Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

35 ratings
Killer Builds (September 2023)
By mirosubi
This guide is currently a HEAVY work in progress, but it will eventually feature some semi-decent builds for ALL killers. Soon after any changes to perks are made, the guide may or may not be edited. Please keep in mind these are all opinion based sets, and you are free to change them however you may choose. Most builds sourced from, all put in one guide (and tested by me) for simplicity
I think we did a pretty good job so far
The Trapper
Beginner Trapper
  • Brutal Strength (The Trapper)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Trapper
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Hex: Haunted Ground (The Spirit)
  • Hex: Undying (The Blight)

Best Perks
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Call Of Brine (The Onryō)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Wraith
Beginner Wraith
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers

Good Wraith
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Infectious Fright (The Plague)
  • Jolt

Good Gen Regression Wraith
  • Brutal Strength (The Trapper)
  • Overcharge (The Doctor)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Call of Brine (The Onryō)

Wraith Best Perks
  • No Way Out (The Trickster)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)
  • Call of Brine (The Onryō)
The Hillbilly
Beginner Hillbilly
  • Tinkerer (The Hillbilly)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Hillbilly
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (The Onryō)
  • Bitter Murmur

Hillbilly Best Perks
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Nurse
Beginner Nurse
  • A Nurses Calling (The Nurse)
  • Thanatophobia (The Nurse)
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Whispers

Good Nurse
  • A Nurses Calling (The Nurse)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Bitter Murmur

Good Anti-Boon Nurse
  • Hex: Plaything (The Cenobite)
  • Hex: Pentimento (The Artist)
  • Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt
  • Shattered Hope

Nurse Best Perks
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • No Way Out (The Trickster)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (The Onryō)
The Shape
Beginner Shape
  • Play With Your Food (The Shape)
  • Save The Best For Last (The Shape)
  • Fearmonger
  • Jolt

Good Shape
  • Tinkerer (The Hillbilly)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death 

Good Chase Shape
  • Play With Your Food (The Shape)
  • Bamboozle (The Clown)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)

Best Shape Perks
  • Bamboozle (The Clown)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • No Way Out (The Trickster)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Nemesis)
  • Call of Brine (The Onryō)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
The Hag
Beginner Hag
  • Hex: The Third Seal (The Hag)
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers

Good Hag
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Agitation (The Trapper)
  • Make Your Choice (The Pig)
  • Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine

Hag Best Perks
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • A Nurse's Calling (The Nurse)
  • Save The Best For Last (The Shape)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
The Doctor
Beginner Doctor
  • Overcharge (The Doctor)
  • Jolt
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers

Good Anti-Boon Doctor
  • Hex: Haunted Ground (The Spirit)
  • Hex: Undying (The Blight)
  • Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt
  • Shattered Hope

Good Hex Doctor
  • Overcharge (The Doctor)
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Hex: Undying (The Blight)
  • Hex: Thrill of The Hunt

Doctor Best Perks
  • Overcharge (The Doctor)
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Hex: Undying (The Blight)
  • Jolt
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers
The Huntress
Beginner Huntress
  • Hex: Huntress Lullaby (The Huntress)
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Jolt
  • Shattered Hope

Good Gen Regression Huntress
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Overcharge (The Doctor)
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)

Good Tracking Huntress
  • Iron Maiden (The Legion)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (The Onryō)
  • Darkness Revealed (The Dredge)

CoconutRTS Huntress
  • A Nurse's Calling (The Nurse)
  • BBQ & Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)

Huntress Best Perks
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Darkness Revealed (The Dredge)
  • Jolt
The Cannibal
Beginner Cannibal
  • Franklin's Demise (The Cannibal)
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Cannibal
  • Save The Best For Last (The Shape)
  • Monitor and Abuse (The Doctor)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Coup de Grace (The Twins)

Cannibal Best Perks
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Monitor and Abuse (The Doctor)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Whispers
The Nightmare
Beginner Nightmare
  • Blood Warden (The Nightmare)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Nightmare
  • Nemesis (The Oni)
  • Dead Man's Switch (The Deathslinger)
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)

Nightmare Best Perks
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Scourge Hook: Gift Of Pain (The Cenobite)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Pig
Beginner Pig
  • Make Your Choice (The Pig)
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Pig
  • Save The Best For Last (The Shape)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)
  • Jolt

Best Pig Perks
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Clown
Beginner Clown
  • Pop Goes The Weasel (The Clown)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
  • Whispers

Good Clown
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Hex: Undying (The Hag)
  • Hex: Haunted Ground (The Spirit)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)

Clown Best Perks
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt
The Spirit
Beginner Spirit

Good Spirit

Spirit Best Perks

The Legion
Beginner Legion

Good Legion

Legion Best Perks

The Plague


Best Perks

The Ghost Face
Beginner Ghost Face
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Thrilling Tremors (The Ghost Face)
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers

Good Ghost Face
  • Thrilling Tremors (The Ghost Face)
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Fearmonger
  • Jolt

Good Chase Ghost Face
  • Enduring (The Hillbilly)
  • Pop Goes The Weasel (The Clown)
  • Spirit Fury (The Spirit)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)

Good Tracking Ghost Face
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Infectious Fright (The Plague)
  • Whispers

Ghost Face Best Perks
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Hex: Ruin (The Hag)
  • Infectious Fright (The Plague)
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Demogorgon
Beginner Demogorgon
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Jolt
  • Sloppy Butcher
  • Whispers

Good Demogorgon
  • Enduring (The Hillbilly)
  • Tinkerer (The Hillbilly)
  • Spirit Fury (The Spirit)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)

Demogorgon Best Perks
  • Enduring (The Hillbilly)
  • Hex: Devour Hope (The Hag)
  • Spirit Fury (The Spirit)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Oni
Beginner Oni

Good Oni

Oni Best Perks

The Deathslinger
Beginner Deathslinger

Good Deathslinger

Deathslinger Best Perks

The Executioner
Beginner Executioner
  • Trail of Torment (The Executioner)
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Fearmonger
  • Whispers

Good Executioner
  • Blood Warden (The Nightmare)
  • Hex: Haunted Ground (The Spirit)
  • No Way Out (The Trickster)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death

Executioner Best Perks
  • Trail of Torment (The Executioner)
  • Tinkerer (The Hillbilly)
  • A Nurse's Calling (The Nurse)
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)
  • I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist)
  • Jolt
  • Whispers
The Blight
Beginner Blight

Good Blight

Blight Best Perks

The Twins
Beginner Twins

Good Twins

Twins Best Perks

The Trickster
Beginner Trickster

Good Trickster

Trickster Best Perks

The Nemesis
Beginner Nemesis
  • Eruption (The Nemesis)
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Jolt

Good Nemesis
  • Enduring (The Hillbilly)
  • Save The Best For Last (The Shape)
  • Hex: Crowd Control (The Trickster)
  • Dissolution (The Dredge)

Nemesis Best Perks
  • Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)
  • Surveillance (The Pig)
  • Discordance (The Legion)
  • Merciless Storm (The Onryō)
  • Jolt
The Cenobite
Beginner Cenobite
  • Deadlock (The Cenobite)
  • Hex: Plaything (The Cenobite)
  • Whispers
  • Sloppy Butcher

Good Cenobite
  • Franklin's Demise (The Cannibal)
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown)
  • Trail of Torment (The Executioner)
  • Hoarder (The Twins)

Cenobite Best Perks
  • Hex: Plaything (The Cenobite)
  • Barbecue and Chili (The Cannibal)
  • Hoarder (The Twins)
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death
  • Whispers
The Artist
Beginner Artist

Good Artist

Artist Best Perks

The Onryō
Beginner Onryō

Good Onryō

Onryō Best Perks

The Dredge
Beginner Dredge

Good Dredge

Dredge Best Perks

The Mastermind
Beginner Mastermind

Good Mastermind

Mastermind Best Perks

The Knight
Beginner Knight

Good Knight

Knight Best Perks

The Skull Merchant
Beginner Skull Merchant

Good Skull Merchant

Skull Merchant Best Perks

The Singularity
Beginner Singularity

Good Singularity

Singularity Best Perks

The Alien
Beginner Alien

Good Alien

Alien Best Perks

asyashi 29 Jul, 2023 @ 1:45am 
a lot of these builds are very questionable
akutle 28 Jul, 2023 @ 12:42am 
i would also agree with @LEonad, most of otz builds are really decent and good for killers that are new and experienced alike
akutle 28 Jul, 2023 @ 12:40am 
damn thats a lot of blank space, keep up the good work! for wesker i've found that a good pentimento + plaything build goes a long way (and adding perks like corrupt intervention, starstruck, bamboozle, etc)
mirosubi  [author] 27 Jul, 2023 @ 4:09pm 
YO im fuckin stupid thank you
tate 27 Jul, 2023 @ 1:03pm 
"Wraith Best Perks:
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Nemesis)"
perk by artist maybe¿
lizakul 27 Jul, 2023 @ 9:02am 
what ab Plague? meh
t66613 27 Jul, 2023 @ 8:42am 
Cappa2z 26 Jul, 2023 @ 3:08pm 
very good
MachineGun Kiss 26 Jul, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
LEonad 26 Jul, 2023 @ 7:52am