Dark Quest 3
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Dark Quest 3 Guide
De către Landon Keyser
My initial review for DQ3 was not a pleasant one as the game was in early development and not exactly in a final version of the game. There could be a small chance of updates in the future but for now it’s pretty safe to assume the game is in its fully complete state. The following guide provides details on how to play, things to look out for, heroes, rewards, and a little bit of everything, as well as some tips which are good to know. Recommendations and updates are welcome. If you see something I missed let me know.
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What is DQ3?
Dark Quest is a Dungeon crawl series and every game in the series is a little different but draws heavily from each game in the franchise, mostly the simplistic formal of fantasy tropes and adventure, the skull of fate gimmick, and various sound effects. The story is pretty generic – go fight the bad guys till you get a boss or escape the level. DQ3 plays a lot like a random encounter game of DND, with chances to acquire gold and use it to purchase things, and level up as you complete your journey.

Best way to describe DQ3 is card game, turn-based, dungeon crawl, and random encounters.
Starting a New Run
You’ll begin by creating a new profile and choosing a difficulty for your run.

There are no difficulty-based achievements.
  • Easy: Heroes have double health and you have extra dice rolls.
  • Normal: No major gameplay changes
  • Elder: Chose each area randomly.
  • Legendary: Random party and areas.
A run may be abandoned at any time clicking the left menu icon on the screen and choosing Abandoned Run.

By choosing Save and Close at the menu, you save your progress at your last encounter and may return at any time.

Some progress from previous runs carries over (such as some gems, unlocked heroes, and effects related to next game sessions), but character upgrades, gold, and effects do not carry over.
How to Play - Basic HUD

Upon starting a new level the DM in the background will have a deck of random encounters ready to make your journey a little more perilous. Your goal will be to find the card that allows you to escape, while facing various encounters around the way.

The picture above is your HUD.
  • Deck: Clicking the face down card will reveal it, and begin the encounter. This can be an ambush, possible fight, trap, discovery, etc. (This can bug out sometimes. A quick save and reload will return you to the previous encounter.)
  • Heroes: Remaining heroes with life totals and effects shown overhead. Once a hero’s life reaches 0 they are dead and will be shown as a gravestone. Heroes can disappear due to event cards and they will be inactive for a set duration. If you have no active/living heroes before the next encounter card you lose the run.
  • Re-rolls: Remaining re-rolls. Used during encounter if you want a chance to re-roll your result. Multiple re-rolls can be used per encounter. You gain one at the start of each new level, and can acquire more depending on the encounter revealed from the deck.
  • Equipment: Any unclaimed equipment cards are listed here.
  • Runes: Any acquired runes. These are static benefits and always in effect.
  • Combat Cards: Any combat cards are listed here. These are cards used in combat that all heroes have access to. Once used the card will disappear. Not marked on the picture, but unused potions are listed above combat cards. These will count as combat cards during or outside of combat. You will get a new potion at the start of a new area.
  • Gold: Wealth acquired through the journey. Used in shops and events found in various levels.
  • Crystals: Another form of currency used exclusively with the Thieves’ Guild. Unused crystals will carry over to your next game.
How to Play - Encounters

Each level will present a variety of different cards for encounters, loot, discoveries, etc. These decks are semi-random, and some cards will appear more times than others, a few cards will always appear based on their respective area.

Even if you don’t like the result, most of the time you still have to click the result of the encounter.

Many encounters will require you to roll on a D10, with a chance to re-roll the result should you have dice remaining to do so.

Most levels have cards that follow the following formula:
  • Ambush: Creatures that spring out and attack. You might have a small chance to evade. Not all ambushes offer a reward. In these encounters, unless you have surprise attacks the enemy will attack first.
  • Boss: The level’s strongest monster – some will be optional and you can evade for free but creatures like the Goblin King, The City King, Minotaur King are required for level completion.
  • Damage/ Trap/Skull of Fate: Some encounters make you roll for a chance for one or more heroes to take damage. Others like Volcanic eruption make you choose all three options. There are a few that add de-buffs such as making you unable to heal one or more heroes, doing minimum damage next fight, skipping next fight, losing a card type, etc. for a set duration. I would count the iconic Skull of Fate as one of these cards, as there is a chance to do damage to a hero, a chance to do nothing, and a slim chance to heal.
  • Dark Offers: There are two in the game. The first will show up at random and offer you a bargain – sacrifice a hero and gain 2000 gold or refuse the offer. The second shows up at Chaos Gate and offers your next game to start all heroes with an additional +10 health at the cost of sacrificing your current party, thus ending your current run.
  • Escape: This card ends the current area and gives you the choice for one of two areas or a random selection.
  • Fight: Like ambush but with some kind of reward such as an upgrade or attack increase.
  • Freebies: Free gold, crystals, gear, heals, and upgrades. No rolling required but you do still have to select the result.
  • Merchant: Equipment, dice, training, combat cards, and some situational ones like in Mushroom Kingdom. These encounters let you spend that gold you’ve been collecting.
  • Resurrection: Brings back one or more heroes and may require gold. This will resurrect one hero at 1 health plus some more based on a roll but usually no more than 5.
  • Test: These encounters may choose a hero for you or let you decide, but you’ll test a hero’s Strength, Agility, Perception, or Intelligence. There will usually be a reward, even if a very small one. Some tests can also act as traps and damage the party if you roll low.
  • Unlockable: Dragon Vault and Thieves’ Guild require something found in later levels such as a key or membership. Upon obtaining these requirements, they are account bound and you don’t need to unlock them again.
  • Wander Off: Some encounters give you the option to choose a hero at pit them against a test and/or mob for a reward (such mas Mushroom Kingdom) or as a requirement (like in Mirror Tower) and they will be your only hero if it leads to a fight.
How to Play - Combat

Combat occurs when you choose the attack option during an encounter card – whether you are or aren’t able to evade it. This can happen when a combat is required to leave a level (such as the Crypt or City), if you are caught in an ambush and unable to escape, chose to fight if given an option to do instead of evading, or choose to fight a creature to obtain its rune.

The goal in combat is straight forward. Have at least one hero still standing for combat to end. A better goal is to survive with as much life as possible. Once initiated, the only way out to the eliminate all enemies.

Unless the enemy encountered stems from an ambush card, the player character will attack first. during an ambush the enemy will attack first. Once a character takes an action such as attack, use a special ability or move and stand, it will be an enemy turn, then the order continues till all participants have taken an action. Then a new round will being.

Some abilities occur before the match begins such as the Archer’s Surprise Attack and Knight’s Charge – which are considered an attack but happen outside of combat and before initiative. This is great for ‘free damage’ but can trigger activated abilities that occur when a target is hit (such as attacking back, blocking, dodging, or duplicating).

If you choose to attack you will click the target and the direction of the arrow will show where you are moving to (if melee) and what direction you will attack the target. Similarly for ranged attacks, you choose to attack and click the target. For all attacks the attacker will always hit the target. Damage is dealt and reduced by armor or magic resistance points if applicable. These points are reduced similarity to hit points, but they do regenerate at the end of combat. Once a target is reduced to 0 health they are dead.

Two abilities to evade damage exist – Block and Dodge.
  • Dodge will evade the next body attack a character takes and the character will move out of the way for visual but remain in the square they occupy.
  • Similarly, Block will prevent body damage and offer a chance to counter attack (if applicable) to the melee target that stuck it.

Some abilities will activate during certain attacks like the Barbarian’s Double Strike, Archer’s Critical Hit, Block and Dodge. When these abilities are active they will be displayed above the corresponding character indicating they are active for the next attack. This applies to enemies that can attack back or twice during their turn.

Hovering your cursor on an enemy target will display all active abilities.

Flanking is optional and great for early leveling. If you have a character on multiple sides of a small target you will get a little bonus damage (I’ve seen like 1-2 extra damage but also as high as 3). To flank larger creatures you have to cut attack with an active hero on 3 of their four sides.

Larger monsters attack all creatures within their arc, so try not to mob up your heroes when you can prevent it. This applies to your heroes as well. If you use the Druid's bear at attack an enemy at a front arc and a friendly hero is also in your front arc they will both be hit. The Lancer attacks the target and target behind it if the first creature is small, but has no affect if the first target is large.

Non-combat actions exist as well. If you don’t feel like attacking you can drink a potion as a free action (if you have any), or use Move and Stand take a +1 to armor and resistance and move to another square.

  • Attacks will always hit their target - unless the target has block/dodge activated.
  • There is no movement limitations unless your path to the target is blocked.
  • It’s possible to target your own characters by mistake. If they are the target of an attack by your own action they will take damage so be careful.
  • Drinking a potion does not count as an action but can limit some abilities such as an attack card that targets multiple enemies or summon card. These abilities will be grayed out till your next turn with that character.
  • Special Actions do not count at an action. These can include summoning a creature such as the bear, fox, or fire demon, and the Fire Mage's Burning Hands. Make sure to use these bonus actions before actually taking your action that resumes initiate order.

At the start of a new run you will choose 4 heroes to begin your journey. There are twelve heroes in total, with most being purchases using gems when you find various Thieves Guild merchants during each level, with the exception the lancer who is found in the Forrest on your first run.
  • Every hero has their pros on cons based on their upgrades.
  • All heroes have four attributes - Strength, Intelligence, Perception, and Agility. These are used for various tests throughout the game.
Archer (Ranged Body Damage)
Pro: Good Upgrades - can dodge body damage, and attack multiple targets.
Pro: Free Shot at the start of each round if Surprise Attack ability is selected
Con: Recommend taking either Critical Hit or Evasion to be good late game
Con: Free Shot ability only good if you upgrade damage or get good gear.

Barbarian (Ranged Body Damage)
Pro: Strong Melee Abilities
Pro: Good Health
Con: Only ranged attack if you upgrade.
Con: Only good skills need maxed out to be noticed during encounters.

Druid (Melee Magic Damage)
Pro: Can Summon minions and shape shift.
Pro: Powerful bear when maxed is literally free damage, can carry team for first few levels.
Con: Only one minion at a time.
Con: Magic damage is melee.

Dwarf (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Ale ability has a chance to give free bonus damage
Pro: Can create barrels that can draw the enemy away, deal damage, and explode.
Con: Upgrades not worth it.
Con: Barrels effects seem subpar unless you max out upgrades.

Dwarf King (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Better than regular dwarf.
Pro: Can summon minions - that need to be upgraded.
Con: Upgrades just okay.
Con: Only good skills need maxed out to be noticed during encounters.

Fire Mage (Ranged Magic Damage)
Pro: Can summon a minion.
Pro: Has a blast spell allowing a chance to hit multiple targets in a 3x3 grid. Burning Hands is free damage and free action.
Con: Minion only ever has one health.
Con: Low health.

Knight (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Can block if upgraded.
Pro: Can upgrade to charge and do free melee attack like the Archer's Surprise Attack
Con: Follow Me ability sounds cool, but don't always work.
Con: Protection upgrade doesn't seem worth it.

Lady (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Has heal ability if upgraded, even if it's only situational.
Pro: Can create a shield, can weaken enemy, give bonus damage.
Con: No bonuses to heal/shield effects late game.
Con: Fighting against doppelganger Lady's can be a pain.

Lancer (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Lance attack damages target and small target behind it.
Pro: Can block and counter attacker.
Con: Minion requires maxed out to be noticeable.
Con: Lance attack can damage friendly hero on other side of target if you're not careful.

Prince (Melee Magic Damage)
Pro: Can command hero to attack, even if they already have that turn
Pro: Can create a minion, and give armor/weapon boost to party.
Con: Starts with 1 magic damage. Minion is pretty weak.
Con: Supporting class, not great melee or range.

Scavenger (Melee Body Damage)
Pro: Strong melee upgrades.
Pro: One of two characters that can heal, albeit only themselves.
Con: Below average health.
Con: Only good skills need maxed out to be noticed during encounters.

Wizard (Ranged Magic Damage)
Pro: Powerful spells, even if they need to be upgrades.
Pro: Best noticeable gear upgrades late game.
Con: Low Health
Con: Lightning and Shield need to be maxed out, with Lightning being really useful early game, and Shield almost being required to make final level playable. Expect to Spend at least 7 upgrades on Wizard alone.

Tip: A good thing to remember is at least one level (possibly two) will make you find copies of your heroes will the same upgrades abilities you've chosen. Although you want to make your heroes as useful as possible, remember you will be fighting a copy of your party at least once so if you upgrade a hero to be maxed out with one ability, think of how you'll county that hero when the time comes.

  • Areas such as the City and Frozen Peask offer chances for a mercenary to join your party. This will count as heroes for the purpose of combat, but they do not heal with your party during heal encounters, they cannot be equipped and when they die they cannot be resurrected.
Combat Cards

Combat cards may be purchased from various venders for or found as part of an encounter. These are potions that can be used at anytime during a battle by any hero. It does not count as an action (but you can only drink one at a time), and there are a variety of potion effects.
  • +3 damage to next attack
  • Max damage next battle
  • +2 armor and resistance
  • Heal 4-6 health (Can be use in or out of combat)
  • Take an additional action
Taking potions will prevent you from using an attack card other than your basic attack – so it can’t be combined with your highest dealing ability.

You will regain one health potion at the start of a new area.
Gold is your main currency in the game. It can be found as part of an encounter and its used at merchants when they appear from the deck. Gold can be spent to buy equipment, combat, or various abilities that appear on encounters.

Most merchants will offer at least one card type and give the player a few options to choose from.

Areas like the City have a variety shops, trainers, as well as a gambling den and gladiator arena for a chance to win more gold. Gold can also be stolen by thieves in the City.

The Goblin Caves have a good chance to drop large amounts of gold.

Some encounters will also charge you gold for services such as a trainer for upgrades, resurrections, or counters like bribes, thieves, and ransom.
Equipment Cards

Equipment Card give static effect to the equipped hero, normally in the form of a damage boost or increased stats. Equipment gets a lot better late game, especially those found in Dragon Valley.
  • These cards can be purchases from various merchants, or dropped during a random encounter.
  • Equipment cards do not drop from encounters during Chaos Gate.
  • A hero may have up to 6 equipment cards.
  • Once killed or transformed, equipment on that hero are lost.
Theives Guild/Crystals

Throughout your play you’ll be visited by a member of the Thieves’ Guild, who will offer you a level appropriate amount of crystals that can be used with their guild. You can then use this to buy level upgrades, characters, and alternate skins for some heroes.
  • Level upgrades increase healing limits, drop chances, increase gold, etc. These are permanent, provided you do not delete your profile where your current play is taking place. This means when you return for the next play, those upgrades will still be in effect.
  • Buying heroes and skins make them available when choosing your heroes.
  • You cannot lose crystal through encounters or dying. They will carry over to next game.
  • You can actually upgrade the camp at the start of the game, allowing you to begin with more re-rolls, extra gold, etc. This is a great use of unspent crystals and they do accumulate to a fair amount of starting perks.
  • Unlike gold, unused crystals do carry over from previous runs even if all heroes died.

Runes are some of the best treasures you can obtain during each level. They can be collected through encounter card – usually requiring a boss fight - or purchased like in the City for 1000 gold. These cards give your static abilities that are always engaged, either giving a one time ability during a fight, or increasing a statistic.

Effect: +1 Armor on all heroes at start of combat.
Obtained: Defeating the Treant
*Either the Forest or Graveyard Rune will drop in the Forest but not both.

Effect: +2 damage on first attack of battle.
Obtained: Defeating the Unread Patrol in Forrest
*Either the Forest or Graveyard Rune will drop in the Forest but not both.
*This is a good boost if you have the Knight or Archer and upgrade either to do their free attack at the start of a battle.

Effect: The first kill heals your character by 1.
Obtained: Defeating the Bone Dragon

Effect: Double the healing effect from combat cards.
Obtained: Defeating the Goblin King

Effect: At start of battle random enemy attacks a random enemy.
Obtained: Defeating the Devourer
*I've noticed this ability does not work in Labyrinth area.
*If there is only one monster this ability won't activate during a fight.
*The weakest enemy is most likely going to be the target.

Effect: Duplicate a random hero with 1 health and attack cards only.
Obtained: Defeating the Red Mage
*This effect activates at the start of a battle.

Effect: If there is 1 or more enemies, 1 of them loses their actions.
Obtained: Defeat the Frost Wyrm

Effect: Add 1-2 to all cards that do body or magic damage.
Obtained: Defeat the Giant Brothers

Effect: A random hero gains +1 actions at the start of combat.
Obtained: Purchased at the City for 1000 gold
*Random character will have a free action icon over their head. It's best to use this character first during a round as their action will not count before initiative order.

Effect: +5 armor and +5 magic resistance to all heroes at the start of combat.
Obtained: Picked up as part of a random encounter in Dragon Valley. No combat or rolling required

Effect: At start of battle a random hero attacks an enemy.
Obtained: Defeat the Minotaur King
*Random hero will attack based on their type - melee will charge, ranged will shoot. This can activate abilities such as the enemy blocking or counter attacking.

Effect: Adds +1 on all attack cards.
Obtained: Defeat the Fire Giant

  • Six runes is the maximum you can have in one play through
  • With the exception of one encounter card in Frozen Peaks that disables them, runes are always active
Areas represent levels as you continue on your journey to face the Evil Wizard. On Easy or Normal difficulty you will get to choose one of two areas to proceed until a certain point.
On Elder or Legendary, you will not get to choose and it will be randomized between the two choices (but you still have to click Go to Random Area).

The order will go as follows:
1st: The Forest (Always First)
2nd: Undead Crypt or Mushroom Kingdom
3rd: Goblin Caves or Fire Pits
4th Labyrinth or Tower of Mirrors
5th: City or Frozen Peaks
6th: Dragon Valley (if City was chosen) or Giant Valley (if Frozen Peaks was chosen
7th: Chaos Gate (Always Last)
The Forrest

Difficulty: Easy
Boss: Treant (Optional) or Grave Guard (Optional)
Rune: Dropped by Treant (Optional), Grave Rune (Random Encounter).
How to Escape: Escape card will show up from the deck.

  • As listed above, the bosses is optional. While the runes are nice, it doesn't do much late game. if you've had some bad rolls and are low on health consider the GOOD option and not attacking the treant that drops the rune
  • Since this is a beginner's level, mobs will not hit very hard. Most enemies will have between 2-4 health, wolves and bears will have more, treants will have the most at 7, and 12 for the treant boss.
  • There will be at least one equipment drop.
  • Ambush mobs allow character upgrades.
Mushroom Kingdom

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Boss: The Devourer - Monster that spawns little minions when he takes damage.
Rune: Mushroom Rune (Dropped by Devourer) (Optional)
How to Escape: Escape card will appear sometime after boss.

  • Free stat buffs and character upgrades (albeit at random) but this level is the easy for upgrading early heroes and should be chosen for your second level if given the option.
  • One random monster encounter damages a hero unless you give up an unequipped item. This will appear each run.
  • Visiting mushroom homes has a chance to give gold or crystals.
  • Most ambushes do not offer attack or hero upgrades.
Undead Ruins

Difficulty: /EasyMedium
Boss: Undead Army (Required), Bone Dragon (Optional)
Rune: Dropped by Bone Dragon
How to Escape: Defeat the Undead Army. Escape will follow later.

  • Lots of traps and undead encounters. Many undead will have the ability to block.
  • There are some tight spaces during fights, so larger units might have a challenging time positioning during this area.
  • There is an encounter that will let you resurrect 1 slain hero.
Goblin Caves

Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Boss: Goblin King (Required)
Rune: Dropped by Goblin King
How to Escape: After defeating the Goblin King, the escape card will show up later.

  • Lots of mobs and traps. This is an easy one to bypass if you roll good or have re-rolls to avoid traps and patrols. Most encounter offer some kind of attack or hero upgrade.
  • Mobs can vary in numbers, but be prepared to have several smaller goblins and a fewer larger goblins in certain encounters.
  • Chances to obtain more gold throughout the level.
  • A merchant will appear and offer you items for purchase, this will be randomized but there will be equipment and some combination of health potions or potions of heroism.
  • Currently, there is no way to enter the goblin vault as there is no way to obtain the key.
Tower of Mirrors

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Boss: Red Wizard (Required)
Rune: Dropped from Red Wizard
How to Escape: Defeat the boss, escape card will be next card.

  • Lots of traps. Some are mazes that can damaged heroes or become grueling encounters. Endless Maze can trap you until roll well enough. Save some re-rolls before entering this area.
  • Like Mushroom Kingdom there are chances for free upgrade cards without needing an encounter. I counted three during my last run.
Three kinds of enemies:
  • Shadow creatures that die after a little damage.
  • The Red Wizard who can duplicate when damaged but not killed.
  • Duplicates of your party of heroes. Much like the Mortal Kombat mirror matches this will put you against weaker or stronger versions of your heroes, able to use the same upgraded abilities. These fights are required for level completion.
The Labyrinth

Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Boss: Minotaur King (Optional)
Rune: Dropped by Minotaur King
How to Escape: After the boss appears, the escape card will show up later.

  • Chance to enter rooms with 2-3 monsters as per maze theme.
  • There are traps but most do not hit hard.
  • Minotaurs are large, hit hard, have armor, and ability to block and counter-attack. Magic is a good weakness to use against them since most don't have resistance.
  • Some encounter allow attack or hero upgrade for free.
  • Level contains one resurrection encounter.
Fire Pits

Difficulty: Medium
Boss: Fire Giant (Optional)
Rune: Dropped by Fire Giant
How to Escape: Escape will show up some time after boss.

  • Lots of mobs that drop equipment over hero upgrades.
  • Larger monsters with magic resistance will be present.
  • Lots of damage encounters.
Frozen Peaks

Difficulty: Medium
Boss: Frost Wyrm (Optional)
Rune: Dropped by Frost Wyrm
How to Escape: Escape card will appear some time after boss.

  • Lots of traps that can remove a hero from play, make equipment and/or runes inactive for a few rounds if you have bad luck.
  • Enemies will hit hard. Penguins can swarm and have shields.
  • Monster types can vary from small penguins, yetis, mammoths, and dragons. Areas ofr combat are small similar to Undead Crypt
  • There is a chance for a mercenary to appear who can become you're fifth hero if you have the gold for him. Hill will accompany you on your quest but when he dies he will die for good.
The City

Difficulty: Medium
Boss: The King (Required)
Rune: Purchased for 1000 gold.
How to Escape: Defeating the King. Escape card will follow.

  • Most vendors of any level – blacksmith, trainers, dice shop, alchemy shop, and rune.
  • Good way to acquire gold is to use the gambling den card for some easy money and enter the gladiator arena.
  • Assassination encounters have a chance to instant kill a hero if you roll poorly.
  • Chance to bribe guards to attack them.
  • Chance to evade patrols or fight them.
  • Chance of kidnapping – loose a hero for 4-5 turns or pay the ransom.
  • The final boss is the King and he has a random mob with mixed melee, ranged, and magic users.
  • Most enemy units have block or dodge.
  • There is one resurrection encounter card early on for shine. 100 gold to bring back each hero.
Giant Valley

Difficulty: Medium
Boss: The Giant Brothers (optional)
Rune: Dropped from Giant Brothers
How to Escape: Escape card will appear sometime after the boss.

  • Enemies will hit hard. Giants are large, can attack multiple heroes, have good health and armor. This will test your ability to deal high amounts of damage while taking damage, but it's still a really good level to build your heroes.
  • There are healing encounters and one for resurrection
  • Good gear drops - a weapon that adds strength to body damage, and another than gives +12 armor to one hero at the start of an encounter.
Most giant encounters can be evaded. If attacked, some giants will attempt to damage your party before the battle but this too has a chance to be evaded.

Dragon Valley

Difficulty: Medium
Boss: Several (Required)
Rune: Found during encounter card, no combat or rolling required.
How to Escape: Card found in deck after red and ancient dragon.

  • Several encounters that heal health and one possible chance to resurrect a fallen hero.
  • Although the dragons may appear daunting, by this point in the game you've had 3-4 areas to level up and known your abilities and rotations. Some dragons will have armor/magic resistance, and health in their 30's.
  • Cultists are present and heal when attacked but not killed. They are usually pretty easy, but can use invisibility.
  • While there are several optional dragon fights - Gold, Azure - the red and ancient dragon appear to be mandatory for completion.
  • Defeating the azure dragon gives you the option to turn one of your heroes into a dragon. This can be a big help as they get a boost of health up to 30, and deal melee magic damage of 8-12 with one option to upgrade that to more. The hero will lose all other acquired upgrades and equipment, so if you do so make sure you allocate their gear to another hero before you encounter the card.
  • Best gear drops in the game. +5 armor and magic resistance chest piece, amulet that lets you ignore death once, lightning orb, +5 to magic damage.
  • Next level will be Chaos Gate
Chaos Castle

Difficulty: Hard
Boss: Two Horsemen (Required) and the Wizard (Required)
Rune: None
How to Escape: Defeat Two Horsemen and the Wizard

  • This is the last area and it's challenging. There is one outpost at the start of the level and it'll be your last time to upgrade a hero or attack. Fights will be punishing and you'll face enemy mobs with 20+ health, damage and magic resistance, large creatures that hit hard, taxing encounters that'll dwindle your life to 0 if you're not careful.
  • Fights will be punishing and you'll face enemy mobs with 20+ health, damage and magic resistance, large creatures that hit hard, taxing encounters that'll dwindle your life to 0 if you're not careful. The only enemies who can block or evade attacks during Chaos Gate are your own heroes if they can block and if it’s been upgraded. None of the other mobs can block or evade damage.
  • One encounter card has a chance to deal 8-20 damage to a hero. You get to choose. This encounter will be the last roll you make in the game.
  • Another encounter will remove one of your abilities from a random hero. You get to choose. If you don't like the ability to selected to remove, you can Save and Exit then return t your game and you will be prompted to remove a new ability. This can be repeated unless you lose an ability you don't mind losing.
  • There will be a sacrificial offer to kill all your heroes but each hero in your next game starts with +10 HP. This is optional.
  • You will fight doppelgangers of your heroes with the same abilities you've chosen. In initiative order they will take actions before you do during surprise attacks. There will also be one encounter where a random hero attacks another hero in your party.

  • Final boss is two parts - the first being The Horsemen. One horseman will have 20 armor and a death save, the other has 20 magic resistance. Both will attack twice and have extra large arcs, able to attack multiple agency heroes.

  • Final Boss fight is the Wizard and although he has 99 life and cheats death once, he has no other resistances.There is a chance after every hero attacks that the same hero will attack a member of the party. There is no indicator when this happens. When the Wizard attacks he will use Lightning similarly to the Wizards ability that targets three random enemies.
  • After that you get a victory card and the game is complete.
Example Game
Despite this being a very addicting game there are a few bugs and I’ll list them here as I find more.
  • Currently there is no way to enter the Goblin Vault. The game says you need a key but I have not discovered this as purchasable by any vendor nor an item to be picked up.
  • Sometimes the game glitches and you are unable to click the next card on the deck. This is fixed by going to menu, saving and exiting and resuming the game.
  • Some abilities such as Knight's Follow or Barbarian's Counter/Double Attack don't activate.
  • Evasion appears to work for some magic abilities such as a basic attack, but the description does not support this and only states they evade body damage. Targeting a character with evasion active with Lightning, Fireball, or Burning Hands still negates the evasion.
Update Log
7/1/23 - Guide Created
7/8/23 - Guide Posted
7/9/2023 - Added Bug section, updated Goblin Cave, Chaos Castle, Runes, Example game. Basic spelling check
7/8/23 - Updates, typos correction
11/19/23 - Updates, typos correction, added Areas section
11/19/23 - Typo correction, missing info
12/10/2023 - Typo correction, missing info