assuming the heal is 49995, her raw damage should be ~40*ATK
  • (One) Over Earth (70)- Reduce all stats, slow. Attack occurs 3 times, debuffing each time. The debuffs will stack. Does regular attack damage.
  • (One) Star Ring (20)- Drains HP based on enemy ATK, then debuffs the enemy with ATK down. Against Luciferga (360 ATK). The first drain was 6088, (I presume, accounting for his DEF, it did ~20*Enemy ATK). The second hit after did roughly 4k, the third did 3113. Eventually after 6 hits it did exactly 1 damage. This can be considered a useful ATK debuff as it lowers it a large amount staking each time, but it's a fairly weak drain and damage ability. You have alternatives for this, (healing and using other attacks)
  • (All) Anth Hug (30)- Deals damage based on how high the enemy MDF is. 81726 to Luciferga (90 MDF) on the first hit. The second did 51 damage. I presume it does ~90*MDF and lowers MDF to 0, the minimal damage being RNG/base damage of the hit.
Final Verdict 4/5 (Very high stats, and functions well as a debuff unit, but her kit does not synergize very well, especially in the late game, where enemies have high HP. Also, only obtainable far into the late game. But she can function well as a jill of all trades and is effectively a superior Ralphina in every way.)
Buster Girl
HP 69811
MP 2839 (Lowest)
ATK 4996
DEF 3114
MAT 2047
MDF 2063
AGI 2170
LUK 5003

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
Her debuffs 2%, 3%, and 5% HP down can stack, adding up to 10% HP down a turn on an enemy.

  • (One) Yomi Buster (10)- 2% HP loss debuff for 10 turns, debuffs luck too, and deals 12*ATK
  • (All) Beatdown Buster (20)- Same effect of Yomi Buster, but targets all enemies.
  • (One) Yomi Slash (20)- 40*ATK and inflicts 3% HP down
  • (One) Yomi Power (10)- Heals 10% HP and increases attack by 1.5 times
  • (One) Yomi Combo (40)- 20*ATK attack 6 times, each time trying to inflict 5% HP down

Final Verdict 5/5 (Good AoE, good damage CC, percent hp damage, high raw damage, good stats. In a lot of ways she's basically Robotta, but maybe slightly more versatile at the cost of a bit of raw stats.)
Dark Lord Arue
Dark Lord
HP 96309
MP 16850
ATK 2135
DEF 2121
MAT 2140
MDF 2089
AGI 4194
LUK 3127

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (User) Commander (50)- Gives commander buff to self (reduces all damage to 1% for 5 turns)
  • (User) Blood of a Dark Lord (30)- High increase to AGI (2 times) and restore 60% HP and MP.
  • (All) Beheading Blade (30)- Chance of stun, does 24*ATK damage to all enemies
  • (User) Absolute Dark (30)- Increases ATK by 5 times and MTK by ~2 times
  • (User) Dark Lord's Respite (0)- Restore 20 TP and heal 5% HP.

Final Verdict 5/5 (Powerful Mage and Physical attacker as well as bulky enough to tank unit. Pretty good Jill of all trades, with useful CC.)
Spirit Queen
Queen of Spirits
HP 67795
MP 14729
ATK 2087
DEF 2075
MAT 3108
MDF 2093
AGI 5225
LUK 4172

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
At the beginning of every turn (besides the first), she has a unique passive. She will restore 1% max HP, 1% of MP, and 10TP. Her Self-Skills, upon hitting, will restore 6TP. All of her self skills, for the purposes of reflection, are strictly considered magic.

  • (One) Spirit Fire (50)- 65*MAT fire damage
  • (One) Spirit Ice (50)- 65*MAT ice damage
  • (One) Spirit Thunder (50)- 65*MAT thunder damage
  • (One) Spirit Saint (50)- 65*MAT light damage
  • (One) Spirit Shade (50)- 65*MAT dark damage

Final Verdict 3.5/5 (Although her stats are high, she's not particularly effective. Her high luck can only be used defensively due to no CC, Although her self-skills do high damage (most powerful scaling spells in the game), they only hit 1 unit. Comparatively the most powerful Magic skill "New Galaxy" does 60*MAT though it's AoE. She has no AoE, no CC, no buffs, she's a strictly offensive mage, and comparatively, others do her job better. Her unique passive, although interesting, doesn't benefit her in a way items wouldn't benefit other mages.)
Reaper Eyes
HP 40853 (2nd LOWEST)
MP 9241
DEF 2076
MAT 2136
MDF 2100
AGI 4251
LUK 2296

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (User) Reaper Eyes (50)- Gives a "Reaper Eyes" buff for 10 turns. Doubles ATK, +100% crit rate, silences self for 5 turns. Will also say she has been overtaken by madness for every turn this is active.
  • (All) HeadLess (20)- Like Ayame's Assassinate, might instant kill an enemy. Deals 20*ATK damage
  • (One) Imprisoned Body (50)- 8*ATK damage, 3 turn stun.
  • (One) Deadly Erina (50)- restores 100% of HP, gains the "deadly mode" buff. Deadly mode allows Erina to attack 6 times in a row for her regular attack.
  • (One) Sweet Deceit (10)- Deals a flat 9999 damage, and lowers DEF.
Final Verdict 4/5 (Powerful stun, great assassin alternative to ayame and fantastic antiboss, but simply too squishy survive well. Although her raw ATK is high, her abilities don't scale very well with it.)
HP 67709
MP 15775
ATK 2096
DEF 3108
MAT 2128
MDF 2056
AGI 4225
LUK 3206

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (All) Paranormal Activity (10)- Lowers all enemies MAT. Does exactly 9999 damage.
  • (One) Letter (20)- Gives a "Terror" debuff. Paralysis, 10% MP loss per turn, and lowered evasion
  • (All) Mirror (20)- Gives a "Mirror" buff. Nullifies all magic against the party. Nullification is treated as "miss."
  • (One) Hello? Hell... o? (20)- Gloom debuff + 9999 flat damage. Gloom lowers ATK to 1% for 5 turns.
  • (User) Immortal Might (50)- gains an "undying" buff. Restores HP 100% every turn for 5 turns, while in effect DEF and MDF are halved.
Final Verdict 5/5 (She might be another great early game unit available. Her early anti-mob ability doesn't scale well, but even then, she can lower a boss's ATK damage by 99%, then nullify all magic spells it might cast. She'll scale well, but is a game changer early. While her MAT is lacking, she can somewhat function as a mage, though its probably better for the spell for her to focus on using to be healer.)
Candy Lix
HP 60509
MP 14748
ATK 2077
DEF 2070
MAT 2138
MDF 2129
AGI 4233
LUK 4208

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
Unique: Will sell Stat increasing candy that restores MP or HP and increases their max. Will one time use final ability called "Cheat Candy" that can never be used again, offering a cheat buff

  • (One) Star Candy (40)- An ally gains a "Star" buff. Nullifies all attacks, physical and magical, for 3 turns. From my tests, this technically doesn't nullify, but lowers the damage dealt to 1hp.
  • (One) Sweet Candy (20)- Sweet buff to an ally: Restores 20% of HP and MP for 3 turns.
  • (All) Sweets for Everybody! (50)- Sweet Candy to all allies
  • (All) Sleep Candy(15)- Heals 500 HP to all enemies, causes them to sleep for 5 turns.
  • (One) Random Candy (20)- paralyzes a random enemy for 3 turns and poisons them for 15
  • (User) Cheat Candy (15)- Unlocked with random event for the duration of the battle, grants "cheating" buff. Buffs ATK, MAT, DEF, MDF by 3.2 times for 5 turns. Cheating reduces ALL damage to 1 for the duration of the battle AND restores all HP, MP, and TP every turn. Against the hidden boss in the otherworld, he could do no more than 1 damage on all his moves. He was able to debuff her stats and occassionally managed to do 500 damage, but no more than that. Ideally should be used against Deste, because she's the biggest challenge in the game.

Final Verdict 5/5
Full Swing
HP 62495
MP 9465
ATK 2060
DEF 2048
MAT 2052
MDF 2053
AGI 4263
LUK 5209

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview

  • (User) Evade Turn (0)- Grants herself the "Evader" buff with priority speed. Evade everything and gain +100% crit if you dodge
  • (User) Appeal (10)- Boosts every stat except HP and MP by ~1.5 also grants the Appeal buff: Become a likely target for 5 turns.
  • (One) Apil Combo (20)- restores 5TP per hit, deals 10*ATK per hit.
  • (One) Full Swing (40)- Priority, 40*ATK, very likely to stun for a single turn
  • (One) Meteor Swing (80)- Deals more damage based on her level. At 999, it will do between 570-830k damage from my tests. I assume it's ~500 times level with a lot of rng added.

Final Verdict 5/5
Red Witch
Red Witch
HP 80559
MP 17915
ATK 2058
DEF 2061
MAT 3112
MDF 2136
AGI 4203
LUK 4209

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview
Burn does 10% max HP damage a round

  • (One) Fire Attack (10)- 34*MAT, like Ayame's Assassinate, has a chance to kill a foe instantly. If it doesn't instant kill, can cause burn for 3 rounds
  • (User) Witch Bloodlust (20)- Permanently increases MAT by 3 times until end of battle
  • (User) Hee Hee Hee (20)- Increases MAT by 1.5
  • (User) MP Crush (10)- Restores MP by 30% for 5 turns, but activation lowers MP to 0
  • (All) Red Witch (30)- 13*MAT to all enemies, chance of burn for 3 rounds and instant kill to each one

Final Verdict 5/5
Patrol Corps
HP 62556
MP 10471
ATK 4891
DEF 2998
MAT 3995
MDF 3000
AGI 2181
LUK 3152

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview:
She gains 10TP a round automatically, and has a unique ability to resist CC

  • (One) Flame Rapier (20)- ~6*ATK twice, with fire attribute, ignores def
  • (One) Ice Rapier (30)- ~12*ATK twice, ice attribute, ignores def
  • (One) Thunder Rapier (40)-~16*ATK twice, lightning attribute, ignores def
  • (One) Light Rapier (50)- 24*ATK twice, light attribute, ignores def
  • (One) Dark Rapier (50)- 24*ATK twice, dark attribute, ignores def

Final Verdict 3.5/5 (A warrior version of Spirit Queen. High damage, but single target only, and no utility.)
HP 56185
MP 9403
ATK 3007
DEF 2063
MAT 2067
AGI 8020 (HIGHEST) (80119 with To the Point Equipped)
LUK 6175

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview:
Her TP abilities are based on her SPD stat, which is why obtaining the weapon "To the Point" is extremely important for her, as it increases SPD by 10 folds.

  • (One) Disaster (20)- ~22*SPD to one enemy
  • (All) Shock Arrow (30)- Chance to stun, only lasts 1 turn though, does 8*SPD damage to all enemies
  • (All) Land Shooting (40)-~12*SPD 5 times, to all enemies
  • (One) Aimed Shot (50)- 2*SPD damage, lowers DEF, hits 5 times
  • (All) Piercer (20)- 2*SPD 5 times, fire attribute, restores 1 TP every hit.

Final Verdict 5.5/5 (Another girl, completely breaking the balance with a single equipment. Still, even without it, her stats are WAY out of line in how op they are.)
I'm A Dark Lord
Evil's Daughter
HP 59434
MP 12636
ATK 2050
DEF 2152
MAT 2081
MDF 2136
AGI 2148 (Lowest)
LUK 5228

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview:

  • (User) Dark Daughter's Resolve (20)- buffs DEF for 5 turns and gain "Dark Daughter's Resolve" buff. Take 30% less damage for 1 turn
  • (All)Thoughtfulness (20)- restore 10TP to all allies and give them an 2.5 ATK buff for 5 turns
  • (All) Dark Lord Bomb (30)- Poisons foes for 12 turns (can stack up to 15 turns), 25*ATK to all enemies
  • (User) I'm on Break (0)- Restores 5TP and heals 10% HP with priority
  • (One) Substitute (100)- Does not have a buff attached, but will permanently (or until knockout) take damage in place of allies

Final Verdict 3.5/5 (A superior version of Ralphina in almost every way. The only ability she doesn't particularly need is dark daughters resolve. It's only useful for her to use if she uses Substitute. Substitute is a pretty useful ability, but has a problem of its own, she's not bulky enough. Her HP is way too low and her MDF and DEF isn't anything impressive. And her speed is microscopic. I'm on break also isn't very useful either. Having said that, her AoE Poison and Thoughtfullness ability are both incredibly useful. Her poison is almost certain to stick due to her high LUK, and her 2.5 buff is a superior version of Hauyune's buff.)
Ancient Warrior
HP 94137
MP 10499
ATK 2158
DEF 2050
MAT 2060
MDF 2045
AGI 4159
LUK 4241

veggie value:
adjusted value:

Ability overview:

  • (One) Wulff (30)- ~27*ATK, Fire attribute
  • (All) Zehle (80)- Recover 40TP and flat 100HP to all allies. It also restores TP and HP to herself, making the end of turn cost 40.
  • (User) Odem Luft (0)- Restores 15 TP to herself, contrary to the description it doesn't target (one) it targest user
  • (One) Windhose (10)- 12*ATK, chance to confuse. Perhaps it's a bug, but it does not seem to cause dizzy
  • (One) Spiegel (40)- gain the "Spiegel" buff for one turn with priority. Repels all magical and physical attacks

Final Verdict 1/5 (Her kit just doesn't mesh well, low damage, costly healing. The only thing she'd add is immediate high TP restore and single target confusion, but careful planning would make it pointless. She's effectively obsolete by comparatively to the other girls)
Best Girl

Dieh is simply OP beyond measure. Her Curse ability is the strongest CC in the game. It does 2 times the damage of poison every turn, confuses the enemy and lowers their accuracy. This curse lasts 5 turns. If she's low on any stat she can restore them all, and avoid a curse with intellectual clothes. It's the greatest single target heal in the game and she gives it to Ralph as an ability.

But wait! Aren't her stats really low?

Yes! She has some of the lowest stats of any mage. Her MAT is a joke. But she has some of the best abilities in the game.

You guys think I'm overestimating her?

She can SOLO the challenge tower. I'm not kidding.

I equipped her with MAT+, To the Point (so she'd always strike first), and Intellectual clothes. Every Battle she could execute an entire party with the spell "New Galaxy." When she ran low on MP, I pre-emptively attacked the enemies to get a free turn. Using that free first turn I used "Mutter, Mutter" and restored all mp. Then I used New Galaxy and wiped them out repeatedly.

At her max stats, it's not 100% guaranteed, but she can with relative consistency curse bosses. After that she could rocket punch away, or if I was feeling particularly lazy, just use auto battle. The whole game is easy mode with her. It almost feels like cheating. The one thing that seems to minimally balance her is her low luck. But she just explodes it up 5 times and wins the game.
Worst Girl

I like her as a character, but she really adds nothing to a party.
She seems to want to be a Jill of all trades, but ends up being too much of nothing.

Her HP, MP, and AGI are a bit over average.

Her stats are low other than that.

In the late game, debuffing AGI is borderline meaningless. Only priority enemy moves will reach 4k AGI, and most will never reach that. Ralphina herself, for instance gets over 4k AGI, so she can only use this to benefit the other 3 members of her party.

Her "Daughter's Resolve" grants a joke of 5% damage reduction for an entire 1 turn, then gives her a minor 1.5 ATK buff.

Her Regen heals 5% max HP for 10 Turns! It's not even the highest support heal buff. Felice has Herbified which gives 10% Max HP per turn and that same ability heals 30% max hp... so it does effectively 80%+ of that ability in one turn, and over 5 turns does 120%.

Again 5% HP regen... it's too small. If you have a competent mage, they could simply cast healer. If you need a regen, you're far better off with Felice or Even Hauyne.

Her ultimate ability, true wind, is extremely weak comparatively. The only upside to it is the minimal TP you regain from the strike and MDF down. It might do 72*ATK to a single target assuming each attack sticks, it doesn't even pierce defense.

To put this in perspective, look at Carrot. Her first basic ability does ~22*SPD. Her Max SPD is ~8k naturally. That means she will get 170k+ damage on a 20TP ability without her balance breaker weapon.

Ralphina's attack is an abysmal 2k. assuming all 3 attacks stick, she'll do about 140k. On a 100TP ability. Oh but she'll regain 30? So I guess it's maybe a 70TP ability? It's still extremely expensive and doesn't deal the damage she needs it to.

But let's look at another thing she can do. She has a very high amount of Mana and she has an MDF down ability. So I assume after True wind, she's expected to start spell slinging. But even in that case? She has poor MAT. You're much better off with a competent mage.

But wait! She can repeatedly lower enemy MDF in one turn! Who can do that better?

Anth can reduce it to 0. But ok... Anth comes late. Lenna can do that 9 times in a turn. It also lowers DEF and ignores DEF. Lenna has about 50% more raw ATK than her. Although her final ability only does 9*ATK, it only costs 35TP.

She doesn't perform well as a Warrior, a Mage, or a support. She doesn't offer a good enough debuff to enemy stats. She adds borderline nothing that other members don't add better. Her HP is over-average, but her low MDF and DEF make her struggle to achieve bulkiness needed to withstand damage. Her abilities cost too much TP and offer little in return.

Objectively speaking she's pretty bad. If you get her early in the game she'll have one real function: to be whatever another party member could be better. She can be a substitute for any role, but she won't do a very good job with that role.

Deste is probably a runner up here.
Lesser Spells
MP Cost
Bonus effect
Gold Cost
Heal II
Heal III
Has corresponding attribute
Fire/Ice/Thunder II
Has corresponding attribute
Has corresponding attribute, targets all enemies
Spark/Blizzard/Flame II
Has corresponding attribute, targets all enemies
Has corresponding attribute
Has corresponding attribute, targets all enemies

Greater Spells
MP Cost
Bonus effect
Gold Cost
Fire/Thunder/Ice III
Has corresponding attribute
Fire/Thunder/Ice IV
Has corresponding attribute
Saint/Shade II
Has corresponding attribute
Saint/Shade III
Has corresponding attribute
New World
New Galaxy
Non elemental, targets all enemies
Town Spells
Note: All town spells are considered physical attacks, and because of this, they can naturally miss and critically hit.
MP Cost
Bonus effect
Gold Cost
stuns for 2 turns
Guard Break
Priority speed (4000 SPD), lowers MDF and DEF
Straight Punch
Ignores DEF
Rocket Circle
Punch Down
Lowers ATK and MAG of target, priority speed (4000)
Burn Shot
3*ATK per hit
Hits 3 times as a physical attack

Other Spells
Other spells are spells available for you to use in one way or another, but aren't buyable from the shop.
MP Cost
Bonus effect
Only full party heal spell usable by the main cast
found from a town event with an old woman
Healer II
Only other full party heal spell
Only usable by Slime monster in the monster Colosseum
Wind attribute
Only usable by Slime monster in the monster Colosseum
Wind attribute, targets all enemies
Only usable by Slime monster in the monster Colosseum
1/6th of target Max HP
Revives all fainted party members
Only usable by Shiva monster in the monster Colosseum
Earth attribute
Only usable by Orc monster in the monster Colosseum
Earth attribute, targets al
Only usable by Orc monster in the monster Colosseum
Water attribute, targets all enemies
Only usable by Sahagin monster in the monster Colosseum
Wave II
Water attribute, targets all enemies
Only usable by Sahagin monster in the monster Colosseum
Darkness III
Dark attribute, targets all enemies
Only usable by Gazer monster in the monster Colosseum
STAT down and ups usually stack about 5 times, with them being lowered to about 20% their max value or increased up to 500% of their normal max value.

Max MP and HP have the same effect, except it can only be increased to 3.2 times and reduced to ~33%

    Effect: Enemy units will target both players and enemies, including themselves.Usable by:
    • Lara
    • Yumel (All enemies)
    • Deste
    • Haeti
    • Iris (All enemies)

    Effect: 8% of the enemy's HP per turn, confuses them, and lowers their accuracy.Usable by:
    • Dieh

    Effect: Lowers physical attack accuracy.Usable by:
    • Ayame (All enemies)
    • Sakia (self)
    • Selphie (All enemies)
    • Holly (All enemies)
    • Ralphina

    Effect: Unable to use magic.Usable by:
    • Sakia (self)
    • Selphie (All enemies)
    • Iris (All enemies)
    • Erina (self)

    Effect: Prevents an action, seems to have a low success rate.Usable by:
    • Sakia (All enemies)
    • Liv
    • Selphie (All enemies)
    • Priscilla (high success rate)
    • Dark Lord Arue (All enemies)
    • Erina (3 turns)
    • Apil (high success rate)
    • Camilla (All enemies, low success rate, 0 TP cost)
    • Carrot (All enemies)
    • All characters who learn Feint spell from the town spell shop

    Effect: 4% of max HP per turn, can last up to 15 turns if stacked.Usable by:
    • Yumel (All enemies)
    • Kitty Poison (All enemies, highly likely to work, but will only last 5 turns)
    • Priscilla (heals 500 HP, but very likely to work)
    • Candy Lix (15 turns, random target)
    • I'm a Dark Lord (adds 12 turns)

    Effect: Enemy effectively stunned but can be woken up with an attack.Usable by:
    • Candy Lix (All enemies, but heals them for 500 HP)
    • Yumel (All enemies)

    Effect: Same effects as a stun.Usable by:
    • Candy Lix (random, restores 500 HP)
    • Harmony (ignores DEF)

    Effect: Effectively a stun, lasts 2 turns.Usable by:
    • Iris

    Effect: Enemies with this ailment will only attack other enemies for 3 turns.Usable by:
    • Haeti

2% HP Down
    Effect: Lose 2% of HP per turn.Caused by:
    • Yomi (One) and (All)

3% HP Down
    Effect: Lose 3% of HP per turn.Caused by:
    • Yomi

5% HP Down
    Effect: Lose 5% of HP per turn.Usable by:
    • Yomi

    Effect: Paralysis, 10% MP loss per turn, and lowered evasion.Usable by:
    • Akari

    Effect: ATK is lowered to 1% for 5 turns.Usable by:
    • Akari

    Effect: 10% of max HP per turn.Usable by:
    • Red Witch (One) and (All enemies)
    Effect: Restores a small amount of TP every turn permanently (5 TP).Usable by:
    • Aquata (All allies)

Convincing Self
    Effect: Gain 5 TP per turn permanently.Usable by:
    • Dieh

Magic Body
    Effect: Restores 10% of MP per turn permanently.Usable by:
    • Strega

    Effect: 10% max HP regen per turn.Usable by:
    • Felice (AoE)

Iron Defense
    Effect: Decreases all physical damage taken.Usable by:
    • Schildt (Self)
    • Lilia (All allies) other ability (Self, and increases MDF and DEF)

    Effect: Guards all allies from harm.Usable by:
    • Schildt

Angel Heart
    Effect: 2% HP, MP, and TP restored permanently.Usable by:
    • Holly (All allies)

Reflect Magic
    Usable by:
    • Holly (All allies)
    • All allies have this ability for 20 TP on self

Kitty Totter
    Effect: Evasion is increased, even against spells for 10 turns.Usable by:
    • Cammy (All allies)

Kitty Counter
    Effect: For 2 turns, gain 300% ATK, then attack anyone who attacks you. Also seems to prevent the attack.Usable by:
    • Cammy (Self)

Hyperoptic Suit (Phys)
    Effect: Blocks all physical attacks for 2 turns.Usable by:
    • Sion (Self)

Hyperoptic Suit (Mag)
    Effect: Blocks all magic attacks for 2 turns.Usable by:
    • Sion (Self)

Protection Pro
    Effect: Permanently makes guard command 3 times more effective.Usable by:
    • Priscilla

    Effect: 10 turns, reduces all damage by 10%.Usable by:
    • Priscilla

Daughter's Resolve
    Effect: Takes 5% less damage for 1 turn.Usable by:
    • Ralphina

    Effect: Restore 5% max HP per turn.Usable by:
    • Ralphina (All allies)

    Effect: Reduces all damage taken to 1%.Usable by:
    • Dark Lord Arue (Self)

Deadly Mode
    Effect: Attacks 6 times in a row in place of a regular attack.Usable by:
    • Erina (Self)

    Effect: Causes magic to miss the party.Usable by:
    • Akari (All allies)

    Effect: Evade anything, and the user gains 100% crit chance if she successfully evades.Usable by:
    • Apil (Self)

    Effect: Permanently increases MAT by 3 times until end of the battle.Usable by:
    • Red Witch (Self)

Dark Daughter's Resolve
    Effect: Takes 30% less damage for 1 turn.Usable by:
    • I'm a Dark Lord (Self)

    Effect: Permanently protects all allies.Usable by:
    • I'm a Dark Lord (Self)

    Effect: Repels all magical and physical attacks.Usable by:
    • Deste

    Effect: for 999 turns, become effectively invulnerable. All damage is reduced to 1, in rare cases it went as high as 500 and full heal tp mp and hp every turn. For the first 5 turns buff all stats to the max buffable amount (5 times for most stats, 3.2 times for mp and hp).Usable by:
    • Candy Lix (only 1 time for the game for herself)
Mixed buffs/debuffs
Magic Berserker
    Effect: 2 actions per turn, but can't use self-skills. Lasts 5 turns (effectively 4).Usable by:
    • Strega

    Effect: Doubles ATK stat, attacks 5 times per turn, but lowers DEF and MDF to 5%, and lose control; she will attack randomly for 5 turns.Usable by:
    • Selphie

    Effect: Unable to take action for 2 turns (effectively 1). Heals 50% max HP and MP each turn, immune to all damage.Usable by:
    • Priscilla

    Effect: The afflicted has lowered damage by about 15%, but also seems to be able to resist Sucker and Slurpall abilities.Caused by:
      Moski (One) and (All3)

    Effect: 100% critical rate, but MDF and DEF are halved.Usable by:
    • Moski (Self)

Cheer Routine
    Effect: Stuns self and heals 1MAT, but provides a passive effect every turn for 3 turns to all other members of the party, including:
      30% Max HP restore30% Max MP restore30 TP restore1 additional action
    • Causes Cherie to take 10% HP damage per turn

    Effect: Raises all stats, but confuses enemies, and makes them more vulnerable to other abilities of Haeti.Caused by:
    • Haeti

Reaper Eyes
    Effect: Silences self, but doubles attack and 100% critical hit rate for 5 turns.Usable by:
    • Erina (Self)

    Effect: Restore 100% of HP to self every turn, but halve MDF and DEF.Usable by:
    • Akari (Self)

MP Crush
    Effect: Lasts 5 turns, restores 30% of MP, but lowers current MP to 0.Usable by:
    • Red Witch (Self)
Strategies and ability comparisons
Cherie Strategies
Cheer Up! Is an incredible ability which can allow for exponentially useful options.
Here are a few options:

Sakia using communication skills 2 times per turn, with Yumel lowering enemy stats 2 times per turn using Heart Seal

Party buffers and enemy debuffers work well with this, as the stat bonuses will stack to an extent.

Multihit exponential options
  • Combine it with Strega's Magic Berserker to allow her to use 4 spells per turn with some of the highest MAT
  • Selphie's Hysteria to randomly attack 10 times per turn with doubled attack
  • Erina getting Deadly Mode Buff then Reaper Eyes to double attack and increase critical hit chance to 100% and hit 6 times per turn
  • Ayame gets 6 attacks per turn with 100% critical hit chance

Stacking %Max HP damage
As long as it's not the same ailment, the ailments will stack.
So Poison can potentially stack with curse, which brings the damage from 4% maxHP to (4+8)=12% per turn

The highest you can actually do is Curse with Dieh 8%, Burn with Red Witch 10%, Poison with yumel/candy lix, Priscilla, etc 4%. and lastly the Yomi abilities 5%+4%+3%. But the Yomi Abilities don't last for more than 1 turn, so you'll need to either throw out poison and throw in Cherie to let her use 2 abilities per turn either way there's a limit to how much you can do.

This would do 5+4+10+8=27% max HP per turn.

Stacking %Max HP Party regen abilities
You can combine buffs to heal, but the buffs themselves are a bit too small for this to be anything beyond a niche option. It takes a turn to set up and can work well with someone like akari who can raise Max HP up to 3.2 times and defensive stats up to 5 times, but I wouldn't be too confident in it
Ralphina's Regen can combine with Felice's Herbified and Candy Lix's Sweet buff.
5+10+20=35% max HP per turn.

Perma stun bosses
Bosses seem to have some kind of resistance to stun. They're not immune, but I'm guessing they've got some innate resistance. So instead of stunning... why not charm?
Iris can charm, which is effectively a stun bosses struggle to resist She also uses this ability with priority, so she'll go first when using it. And because it's bugged, it'll work for 2 turns, not 1. Combine her with Cheri's TP cheer and you'll have a method to re-use this ability constantly, and if you buff her LUK with her own ability her odds of success using this ability will be even higher.

Ability comparisons
I compare very similar abilities of characters here.

Daughter's Resolve vs Dark Daughter's Resolve
Daughter's resolve- costs 5 tp, takes 5% less damage for 1 turn, and buffs MAT and ATK for 5 turns

Dark Daughter's Resolve- costs 20TP, takes 30% Less damage and buffs DEF for 5 turns.

This is an odd situation. I personally don't value the 5% damage reduction at all. Each move by default costs a turn to use and lowering a hit from 1000 damage to 950 damage isn't really worth it, nor is lowering it from 1000 to 700 either. So I value the damage reduction very low, and the TP cost very steep. What matters now is the buffs. Daughter's resolve gives 2 buffs that don't particularly mesh well with her kit or the defensive ability, while DDR kinda does. DDR seems like she's meant to benefit from the def while protecting allies with substitute, While Ralphina is intended to use this, then hopefully have 100TP to use True Wind, then use spells until she needs to, once again use Daughter's Resolve. I'd say neither move is particularly useful, but I'd give Ralphina the slight advantage because her TP cost is lower.

Buffs vs Debuffs?
It's better to debuff your enemies than to buff your allies. The reason for this: if your allies die, you can revive them without buffs, but when your enemies die, they won't come back. So killing enemies is better than keeping allies alive. The turn economy is also pretty harsh, it's better to revive your allies out of combat if you can rather than worry about them living through the fight.

So Yumel's enemy debuff is better than Sakia's party buff

Best Party Healer?
Ralphina's Regen vs Hauyune's Healthy Princess vs Felice's Highly Effective Herbs and Potions for All, Lilia's At your service, and Aquata's Strategy time

Felice's Highly Effective Herbs 30TP is the best of these. It doesn't just give 10% HP Regen and an immediate 30% HP restore, it also offers a stacking MDF DEF and LUK buff, making the enemies have difficulty doing damage and causing debuffs against your entire team.
Felice's Potions for All 20 TP has the same effect without herbified, there's no 10% restore buff, so use this when you're already herbified.
Hauyune's Soothing Princess 30TP is just a bad version of Felice's ability. It grants a 30% heal and that's it.
Candy Lix is another huge bonus of 20% HP per turn.
Ralphina's Regen is the second highest Max HP Regen in the game and lasts 10 turns and costs 10 tp. Still 5% hp isn't much, the meta demands a lot of damage/healing all at once. I'd consider it ineffective but not entirely useless. You're probably better off using the healer spell with her.
Aquata's Strategy time heals only 10% at the cost of 30TP. The only upside is the MAT boost. I'll rank this the lowest.

Felice is your best option for a healer, spam potions for all and your team will become tanks that don't even need to be healed.

Best Assassin?
Red Witch, Erina, Ayame, can all assassinate enemies.

Red Witch is the best. She has 4209 LUK, so she has the best chance of succeeding. Even if she fails, her assassinate abilities can burn the enemies for 10% max hp and can be done against all enemies
Erina has a low LUK of 2296, and can be done against all.
Ayame is sadly the worst assassin despite being the only assassin. Her LUK is 2155.

So to categorize it:

Red Witch has the best odds of assassinating, 2nd best raw damage, and has a chance of very good status ailment damage if the assassination fails. 34*3112 for 1 and 13*3112 for all +10% max HP damage for 3 rounds.

Erina has the second best chance, and does 20*6890 to all enemies (best raw damage) even if it fails.

Ayame does 25*2147 to one enemy if her assassination fails, and her odds of failure are the highest.

I rate red witch the best, ayame the worst.
Debug Mode Fun

You can actually get "King of Evil" back into your party via cheating/debugging. He has the unique spell "Raise"
And his unique TP skill which is roughly the same as the maid skill equivalent that revives the whole party, except it's a little bit better.

He has a crown, master bracelet, quality clothes, and a cross sword equipped.

His raw stats (unequipped) are
ATK 1381
DEF 551
MAT 1381
MDF 551
AGI 1104
LUK 1104

And yes, you can give him veggies to blow his stats up 1k points. He does not seem to learn any abilities though.

The secret unlocked "girl" starts off at Level 1 with the stats
HP 421
MP 89
ATK 17
DEF 16
MAT 15
MDF 15
AGI 54
LUK 54

She levels up exactly like Carrot too.
To do
-look through game files for ways to complete the beastiary/item list
-list items, effects. and equipment
-ailment list fix the formatting for the list
-I still need to complete the stat averages and level up the king of evil as well, and finally fix some estimates for their stat averages.

Hope you guys enjoyed the guide.
Knight  [author] 4 Jul, 2024 @ 5:15pm 

Thanks I just updated it
NerdLord2nd 4 Jul, 2024 @ 2:11am 
One thing that has either changed since this guide was made or is not mentioned, the "mutter mutter" ability of Dieh has a negative priority meaning it will always go last in turn order.