Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Yellow Jacket (Respawn Ship)
Type: Blueprint
标签: ship, small_grid, safe
559.932 KB
2023 年 6 月 28 日 上午 2:51
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Yellow Jacket (Respawn Ship)

Advanced Starter Ship.

Has everything you need to get yourself started on a new adventure without the need of grinding down your first form of mobility.

Utilising Basic Assembler & Basic Refinery by ADQ for mobile survival.

Yellow Jacket (Respawn Rover) - Variant

  • Survival Kit
  • Basic Assembler (ADQ)
  • Basic Refinery (ADQ)
  • Medium Cargo Container
  • 2x Hydrogen Engine
  • O2/H2 Generator
  • Small Hydrogen Tank
  • Warfare Battery
  • 18x Small Batteries
  • Beacon
  • Antenna
  • Ore Detector
  • 2x Gyroscope
  • Cryo Chamber

  • 715 - SteelPlate
  • 141 - MetalGrid
  • 257 - Construction
  • 47 - Motor
  • 14 - Display
  • 150 - Computer
  • 67 - BulletproofGlass
  • 42 - SmallTube
  • 45 - LargeTube
  • 56 - PowerCell
  • 60 - Thrust
  • 8 - RadioCommunication
  • 6 - Medical
  • 72 - InteriorPlate
  • 1 - Detector

  • 8100 - Iron
  • 498 - Nickel
  • 341 - Cobalt
  • 392 - Silicon
  • 21 - Gold
  • 9 - Platinum
  • 40 - Silver

Story Time
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the vast plains, Amelia stood by her small, weathered farmhouse, clutching her trusty Yellow Jacket. It had been her constant companion since childhood—a worn, yellow leather jacket adorned with patches from countless escapades. Tonight, however, it would take her on the most incredible adventure of all.

Amelia had always dreamed of exploring the stars, but she lacked the vast resources needed for expensive spacecraft. Undeterred, she had spent years tinkering with her faithful Yellow Jacket, transforming it into a vessel capable of soaring through the cosmos.

As night enveloped the land, Amelia slipped into the jacket, feeling a familiar sense of comfort and determination. She pressed the hidden button near the collar, activating the secret modifications she had painstakingly crafted. A low hum reverberated through the jacket as it came alive, its fabric shimmering with a celestial glow.

With a burst of energy, Amelia lifted off the ground, soaring into the ink-black sky. Her heart raced with a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation as she ascended higher and higher, leaving the Earth behind. Stars winked at her from above, guiding her towards the great unknown.

Navigating through the cosmos, Amelia marveled at the stunning beauty of the universe. Nebulas danced like ethereal veils, while distant galaxies beckoned her onward. She felt an indescribable connection to the vastness of space, as if it had been her true home all along.

Days turned into weeks as Amelia ventured deeper into the cosmos. She encountered alien worlds teeming with life, witnessing breathtaking wonders and meeting extraordinary beings. Some welcomed her with open arms, while others challenged her with riddles and trials. But with her Yellow Jacket as her only companion, Amelia overcame every obstacle, fueled by an unyielding spirit of curiosity and determination.

As she neared the edge of known space, a profound sense of fulfillment washed over Amelia. She had defied the limits imposed by society, forging her own path to the stars. Her Yellow Jacket had become a symbol of resilience and resourcefulness, a testament to the power of dreams.