Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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「 粉色系列 」number.19 - Hello Kitty榴弹枪 | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」Grenade Launcher | Luminous dynamic
「 粉色系列 」No.19 | 替换榴弹枪,(replace the Grenade Launcher) Hello Kitty主题,枪身淡粉,替换为反坦克火箭筒 恐惧来源于火力不足 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.19 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Hello Kitty - Grenad...
【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) Ver1.0
说明 · 【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 原神mihoyo ( Genshin mihoyo ) 其他 · Ver 2.0 新版 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【原神】COD:MW2022 Chimera 申鹤 替换 MP5
Tekijä: FenLan.
替换 MP5 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 Chimera 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908110509&searchtext= ——我闭关修炼的时长有所削减,修为却不知不觉的增进。我将湖面冻成冰镜,让浮云和星斗浮现在眼前。 ...
【崩坏3】COD:MW2019 Vector SD Black 梅比乌斯 替换 MAC-10
Tekijä: FenLan.
替换 MAC-10 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 凯妈 制作的 COD:MW2019 Vector SD Black 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865766117 ——正如那对深不见底的蛇瞳,「女孩」 的真正面目罕有人知。那双眼镜见证了崩坏一次又一次降临。 在进化的路途上,为穷尽世间真理,她从不介意任何代价。 效果图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net...
【赛马娘】草上飞 M1887 替换 木喷/Umamusume Pretty Derby Grass Wonder M1887 Deplace Pump shotgun
替换木喷(pump shotgun) 全高光(全夜光) 原mod来自:8sianDude https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2978581636 Origin mod from 8sianDude https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2978581636 一款草上飞的更加现代化的专武(并不是 !!!!请大家多多支持原作者!!!! 喜欢这个mod就请点个赞支持一...
刘海柱“我爱你”(推人音效)Push Sound
Tekijä: Alien blackwater
两句话“我爱你”跟“滚犊子” 简单的嘴臭 极致的享受 觉得好请点个赞 争取更多人订阅让每一局求生都充满欢声笑语(迫真 b站发了演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EF41157En/...
Tekijä: craft小黑
你TM劈我瓜是吧,我! chaei,或! 外卖萨日朗,萨日朗! 诶,郝哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥! 修复一代地图不能使用的问题...
Tekijä: Kurisu
使用卢本伟语音替换了Jockey的全部语音 v2版本更新调整了部分语音、音量,净化音源 出场:卢本伟准备就绪!、卢本伟牛逼听见没有! 骑人:卢本伟牛逼xN、得得得得得—— 闲置:我TM要上天变TM太极金仙! ——等等语音,等你订阅 视频预览:www.bilibili.com/video/bv1AK4y1Y7tb 与本小姐制作的其他语音包配合使用更有乐趣(滑稽) 经测试无爆音无BUG,如发现问题可以回复反馈,谢谢支持!...
将激怒witch的音效替换成逮虾户 [Deja Vu for psycho witch]
Tekijä: let's PHONK
把witch的追击音效换成了逮虾户 给转身逃跑的你BGM加成 ...
敢不敢跟charger比划比划什么叫黑手?(sound of charger)
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了牛(charger)的部分语音 发现幸存者:你个狗!你怎么跟狗一样? 你真没见过黑社会哈? 冲刺:敢不敢比划比划什么叫黑手? 撞到人后按在地上锤:操你妈! 死亡:老逼登!...
杰哥hunter语音包/ jie hunter sound
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了hunter的语音 未发现幸存者:你们好我叫阿杰,我房子蛮大的,就直接睡觉……等 发现幸存者:让我康康!(震声)……等 扑上幸存者:让我康康!(震声),杰哥不要!!干嘛啦杰哥! …………如果早知道杰哥感染了病毒 预览:http://www.bilibili.com/video/av47753881...
Tekijä: 蟑螂恶霸
所有枪械后座修改 有换弹动作 伤害 马格南:80 霰弹枪: 伤害/弹丸 小手枪改霰弹12/12 木喷:22/24 铁喷:50/12 一代连喷:22/48 二代连喷:50/24 步枪:射速调0.075 伤害 M16:53 AK47:61 SCAR:54 SG552:56 机枪: M60:70 射速0.0625 榴弹发射器:820 冲锋枪: UZI:30 消音UZI:35 MP5:44 狙击枪: 猎枪:105 军用狙击枪:120 鸟狙:410 AWM:4096 已重新修改 已修复一代人物手臂消失问题 自动关闭一...
Tekijä: 叫我MAX
当你被丧尸包围,亦或者是需要什么东西吸引丧尸注意力好跑路的时候怎么办? 当然是选择田所浩二工业的产品——先辈牌沼气炸弹! 它遵循了浩二工业以毒攻毒的准则,将原本对丧尸效果甚微的炸药替换成了野兽先辈的全新目力炸药! 不仅效果翻倍,价格也童叟无欺,只需要一个订阅,您就能将它扣上您的腰带以备不时之需! 如果您对浩二工业的产品满意的话,请务必给我们点一个推荐,我们会陆续推出更好的产品!...
混元形意太极拳掌门人,马保国语音包(tank sound)
Tekijä: 蒜蓉炒面
替换了游戏内坦克的全部语音 攻击:一鞭,两鞭,三鞭,四鞭,左正蹬,右鞭腿,左刺拳 投石:偷袭! 受伤:婷婷,不打了 闲置和咆哮:耗子尾汁,英国大理石,源赖氏佐田,有bear来,窝里斗,混元功法...... 死亡:年轻人不讲武德 11月12日,增大了声音 还是忍不住又做了mod。。。。。。。。 预览:BV1WZ4y1V74Q 唉~朋友们好啊,我是混元形意太极拳掌门人,马保国,刚才有个朋友问我马老师发生什么事了,我说怎么回事,给我发了几张截图,我一看!哦!源赖氏佐田,我变成tank了,被两个年轻人,16~7岁,...
激光剑——板球拍、棒球棍 (Lightsaber——cricket bat、baseball bat)
Tekijä: 韦子能
创造: 著作权归 gray 所有 改动: mw的姿势及动作 激光剑替换板球拍、棒球棍 Create: Copyright by Gray Changes: Mw's posture and movement Lightsabers replace cricket bats and baseball bats...
Tekijä: 郝哥
动态贴图+夜光贴图还有音效 动作用的原版的 模型用Unity Studio提取的 动作我不会提(′д` )…彡…彡 为了找到这个武器我去了很多v10房间 被打的鼻青脸肿才把这个武器提取到o(≧口≦)o 不多说了看武器点评吧 影身的终极版本,某位隐世工匠以SCAR为原型打造的全新枪械,将地底深处发掘出的神秘晶体熔入后,隐隐能与某位英灵共鸣,发挥意想不到的威力 喜欢就点个赞吧 演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gr4y1Q7Cx?spm_id_from=333.999...
百鬼绫目COD:MW M9A3 replace pistols 替换小手枪
原模https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840214953 hololive所属的虚拟鬼神,头上双角彰显着鬼神的身份,身穿着带有彼岸花图案的古风服装,身后系着红白铃绪结和背负着两把武器,与式神共同从幽世来到现世。 替换基础贴图和法线 ...
1984's Spray Pack (Retrowave Edition)
Tekijä: PS1
16 sprays How to install: 1) Subscribe 2) Run game 3) Options --> Multiplayer 4) Select Symbol by a dropdown menu How to activate spray: By default press "T" on flat surfaces (walls or floors)...
Admin Menu JianTiZhongWen
Tekijä: QuoDB
Admin System
Tekijä: Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Arknights - Cuora M82A1M skin (HuntingRifle) glow 明日方舟 - 蛇屠箱 M82A1M 替换猎枪 夜光
Tekijä: SHArknight
来陪我玩玩吧! 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839758425 Original Mod - M82A1闇冥 原图 还有一张实在找不到出处sorry 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 定制MOD,征得金主同意后发布 非常感谢金主爸爸!!! 龟龟! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1...
Arknights - Pallas Shovel skin glow 明日方舟 - 帕拉斯 铁锹皮肤 夜光
Tekijä: SHArknight
不需畏惧,鲁莽之人不足为敌 原图 侵删 替换材质 replace texture 截图里的手臂长度是56 好久没做官方模型的换皮了,低创一波 后面几个MOD基本上都是近战武器和道具 不喜欢请去订阅别人的,点踩是最低能的表现,谢谢! 参考了比宇宙更远的地方的刻俄柏铁锹 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/5097543432679951538/9B6C62E22A83E9598D87F2A71458B8C10B13E4B6/ https://steamuser...
Banzai charge scream (Common Infected) / 天皇陛下万歳Mod 通常感染者編
Tekijä: kΛmesan
(ENG) This addon changes the rage voices of the Common Infected to the Japanese Banzai Charge Screams(CoD World at War). (JPN) 通常感染者が「天皇陛下万歳!!」と叫びながら走ってくるアドオンです。...
CF 斩神刀 Dragon_Blade(fireaxe)
This Dragon_Blade replaces fireaxe,used cf animations,Made a dynamic fire eyes,Made the attack special effects,Attack sounds have also been replaced,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/fanbai sound/edit:Tenc...
CF 盘龙悦心 RPK_NobleGold(M60)
This RPK_NobleGold replaces M60,used cf animations,and envmap,I added the reload animations ,You need to download a mod that can be changed by M60,It has not yet appeared in the national dress,It is the seventh noblegold I make,and if you like , enjoy it m...
CF AK-47 lightning
Tekijä: 徒手开根号
lightning AK-47 from Crossfire.At each moment, the light passes through the barrel gun.Flash of dragon's eye. Unlike the 2 version( http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=649828599 ), this version have the dragon's eye. Preview of the game i...
cf steyrtmp_rng(uzi)
This steyrTMP--RNG replaces UZI, and used animations by Original Crossfire , have six different colors of skin,It shouldn't be strange,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/me sound/edit:Tencent compiler:me --...
CrossFire 神圣爆裂者(Holyshotgun) For SPAS
Tekijä: 繁华梦境
从CF移植而来,暂无特效模型:CF 贴图:CF 动作:CF 音效:CF ...
CrossFire M200 Phantom God relapse scout
Most of the movements are transplanted from the authentic CF end game Self pushing and simple inspection actions, Although K's is average, I can still accept it personally If you don't adjust the direction and are interested, you can just adjust it yoursel...
CrossFire:Barrett M82A1-Iron Shark(military sniper)
Tekijä: 熊熊子
This is a Iron series sniper rifle .Basic restore game Originally set.The material dynamic Spontaneous light.Replacement for The military sniper. Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture 可乐熊- Model Extraction 可乐熊- Animations, texture modifications, compile. 穿越火线...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Butterfly" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-蝴蝶刀拿出声
Tekijä: wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Butterfly Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly De...
Extra Slots
Tekijä: Roderick
An add-on weapon script that will offer the player to have more than five (5) inventory slots? This way player will be able to carry twice more items without dropping anything. Think of it as a survivor carrying a backpack. ++ Select Ammo Packs / Defib ++ ...
Honkai Impact The Realm Of Heaven And Earth:Verdict Replaces Katana 崩坏3 天殛之境:裁决 替换 太刀
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Raiden Mei The Herrscher Of Thunder's sword.it replaces katana in game. 崩坏3天殛之境:裁决替换游戏内太刀 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Katana 替换 Katana --------------------------...
HUD Retrowave / Synthwave
Tekijä: Laith
Hi! This is a Retrowave/Synthwave HUD. I hope you like it and enjoy playing with it, I clarify that I am not a professional, I am just an enthusiast. Note: If you have a lot of mods in your game, some bugs will probably appear, but nothing very relevant. L...
Iris Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia V) - M4 Auto Shotgun
Tekijä: Jared
Just replaces textures only Character: Plutia / Iris Heart Game from: Hyperdimension Neptunia (V / Re;birth 3) Weapon textured on: M4 Auto Shotgun...
Japanese devils replace ordinary infected people.(日本鬼子替换2代小僵尸)
Tekijä: Sarubia NOP-03
抗日战争是指中国在1937年至1945年期间,对抗日本侵略的一场战争。 抗日战争的简史: 1931年,日本发动“九一八事变”,占领了中国东北三省,并建立了伪满洲国。 1937年7月7日,日军在卢沟桥附近制造了事端,随后开始了全面侵华战争。 1938年,日军攻占了南京,进行了大屠杀,导致数十万中国平民死亡。 1939年至1941年,中国军队发起了多次反攻,但由于战争物资短缺和国共内战的影响,取得的成果有限。 1941年12月,日本袭击珍珠港,美国参战,使得日本战线进一步扩大。 1942年,中国远征军在缅甸战役...
Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
Tekijä: smilzo
This addon improves the survivor bots behavior to make them more human-like and a bit more useful during the game as well as improving their combat skills. It is a mix of vanilla AI improvements (via game convars changes) and new features added via vscript...
Left 4 Lib
Tekijä: smilzo
This addon contains some shared VScript code that is used by my addons: Left 4 Bots Left 4 Fun Left 4 Grief This addon is mandatory if you have one of the addons listed above. They will not work without this! Centralized User System L4L also contains a cen...
Minecraft Apple Medkit
Tekijä: FearingGiraffe4
Replaces default medkit with apple medkit....
minecraft door sound
Tekijä: Lepus Timidus
minecraft door sounds replacement. Wooden, Iron & trapdoor...
Minecraft Molotov
Tekijä: FearingGiraffe4
Changes the default Molotov to a Minecraft torch....
Minecraft OOF! When Falling From A High Place
Tekijä: Mr.Slendykins
You will hear Steve's soothing voice say "OOF!" every time you fall a great distance...
Minecraft Painpills
Tekijä: FearingGiraffe4
Changes default Painpills to Minecraft Golden Apple....
Minecraft Paintings
Tekijä: S0kk0
Replaces all the paintings with Minecraft paintings. The True Art....
Minecraft Pickup Sound
Tekijä: SuperBRAPboi67
Replaces The Pickup Sound With Minecrafts Pickup Sound...
Minecraft Pipebomb
Tekijä: FearingGiraffe4
Changes default Pipebomb to Minecraft TNT block....
Neptune (Hyperdimension Neptunia) - Chrome Shotgun
Tekijä: Jared
Replaces textures & gives a special touch to the firing sound ;) (Also sorry for no fancy render, the software doesn't like L4D2 models) Character: Neptune Game From: Hyperdimension Neptunia Weapon textured on: Chrome Shotgun...
Rayman's Mutation Mod(Simplified Chinese)
Tekijä: gepaoDIAO
Original Author:Rayman1103 STEAM URL Original MOD:STEAM URL Because the uploader(gepaoDIAO)has no friends of rayman , we cannot add contributors for rayman, sorry. The compatibility between Chinese version and original version has been tested and it can ru...
Revived Effect
lightning from the sky after got revived...
Stronger Flashlight (GLOBAL EDITION) 2.0
Tekijä: H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Unfortunately the (GLOBAL FUNCTION) doesn't work on "Campaign" mode you have to play on "Realism" in order for it to work for everyone This ONLY works on "Local Servers or Singleplayer" The HOST MUST have this ...
Van Darkholme Smoker Sounds
Tekijä: NGJ
This mod replaces Smoker sounds with your favorite Dungeon Master: Van Darkholme....
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Tekijä: xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[Animated] Enchanted Diamond Sword replaces machete!!!
Tekijä: In-GER
Follow me and tell me some ideas to mods xddd I hope you like it, I had been working on this for a while but there were a lot of image files xd -Minecraft -Weapons -Meele -Sword -Diamond ...
[CF]M4A1 bornbeast RNG-17-MATERIALS
Tekijä: MxDlZnB
Model: cf Sound effects: cf Animation: cf Texture: cf Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
[Honkai Impact 3]Nidhogg's Claws replaces Chainsaw
Tekijä: 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】尼德霍格翼爪替换链锯 The saw blade is dynamic (all the time). Animations are origin ones. 锯条是可动的(一直转)。动作沿用了原版动作。...
Replace AWP HUD icon,The skin of AWM in the CFHD. scout version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2991542895...
[Spitter Sound Mod]Ya Si Lei Spitter Noise Fixed version v2.1
Tekijä: WillSawJason
Replaces the Spitter's sounds with the voice from Jacky Cheung! 用张学友的音源替换了Spitter的音频! Say goodbye to the NOISE!!!! This is Noise Fixed version,enjoy it! The original version because the audio file error does not only lead to sonic boom, some audio in the g...