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How to make team-specific configs (and other config things)
Da milkman
now you can making configuration for only 1 side!!!!
just follow steps inside.....
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Finding your configs
Paste this into the top bar of your file explorer
Config Structure
Fun fact: Configs are just JSON files (I think)
Brief intro to JSON,
  • Everything's in tables (arranged as key & value pairs like key : value)
  • Arrays are denoted by square brackets []
  • Objects are denoted by curly brackets {}
Once you open your config in an IDE of your choice (Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, will all work for this), you'll see something like this.

For teamInfo, the game's config reader will give the first object's data it reads to Eagle, and if it reads another, to only then to Raven.

This means it is impossible to only specify data for Raven. It is possible to only specify for Eagle, but you must assign something to Eagle in order to start assigning to Raven.
How do I make the config team-specific?
Delete the second or first object of the teamInfo array. It's that simple.
Just make sure you don't leave an extra comma anywhere. This should be trivial for anyone who knows how to read code, but for those who don't,

[this, is, proper, array/list, structure]
[this, is, not,]

How do I make a team-specific config for Raven?
Short Answer: You can't
Long(er) Answer: It doesn't really matter..?
The easiest way is to do this:
"teamInfo": [ { "availableWeapons": null, "vehicleConfiguration": null, "turretConfiguration": null, "skin": null }, { [raven data here] } ]
This gives you a config that assigns literally nothing to Eagle, but is also technically pointless since it still overrides whatever eagle had before.
TLDR: apply Eagle configs after Raven ones
What else can I delete?
If you'd like, you can completely delete the teamInfo entry and have a config that only contains mutator data. Or you can delete the mutatorInfo entry and have vice versa. Endless (2) possibilities!
10 commenti
milkman  [autore] 27 apr, ore 10:32 
If you mean being able to choose which factions fight against other factions, the steps are above to do so. However, one config can only really apply to one faction, there is not yet an ability to assign 2 vehicles to a single slot.

Mutators will also be overwritten by any config if it has any mutator data. You can't have mutators in the core config and then "add" mutators with other configs since the originals will be overwritten. Your config either contains mutator data or does not.
FactuObj 27 apr, ore 0:51 
some questions cus i am trying to make a squad themed team based config based on Squad's Divisions:

-Can i have numerous factions to be interchangable with each other (not just EAGLE vs RAVEN, but like US or UK vs RGF or PLA?)
-Does core mutator config gets replaced by either BLU or RED faction?
-What mutators stay in core mutator config and what mutators should be in faction config?
(Flags, Multiskin, class system, team voices, etc.)

THX in advance
GLA_Knowledge 23 feb, ore 23:21 
OMG as a non-coder, I made a mistake. Thx I love you :)
milkman  [autore] 23 feb, ore 14:36 
make sure to read the bottom of the guide:
"TLDR: apply Eagle configs after Raven ones"

First apply your config with raven team
Then apply your config for eagle team

Eagle config will add onto raven config, but it does not work the other way.
GLA_Knowledge 23 feb, ore 4:32 
Can I ask how can I do it? All I have is game configurations that have only eagle things, and then I have to set raven's weapons and vehicles one by one for each game... :(
milkman  [autore] 22 feb, ore 13:19 
GLA_Knowledge 22 feb, ore 3:28 
I've been making hundreds of game configurations considering the number of all cases, and now I'm exhausted. Can I be free from this kind of labor, If i use your tip properly??
Ebeck 3 lug 2023, ore 20:58 
This will be very useful thank you
NoFriction 3 lug 2023, ore 19:03 
The bit at the end is super helpful (about mutators), now I can have several mutator-only setups and then apply skins, weapons, and vehicles afterwards. Thanks!
NoFriction 3 lug 2023, ore 18:58 
Epic, marvelous in fact